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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. All the people that think New World is going to kill wvw, haven't played or watched much of New World yet. It's horrible. Unless they redesign everything, including animations and how skill activations work (like bow), no one is going to stay past 1 month.
  2. Warrior - staff Rev - Scepter Guardian - no idea Ranger - hammer Thief - focus Engineer - two hand weapon Necro - sword Mesmer - pistol mainhand Ele - greatsword or shield I feel fairly confident that thief, ranger and mesmer will get the weapons I listed.
  3. And this isn't even a meme statement. Thief is the only class, that when played slightly above average, you can either win every fight, or at the very least, never lose a fight because you can reset 100% of the time. Mistakes are less fatal than on other classes.
  4. No change in population. Anet just adjusts the levels from time to time. I really don't get why. We went from Full to Medium at one point, with the exact same number of people playing. Then, we went back to full, with (no surprise) no more people then we had at medium.
  5. Mostly wanted to start a discussion on the title. Everything should have a counter, auras don't. Why is that?
  6. Yes, it happens in every tier. Happened a lot last night, and even this afternoon. Lots of 5 second delays, game slowing down, speeding up, etc.
  7. The bots probably only PvP, but that's just a guess.
  8. Simple, remove PPT. Make kills the only thing that matters. That way, stacked servers can't hide in fully fortified, siege capped SMC every week AND still lose the match to stay in lower tiers. The stacked servers will be forced to move to higher tiers or be forced to feed kills to smaller servers (giving them loot and ranks) just to keep their easy matches.
  9. The balance has never favored defenders. In fact, every advantage defenders has had, except guild aura buffs, has been removed or nerfed into oblivion. The time to enter a T3 tower was 45 seconds, people complained that was too long and too hard. So, they nerf walls and make the flip time 25 seconds. Yes, a T3 tower can be flipped in under 30 seconds from siege drop to lord dead when the attacker has an IQ. Doesn't hurt they almost always log an alt and troll the invulnerable before the attack begins. The only true advantage the game has is whether or not you have the most people. And, as players have proven time and time again, they are rarely willing to fight unless they know they will win. The only exception (in NA) seems to be TC, who will throw bodies in PVE builds at blobs trying desperately to maintain the structure for honor sake. That is why some servers, especially with high KDR, hide inside fully fortified, siege capped SMC until they know they are the only blob on the map, then they leave the comfort of the SMC aura to take a tower they have been trebbing for 12 straight hours. Every relink is the same. Instantly, people flock to a link to make a bunch of megalinks that rarely can lose a fight, because they know the enemy has 1/4th their numbers and the attacker has the advantage. Players have shown they want free/easy loot and ranks, and will do anything including using third party tools, alts, and spending real money to transfer to stack every 8 weeks to do it.
  10. Things that should happen to SMC:Remove the supply huts. Make running supply from your own third, and maintaining supply lines, important.The castle should not be an easy 1800 supply for the biggest server in every match. The time to upgrade is fine and it would still require yaks to upgrade it. Other notable mentions that affect SMC:Remove all siege except rams and oil. Limit rams on a gate to 3. If the mega blob wants to hide in SMC, great. But, they should not be able to treb down 6 towers from the safety of fortified, siege capped SMC.
  11. Correct me if I'm wrong but I remember when I read those patch notes on release - they ONLY nerfed the grenades in sPvP. In game, I have still been getting 1 shotted by the toolbelt skill. I've had many fights where I'll be outplaying the opponent, have them low on health while I'm still at 90%~ and while in melee I get just 1 shotted from near max health. I check the log and it was just grenades critting for 3k~ per. Check the charr elite too. The damage it does is ridiculous, and half the time, people have it macroed. That said, you really have to be standing still to get hit by all three grenades, even at point blank range. Hell, as an asura because of the height difference, most of the time you can't even get 2 grenades to hit a target standing on top of you. This still isn't anywhere near as broken as a lot of things Anet lets slide.
  12. I like this, you can't lose if you don't play mentality. This is actually Mag's mentality. Hide in SMC until you vastly outnumber your opponent...then, all of a sudden, you want "fights". This way they can't ever lose. One on one they have shown to be not very proficient or skilled (although there are a handful who are very adept at solo play), but they are very good at having multiple thieves and soulbeasts press 1 and instakill people who don't realize Mag has a 5v1 advantage, or wouldn't even be outside. People should really learn to play these classes that can press 1 for instakills then. When you step out of spawn, and 20 people hit auto attack once, you die. That is just how Mag plays.
  13. I'm guessing you would approve the change that ALL weapon skills should now require a target too. Because, classes like warrior or ranger, just to name a couple, shouldn't be able to just run away from a fight by using weapon skills to avoid combat and get away. Even thief shortbow 5 should require a target to use...right? If you start a fight and choose poorly, you should have to respawn not run away over and over to try again and again. I'm guessing you would also like to see downstate removed, since it only favors the larger side? (I too would like to see it go) You would also approve of the idea that since all weapon skills should require a target, that they should also require line of sight to cast. It makes no sense for, say necro, to be able to just litter the walls of a tower with marks hoping someone gets hit with them. Or, cover the ground in aoe's hoping to find a thief nearby. Meteor shower, nope cast didn't go off, because the player you had targeted (in order to even cast) you did not have line of sight to. Why should you be able to hit every part of a wall and most of the stairs? Barrage...nope, no line of sight to target. If you want to fight a person, they should be outside so you can both fight fairly. These are on the same level as your suggestion of people can't use doors while in combat.And yes, I would love to see even these suggestions added to the game. In addition to that, all siege is removed except oil and rams, and rams are limited to 3 on a gate. No reason the blob should be able to hide in fully fortified, siege capped smc trebbing things from safety. If they want a tower, they should have to walk up to it and put themselves in danger range to attack it. Stealth should be removed from every class except thief and mesmer, and stealthing in combat should be removed. The only exception would be the deadeye elite, and it gets a single charge. Stealth should be a "turn on or off" and not require constant recasting, but once in combat, restealthing would not be possible. I am saying this as a scrapper main who understands what this means. Thief portal needs to be player only, and the 1 minute cooldown starts after the portal is completed, so it can't be instantly recast by waiting out the 1 min first than completing the portal to use and recast.
  14. I like this, you can't lose if you don't play mentality. This is actually Mag's mentality. Hide in SMC until you vastly outnumber your opponent...then, all of a sudden, you want "fights". This way they can't ever lose. One on one they have shown to be not very proficient or skilled (although there are a handful who are very adept at solo play), but they are very good at having multiple thieves and soulbeasts press 1 and instakill people who don't realize Mag has a 5v1 advantage, or wouldn't even be outside.
  15. No matter what people wont be happy with the implementation of alliances or alliance battles. I think this will be particularly hard on people who did not play GW: Factions, and don't know what "alliance battles" are. Sure, they introduced the idea with 3 way WvW in mind, but with the way the game is going, I think when they deliver Cantha (which is the earliest anyone could hope for "alliances") people should at least brace for the fact that it may mean the end of WvWvW and the beginning of Kurzick vs Luxon 2 way "alliance battles".
  16. That's just it, TC isn't even a T3 server. We have almost no guilds, and no coverage. We aren't even full and got a small link. So, here we are winning our T2 match because the other 2 servers refuse to attack our borderland letting us PPT into oblivion, while we are outnumbered on most maps all day long. It's Monday and thanks to outnumbered pips am already done with tickets on 2 accts. Anet really needs to do a better job of linking, not allowing transfers and devising a scoring system that actually puts larger servers against each other, and not let them avoid ppt to hide in lower tiers.
  17. It seems likely that the next announcement of alliances will be when they give us actual information about the next expansion. They will announce "alliance battles" as a feature. Then you will find out that what they mean by "alliance battles" isn't 3 way wvw with new alliances, but a 2 way alliance battle that is Kurzick vs Luxon, servers will no longer matter, and that 3 way wvw will be no more.
  18. Burning is No one uses burn in zerg fights, it gets cleansed right away And yet, every zerg has quite a few burn guards in it (sinister and viper), melting siege because it's literally the most effective class at killing fixed wall siege and wall defenders, with a pull first. And while using burn guards against the blob is less effective, it kills so quick that it can pick off the slow to respond folks or anyone with no dodge left/tail. The zergs aren't worried about the outnumbered server they are fighting cleansing the burns off, because sword is on a 4 ammo charge and it only takes one to kill anyone who lags, or doesn't see the guard before it's cast. Scepter 2 is a pretty low cooldown.
  19. But large guilds are. It allows everyone in the guild to run as dps, because they just need the boons, not the defensive stats (the golem is the defensive stats). So, 40-50 players, all in comp'd specs to get boons, superspeed, alacrity, yet ALL are dps, since the golem soaks up the damage that the support specs would normally need to cover with healing. Don't leave out that the golems walk through walls, can get barriers and CC + 600 dps each. The lag doesn't improve the situation either.
  20. Here's something that makes no sense to me.Retaliation is meant to punish the attacker for lack of awareness. - ok, makes senseReflects are meant to do the same thing, punish the attacker for lack of awareness. - ok, makes sensePutting a reflect bubble (mesmer for example) on someone with retaliation up, punishes the person who put up the reflect because the attacker keeps attacking. /smh
  21. I don't think so. I tried to gift it from my second account to my main account but the button wasn't there. (My free account didn't even have the item available.) Mine showed "Account Bound on Acquire"Yeah, the item is acct bound on acquire, but the build template unlock only applies to whichever character you click it on, not every character on the acct.
  22. And that isn't even on 1 acct. We are outnumbered so often, I usually finish diamond on 3 accts each week, some weeks 4. I even finished my 5th acct that I never do anything on a month ago. Thanks coronavirus.
  23. Put the link here if you can ;) he did it with scorpion wire probably His last vid was part serious fighting, part scorpion wire fun and part shadow gust lol. I wish I had his level of creativity for his vids. It would really help mine. Edit: Yes his toon is legit mostly nekkid, thus his stats are reduced. I started recently running nekkid as well and its super fun (also on teef)Unless those are pre nerf videos, there's no way that's mostly naked. The numbers, even the health says otherwise.
  24. That's just it, Anet doesn't want people to defend. Every nerf has been in favor of the door-fighting blobs. Watch the devs play wvw streams, you will see them attacking as part of a blob, or as part of a group fighting doors/walls with no defenders. The only time you see them in wvw (with tag up anyway) is on the blobbing side. They want everyone to ktrain, fight smaller groups and doors because it's "fun". They have no idea what it is like for those of us who actually play this as our only game mode, constantly fighting 30-50+ blobs outnumbered.
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