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Ideas for the new especs based on icons showed

Grand Marshal.4098

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10 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

You really don't want number 8 to be engineer do you?
We don't even know what the spec will get yet. I honestly wouldnt worry too much about what logo its going to get, but it sure isnt icon number 9, that is necro.

Are you really surprised by that?


You mention all the time that you think that warrior needs pistol since it lacks a one handed ranged weapon (even if I don't know if these are criteria... warrior has ranged weapons, don't know if one handed ranged really is a necessary niche).


Same logic for me with this icon here. It clearly indicates a melee bruiser. Yeah, "we don't know what it will get yet", but let's be real, these icons are designed to represent something. You can't tell me that this big dude with huge pauldrons and fists could possibly represent a ranged condition damage weapon for the elite spec in any way.


And melee bruiser is exactly the opposite of what engineer needs. Both our elite specs so far were heavily power focused. Both were melee. One of them has been a tanky bruiser (scrapper).


If icon 8 really represents engineer, then I already know that I will hate the elite spec and stop spending money on this game, since it just shows that anet cared more about some peeps wanting to roleplay as iron man than giving engineer some variety and what it actually needs.

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1.) Mesmer: New Class, Virtuoso that uses Daggers with Psionic Utilities

2.) Ranger: Shield or Focus (Since it looks like the Fleur-de-lis) perhaps warden or shapeshifter since it resembles an animal mask

3.) Thief: Offhand Sword (My guess is Shadow Clones abilities/utilities similar to Mesmer)

4.) Elementalist: Longbow or Shortbow or Torch

5.) Warrior or Guardian: If Warrior, staff with an Oni (demon) theme, Offhand sword if Guardian, New Class may be Canthan Zealot.

6.) Revenant: Dual Daggers or Greatsword or Focus/Foci, New Class may be Ritualist

7.) Warrior or Guardian or Necro: Pistol for Warrior, Rifle for Guardian, Necro Pistol with flasks or grenades

8.) Engineer or Guardian: For Engineer: New class, Innovator with Golemancy that uses either Focus, Mace or Torch. If Guardian, Dual Wielding Focus Monk.

9.) Necromancer or Engineer: Necro using Pistol with Alchemy utility/traits and may throw flasks or grenades, maybe Necro has kits. If Engineer or Innovator, the serpent eye in the flask may represent new jade tech

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1. Mesmer - Virtuoso - dagger

2. Ranger - Warden - shield

3. Guardian - Redemptor - off-hand sword

4. Thief - Obsidian Flame - torch

5. Warrior - Oni Samurai - shortbow or staff

6. Revenant - Ritualist - dual daggers

7. Elementalist - Spellshot - pistol

8. Engineer - Leviathan- mace

9. Necromancer - Plague Doctor - pistol and elixirs. More support oriented.

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6 hours ago, Kodama.6453 said:

since it just shows that anet cared more about some peeps wanting to roleplay as iron man than giving engineer some variety and what it actually needs.


Well, then it is kinda funny that you keep pressing shield as a great weapon for a ranger bruiser spec, when ranger doesn't have a good mainhand pairing to utilize shield in a role like that. Whereas hammer, the weapon scrapper got which you describe as bruiser spec for engie, would be much for fitting and likely help to create an actual new role.

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2 minutes ago, Lazze.9870 said:



Well, then it is kinda funny that you keep pressing shield as a great weapon for a ranger bruiser spec, when ranger doesn't have a good mainhand pairing to utilize shield in a role like that. Whereas hammer, the weapon scrapper got which you describe as bruiser spec for engie, would be much for fitting and likely help to create an actual new role.

I don't play alot of ranger personally, so I am taking feedback from a friend of mine who mained ranger for several years now.


She personally wishes the next elite spec weapon to be a scepter for thematical reasons, but she said that she would be fine with it turning out to be a shield, since she could pair it with her mainhand sword and axe, while it will most likely improve her survivability, which is something she is looking for in the next elite spec.


She doesn't want a hammer, rifle or pistol. So I hope for her that these are not the weapons she will end up with.

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15 minutes ago, Lazze.9870 said:



Well, then it is kinda funny that you keep pressing shield as a great weapon for a ranger bruiser spec, when ranger doesn't have a good mainhand pairing to utilize shield in a role like that. Whereas hammer, the weapon scrapper got which you describe as bruiser spec for engie, would be much for fitting and likely help to create an actual new role.


He does the same to revenant, because he wants to roleplay a ritualist with Togo as a legend. So yeah, kinda funny 😉.

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I see many people looking at the Oni mask stating that this will be either a Warrior or Guardian spec, some even saying necromancer. However when you do look into the Oni of guild wars 1, this monster was of the thief class.

Which could also be said about the 7th icon, as the Juggernaut was of the warrior class. Will Anet go down this road, basing the elite specs upon the monsters they represent? Or have they created a curveball and made elite specs you'd never associate with that class (Which is what i hope they have done, to make the class feel totally different to an extent.)

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4 hours ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

I see many people looking at the Oni mask stating that this will be either a Warrior or Guardian spec, some even saying necromancer. However when you do look into the Oni of guild wars 1, this monster was of the thief class.

Which could also be said about the 7th icon, as the Juggernaut was of the warrior class. Will Anet go down this road, basing the elite specs upon the monsters they represent? Or have they created a curveball and made elite specs you'd never associate with that class (Which is what i hope they have done, to make the class feel totally different to an extent.)


These were the oni of Guild Wars 1. They have absolutely no resemblance to the icon in any way. People call this an oni mask, since this is how Japanese culture pictured oni, but these demons looked hella different in Cantha.


Unless Anet wants to redesign them to the point that absolutely no one who knows the oni from Guild Wars 1 will recognise them, I kinda doubt that this mask is supposed to represent a Canthan oni.

The interpretation of a mempo, the traditional war mask of samurai, seems more likely for me personally.


Small correction: Icon 7 is not the juggernaut looking one, it is the bullet. You probably meant icon 8 here.

Edited by Kodama.6453
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1 hour ago, Kodama.6453 said:

while it will most likely improve her survivability, which is something she is looking for in the next elite spec.


Well, if she wants a shield, then she wants a shield. Fair enough. But there are already options there. Tell her to use off-hand dagger. It's not like a shield will give her two blocks (I hope....), so the trade will be an evade for a block. Dagger also works for both condi and power and has synergy with both sword and mh axe. Or use GS wich has both a block and evades.


Then there is a plethora of other options to maintain surviveability on ranger, depending on what mode you play. Condi soulbeast has potential for ridiculous sustain in pve with different heal over time sources and life steal on poison.

Edited by Lazze.9870
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5 hours ago, Duke Blackrose.4981 said:

1. Mesmer - Virtuoso - dagger

2. Ranger - Warden - shield

3. Guardian - Redemptor - off-hand sword

4. Thief - Obsidian Flame - torch

5. Warrior - Oni Samurai - shortbow or staff

6. Revenant - Ritualist - dual daggers

7. Elementalist - Spellshot - pistol

8. Engineer - Leviathan- mace

9. Necromancer - Plague Doctor - pistol and elixirs.

 Exactly my thought except Engineer because i have no clue on this one

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1 : Seems obviously for mesmer (with stunning icon originality for mesmers especs since HoT)

2:  Looks like a lion, lily flower shaped, could be a paragon-like warrior, or more probably for the ranger

3: The first guess is for thief, but a second sword could also be for guardian or for ranger

4: Seems obviously for ele, a flame with 5 branches and a core, maybe a fifth attunement

5: This is an oni mask, for a dark themed elite spec, and this one could also really fit with thief but also with warrior or necro

6: Seems obviously for revenant with the classic icon of the eye lid, this time we won't get shiro tagashi, i hope it won't be another sin like nika but a ritualist (even if id really like to have a Gwen themed legend)

7: The bullet + the artwork make me guess of the necro. For PoF the were'nt that creative for scourge icon so maybe the werent too for this one

8: Seems the most complex, but id say guardian. It looks like a character between twin structures, and the whole thing looks like a helmet, or also Levianthan Eye for GW1 (go google it). PoF's firebrand icon was also very subtle (looking like a torch, an axe blade, and firebrand helmet seen from side)

9: I'd say engineer for the bomb/flask shaped icon, the flame inside and above reminds me of an oil lamp, maybe bringing the torch


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#2 can also be an arrow head pointing up (well, I doubt it myself), but is more likely an animal or a tribal mask;

#3 cannot be mes/nec and cannot be war/rev/ele/eng (already 2 swords as core or an elite with sword), is likely Thief (90%) I doubt it can be Guardian or Ranger as no other symbol seems to be good for thief;

#4 I really don't understand why nearly everyone think this is Ele... it doesn't even resemble a flame to me, is more like crystal energy coming out of a gem, this one can be a dragonjade so it can be Eng as far as we know (check #6 Ancient Magic), even if it is fire it can be Guardian since it also use fire or can be a crystal leaf... anyway I don't think this is Ele (unless the get dragonjade magic);

#5 looks like an samurai oni mask to me;

#6 the symbol reseamble the revenant one but could be totally misleading;

#7 gun or rifle (this exclude Warrior, Thief, Eng), can be Necro but it feels wierd;

#8 can be a Golem, a Juggernaut or some tankish profession;

#9 cannot be Eng since they already have an alchemy traitline, the potion is over a flamelike background and there is something like a slitted pupil in it (similar to well of preconition or binding of ipos), it can be anything , for lore it is most likely Necro or Ele.

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12 hours ago, hash.8462 said:

#7 gun or rifle (this exclude Warrior, Thief, Eng), can be Necro but it feels wierd;

I’ve seen many people focus on the symbols as being indicative of what weapon the spec will use instead of the overall theme of the spec. Obviously bullets are used with firearms and I’ve seen people keep saying it’s Necro because of pistol and stuff. Based on the teaser image though, I don’t see the pistol / bullet being the theme of the spec, instead the theme focusing more on the magical potions and elixirs as indicated by the flask / potion object on the character’s belt.


The bullet icon seems to lend itself to being heavily focused on its rifle / pistol and the rest of its class (mechanics, skills, etc) being focused on supporting that idea. Something similar to Deadeye for example. For the Necro, the pistol would be a secondary / supporting aspect of the entire theme rather than the focus. Rifle also seems more likely for this type of icon, since rifle would have 5 skills compared to 2/3 from a pistol (also getting 2 weapons seems like a concept unique to Spellbreaker / Warrior rather than a potential for all elite specs in general).


For my personal view, I can see Elementalist fitting that extremely well (based on my personal predictions). For the classes that remain, Ele getting a rifle seems the most likely, something like Guardian for example doesn’t seem as fitting since it would overlap with an already existing elite spec IMO (DH getting longbow). Rifle could hold a unique niche for Ele (single target rifle vs AoE staff) that doesn’t seem as likely for Guardian.

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19 hours ago, hash.8462 said:

#9 cannot be Eng since they already have an alchemy traitline, the potion is over a flamelike background and there is something like a slitted pupil in it (similar to well of preconition or binding of ipos), it can be anything , for lore it is most likely Necro or Ele.

I don't think that having an alchemy trait line outright denies that this could be the engineer icon.


To take an example of another elite spec icon: berserker

With your line of thought, the berserker icon (which is a sword surrounded by flames) couldn't possibly be the warrior icon, since warrior can already dual wield swords and also use greatsword in core.


The icon is mostly there to represent the idea of "this e-spec uses fire for It's attacks".

In a similar way, the 9th icon could represent the idea for engineer "this engineer is using chemicals to attack enemies". Especially with the flame surrounding it, this could be the case.


I don't personally see the thing inside the flask as an eye, but as a jade shard. It could possibly hint at jade technology being used here as well.

Considering that the engineer with the arm prosthesis from the artworks also has some flasks filled with green liquid, I wouldn't completely rule it out. 

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On 8/1/2021 at 5:40 PM, Kodama.6453 said:

I don't play alot of ranger personally, so I am taking feedback from a friend of mine who mained ranger for several years now.


She personally wishes the next elite spec weapon to be a scepter for thematical reasons, but she said that she would be fine with it turning out to be a shield, since she could pair it with her mainhand sword and axe, while it will most likely improve her survivability, which is something she is looking for in the next elite spec.


She doesn't want a hammer, rifle or pistol. So I hope for her that these are not the weapons she will end up with.

Let's entertain the symbol which we think is ranger is  actually  Charr kabuki mask. What would that mean. 




Definitely 8 is engineer, the constructs thingies are coming. A new kit of Ai minions which can combine with themselves like a power ranger robot. 


It looks fitting for the engi and Taimi is pushing those mechanics.  I wonder if they will get some WvW siege golem to mount in. 








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5 minutes ago, anduriell.6280 said:

Let's entertain the symbol which we think is ranger is  actually  Charr kabuki mask. What would that mean. 




Definitely 8 is engineer, the constructs thingies are coming. A new kit of Ai minions which can combine with themselves like a power ranger robot. 


I looks fitting for the engi and Taimi is pushing those mechanics.  I wonder if they will get some WvW siege golem to mount in. 








I will refuse to believe that 8 is engineer until it is shown to me by Anet.

It just makes no sense for me. The icon clearly indicates a tanky bruiser... we don't need that.


And I swear, if Anet tries another time to give us AI units, I give up on this game completely. They already tried with gyros, utterly failed and had to rework them to wells to make them usable. And we are still stuck with turrets being a total waste of utility skills, which they also refuse to work on at all for years now.

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5 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I will refuse to believe that 8 is engineer until it is shown to me by Anet.

It just makes no sense for me. The icon clearly indicates a tanky bruiser... we don't need that.


And I swear, if Anet tries another time to give us AI units, I give up on this game completely. They already tried with gyros, utterly failed and had to rework them to wells to make them usable. And we are still stuck with turrets being a total waste of utility skills, which they also refuse to work on at all for years now.

I see what you mean. Well if 2 is a charr kabuki mask it could be very possible that is the engi symbol, because historically the only profession represented by a charr has been the engi. Which could open the spec to many options.


Then the 8 could  be ranger with the juggernaut transformation which would be fitting for the warden.  


But at this point who actually knows, i would love Anet to give some pointers about the new e-specs, just the theme about them would be enough. 

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On 8/1/2021 at 4:23 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

You can't tell me that this big dude with huge pauldrons and fists could possibly represent a ranged condition damage weapon for the elite spec in any way.

Soul beast icon reads as a power/precision spec… but it’s a condition based elite. Renegade icon also reads as a power spec… hell it reads as a greatsword spec even… and it’s neither power nor greatsword, it’s condition & bow… Berzerker’s icon reads as condition build and yet Berserker works best as Power…

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2 minutes ago, Panda.1967 said:

Soul beast icon reads as a power/precision spec… but it’s a condition based elite. Renegade icon also reads as a power spec… hell it reads as a greatsword spec even… and it’s neither power nor greatsword, it’s condition & bow… Berzerker’s icon reads as condition build and yet Berserker works best as Power…

First of all: I would like you to elaborate why soulbeast indicates precision to you.


And btw, soulbeast IS partly a power spec... It is a hybrid, it deals both power and condition damage pretty well. The spec is used in the meta power builds for ranger.


I don't see where you see power in renegade. This icon is pretty neutral for me, unlike a spec which shows bare fists.


Berserker reads condition, right. The spec got designed to primarily improve the condition builds of warrior, which were basically non-existent before HoT. They also got a condition weapon with torch. Berserker added way more for condition builds than it did for power builds, but warrior already had a workable power core to build upon.


Icons are there to indicate something. If they show us this tanky guy with pauldrons which would make WoW jealous and muscled arms with bare fists and then this elite soec turns out to use a ranged condition weapon... then this icon doesn't do a good job at communicating, which is it's primary function.

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21 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

First of all: I would like you to elaborate why soulbeast indicates precision to you.

Sharp edges and piercing claws… the whole thing just screams precision.


also… the icon for Herald reads as condition… and the whole spec is power & support… there isn’t anything condition in herald. (It doesn’t surprise me herald is power/support either given that Glint is the legend for the elite)


my point was and still is, you can’t judge what sort of role an elite spec will be built for by the icon alone… we have plenty of examples of existing elite spec icons that suggest different roles than they were actually made for.


Also… most of the berserkers traits are made for power, only 4 of the burst skills are condition based (2 of which are aquatic)… the torch is really the only source of condition that berserker has… remove the torch and it is straight up a power spec with a few minor condition traits thrown in.

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3 minutes ago, Panda.1967 said:

Sharp edges and piercing claws… the whole thing just screams precision.

Ok, I can see that.


But still, I think many of your examples actually show what I mean.

Soulbeast is a hybrid, dagger is even used in power builds because it deals both damage types really well.


Berserker reads condition damage... which is exactly the point of the spec. They added a condition damage weapon to it (torch), many of the utility skills add bleeding and burning (condition damage on utility skills was something warrior lacked). The spec is also heavily focused on burning in traits. How don't you see that communicating that this spec is made to add condition damage is exactly the point?


Deadeye reads precision, it even has cross hairs in the icon, which is also the icon of the precision stat in the game. Rifle is power damage focused and the spec synergises with critical strikes.


I would bet money on icon 8 being a power based bruiser spec, it is just the only thing which would make sense to get represented by it.


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9 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

I would bet money on icon 8 being a power based bruiser spec, it is just the only thing which would make sense to get represented by it.

Someone else pointed out that the icon sorta resembles a Leviathan Eye. Which was a Canthan monster in GW1 that used Mesmer hexes… converted over to GW2 that would be a condition based monster…. Now if you look at the icon as a Leviathan Eye Golem… that is clearly a Canthan inspired condition based golem…


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29 minutes ago, Panda.1967 said:

Someone else pointed out that the icon sorta resembles a Leviathan Eye. Which was a Canthan monster in GW1 that used Mesmer hexes… converted over to GW2 that would be a condition based monster…. Now if you look at the icon as a Leviathan Eye Golem… that is clearly a Canthan inspired condition based golem…


That's really farfetched in my opinion.


The pauldrons on this icon are round, while the leviathan eye is dominated by very sharp and spiked shapes.

It is walking on sharp claws, meanwhile this icon shows fists and muscled arms.


If the icon would show blades on the arms or anything, I could agree that this might be the case. But the way it is designed here, no. I can't see bare fists representing a condition golem. If there would be the slightest detail that it is a golem with something equipped which makes it deal conditions, like flames, blades to make enemies bleed, just the tiniest detail.... But there is nothing.


This is a melee power bruiser for me. I would bet money on that. We will have to wait and see, tho.

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2 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

The pauldrons on this icon are round, while the leviathan eye is dominated by very sharp and spiked shapes.

It is walking on sharp claws, meanwhile this icon shows fists and muscled arms.


If the icon would show blades on the arms or anything, I could agree that this might be the case. But the way it is designed here, no. I can't see bare fists representing a condition golems.

I don’t know about you, but I can certainly say that if I were to build a golem based on the Leviathan Eye, it most certainly wouldn’t have spikes to hold it up, I’d flatten off the ends and add some extra weight for stability. As for the roundness of the “pauldrons” it’s called stylization. And for all we know they could be styled like that due to something with their construction (perhaps they are dragon jade).


I’ll be blunt with you right now as well… every argument you can possibly come up with to claim it can’t be engineer, I can come up with a counter argument for. Unless something concrete comes out (engineer elite spec preview silhouette) we’ll never see eye to eye on this. Just as strongly as you believe or hope #8 isn’t Engineer and #9 is, I firmly believe #8 is Engineer and #9 is Necromancer. I simply can’t see it any other way.

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