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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. I stopped reading your post right here. This statement is entirely subjective. I've been lurking through this thread and what it seems to me is that some people cannot understand not only how business works, but why.
  2. I neither wanted fishing nor Cantha. I think Anet missed a mark by not continuing to open up Tyria -- there is so much more room to explore new places instead of hearkening back to places the game (GW1) has already been. It would seem, to someone's statistics at Anet, that I am in the minority. I hope to not be strongly disappointed with EoD. For now, I'm willing to withhold my biases until I've had time to actually run around in it. I might be surprised, who knows?
  3. Reminds me of the loud cries for the bunny-thumper e-spec in the Ranger sub-forum and then, when it came out, all of the loud cries that it wasn't the bunny-thumper build from GW1 memories. People really should learn to be careful what they wish for from Anet.
  4. They would be wise to not post a countdown timer.
  5. Yeah, there is no competition here. This topic is a non-starter.
  6. LS maps may have appeared to be more empty lately because of the Wintersday festival events. Now that they're over, it might be easier to find more populated maps.
  7. It's completely hypothetical to be sure! No one knows the extent of resources available to Anet. Neither do we know how popular guild halls actually are. However. If we assume guild halls are popular, and Anet has the resources, then sure why not build out an old LA guild hall. Not sure how that would be any different than building a new hall from the ground up? In either case, I would think that Anet would have to start from scratch.
  8. Or, we could assume that they will use their resources elsewhere, in content that might well benefit a much larger segment of the player base.
  9. Why does this make you sad? Play the game, whatever content you enjoy. Exchange gems for gold. Purchase mount skins.
  10. I'm that statistic, for the most part. I don't boost to 80 because all of my toons are already there. I might play the story through on one toon, but the rest? Nah. Seen it, done it. Let me get my masteries and move on. Heck, there are some LS I haven't completed because, for me, they are tedious and often full of cheese mechanics with bosses full of HP that do nothing more than consume time to kill. I'd rather spend my limited on-line gaming time in more dynamic content which open world does well enough for me.
  11. Nope. It's a legendary mount so there should be a lot of effort for it. Also, it's optional so you don't need it.
  12. Please use the forums search feature. This topic was brought up a year ago. I jest! I jest! Happy new year to everyone. Stay safe and healthy!
  13. I think the suggestion is to make it like the [Mentor] tag, which does show the character's name who is tagged?
  14. Forums are for discussion. If you want to post feedback and not worry about responses, maybe try Twitter or Reddit.
  15. Hi!! There have been many many threads on this topic already. Please use the forums search feature. Short answer is that Anet has no plans to implement any further translations.
  16. Even with mounts, I find traversing these maps to be burdensome. The mob density, at certain times, is overwhelming for me. I can't stand Tangled Depths. I've been through the story and the maps and didn't really care for the experience. Thanks for the offer for help, but I don't need it (also, I'm NA). I simply do not find HoT maps entertaining for me, which is fine. I can spend my limited game time on other maps. I guess I'm too casual for them. I'm not much of a fan of PoF maps because of the aggro ranges. I can manage getting around well enough there and can handle most of the mobs but the aggro is annoying which, again, I don't find entertaining. However, given the choice between HoT and PoF, it would be the latter without hesitation.
  17. That's highly subjective. 🙂 I can't stand them and don't find anything fun about them. HoT maps are definitely not worth it to me. Still, I give credit to Anet for their design and I am glad that there is a subset of the playerbase which enjoys them.
  18. Well, I didn't want to say anything but since you brought it up....
  19. The only ones Anet needs to satisfy are their shareholders. As long as the shareholders are content with the revenue, any other concern is academic.
  20. Check the world boss timer. If you engage with the pre-events, you can usually get all 4 events when that particular zone is a daily.
  21. I said before, if someone has something new to add to an older conversation, then by all means. Often, it isn't anything more than necroing a thread by re-stating points that were already made or creating new threads with points that had been previously discussed. Discussion should be more than repeating the same points over and over.
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