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Everything posted by HotDelirium.7984

  1. One issue is sure Skimmer got that underwater update...BUT after 3 years. Why now? it should have been a priority back when they were first released. That kind of decision leads me to a lack of vision and management which of course is a leadership problem.
  2. I always thought Elites were the perfect place to have that grand skill from each type of utility (shouts, manipulations etc) and some base professions have them and some don't and I find that unfortunate because it doesn't seem fully thought out. The elites have them and maybe that was the new way of addressing that feedback and keeping everything congruent and aligned to the theme of the elite. Warrior should have an elite Shout and Stance. Also, an Elementalist should have elites per whatever attunement they are apart of. Having the cantrip just for Tornado and the conjure just for the firesword is unfortunate because those are only one element.
  3. I assume the previous amount was from last year and they updated to what it is currently. Probly just an oversight.
  4. Gambling is defined as a game of chance for money so I concur. Gambling is not the same as buying random items- that's just buying random items. If the chests had a chance of granting more gold or gems with a chance to not get anything then they would have a stronger argument. Selling what you get from those chests for gold I think is irrelevant to the gambling argument.
  5. The make or break will be the release of elite specs. If they release EOD and decide not to make those and instead use that dev time to create more events/AP rewards/story/raids/fractals etc I think it will fail. We LOVE playing new characters and new abilities. 5 weapon skills and 5 utility can only keep you going so far it just takes creativity and hard work to developed them and to not be afraid of any balancing issues later on down the line. They need to maintain this level of courage and innovation that created the last elite specs.
  6. So the topic is damage mitigation. Not every build has the same way of dealing with it as you kind of already know (leeching, toughness, blocking, heals etc). Mesmers mainly mitigate damage by distracting in the form of interrupts, evades and clones. In regards to actually healing, for a mesmer they have the Inspiration trait line that does heal with certain requirements and for the elite Chrono spec the trait Alls Well that Ends Well will heal if you use a well. I would also consume ascended food for the constant healing tic.
  7. @Rubi Bayer.8493 is the Extra Life event awards bugged? I see we have 10 stacks already with over 100K so far? Is that a visual bug from last year?
  8. Raids should have been tierd like fractals with T1 being Storymode, T3 being the regular difficulty and T4 being challenge mode.
  9. I've said it once and I'll say it again there is no known logical correlation between creating Strike Missions and them magically creating motivation to try Raids. That's like saying "because I tried this new coffee this morning I might decide to call my parents today...." A better use of resources would have been to make the Raids tierd diffulty like fractals: T1 "the famed storymode", Tier2 "Storymode+", Tier3 "Normal raid difficulty", Tier4 "challenge mode." HOW and WHY this has been prevented is beyond me but makes sense since they still don't have a Game Director since Mike Z left a year ago with no announcement or replacement.
  10. The facet animation/graphic at the feet has always looked a bit awkward to me. I've played a Herald for a long time and still have not used the facet indicators for any gameplay what-so-ever.; if that is in fact their intention- to let me know what facet is active. I suggest a consolidation of those outward facet sections and reintegrate them possibly along the wings and near the bottom of the dragon's body of the circle. Sleek and minimal instead of being surrounded by a crystal Rolodex. ;)
  11. The other mount skill don't need it since the attack originates from the mount as you're still on it and that's the point of focus but the skyscale is sent out and the impact just isn't as clear. I have practiced it and its still not exactly where you think it will be. We shouldn't have to hope and guess ;)
  12. The skyscales engage skill needs some sort of ground target AOE so we know exactly where the attack will hit because its not always where you think its going to be and if its supposed to be where you are directly facing it doesn't always seem to land there. Sometimes its off to the left.I don't want to have to keep guessing every single time- kinda sorta to the left and kinda someway in front of me? Take the guesswork out and add that AOE ground target. ;)
  13. There is a design failure with the need of CC in many circumstances in PVE. I rarely if ever can inflict enough defiance damage on bosses/mobs by myself and sometimes others can't either. I don't know if the number needs to be lowered but I assume the bar they have is an average of what people can do? Thats actually not a great level to reasonably assume because everyone will have builds that might not include CC skills. So what happens? You show up without much CC and can't contribute and if many of you do? Well WE ALL know what happens then. If they want CC to be a thing they need to make it a bit more easier to make a CC build. I assume they see this as an issue since the EMP does much defiance damage and is deployable.
  14. I foresee us weaning away from legendaries and getting more skins,infusions with "legendary-like" (aka otter infusion, that Phoenix torch) that will just take their place. Not exactly legendary if everyone in the game is running around with a legendary lol. They were a cute idea but there isn't exactly anything very legendary about those weapons with unique skins, some don't even have projectile effects, HOT had the very unique scavenger hunt where you went in-depth into making them and I LOVED the creativity that went into that but now? Just a ton of work and mats and splat you made a legendary- that doesn't scream its namesake.
  15. It used to be worse before that one loot overhaul a few years ago. We all sell most of it anyways so I'd rather just get a tiny but of coins as loot (aside from trophy and AP drops) instead of trash after trash after trash. When it comes to the recyclers like Herta and Princess I wish all of the drops were sellable. Some stuff just isn't, not even on the market or to a merchant so IMO all items in this game should be sellable even if its only 1 copper.
  16. I keep getting AP for which ever event has you running and dodging other traps aka Mario Kart with crystals.
  17. Sounds like we need more Aurene's....maybe even Aurene can birth scions of her own....
  18. How many good fantasy and sci fi shows have you seen? Its all about the compelling conflict not the destination. Whether or not Aurene supersedes all the other dragons or not is irrelevant because there will always be another conflict, another baddie, another mission. Its an MMO after all. We still have massive amounts of lore to explore and even in other worlds and the mists. We COULD catch up to the Human Gods who left Tyria. We could leave Tyria entirely and go to other places. Remember shattered observatory and those extradimensional beings? Where did they come from and also remember Kralk's "mother." Who the heck is that?! So don't fret too much. Good writers always think 12 steps ahead and if they didn't good writers can logically come up with the next compelling plotline.
  19. Mirage was allegedly going to get its own shatters so where are those? If one dev spent months doing this last meta then they CAN assign one dev to work on all elites. They really should make that a priority over new content because we literally have to play said content from the gameplay.
  20. I disagree that it lacks deep lore but agree that a lore book archive should permanently exist, like the "journal" feature in other games. This game, if you didn't know by now usually takes its time exploring lore because if they did too much too soon they usually have to stand by the future choices they make. They give lore inch by inch they can fully control and orchestrate it all exactly how they see their vision unfold. I would also appreciate more lore in different ways like they way they released those 3 mini stories during the end of season 3.
  21. they need to optimize weaver a bit more, having dual attacks is interesting but to get the most use you have to continue to switch attunments over the 4 elements. That's not exactly great for many builds. Its a bit convoluted and their elite skill is just a huge balancing act with little reward.
  22. I agree in them changing it up, maybe just a minor meta or even a minor boss and then just a ton of map events. That way the equivalent of a meta is spread out continuously through the events.
  23. You hit on the most egregious of problems- we all see it, we all know it and its embarrassing; this is the LEAST amount of effort. Even just a paragraph explaining who this person is and why we are there didn't even cross their minds. This is a huge disappointment. It was almost like a fractal just jumping into some random situation and then bam its over. Um...for those who never got to see season 1, thanks I guess? Good try but do better next time!
  24. With them getting rid of the raid team and assuming strikes will magically create this pipeline towards raids just shows the flailing going on behind the scenes. IMO we need difficulty levels like how we did with fractals and I stand by that. The best policy is access because then everybody gets to experience all the content on the difficulty they prefer. I don't see any logical objections to that, do you?
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