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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Already been discussed. Please check the forums search feature.
  2. Had Anet showcased their intentions with the mounts, I believe that the negativity would have been considerably less. Until they were released, though, I believe that most here didn't want mounts because of how mounts are implemented in other games which wouldn't add any intrinsic value in GW2. Resources were thought to be better spent elsewhere when mounts weren't needed.
  3. I have often seen recommended to players in your situation to roll a brand new toon and start from level one. You will re-learn your skills at a more even pace and help you to learn the class changes that have happened since you last played.
  4. Bug Fixes: Fixed an issue with the audio on the Synergetics Cyberscale Skyscale Skin. From: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/105254-game-update-notes-november-30-2021/?do=findComment&comment=1524445
  5. Me, too, but I suppose Anet doesn't want to do more of these and get a bunch of complaints about clipping issues, especially after the implementation of capes.
  6. /endthread Why should Anet re-create something that is already available?
  7. IMO, this is why a suggestion like this won't be implemented.
  8. What is the best/most fun OW map is relative to what one finds best/most fun. Personally, I despise anything HoT (but I do appreciate the design of those maps). I spend a lot of time in lower level maps helping out newer players. I find that to be the best/most fun OW maps for me.
  9. Whatever investments have been made for the expansion have already been allocated through ANet's budget process. Pre-purchasing has no impact.
  10. Dungeons are abandoned content. They have been replaced by Fractals (and some might argue strikes now). I don't think that Anet would want to pour development resources into dungeons at the point -- that would be back-ward thinking.
  11. This is defined by you and your subjective point of view. I would expect the development and marketing teams at Anet might have different, more valid data (and not opinion) which may well be enough reason for them to not implement this request. Perhaps it is more of a no-brainer to not waste resources on something that they don't see as having widespread appeal or significant profit potential.
  12. Maybe check the latest news? https://www.guildwars2.com/en/
  13. Gods, no, please no time traveling. It's such a cheap trope for writers who can't be bothered to be creative. Just look at Star Trek.
  14. It's a good thing that these skins are required to play the game or complete content. They're completely optional.
  15. But you are still constrained by each, individual roll. If you roll 1-100 twenty times, each individual roll has a 1% chance of rolling a particular number. You would have twenty chances to roll a number, which would still be 1% per roll -- the same as my 1% for only rolling once. But again, I'm no expert in these matters. /shrug
  16. Is the chair considered a transformation like mounts? If not, then try using the embiggering tonic on those large norn.
  17. The way I understand it (and I am by no means any math or statistic expert!) is that every 1-100 roll has a 1% chance of rolling a particular number which is not influenced by how many times it's rolled. Just like flipping a coin: it's always 50/50 regardless of the number of flips.
  18. Exactly what Danikat said. 🙂 I agree with #1 and #2. Never had a real need/desire for #3 (and saw a post way back somewhere about RoI and whether or not these items are truly worth the cost in the long run). I did expand storage for materials once, but that was it. No extra bank tabs for me either. I don't keep enough stuff in the bank to really warrant expanding it. With pretty much any QoL thing in GW2, YMMV
  19. Is that how it works, though? How does rolling 1-100 multiple times change the chance of rolling a specific number to more than 1%?
  20. As a ranger main, I find this anecdote to be rather incorrect. Not all of us rangers play like this. Granted, new ranger players often times perform in these manners. I only ask that you not paint with such a broad brush. There are rangers, like me, who know what we're doing. 🙂
  21. It could by taking development resources away from other aspects of the game that might well benefit a larger portion of the player base.
  22. That simply isn't true. I have several people from these very forums on my friend list who I know haven't put me on theirs, and when they're online I know which map they're on.
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