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I don't believe Anet has ANY passion for Warrior.


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Warrior is my third favorite class behind Thief and Mesmer. Honestly, I like the three of them almost equally, and this patch was insulting to me; both as a Thief and a Warrior. Like, seriously, after all these months, this is what you have for us Warriors and Thieves?! Are you kidding?! 


At this point, I'm convinced that Necromancer and Guardian are the only classes that matter to Anet.


It's either that, or Anet's Balance/Systems Team(s) are the most hilariously incompetent Devs in the entire Gaming Industry.

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4 hours ago, Touchme.1097 said:

Have you ever played spellbreaker in WvW or banner slave in PvE? Warrior has lots of viable Meta builds, I wouldn't complain if I were you.

You just listed the 2 uses war has in all game modes. That is not "lots of viable Meta builds". That is 2 builds.


You run 2-3 support wars in 50 player zergs for the bubble and CC. But that makes war on par with mesmers and rangers, you bring only a few and for very specific reasons. Necro, guard, rev and engi is what you fill your parties with. Necro and guard being the key components (due to being insanely OP,  even after nerfs from a while ago, that made room for engis).


For PvE you got 1 DPS build that is brought only for the unique buffs. E.g. in fractals I mostly see parties omit the BS, as its faster to find another DPS. Guard and rev is what is in nearly every t4+recs party I join (and I'm the guard). I don't do raids but reading the patch notes I guess you bring 1 war. Not bad out of 10 people, but I wouldn't lose my mind over it.


Sure you can run war in other ways, but it would not be meta (as its not the optimal choice). Of course, you could also argue that war has a place where some professions have no place at all. I can agree to that. That doesn't mean war is in a good place and should not be improved.

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7 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

As I've noted here before, I love playing a hammer warrior.

But playing later game content again this morning, I honestly don't believe there's anyone at ANet who plays with this particular combo.

From HoT onwards, playing as a hammer warrior is like playing on constant challenge mode, thanks to the ridiculous amount of blind spam.

Blind, blocks and the lack of access to unblockables and AoEs are also, why Warrior suffers in WvW. Add on top of that while you have CC and immobs, it's all pretty short.

It's like the main point of warrior (really, really good design) Anet, is always this one thing: In PvE organized content it's the banners, without it you can completely replace warrior. And in WvW it's the bubble.

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3 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You just listed the 2 uses war has in all game modes. That is not "lots of viable Meta builds". That is 2 builds.


You run 2-3 support wars in 50 player zergs for the bubble and CC. But that makes war on par with mesmers and rangers, you bring only a few and for very specific reasons. Necro, guard, rev and engi is what you fill your parties with. Necro and guard being the key components (due to being insanely OP,  even after nerfs from a while ago, that made room for engis).


For PvE you got 1 DPS build that is brought only for the unique buffs. E.g. in fractals I mostly see parties omit the BS, as its faster to find another DPS. Guard and rev is what is in nearly every t4+recs party I join (and I'm the guard). I don't do raids but reading the patch notes I guess you bring 1 war. Not bad out of 10 people, but I wouldn't lose my mind over it.


Sure you can run war in other ways, but it would not be meta (as its not the optimal choice). Of course, you could also argue that war has a place where some professions have no place at all. I can agree to that. That doesn't mean war is in a good place and should not be improved.

It's the same in Raids as in Fractals for Warrior - you bring one for the unique Banner buffs that comes with good DPS. Which is the same spot it's been since HOT through POF and IBS all the way until now. 

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5 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

It's the same in Raids as in Fractals for Warrior - you bring one for the unique Banner buffs that comes with good DPS. Which is the same spot it's been since HOT through POF and IBS all the way until now. 

Sadly even at fractal now high end like CM+T4s Group you won't even see warrior.
Fireband (Heal and Condi)
Condi Scourge
Renegade (alac)

That's it, sure you can say you meet soulbeast/engi etc2 but how often compared to those 3?


I strongly agree with the title. ANet doesn't have passion for warrior at all. Look at balance patch, a lot of thing need for warrior yet "1 bug fix." what about sword movelist, what about GS 100B, what about 300 CD trait.

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8 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Oh I noticed that ideas from the omnibus were used, but not for the intended class.

Not the first time that this kind of thing has happened either. Same thing happened on the old thief forums, in a thread started by the dev to ask what thief players wanted to see in the elite spec. Most of the ideas ended up being part of revenant, meanwhile the three dodges from acro gets nerfed so they can resell it to us as daredevil.


On topic: Warrior needs love. I wouldn't mind warrior being the only class that has high damage for CC's, it's kinda an integral part of how it was played. Would be a start at least. 

Edited by Jugglemonkey.8741
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make a guild of 10 warrior (only) dps/glasscannon players...


play WvWvW as shock troops supporting your server zerg...


and that means to survive, you know where to fall back or to position yourself with respect to your zerg's location...


pure zerkers, maxed damage, right weapons/armor/sigil/runes..


this is i think what the Devs wanna see thus they are not updating warriors anymore..


coz all in wvwvw is balling... it's like ball versus ball...


and it's been 9 years..

Edited by alcopaul.2156
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10 minutes ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

I wouldn't mind warrior being the only class that has high damage for CC's,

But that's only the tip of the iceberg. I mean if you want to deal high damage, you kinda need to get rid of your survivability. To counter that, the defense traitline would have to be vastly improved or replaced for WvW again.
It would definitely be a possible way, but it would require way more work than simply giving back damage on CC skills.

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41 minutes ago, Hotride.2187 said:

You just listed the 2 uses war has in all game modes. That is not "lots of viable Meta builds". That is 2 builds.

"ERRR SOUND!" Wrong 😄 Do you play warrior?

I have seen warriors playing spellbreaker HK in raids and support warriors in Fractals. I can't deny how flexible Guardian is in covering different roles but those two Warrior builds are way more desired than the Guardian's. You can double check in LFG where lots of squads advertise  everyday. Guardian is just a more popular profession but there are a lot of them out there. So why are you complaining if Warrior is useful right now?

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3 minutes ago, Touchme.1097 said:

I have seen warriors playing spellbreaker HK in raids and support warriors in Fractals.

They surely exist. Just like damage warriors in WvW. But the question is: are they meta? Are they a good choice? Usually warrior builds in fractals and raids are about the banners; warriors builds in WvW are about the bubble. I wouldn't call these really variable, more like a "workaround". But please, if you can tell us where DPS warrior with CC is more relevant than .. I dunno.... revenant, we can always deepen this discussion.

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Even if warrior is supposedly OK for PvE, which I don't rly aware about, as you can make builds there with any combination and as for high end PvE banners still apply, anything competitive related is imo where the spec should be thought from. 


Make it a competitive viable spec with utility and skills aimed at pvp and WvW. Then proceed to increase coefficients, add stronger effects and boost traits up for PvE use. 


But that's too big brain for anet ig.. 

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3 minutes ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

They surely exist. Just like damage warriors in WvW. But the question is: are they meta? Are they a good choice? Usually warrior builds in fractals and raids are about the banners; warriors builds in WvW are about the bubble. I wouldn't call these really variable, more like a "workaround". But please, if you can tell us where DPS warrior with CC is more relevant than .. I dunno.... revenant, we can always deepen this discussion.

Ah to add into this:


Forget meta. Let's go to other territories like gvg and organized open field guilds that fight. Bubble aside, only reason you would bring a spellbreaker in gvg is sight beyond sight for the AoE reveal. Something that engi can do better btw with detection pulse. Berserker? Only if it carries the banner. 


Shout support was a bit meta in pvp and was nerfed ofc with a minor boost to it being given once and then being forgotten in favor of core guard yet again (woo soooooo many Tempest healers in pvp, love you anet). 


Basically, warrior damage is subpar. You can't have a dmg dealer warrior without bringing a skill worth the spot in a zerg. Core warrior healers? Even tho they compete with Spellbreakers and can probably make more use of their traits? Hell no! Might share Zerker with Phalanx strength? We got Herald hell no! Tank power spellbreakers aimed at catching the Backline of the enemies (rage Signet or rampage as elite as opposed to Burstzerker banner and usual SpB bubble)? Hell no! 


That's the issue with warrior outside!! And I say it, outside!!! roaming in WvW, or side nodding in pvp. 

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11 hours ago, Touchme.1097 said:

those two Warrior builds are way more desired than the Guardian's. You can double check in LFG where lots of squads advertise  everyday

No, they are not. I run fractals daily.


Also note that guard is not used in fractals "because its popular" and so is abundant (finding a HFB is not instant, even if its not as slow as finding an alacren). Its used because it gives every boon but alac for a 5 man party, on top of being able to heal and cleanse. In particular stability and quickness (you could argue aegis is not that important, and protection can be given by the alacren). War gives nothing in that regard. Engi might be considered due to now giving quickness, but you still lack stability (in theory your party can dodge and so that might not be a big problem; in practice most players don't bother to dodge and its up to the guard and rev to make sure you don't all get stunned to death).

Edited by Hotride.2187
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8 hours ago, Touchme.1097 said:

"ERRR SOUND!" Wrong 😄 Do you play warrior?

I have seen warriors playing spellbreaker HK in raids and support warriors in Fractals. I can't deny how flexible Guardian is in covering different roles but those two Warrior builds are way more desired than the Guardian's. You can double check in LFG where lots of squads advertise  everyday. Guardian is just a more popular profession but there are a lot of them out there. So why are you complaining if Warrior is useful right now?

Please elaborate on this mythical Fractal Support Warrior because I've literally never seen it before and I engage in endgame PVE daily. 

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On 8/14/2021 at 5:07 AM, Jzaku.9765 said:

Watching the Willbender reveal live... seeing them put so much passion into making a class that's full of gap closers and stuns, the thought and effort that went into making sure the skills are usable, the Physical skills that flip over into a follow up attack to capitalize on their effects. 

Full Counter on their heal skill with Ammo on a 15s CD.

Fast casting Kick that stuns for 2s instead of knocks back on 20s CD. 

3 Gap closers with strong effects and stances built into the class in their F1-3 abilities.

And I think, isn't this what Warrior is supposed to play like baseline? I think about how many janky core skills we have that were never fixed. How much we have to give up just to get access to some good mobility, and the tradeoffs we need to make just to even scratch a FRACTION of what Willbender can pull off. 

I've never felt worse about this class. 


When I watched that Willbender breakdown I had a premonition of all the spankings awaiting my Spellbreaker in WvW.

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2 minutes ago, RiyazGuerra.9203 said:


When I watched that Willbender breakdown I had a premonition of all the spankings awaiting my Spellbreaker in WvW.

Imagine your poor core warrior and that poor berserker... 


I'll make it my mission. Create a berserker with decapitate spam made to kill willbender. Arms, Strength, Berserker. 


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On 8/14/2021 at 4:07 AM, Jzaku.9765 said:

Watching the Willbender reveal live...

I've never felt worse about this class. 


On 8/14/2021 at 4:33 AM, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

Jokes aside, my faith is leaving me. Without being able to play the game a lot in summer due to work and with the continuous fall of warrior, I'm starting to be in a position where I may actually drop the game since it's not fun for me anymore. 


17 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

Even if the new spec is the most amazing spec of all time (which is on its own unlikely), it will make every war play that spec... war just makes me sad.


Looking at the incoming changes preview, and the previous patch, doesn't make me hopeful that other changes are coming that would the profession vary more.


15 hours ago, Keitaro Dragonheart.9047 said:

Warrior is my third favorite class behind Thief and Mesmer. Honestly, I like the three of them almost equally, and this patch was insulting to me; both as a Thief and a Warrior.


15 hours ago, Will.9785 said:

As a thief main I'm here in solidarity.

It seems to me that Guardian has bent your will, guys.

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I left warrior before hot for ranger/guardian as placeholder before moving to a rev. Honestly best decision even made to abandon this joke of a class but at sane time its sad to see current state of warrior. To this very day hb is a selfroot skill. Overall warrior is highly outdated and outclassed by everything else. And they cannot be balanced in current state. Either you buff numbers and they become broken or stay in current up state. All cuz warrior is a stat check class without any real mechanics attached to it. Shame. Guess we all going to roll willbender at this point

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I have to agree with you, i used to play warrior exklusive. But since I saw the teaser which was indeed Guardian off-hand sword, i was like "kitten this is going to be the samurai class i want in cantha". And it turned out freaking awesome and looks so great.


Also, i am really afraid that warrior is getting pistol - that is such a huge turn off. If it gets spear (what i am still hoping) i might consider.  

Edited by Bojjang.1052
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Been a Warrior main for years, Guardian getting WIllbender? makes me want to re-roll Guardian. 


Its like, what I wish Warrior was. A martial arts expert with melee weapons that sticks to their target and punishes them and has ways to protect themselves. Why Guardian gets it? Makes me really hope we getting something awesome for EoD. 


I swear if we get pistol  i'm never playing Warrior again 😛 

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3 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Been a Warrior main for years, Guardian getting WIllbender? makes me want to re-roll Guardian. 


Its like, what I wish Warrior was. A martial arts expert with melee weapons that sticks to their target and punishes them and has ways to protect themselves. Why Guardian gets it? Makes me really hope we getting something awesome for EoD. 


I swear if we get pistol  i'm never playing Warrior again 😛 

depends on how the pistol, its traits, and its utilities work though doesn't it?

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