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EoD is a $30 Patch.....

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

OK, but you have nothing that tells you that's what Anet did here or this was the result. Just saying it doesn't make it true. 

It's funny how I can just go onto the Livestream video right now and I can easily see the EXACT opposite of what they're claiming. The comments section alone in the YouTube video was VASTLY more positive compared to what's happening in this forum.


So I have no idea what all these people are saying about ANet not providing a strong impact on both new and existing players

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2 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

OK, but you have nothing that tells you that's what Anet did here. Just saying it doesn't make it true. 

You are right, I don't have anything to tell me that... except for common sense.  Like I said in my original post... you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.  Everyone should know this.  Everyone.  If ANet doesn't know this then we have bigger problems so I can only assume they DO know this.  Therefore, it stands to reason that if they do know it, they would reveal the biggest/most impactful features (i.e. the ones most likely to sell the expansion regardless of whether they are an existing player or a new one) in their first big reveal... because it stands to reason that if they don't sell players on the first attempt they may not get a second chance.

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33 minutes ago, Luclinraider.2317 said:

But we still saw the mounts doing things that we knew would change the game. We saw the Jakal blinking, the springer jumping, the raptor jumping....so far all we've seen from the skiff is....it floats...and you can walk on it.

Actually, we didn't see those things for a loooong while.

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2 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

You are right, I don't except for common sense.  Like I said in my original post... you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.  Everyone should know this.  Everyone.  If ANet doesn't know this then we have bigger problems so I can only assume they DO know this.  Therefore, it stands to reason that if they do know it, they would reveal the biggest/most impactful features (i.e. the ones most likely to sell the expansion regardless of whether they are an existing player or a new one) in their first big reveal... because it stands to reason that if they don't sell players on the first attempt they may not get a second chance.

Making generalizations doesn't change what I said ... and common sense is NOT a substitute for data that you would need to claim the things you said. Again, the marketing materials for existing players is significantly different than new players. Anet has more than a first chance to market to people that play the game. They don't need to 'sell us' because existing players are already exposed to the content. 

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2 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

You are right, I don't have anything to tell me that... except for common sense.  Like I said in my original post... you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.  Everyone should know this.  Everyone.  If ANet doesn't know this then we have bigger problems so I can only assume they DO know this.  Therefore, it stands to reason that if they do know it, they would reveal the biggest/most impactful features (i.e. the ones most likely to sell the expansion regardless of whether they are an existing player or a new one) in their first big reveal... because it stands to reason that if they don't sell players on the first attempt they may not get a second chance.

Twich and Youtube chat had a good first impression 
Most players were hyped with most of stuff shown.
Because a minority of  negative players likes to cry more and shout louder doesn't mean that this behavior represents the majority.

And let's be honest. Statistics work like this. They take a small sample ( thousands) to represent the majority ( millions) before elections in example.
The majority is hyped and positive about most of stuff besides leggies.

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5 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

Whatever man.

Yup ... whatever man is right. Start coming in here and using 'common sense' and generalizations about the importance of 'first impressions' to claim Anet missed the boat to sell EoD to existing and new players? You simply don't know. I mean, why would a potentially new player even have a clue about the reveal or even watch it not understanding the game in the first place? That's just really far fetched don't you think? Doesn't it make sense that Anet created the first reveal for established players? People that have FREQUENT exposure to the game? I mean, Anet literally has dozens of opportunities to 'sell' EoD to us as existing players, so for SURE the content they expose us to will be WAY different than new ones. Hell, I wouldn't even focus on EoD to a new player ... because a new player isn't even going to get CLOSE to EoD for a while if they adopt the game. It just doesn't make sense. ... but yeah, hit us with that common sense. 

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First off, as many said before, we got a first view. 

You are kind of acting like what we saw yesterday is it. 3 of 5 mastery lines already tells you there will be more. we saw 1 elite and 1 sneak peak to a second elite. 7 more will follow.

We saw no real details yet on the mount and skiff. 

Did one accidentally say Mounts as in multiple? 


Plus, as a game develops forward, you get to a point where you have to be careful to not ad things just for the sake of adding things. When we went to HoT, Masteries was exciting and new, Gliding and other ways to navigate was exciting and new.

On PoF they continued on Masteries and did NOT introduce yet another system.

Mounts were the big ticket items here. Essentially if you look at it objectively on new things introduced, you could also argue that PoF introduced less new things than HoT in that sense. 


I expected this. We already have a lot, expanding on that will slow down. Just natural. 

Personally I was only slightly dissapointed on the new legendaries, they seem kinda Meh so far, but I might be pleasantly suprised later down the line.


Plus for a f2p, considering the entire game including all 3 expacs is 50$ with no sub...

Still one of the best MMO's value for money-wise.



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9 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

You are right, I don't have anything to tell me that... except for common sense.  Like I said in my original post... you don't get a second chance to make a first impression.  Everyone should know this.  Everyone.  If ANet doesn't know this then we have bigger problems so I can only assume they DO know this.  Therefore, it stands to reason that if they do know it, they would reveal the biggest/most impactful features (i.e. the ones most likely to sell the expansion regardless of whether they are an existing player or a new one) in their first big reveal... because it stands to reason that if they don't sell players on the first attempt they may not get a second chance.

You're right, first impression can't be made again... Who the heck said they can't make a stronger Second Impression? Or Third? Or Fourth? Just because initial presentation is questionable, doesn't mean they don't get a chance to show a better impression in future. That's what advertisement and marketing is all about. If the initial impression isn't as strong as before, they can always improve upon it. 


And besides, who said they didn't make a strong first impression? This Forum? Lel

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5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Yup ... whatever man is right. Start coming in here and using 'common sense' and generalizations about the importance of 'first impressions' to claim Anet missed the boat to sell EoD to existing and new players? You simply don't know. I mean, why would a potentially new player even have a clue about the reveal or even watch it not understanding the game in the first place? That's just really far fetched don't you think? Doesn't it make sense that Anet created the first reveal for established players? People that have FREQUENT exposure to the game? 

You were the one who brought up new players, not me.


Bottom line, this announcement did not have any wow factor for a lot of folks.  My original post was in response to someone hoping they would reveal something more impactful down the road and I gave reasons why that likely isn't the case.  If ANet had something big and didn't share it then that was a mistake, but I don't think they would make a mistake like that.  So it stands to reason that the remaining 2 masteries aren't something big or game changing.

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6 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

You're right, first impression can't be made again... Who the heck said they can't make a stronger Second Impression? Or Third? Or Fourth? Just because initial presentation is questionable, doesn't mean they don't get a chance to show a better impression in future. That's what advertisement and marketing is all about. If the initial impression isn't as strong as before, they can always improve upon it. 


And besides, who said they didn't make a strong first impression? This Forum? Lel


A certain percentage of folks will tune out completely and won't be reachable after the first attempt.

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18 minutes ago, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

Twich and Youtube chat had a good first impression 
Most players were hyped with most of stuff shown.
Because a minority of  negative players likes to cry more and shout louder doesn't mean that this behavior represents the majority.

And let's be honest. Statistics work like this. They take a small sample ( thousands) to represent the majority ( millions) before elections in example.
The majority is hyped and positive about most of stuff besides leggies.

Will , keeps ignoring my replies for some reason 🙂 
Keep up the negativity trying to create a false image about the majority of the  game community based on your own view.


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Just now, Will.9785 said:


A certain percentage of folks will tune out completely and won't be reachable after the first attempt.

You mean the small percentage over the masses who are extremely overjoyed to see EoD? You mean the 177 people who disliked the Livestream over the 3.7k who actually Liked their Livestream on their YouTube channel? You mean the small percentage of the people in this forum saying EoD has no content over the masses of Livestreamers and Content creators who said they were actually hyped over the many new stuff coming up in EoD? 


If you have an actual percentage let me know, and if it's actually larger than those who actually are positively looking forward to EoD, I'll eat my humble pie and stand corrected. 

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12 minutes ago, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

Will , keeps ignoring my replies for some reason 🙂 
Keep up the negativity trying to create a false image about the majority of the  game community based on your own view.


I want to see the game succeed.  Anyone with a modicum of sense and honesty will tell you that making fishing and skiffs major features of the expansion is questionable.  These are side activities at best and not things that many folks in the community asked for.  They also aren't things that will make new players flock to the game.  


Plenty of people asked for a new playable race, housing, heroes/henchmen, dual specs, etc.  Many features that long time fans of the series have wanted since the game launched in 2012.  Not fishing and skiffs.


This is not me being negative.  This is voicing genuine concern and wanting to see ANet and GW2 succeed like they never have before.  WOW is on its knees.  FFXIV is surging in popularity.  There are also new MMOs like New World launching soon.  This is the best chance ANet has had in years to revive the game and I feel like they are blowing it. 

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4 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

I think beta access, i personally dont do betas anymore. They ruined the sense of wonder at hitting an area for the first time in game. So i rather be surprised and in that omg look look mode than know everything coming ahead of time.


The betas they did for HoT and PoF were not spoilery like that.  For HoT it was a small area of east Verdant Brink, just enough to move around in while trying out a revenant or new elites in a couple of the events there.  For PoF it was just the PvP lobby with golems to attack with the new elites to get a feel for their skills.  Extra character slots were provided, which could only be filled with beta characters.  Those characters could interact normally with non-beta players except no items or gold could be traded and any gains made would not count to the main account and would be wiped at beta end.


In this case, one comment in the stream -- was said just once, easy to miss if you were distracted -- was that even f2p accounts can participate in the elite betas.  No purchase necessary.

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On 7/27/2021 at 1:40 PM, Luclinraider.2317 said:

Their big features are a mount.....you know....something we've had multiple times in a patch already......


A skiff....something that already exists as mount...this isn't a new feature.


And, Fishing.....something that is literally a patch....about as big and feature heavy as our sitting in chairs patch.


The only thing that seems new is specializations....so we have a one feature expansion with the rest being patch content.


People leaving WoW in mass and multiple new MMO's coming out, GW2 needed to deliver a reason to come to our game...instead they told everyone to steer clear because they charge expansion prices for patch content.


What were they thinking?


Also, it's true, there could be tons more they are holding back on....but if this is the case then they need a new Marketing Director. Whoever did the PoF reveal needs to be brought back. Otherwise, there just isn't enough content here to warrant a full expansion and the price that comes with.

On one hand your reaction goes to prove that Arenanet has been incredibly generous with their Living World updates that delivers similar content for free. 
On the other hand, I am sorry you were disappointed even though you were only given a peek of what's to come - that you feel non of the hard work the company does for us is worth paying for. 

I strongly disagree with you on all fronts. I especially don't think people would "steer clear" of a game with good reviews that is free to play with free updates and still has a big player base just because the expansion is going to cost something. Not to mention, they always have sales on their expansions too! 
If ever there was a game that didn't alienate new players - it's this one.  
Just hang in there, wait until we're closer to 2022 before you make such an extreme judgement. 


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12 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

I want to see the game succeed.  Anyone with a modicum of sense and honesty will tell you that making fishing and skiffs major features of the expansion is questionable.  These are side activities at best and not things that many folks in the community asked for.  They also aren't things that will make new players flock to the game.  


Plenty of people asked for a new playable race, housing, heroes/henchmen, dual specs, etc.  Many features that long time fans of the series have wanted since the game launched in 2012.  Not fishing and skiffs.


This is not me being negative.  This is voicing genuine concern and wanting to see ANet and GW2 succeed like they never have before.  WOW is on its knees.  FFXIV is surging in popularity.  There are also new MMOs like New World launching soon.  This is the best chance ANet has had in years to revive the game and I feel like they are blowing it. 

The WvW revamp, the dx11 upgrade are major stuff that already are improving the game image, even before livestream.
It was FIRST look and even though it is a first impresion, it was a mostly positive one according to responses on twich,youtube etc during the livestream.
Patience is a virtue and we should wait before jumping on conclusions. We cannot predict the future solely based on a first look ( which I repeat had a positive feedback from majority )


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53 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

They seemingly failed to satisfy or make a good impression with the existing playerbase with this first look.

Wrong, it's just a few people that will cry regardless of what would be shown on the stream. And then they'll stay, buy the expansion and enjoy playing it anyways. 🙃 

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10 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

Plenty of people asked for a new playable race, housing, heroes/henchmen, dual specs, etc.  Many features that long time fans of the series have wanted since the game launched in 2012.  Not fishing and skiffs.

And all of those things, if they promised on it, could make or break them. The instant they run into problems even executing just one of those features, they've already shot themselves in their "best foot". The problem with feedbacks where players ask for things is that players might think it's a good idea, and they can plan it out all they want, but once the development behind any one feature actually begins, it's gonna take an insurmountable amount of time and effort to get it working properly. Not perfectly, just properly. 


I get that it's not the job of the players to understand the behind the scenes of how these games are made, but they really need to temper their expectations and try their best to not overhype, overexpect and overdemand things from game devs. 

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50 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:

You were the one who brought up new players, not me.

Yes, because you don't understand why it's important to market to existing players different than new ones ... which leads to why the reveal was appropriate for it's audience. 



Bottom line, this announcement did not have any wow factor for a lot of folks.  

Sure, for some people that's true. That's not a problem. If people are going to 'tune out' because of first impression, they are just being ignorant of a game they like that has lots to offer them. Basically what you are telling me here is that the hype is more important than the content for existing players. That's not true. 

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Just now, Owatatsumi.5038 said:

The WvW revamp, the dx11 upgrade are major stuff that already are improving the game image, even before livestream.
It was FIRST look and even though it is a first impresion, it was a mostly positive one according to responses on twich,youtube etc during the livestream.
Patience is a virtue and we should wait before jumping on conclusions. We cannot predict the future solely based on a first look ( which I repeat had a positive feedback from majority )


I expect zero so i dont get disappointed like i have done for years ezclap.  Gw2 is the best mmo in the planet despite its imperfections.  

I hold some hope that there is still some huge announcements to be made and they have just failed to take advantage of the situation and are just teasing.

Will i buy the expac, atm no and i've always insta bought the expansions.  No doubt the elite specs will be broken/OP and to be competitive you will need to buy (pay to win) and then months down the line they will nerf them.  I am really looking forward to the alliance beta and dx11 upgrade, the rest of the content is fluff imo.  Im assuming all you kids wanted fishing or why would they put it in the game? im assuming all you guys that afk in towers in wvw with 10 ac asked for a seige turtle and i hope you enjoy 😉 GG to all those asking for another guild hall so you can decorate 😉 

Anyway what i want is probably only a tiny percentage of what the community wants so yeah i can understand why mine and others wishes are ignored.  My vision for this game is unlike most peoples. 

Fingers, toes and eyes crossed that more is to come, i got little hope and im not riding on the hype train this time around.



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7 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Yes, because you don't understand why it's important to market to existing players different than new ones ... which leads to why the reveal was appropriate for it's audience. 

Sure ... and that's not a problem as an existing player. We don't need to be wow'ed with everything Anet does. We are already here. We already play. We already know what kind and quantity of content we would see in an Expansion. Any reasonable player is going to know the first look isn't going to have all these 'wow' details in them. It's a general introduction. 


11 minutes ago, ChronoPinoyX.7923 said:

And all of those things, if they promised on it, could make or break them. The instant they run into problems even executing just one of those features, they've already shot themselves in their "best foot". The problem with feedbacks where players ask for things is that players might think it's a good idea, and they can plan it out all they want, but once the development behind any one feature actually begins, it's gonna take an insurmountable amount of time and effort to get it working properly. Not perfectly, just properly. 


I get that it's not the job of the players to understand the behind the scenes of how these games are made, but they really need to temper their expectations and try their best to not overhype, overexpect and overdemand things from game devs. 


The problem with this attitude is that if you continue to ignore players and not give them what they want they will eventually move on.  Taking your player base for granted and ignoring them when they ask for stuff is not a smart move in a competitive market.


I personally do not care one iota about housing but a lot of people do... certainly more than fishing or skiffs.  And competitors offer it.  That should have been a no-brainer for a feature way before fishing or skiffs were implemented.

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3 minutes ago, Will.9785 said:



The problem with this attitude is that if you continue to ignore players and not give them what they want they will eventually move on.  Taking your player base for granted and ignoring them when they ask for stuff is not a smart move in a competitive market.

Except Anet isn't ignoring players. They simply can't cater to every player's whim. The reality is that lots of things players ask for don't make sense, are self-serving, aren't aligned with the direction of the game, can't be done in a business setting, etc ... There are LOTS of reasons to NOT deliver on what players want. Frankly, most of the things players want are stupid. 

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Just now, Obtena.7952 said:

Except Anet isn't ignoring players. They simply can't cater to every player's whim. 


No, no they can't but they should make an attempt to satisfy as many as they can, right?  Tell me... the number of players who wanted housing... do you think that was more or less than the number of players who wanted fishing and skiffs combined?

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