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Are afk farmers legal?

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6 hours ago, Mike JezZ.4261 said:

Just asking because I see them in different zones, and was wondering if Anet accepts it or if I should report them?


Ahhh the weekly standing farmers post.


Just ask yourself, can you proof they are AFK ?

If not, don't accuse innocent people.


Remember, just because you don't like how other people play, doesn't make it illegal

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1 hour ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

As a general policy, ANY form of unattended gameplay is prohibited in Guild Wars 2This includes:

  • The use of auto-casting abilities to farm while not at your computer or not actively playing the game.


Typically no. But for some reason so many people who park and use Enable AutoAttack still aren't banned.


Because they are sitting at their PC, it's that easy

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And yet there are two to five people in nearly every zone doing it. Usually clumped up together with no kittens given. At least an engineer actually needs to be there every 5 minutes due to the timer on turrets. It needs to be addressed/nerfed. First time I saw it, I thought it was botting as well. I'm not sure many would quit over it as it is now, but it does make the game look bad.

Edited by BishiDe.6925
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5 hours ago, Mike JezZ.4261 said:

What if they are afk farming, and a GM whisper to them without answering, will they then be banned?

The staff have a super-tolerant way of dealing with people who break their super-lax rules. I was flicking through the Reddit forum the other day while clogging up the toilet and saw a noob guy had that super-rare Chak infusion drop for him. Everyone told him to sell it 1-to-1 instead of through TP to avoid fees. So he did. And a guy scammed him.

The guy got a 24h ban. No recovery or anything. Just "naughty naughty".

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32 minutes ago, LSD.4673 said:

The staff have a super-tolerant way of dealing with people who break their super-lax rules. I was flicking through the Reddit forum the other day while clogging up the toilet and saw a noob guy had that super-rare Chak infusion drop for him. Everyone told him to sell it 1-to-1 instead of through TP to avoid fees. So he did. And a guy scammed him.

The guy got a 24h ban. No recovery or anything. Just "naughty naughty".


Yea the guy got a ban item deleted and the noob got a hard learn lesson to not try to cheat the system by trading outside of trading post.

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2 hours ago, BishiDe.6925 said:

I'm sorry to the apologists and abusers, but there is a very big difference between flying up in the air on a skyscale to afk for a bit versus a fully specced minion master auto-casting greatsword 4 in a mob spawning point.

he is still there to hit the button, there are a ton of players in this game that auto attack lol i see them every meta. he has to input to use that ability even if his minions whittle them down he has to attack. How do you think gs 4 gets hit?  I really think there is some confusion on farming practices its not illegal to farm is it? If so than anyone of you out there go from spot to spot can be banned. Anyone going from node to node can be banned. lets be clear bot farming is bannable, having a personal army that is part of your core mechanic is not. How is it any different than a player hitting his aoe and killing a bunch of mobs. Should i start reporting people that use aoe and kill everything in the radius that spawns?? Anet really needs to clear this up, because legitimate players use their core mechanic to farm is no dif than someone without minions using an aoe to kill and farm. What i think is going on is somewhat jealousy necro have a little army to help them so people get bent out of shape. 


And btw if they are legitimate bots they are running a script or a program. And you cant be afk if you hit keys. not everyone has a skyscale, this account dont.

Edited by Zuldari.3940
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2 hours ago, Kurrilino.2706 said:


The usual punishment is a temporary lock out of the account.

Each further violation, will double the lock out time.

Wow thats some bs what if the guy was taking care of a sick child or the dog pooped in the house, or he had to go bio. Thats a bit harsh, karma is a witch and will come back at you 10 fold.

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2 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

Wow thats some bs what if the guy was taking care of a sick child or the dog pooped in the house, or he had to go bio. Thats a bit harsh, karma is a witch and will come back at you 10 fold.

You would kept logging on an MMO while there's a sick child in your house?


All the reason to ban the player for the sake of that poor child.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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Does anybody ever did post a screenshoot of a GM that would pm them?

While I guess in theory its possible for a GM to do that, I never got any pm from them, and often ppl report me.

Im just wondering if they have something special for them, like a different text color, or does it bypass your UI settings (you can turn off the chat for exemple)

If theres nothing special about it, how would you even reconize it from any other "pm", and how would that constitute any sort of proof you are active or not?

I mean, theres a serious possibility that one would not even notice the thing, either from ui setting, or just I dunno, if you have a small windows and cant really read the chat text on it.

But this is just assumption, because ive never saw the thing, and im wondering if anyone actually saw it, or could share what it look like exactly.

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They provide a important service.  Without afk farmers we would have to go through the purgatory of farming for ourselves.  And none of us want to face those sort of horrors.  It's not as if they are stealing the mats from you.

To many people to eager to grass folk up these days.  Who or what can we cancel today?

Edited by Follyfoot.2803
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3 hours ago, Zuldari.3940 said:

he is still there to hit the button, there are a ton of players in this game that auto attack lol i see them every meta. he has to input to use that ability even if his minions whittle them down he has to attack. How do you think gs 4 gets hit?  I really think there is some confusion on farming practices its not illegal to farm is it? If so than anyone of you out there go from spot to spot can be banned. Anyone going from node to node can be banned. lets be clear bot farming is bannable, having a personal army that is part of your core mechanic is not. How is it any different than a player hitting his aoe and killing a bunch of mobs. Should i start reporting people that use aoe and kill everything in the radius that spawns?? Anet really needs to clear this up, because legitimate players use their core mechanic to farm is no dif than someone without minions using an aoe to kill and farm. What i think is going on is somewhat jealousy necro have a little army to help them so people get bent out of shape. 


And btw if they are legitimate bots they are running a script or a program. And you cant be afk if you hit keys. not everyone has a skyscale, this account dont.

Pretty sure you can set other attacks to autoattack, right? And 4 doesnt need a target does it?(i dont play necro much)

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Jealous that every class can't do it? No. Noticing everyone that does it is fully specced into minion master auto-casting a single skill, not moving, and even using the Death Magic trait line in PvE; Yes. Quit being woefully obtuse.


Edit: And I should point out, everyone and their grandmother knows it exists and is not about meta farming, but mat farming of normal mobs in the openworld. Whether or not they provide "a service", it is practically botting.

Edited by BishiDe.6925
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38 minutes ago, Follyfoot.2803 said:

My argument is that if it's not causing you any harm then it should be left entirely in ANets hands.

Squealing on people when they do you no harm is not big and hard, it's vindictive.

One could go even farer and realize that every [word]-farmer collects items which they either use for themselves or sell on TP. This results in a higher supply of goods and cheaper prices for everyone. The big question is, do you want to play an MMORPG without other human-controlled players? 


The second, more important issue comes with how our maps work: Every map-instance has a certain number of restricted slots of players, which can fit in. I hope so far we do agree? Now let there be any kind of more or less difficult meta-event, that requires a certain amount of players actively participating in. You can never get the entire map-population to participate in the event, there are always players minding their own business. They are not the problem. There is enough buffer reserved for this situation, the events can still be completed with optimal rewards. But if there are [word]-players on that map as well, we are getting into trouble. We do not have enough slots to balance this out as well, at least when their numbers cross a certain threshold.


The problem is currently building up. We are not at the peak yet, but the number of [word]-players keeps constantly rising. Every thread, every public mention causes more awarness and also advertises the system as well. We already notice that certain meta-events struggle getting enough active players into the maps to make to finish the events successfully. Dragonstorm as an example, takes significantly longer to complete when a good portion of the accounts are not actively participating. So yes, it causes harm to other players. And it does not matter what option you pick for [word]. 

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If you think someone is a bot then report them. You don't need to be 100% certain or have undeniable proof because it's not an automated process - someone from Anet will check before acting on it and they'll have far more tools than you do to help them figure it out.


If you're worried about being accused of being a bot then the best thing you can do is try to avoid going afk for long periods in areas where you might get attacked (which is also a good idea to avoid getting killed). If you need to go to the toilet or check on a sick child or whatever other perfectly legitimate reason you have and you're ok to leave that copy of the map you can log out to the character select screen then log back in when you're back. If you want to stay on the map then try to find somewhere you're not likely to be attacked.


Having said that I'm terrible at remembering to do either of those and my main character is a ranger so on several occasions I've come back from getting a drink or having a real life conversation (or browsing the forum) and found my pet has killed something. More than once I've had a whisper from someone informing me that I've been reported for botting (some of them get very enthusiastic about it). I've never been banned for botting, presumably because Anet logs everyone's activity and they could see I was actually playing, stopped doing anything for a few minutes and then came back and carried on playing.


On a related note I recommend not whispering possible bots to tell them they've been reported, or keeping it to the bare minimum if you do. If they're actually a bot then no one will be there to see so it's pointless and if they're not a bot and you've gone overboard expressing your opinion of botters they can report you for verbal abuse.


13 hours ago, Endilbiach.4132 said:


Yeah the trouble is telling the difference between a macro keystroke and an actual keystroke.  It depends on the macro program they use and sometimes it's extremely difficult to tell from their side.


Also, tell me more about these lag switchers, are they the reason there are some roamers that by all rights I should be able to catch, but just CAN'T?


I saw an article on this a while ago (about MMOs in general, not GW2 specifically) which said what they do is look for patterns and how precise they are.


Humans aren't good at perfect repetition. If a person tries to repeat the exact same set of key strokes multiple times there will be a lot of small changes - no matter how many times they've practiced it the timing will be a bit different each time or sometimes they'll miss a key or do the wrong order.


Whereas computers aren't good at randomisation. If a computer repeats the same set of key strokes multiple times it will be exactly the same each time. Even if you program in 'randomisation' it will still be predictable, like every 4th action will happen 0.3s slower and every 7th one will be 0.2s too fast and every 3rd rotation it will swap the order of 2 skills.


Someone looking at activity logs will be able to tell the difference between those two. And if they're not sure then, like other people have said they can teleport them to a new location and see what happens. If a person is there then even if they're away for a few minutes or not paying much attention they'll notice sooner or later and move back where they were. A macro program will be incapable of even noticing they've been moved and will keep spamming the same rotation in the new spot until it's switched off.

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While patterns may be tracked in other games, they’re not in GW2. I tracked a group of players on a certain map for slightly over three days who consistently farmed nonstop. While it’s humanly possible that they were actually playing the entire time, it’s unlikely. 

They also farm at a spot where a bounty can get to them so those doing the bounty for the daily can inadvertently kill the alleged AFK farmers. Those farmers make no effort to save themselves as an active player would. When dead, they just sit there and time out since they no longer have minions to keep them in the game. 

Tracking key strokes wouldn’t work as those who allegedly AFK farm primarily use necromancers for the minions. This really wouldn’t register any key strokes.

It’s really not that difficult to automatically flag players who are logged into the game past the inactivity timer, who have not moved during that time, and are gaining XP. This creates a list of players for them to verify rather than rely on player reports which in itself is debatable as to whether they actually are even looked at. They unfortunately don’t do this. 

In the end, you’re just better off not reporting anyone breaking the rules and just pretend that it doesn’t exist and that you didn’t see anything. 

Edited by Ayrilana.1396
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4 hours ago, Ayrilana.1396 said:

neat thx, so its golden and pretty obvious, is still pretty unclear as to how much pm are sent to verify "afk" players or "bots", or just to find somebody who got verified that way.

The list show a bit less than 50 "agents", provided theres thousands of players that login every hours, I think its safe to say this is marginal.

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