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Everything posted by MedievalThings.5417

  1. nope That's what balance is. Single target hps should equal single target dps. I get that most people don't actually want balance. They think that zerk dps should insta-kill everything in the game. But that isn't balance.
  2. I think the thing that gives people the most trouble, besides not knowing the "path" up, is that you have to adjust your mouse several times while on the run. And people just aren't used to having to do that. So, there is no time to stop and adjust to center your mouse again. Running with either the w key pressed or both mouse buttons pressed is important, since you will still need to be able to run and jump with just the keyboard while you reposition the mouse. Figure that out, and assuming no mechanical difficulties that some individuals have, will go a long way to helping complete the puzzle.
  3. Sadly, anet doesn't even count this as a game mode anymore. Now everything is just pve or pvp. We had 1 patch where they treated us as a separate entity, but then they went right back to pretending we are just pve. I would almost bet money that when the expansion comes out, the 3 way wvw we have will go away, and they will just do alliance battles (kurzick vs luxon) like they did in GW - Factions.
  4. This is amusing to read, cause I play full minstrel scrapper primarily, and I still routinely get hit for 10k+ by gun flame (backstab too, but this is a war thread). Even without making mistakes, I get CC'd and the near instakilled by warriors all the time. Heal scrapper has 1 stunbreak and the only stability is an F skill from a gyro. I would make sure you have the gear on you think you do, because just about every class has a build that can 100-0 a full minstrel scrapper in under 3 seconds, especially if you catch them just after using their utilities. That said, a full spec healer should be able to heal an amount equal to a single full spec dps. Single target hps should match single target dps if the game is balanced correctly. Now, if that hps can tank several full dps, than you have a problem, which yes, this game has some of that.
  5. WvW was treated like a competitive game mode for one whole weekend. The balance patch made some changes to both wvw and pvp. But, ever since then, Anet has gone back to treating wvw like it was pve. So, there is only 2 game modes...PvP and PvE. WvW doesn't even exist as a game mode.
  6. I suspect that the 3 way in wvw will go away with the Cantha expansion. They will probably reveal Alliance Battles like Factions had, make it 2 sides to try and limit the world stacking we see now. They will put alliances in at the same time, which won't even mean anything, since it will just be a Kurzick vs Luxon redo.
  7. What's the issue with the current system? Not attacking, just curious. One of the biggest people have mentioned in the past is that people can basically stalk you without you having a say in it. They can see when you are online, what zone you are in, and harass you in a number of ways. Players shouldn't be forced to be in invisible (which removes direct messages) because someone follows you everywhere to impact your gameplay.
  8. Ok, we are now at 3 years and this trait still does not work. You can still be knocked off the oil despite having it traited. @Anet, do you ever plan on actually fixing this wvw trait? It has been broken since Path of Fire launched in September of 2017.The skill that is removing people from oil when traited is Firebrand, Chapter 3: Heated Rebuke. Fix this crap please. It's been 3 years.
  9. None of the Path of Fire Recipes show up at any of these locations. What do I need to unlock to see the them? The wiki doesn't say anything about what to do. You have to own Heart of Thorns. And, you MUST have the provisions master trait maxed out.
  10. This is why they can't give rewards. Anyone remember how bad all the flying and teleport hacking was when there were orbs? If you gave winners any tangible reward they would just stack harder and cheat more often.
  11. It's coming to steam soon too, and valve will probably have to offer refunds from the massive backlash if they do not fix their servers by then. This is what I imagine will happen. And it will give the game (and company) a bad name to a lot of people.
  12. We have been asking for a "hide other players effects" since launch. Every mmo for 20 years has had this option, except Guild Wars.No one in the game even knows what any of the bosses in the game look like, because every fight is a giant, seizure-inducing light show.
  13. And I'm really sick of people bandwagoning to one server to fight doors with 70 people.Also, I'm really sick of being in a 2v5-10 fight, constantly downing 2 or 3 and have them all just instantly ressing each other over and over until I make a mistake. There is nothing wrong with balistas. The karma train has already whined enough to get walls and siege nerfed, and that includes balistas.
  14. My favorite is casting a reflect like feedback on a large group and do nothing else. With no one hitting me watching the endless conditions pile on me and my health drop to near nothing because I cast a single reflect skill. There are a lot of issues that need to be addressed.
  15. It should be locked behind the expac (and likely will be), not have an in-game or gem store cost. It gives people incentive to buy the expac, but it doesn't annoy the playerbase even further than previous monetizations.
  16. The only real currency in wvw is skirmish tickets. But yeah, once you have legendary armor of each weight, and the backpiece and ring, there isn't much use for even that.
  17. True.But conversely, Ogrewatch is the very easiest tower to keep.One best and one average tower isn't balance. But it isn't. The easiest tower to defend is Aldon's, with Veloka a close second. Green not only has the easiest tower to defend, they have the easiest third to defend. Which seems an odd choice to give the easiest third to the server that is likely the biggest/strongest in a matchup (less true today with all the bandwagon blobs losing on purpose for easier matches, but still mostly true in T1). For years I suggested several changes to EB, which included moving the walls at SMC and Overlook back so that the strongest server (usually green) couldn't just treb red's keep all day. They finally got to that one. There are several other changes that still need to be addressed. The vista hill needs a balance pass. And, in the spirit of actual competition, each third needs a balance pass to fix the fact that they are not equal, both in terms of holding/upgrading and backcapping. The same pass needs to be done to the borderlands. The maps need to be equal in terms of the effort required to defend them, clear them, and retake them. Yet, red's borderland (with red usually being the weakest server in a match) is the hardest to defend, hold, and retake.
  18. There are some very twitchy people playing, but yes OP, it is pretty obvious sometimes when a macro is being used. Moa them and laugh, when timed right. But, yes, I wish Anet would allow macro use in game, just like I wish they would allow us to modify the UI. Neither is ever going to happen. But, good luck on your request.
  19. In today's devs play wvw stream, they mentioned "when world restructuring is done" as an offhand remark to something else they were talking about. I guess they still think it will happen...someday.
  20. The game mode was designed after Dark Age of Camelot, yet they made the guards hit for 1/10th of what they did in that game. The guards should be fast (like superspeed x2), hit probably 5x harder than they do now, and see through stealth. I should not be able to kill an entire T3 camp in 12 seconds, yet, right now I can on certain classes.
  21. I got a good laugh reading the "but it's rare" statement. Maybe your server doesn't get trolled often, but TC is trolled almost hourly, every day of the week.
  22. I voted no because we already know Anet will just turn it into a gem store item or make it a drop that doesn't exist like the invisible shoes.
  23. The armor weights shouldn't exist, that's part of the problem. Armor weights are a big part of the trinity and Anet overlooked that when they added it to the game. It is also one of the reasons they are having such a hard time balancing things. That said, Anet meddling in the conversion rates for crafting mats bas been a problem for a while. It is kind of ridiculous that every conversion isn't the same (whether that is 3 fo1 or whatever). The conversion rates should be the same for every mat. And, if they need to increase the drop rate or change the % nodes for a certain type, they should be doing that, not adjusting the conversions.
  24. They actually said, indirectly, that no work had been done. They did some infrastructure changes for pvp that will eventually be needed for alliances, but no work has been done yet on alliances themselves. They also keep giving us a quarterly road map of everything they are working on, and wvw (alliances) are never part of it. They should just admit that it won't ever happen especially as we approach the 3 year anniversary of the announcement. That said, alliances won't fix wvw. It will change nothing about stacking, coverage imbalance, or people avoiding other large groups to fight doors. It won't stop people from logging alts to troll or to flip their own stuff to lower their score to avoid facing stronger opponents. All alliances will do is change the name of the maps from the current worlds to some random new names.
  25. I forgot to add that SMC should have the supply depots removed. Still takes the same number of yaks to upgrade, but has no supply, ever.If Anet wanted us to fight over structures, why would you give the biggest blob server (usually the one that owns SMC) a ridiculous amount of supply to run around ktraining the map. Not to mention near endless supply to repair and siege cap said fortified structure. Make supply strategic, make them hold their camps and supply lines. Not just "oh look, we still have 1800 supply to do whatever with."
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