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Everything posted by Ferus.3165

  1. when Spellbreaker came out back in 2017 it was probably the most broken spec out of all the elite specs back at the time. You could easily achieve 100% resistance uptime without any boon duration and back then resistance blocked all condi dmg 100%. And fullcounter dealt 20-30% more damage than it deals now in pve and was on a 6 second cd with discipline traitline in wvw and pvp. With some obstacles to kite around you were basicly unkillable and fullcounter was an immense threat so you also had lots of killpressure.
  2. The skill was made absolutely worthless with the last nerf. It was already bad before but now anyone defending this is just delusional. The skill was nerfed from 10 man cap to 5 man cap... from 10 sec duration to 5 sec duration... from removing a boon every 1/2 sec to only every sec and now again nerfed so it doesn't even prevent boon application anymore. This skill was the perfect counter to the boon blob guilds that rely only on stacking and spamming boons. In pvp this skill was (even in it's "unnerfed" state) always just mediocre but after the last nerf it's actually a troll pick. Playing without an elite skill is the same as picking winds..
  3. i am pretty sure it's because lost ark is coming out and gw2 won't stand a chance against a release of a game of that caliber. It would not surprise me if anet would delay the expac release for that reason alone. The new expac with it's 4 pve maps and the imo trash warrior elite spec won't bring me back into this game. I bought the 4000 gems editions for the last two expacs instantly when they were available but this time the money went into lost ark. It's been close to two years since the feb 2020 patch when warrior was utterly destroyed in wvw/pvp and it has to be clear to anybody that anet simply does not care about warrior at all.
  4. that could be a solution as unblockable buffs work the same way and this would affect ranger greatsword aswell. Or this change could only affect blocks that don't require the user to channel the ability for the whole duration. Or it could only affect aoe blocks because here you have the actual problem that a single player can shield an entire squad with a single ability and a handful of players can shield a squad forever which in turn nullifies every projectile ability completely . In my personal opinion blocks/reflects that only shield a single target are far less of a problem and should not be nerfed (like warrior shield block). But at the end we can only give ideas here and anet devs have to decide if a change is worth it or not.
  5. there is a simple solution really... blocks and reflects should only block or reflect a set amount of hits. Like all unblockable effects, all reflect or block effects should have a counter. That way not much will change in a small scale fight but one scrapper dome would no longer be able to protect an entire zerg from the projectiles of 50 other players.
  6. Dual Wield also has to stack with quickness or it will never be used. If that is not possible this trait should be reworked aswell.
  7. Was just about to comment something like this.This is definitly needed. It's so funny that you can walk forward while activating that skill and the explosions will appear behind you. 130 range is far too low, it should be 240 or 300.
  8. The thing i don't understand is why haven't skills that grant resistance been majorly buffed? The boon was nerfed into oblivion and skills like berserker stance or the meditation skill from spellbreaker or the spellbreaker grandmaster trait or even healing signet were not touched. How is a 40 sec cd for berserker stance justified.Or 45 sec for the spellbreaker meditation? All the boon does atm is grant you free movement. And as a class that is so dependant on being in melee range like warrior is it doesn't make sense that we have so little access to it and the cds are so overbearingly long. Either the cds of said skills should be drastically reduced or resolution with a huge duration should be added. Or if anet wants those skills to rot then why don't we get different sources of those boons? And the new spec would have been a good opportunity for that...
  9. yes i've tried the spec for a bit now and i really like the pistol the most about this spec. Even though the 800 barrier you get in wvw could be a little bit higher. I don't think the pve version would be too much for wvw really. The spec has a lot of other problems and pistol is not one of them.
  10. Not true, the 1 second reduction gets applied for every ammo ability that gets fully depleted. Pistol 5 for example has a 5 sec cd and everytime you cast that ability you get the reduction.
  11. Before i say anything else, i have to say that i liked the preview we got on friday. I am really looking forward to try this spec out when we get the chance next week. And before we actually get to play it most complains are probably pretty invalid regarding if something is good or bad and that could very well be true for my concerns about the spec: My biggest concern is regarding the offhand pistol. I really like the two skills we get and pistol 5 synergises pretty well with the master trait line BUT i dislike the fact that it is another offhand. We already have 4 different OH weapons that are usefull (only sword offhand is in very dire need of a rework but that is another topic) and bring something else to the table. So we don't need another OH weapon. If the pistol was made a mainhand weapon that would open up a lot more build options, because the offhand weapons have imo far better defined strenghts and weaknesses. Also because the pistol doesn't need a new f1 skill and the two skills it has right now could simply be the new skill 2 and skill 3. The only skill that would have to be added would be a autoattack and pistol would fill a big gap that has plagued warrior since a long time and that is the ability to poke from range. A 900 range autoattack similiar to harbinger to deal a little bit of dmg if the enemy gets out of melee range or we use the new stunbreak/back evade utility for example. Pistol/shield, pistol/mace, pistol/warhorn and pistol/axe all sound really good. It does not have to be huge damage, just something in the league of sword autoattack regarding damage for example. This could also maybe already solve another problem is see with the new spec and that is the new spec has 0 condi cleanse or mitigation. Now that the boon resistance has been made so much weaker why not give the new spec some more uptime for it. E.g. i think the gunsaber 5 skill (the mobility skill with 40 sec cd) could really use a few seconds of resistance (and also for the reason that we are not forced into discipline again because we have no other way of cleansing the immob condition reliably) This of course may not even be necessary if we get pistol MH because we would have access to range and potentially access to warhorn aswell. The resolution boon should also be a more common thing for warrior imo. The two skills a think could use it are the new stunbreak and the pistol 4 skill. Pistol 4 already does grant aegis for a very short time, but with so many attacks being multi hits (and protection is already covered by one of the minor traits) it would make sense to give warrior something to survive against condis as well.
  12. the first thing warrior weapons need is, especially sword (main/off), is better animations. Like many old warrior weapons they are cluncky and have an huge aftercast on many abilites and that needs to be fixed before any numbers are thrown around.
  13. had the same thing today in EU aswell, suddenly i had skilllag like in wvw for several seconds and that happened multiple times.
  14. the only thing that needs to be done about dragon banners is that you should not be able to teleport or stealth with it. Other than that they are fine. And btw. a 50 man zerg will always crush a 15 man zerg with or without dragon banner.
  15. the offhand weapons sword and mace need a complete rework. Clunky and slow animations, low range or slow projectiles. None of them feel like you "fight" with those weapons. Number crunching won't do anything for those weapons because they are so outdated. There are many other skills that need an update aswell, like hundred blades and the sword f1. Those skills were good in 2012 but today they are damn worthless.
  16. Primal bursts count as T1 bursts and cleanse only 1 condi with cleansing ire. The reason berserker was kinda op vs condis back then was because the lb primal burst was bugged and cleansed 6 condis instead of 3. Also the cd of burst skills was lower (33% reduction trait). And at the very start of HoT berserker was hot garbage. Only after anet hard buffed the king of fires master trait and introduced the new adrenal health and buffed the torch trait and torch skills warrior was playable. At the early HoT meta everything was extremely op but warrior was stuck with it's vanilla gw2 power level. Warrior was unplayable before the adrenal health update.
  17. Warclaw could easily be removed now... the downed stomp was the only good reason for warclaw to exist, and basicly the only chance for pug zergs to kill off guild zerg players for good... but i guess it makes the game even easier for guild zergs and that is what anet had intended. Oh and reducing the target limit to one in the same patch is just overkill. Very nice work from the devs i have to say.
  18. The german support told me twice now that there won't be any help/compensation for missing items/gold in general. We got the mount skin and the bonfire and that is all there is to it. They won't offer any compensation apart from the skin/bonfire. Edit: Now, another two weeks later, i've got back about half of the items i lost during the rollback.Edit2: I did not receive the missing items, but i got some gems (as compensation) i think. Because i did not receive another mail from support i am not entirely sure but anyway: thank you for taking the time and going through all of those cases of missing items (mine included).
  19. Defy pain is 2-5 seconds of invulnerable to physical damage when you are struck below 50% depending on game mode and if last stand is traited. With Endure pain, a shield, and defiant stance you can have between 11-18s of physical damage immunity, block, or incoming damage converted to healing depending on game mode and if last stand is traited. Evades for warrior are from GS or rifle. Adrenal Health from Defense aids in the healing during that invulnerability period as does things like Might Makes Right and Menders Might. I typically don't run Defense and do just fine, but others feel they need the extra sustain from Defense, and if you do then take it. If you personally do not see any worth in taking Defense, then take a more offensive trait line like Strength or Arms, or a utility line like Discipline or Tactics bearing in mind that Tactics has a set of strong DPS traits in it now. lol the few warriors i encounter, that don't run defense traitline, die in 1-2 sec to thief/ranger burst. I always lol when a warrior in wvw does not run this line. In pvp it's another story because the traitline has been nerfed into oblivion, but the dmg in pvp is all around far lower than in wvw and thus stances are not necessary.
  20. people love crying and hate thinking and listening to reason. Tactics warrior is a weaker version of the meta variant. And if a telegraphed skill like eviscerate is not allowed to hit hard then the skill is pointless... just like the thread before where people complained about prime light beam dealing dmg lol.
  21. and perma stealth or extreme evade uptime combined with the ability to pick fights at will and leave fights at will. Everytime a thief dies, it's because the thief player made a wrong decision. Thief should only every die to others thiefs as only a thief has the means to fight/kill a skilled thief.
  22. 60 sec cd for one single attack... one dodge (and thief has broken amounts of these) and the skill is rendered useless. The skill is fine as it is. Casting it while stealthed is another issue, but that is more of a problem because of thief than because of holo.
  23. the trick is to jump to the next overperforming class :D
  24. Ferus.3165


    the aoe is larger than warriors axe whirl by quite a bit and it also reflects projectiles. I do not think the damage should be lowered just to gain some ms, however it really should hit 5 targets. That is some necessary QoL change for axe offhand.
  25. what... no thats not true lol (cant be... ive never seen this happen) The only way that happens is if a cc hits you that does not deal strike damage as in necro warhorn 4 for example which causes a daze but does not deal a strike. This removes the free stab you get on using FC Now at this point if you get hit with a 2nd cc FC will be interupted Your situation is much more rare as you need 2 cc's to hit at almost the exact some time which is incredibly hard to do.Even if your example is true what cc do you know is fast enough to follow up after landing a strike thats going to proc FC that will hit you before evade frames trigger (ive never EVER seen fc get interupted once its triggered unless the stability is corrupted or removed by something that does not do a strike first. No, it can be interrupted. Its been done to me when I've played Spellbreaker. Takes more than one CC due to the Stability, but if there are two CCs that connect close enough together then one will strip the Stability and the other will interrupt you before the counter attack initiates. That or someone with a non strike boonrip removes the stability prior to the CC, or a for Stab to be converted to fear. To be honest this has to be pretty rare... of an occurrence as i said ive never EVER seen it happen myself spell-breakers always get their full counters off once its proc'ed. I forgot to add that a thief's steal with proper traits will also interrupt it because it takes the boons before applying the CC and thief will always take Stab. before any other boon.Note im not saying you are wrong and that it cant happen i just think its super super super rare of a situation to really be considered a real problem. About as rare as being 1 shot by a scrapper, or core necormancer if not more rare i would say.it happens quite alot, thief steal is one thing but far more often necros simply corrupt your stabilty into fear and this breaks the fc aswell.
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