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Everything posted by MaLong.2079

  1. ANET: *READS THAT* ANET: *PONDERS* ALSO ANET: "SOLVED - You don't have to stand still. You can use superspeed to run in circles inside the well's aoe." 😁 But seriously, I guess superspeed will be applied in full instantly.
  2. In wvw, these changes will affect the zerg scrapper the least. Groups will not have to wait long in place for stealth and blasts. Shredder/bulwark/blast/medic gyros can still be useful when two groups are fighting and throwing crap at each other in a relatively small area. But out of a group setting these will be as good as ground targeted turrets. "Excuse me, would you please stand closer to my shredder turret?" ☠️
  3. It looks to me like ANET don't see group play and individual play as different situations. If 5 scrappers apply too much quickness in a group setting then their solution is to remove quickness completely even though that quickness is by no means overpowered when the scrapper is alone. What should be changed is how much quickness/healing/stab etc scrappers apply to others and make it less than what the scrapper gets as the source.
  4. These changes effectively end my scrapper build. The problem here is that we need to have different values for what is applied to self and what is applied to allies. The changes to scrapper are understandable in group play but they are too much for individual play. That short burst of quickness is vital for me to fight players that constantly stealth/teleport/slide/run/melt or whatever else make them impossible to hit. Make it so that the quickness applied to others is less but don't remove it from the scrapper. The same goes to healing, cleansing and whatever else we apply to allies in a group. Reduce how much others get but let the caster get enough to play without the group. Static gyros wells are a bad idea. Turrets hardly see any action in WvW because they are static, and they need to be used like elixirs that are dropped and picked up instantly. Leave gyros mobile as they are but reduce the stacks or duration of whatever they give to allies. In any case, make turrets ground targeted to hit on impact and increase their output and durability to makeup for their lack of movement.
  5. You can try to find a server that is active at the times when you normally get online and transfer. Go where the action is. Also, joining guild active in wvw helps a lot. You can see where your guild mates are at all times in wvw even if they are in different maps. It is not perfect and some times inaccurate but it helps. 😁
  6. Having a no-rally week would be interesting. I don't know if it would be bad or good but I would like to see how it goes. Maybe they can also remove all downed skills while they are at it. We don't need them. Seriously. Engineers have done alright all this time without them😁
  7. I wish ANET shared death/kill ratios by profession and elite specialization.
  8. I dont know if you tried this already but in Arcdps you can see the damage done by you (out) and the damage done to you (in). When you click on your name to see the details there are some tiny letters above the graph that are actually buttons. the one labeled 'i' will show the incoming damage or damage done to you. If you are only interested in the skill that downed you then I guess you will have to look at the log.
  9. It would be better if we did not need stab. Even with permanent stab most of my deaths come from not being allowed to play the game. Reminds me of the old days when friends would unplug my SNES controller mid fight to win in Street Fighter 2. 😁
  10. I don't know if it is a hack a bug a skill or lag or what but I have seen this too. Getting an opponent to very low hp and then they take no more damage. The problem is that I get no miss or evade or whatever notifications on screen and I get nothing in combat chat when this happens. It happens to me quite often actually. Could be lag I guess. I also see warclaws jump high in the air some times so, it could just be that.
  11. Don't celestial 'wastes' attribute points? I mean, a build that does mainly strike damage should see little benefit from the points put to condition damage and expertise. And a mainly condition build would not benefit much from the points cele puts on power, precision and ferocity, right? If you run a build that don't apply many boons to self either then the points put on concentration are also wasted. The only way to get full benefit from cele stats then would be to run a build that uses everything. 😁 Anyway, I think this game cannot be balanced. 😡
  12. The problem is that not all builds can abandon fights with ease or chase after those that can to finish them when they are winning. So I want the ability to waypoint during combat so I can finish the fights that I am wining and abandon the ones that I am losing. Is not as good as disappearing to reset and trying again but I will take it. BTW, "...if someone has stealth and doesn't use it they'll get exploded in seconds..." --> Not my experience. There would be a lot less complains against stealth if they could actually get exploded in seconds as you say.
  13. This is the way it is by design. It is working as intended and it is not going to change. Anet is trying to serve different types of players. Not everyone is a 'hardcore' player that enjoys intensive key smashing. Also, not everyone takes diying frequently well. These classes serve that population that will abandon a fight rather than diying in the game. They can leave it as it is for all I care. What I would really like to see is the option to waypoint during combat in wvw for everyone not just some classes and builds.
  14. I like the mech in general. I agree with some other players in that it may be a bit too big. I have only been playing different forms of engi since I started playing and still I like the concept of the turrets best with gyros in second place. I took the mech to the Mad King Lab and it just destroyed everything. I 1v1 Harrower Veltan for a while until other people joined and I never used my heal skill, not once, and my mech spent most of the time at 100% too. I can't imagine using the mech in WvW but that is just me. I see plenty of pets and minions in WvW so I bet I will see mechs too.
  15. Tone and pitch sliders would be nice but knowing my server they will all be sounding like chipmunks in no time. 😁
  16. In my case, DX11 showed consistent 60 fps everywhere. So much better that I even increased shadows, environment, collision, texture and shader settings. And still got consistent 60 fps. However, I had to go back to d912xpy because of the crashes in WvW. I think DX11 runs smoother and with better fps than d912xpy. So I will be ready to try it again when they release an update.
  17. The problem is how powerful other skills become when the player is invisible. A skill used from stealth becomes almost impossible to dodge. You could block, maybe if you have something like aegis, but dodge? good luck. The other problem is retargeting. I think we should retarget automatically when our opponent comes out of stealth. As simple as it may sound, retargeting is an additional step that delays the response and gives an advantage to the stealther. Also targeting provides important information about boons, conditions etc. I don't think it will change though.
  18. In small groups I have seen like 2-3 seconds no-rally. In large groups I often see instant and 1 second but they have many people healing and many of them probably just rallied.
  19. I like the festival. The only thing I noticed different this year, or at least I think is different, is that the background music is the normal "sad" music instead of the instrumental festival music. I would like the festive music to play all the time during the festival.
  20. Hint: It is almost impossible to defend all objectives at the same time. πŸ˜‰
  21. I normally don't even try to self-heal, I just hold my breath to go faster. Throw junk is meh, but pulling with the hook just to wait for the explosion skill to load is so dumb. I would rather have the hook pull 5 targets and ready the explosion skill. The tradeoff would be that the explosion will finish the engi. The result would still be certain death but at least it would be a fun way to go.
  22. Waypoints should be disabled when a keep is under a real attack because it would be a huge advantage for the defenders if they could wp or respawn inside. That is the only valid reason for this to happen. Getting a waypoint disabled when there is nothing going on is just exploiting a defect in the game.
  23. This is why we don't have nice things. Stop exploiting every single exploitable mechanic people! 😁 But seriously. The idea to block waypoints during an invasion is fine and necessary because having defenders respawn inside would be too easy. However, having the waypoints blocked when nothing is going on is not the intended function of the mechanic, is just a very easy exploit of an... oversight? Taunting the guards outside, dropping siege build sites or bashing your face against the gate should only mark the objective as contested but not block the wp. Anyway, just because you can abuse it doesn't mean you should. So stop abusing it ok? it is annoying and unnecessary. Self-control πŸ‘
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