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When are the anniversary sales?

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2 hours ago, LadyEden.7519 said:

Don't the Anniversary Sales starts around the time the first annual birthdays come up?


So that would be around the 25th, no?

No they usually start either around this time or in 2019 it was even earlier. The sales are also revealed daily so it is a bit more obvious.

The gem store will cycle out the East Asian-inspired items in a few hours and maybe we will see an announcement or new sales then. If this actually is the anniversary sale then I hope a weekly sale schedule has a lot more sales offered. So far it’s just 3 outfits.

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11 minutes ago, DirtyDan.4759 said:

It literally says "August sales have begun!"

While it did say August sales has begun, the anniversary sales have previously been daily changing deeper discounts, lasting several days for selected items. This August sales (same as March sale), seems to only be selected items on discount for a longer period.

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I think we're debating because "August sales" aren't necessarily "Anniversary sales."  Yes, the anniversary of the game is in August, but I think the sales are different.  It would be like if your birthday was in July, and someone gave you a gift saying, "Here, have this because it's July."  That doesn't mean it's a birthday present.


Yes, the GS has returning items and things at a discount, but that happens all year.  I don't think we've yet seen the Anniversary sales per se, which in the past have included big discounts on popular upgrades like character slot expansions, bank tabs, and total makeover kits, plus Black Lion keys.  But maybe I'm wrong and they're doing it differently this year!

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55 minutes ago, Sylvyn.4750 said:

Yep, no argument there...though their selection for the first week is almost all skins, just a few unlimited tools w/o glyphs on Saturday...hope we see more utility items later on.

They always start off with less interesting things.


I think it's a sales tactic. The price of gems bought with gold typically goes up over the course of the sale, and people who already have gems saved up may be tempted to spend them on things they don't want as much if those appear first (because they don't want to wait and miss the sale on those items entirely). Between the two it means when the items players really want appear they're more likely to spend real money on gems to get them.

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19 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

And guess what, it's still called the August sales 🙂

Might be a good tactic to call it that, since the anniversary is at the end of the month. There might be some people who come back around the actual anniversary for the "anniversary sale" and find that the thing they wanted to buy was on sale a couple weeks earlier.


I know a few years back I was annoyed with myself for missing the storage expansion going on sale by just a day or two.

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After every sale someone creates a post stating "I didn't know, I missed it, it's not fair".  The last 2 years, one of the first sale items was Copper-Fed-Salvage and I recall players complaining they didn't get it cause they didn't know the sale had started.


I think Anet has learned from this and changed to offering cosmetic upgrades first to make sure players are paying attention, and then drop the utilities and account upgrades later on.  They made the same change for the March sale this year as well.

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For any other misers who follow sales: note that the wiki isn't the definitive source for sales. For example, there was a sale November 2020 which isn't listed on the wiki or the individual item histories. That's when i (annoyingly) picked up all the Living World seasons, having just missed another Anniversary Sale.


So don't take the August and March sales as be-all end-alls -- if it's not urgent, wait a little longer.


Personally, i'm hoping to see character slots.

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3 hours ago, Stalkingwolf.6035 said:

i'm bit annoyed that they dont show the roadmap for the anniversay sale.

i have over 4000 gems and want to buy stuff but i have the feeling i'm screwed when i'm going to buy now.

i need more Bank and Material Storage. at least two from each and i bite my desk if i buy now and its on sale the next weeks.

If I was you I'd wait. I have no idea if bank and material storage will be included, but if it's something you don't want to pay full price for and you don't need it right now it's best to wait a few weeks. If it's not included in the sale you can buy it after.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

If I was you I'd wait. I have no idea if bank and material storage will be included, but if it's something you don't want to pay full price for and you don't need it right now it's best to wait a few weeks. If it's not included in the sale you can buy it after.

Its been in most sales, if you look at the history. Im going to be really ticked if they dont have slots and qol stuff up. Pushing cosmetics is a poor choice, esp when so many people will be buying up multiple qol items over cosmetics.

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It's the same thing they do with every big sale: offer less desirable stuff first knowing some people will buy it anyway, so that later on when the more popular items are on sale some people will have used up gems they were saving up and the gold to gems exchange rate will be higher and so people will be more inclined to buy gems with real money, making Anet more profit.


If they started with the most popular items and then just did some random cosmetics later on more people would simply buy the things they really want and skip the cosmetics. It's the same reason they don't list everything which will be available right at the start.

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13 minutes ago, Palm Tiger.8275 said:

Anyone else thinks that this years sale is very inconsistent?


It's hard to say at this point in time. I would give it a few more weeks to see if the prices and offering will be consistent with previous years.

But if you look at the Wiki you will see that there is limited consistency over the years anyway. The first years it was very limited, later years had a longer duration and more choice of items.

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Unbreakable Gathering Tools completely joke compared to the - 50% from last year

They already removed the PoF pack with it and more QoL but didnt add a New for for EoD. 

This year we are having the worst sales since the release of the game and of Anet dont care about it 

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