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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. The beauty of my solution is that it doesn't care if there is a problem or not. It just works regardless :) Perhaps, but the point I was trying to make is that no solution is warranted because no problem exists.
  2. This assumes that a problem exists in the first place, which many of us (I believe) do not find it to be so.
  3. People trading outside of the in-game market in no way affects any other player's ability to complete content. The premise of this thread is flawed.
  4. 1> Could be useful, perhaps. Can always use the wiki, though, to know which boss will spawn when.2> Why get free stuff? Disagree here.3> Then it wouldn't be a World Boss Portal Device. Also, there is a thing that you can use to tell you when the LLA is up4> See #4 It's like you're looking for an all-in-one device. While I can understand the desire for one, I'm not sure that it would be profitable enough for Anet to make it.
  5. It's a premiere mount and is not needed to complete content.
  6. He's been like this for a few months now, not just a week ago.
  7. That sounds like folly. Allow racial skills to be used by all races? Why, then, call them "racial" skills?
  8. Primitive how dare you , oh shiny, skritt build things we have cities, lots of cities an lots of shinies. We have more cities than floppy ears and stinky plant people. We have trade" you give me shinies" we have history "really old shinies" We have lots of brave warriors " eek run away" Skritt home land would be easy, pick any major city put the Skritt nation under it. Perhaps over time the Skritt managed to drive the destroyers out of Quora Sum and have been building a city underground that has now been rediscovered. Slightly smarter Skritt using a collection of improvised Asuran salvage and junk has all sorts of possibilities. I thought that skritt were only "smart" in numbers? Wouldn't it go against the lore to have a single, adventuring skritt?
  9. Agreed, but I suggest the OP change the title to something that might garner their attention.
  10. I completely agree with you. I've complained about this in the past as well. The truly pathetic thing is that, at least in my case, Arenanet would have made likely hundreds of dollars more from me had they simply made everything available for sale at full price on their website from the beginning. As it is though, because I have no intertest in playing the game every day (often I don't play at all for months or even a year), I generally only buy character slots and even then, it's at most once a year when they are on sale and generally done with gold -> gems conversion. I think I have bought gems only 3 times since I bought the game Dec 2012. Your loss Anet... Would have likely made hundreds of dollars more? So, there was no guarantee that they would, only that they might have made more. I think that Anet trusts their marketing data than hyperbolic statements from a relatively few players.
  11. It reduces the prices for materials on the trading post, which makes gathering almost worthless for the honest player.The overabundance of certain materials prompts ANet to increase the material requirements in new recipes, making them uncraftable without tedious grinding or buying the materials from the bots.The gold generated this way will end up on the black-market, circumventing ANet's gem to gold conversion and their profit share.The resulting account suspensions generate extra work for the support team, which delays other tickets. I think you are mistaken somehow.This is the GW2 forum for a Fantasy MMO. People here play to have fun doing adventures and experience a lore.You know, with sword and shield n' stuff The forum you are looking for would be Minecraft.com Hahaha funny... not.Gathering is a part of GW2's PvE system. There are gathering nodes, equipment for gathering and ANet makes quite a lot of money by selling gathering tools in the gemstore. I see nothing wrong with expecting a system that is in the game from day one and heavily monetized to work and be worthwhile to use. Most players are here for the complete package that GW2 offers. This includes, but is not limited to, adventures, lore, a sense of community found in guilds, challenges in raids, fractals, PvP, etc and also gathering and crafting. Also please name a major fantasy mmo that doesn't have gathering. It's almost like the "n' stuff" part includes pickaxes, shovels, axes and other gathering equipment for pretty much every fantasy world there is. If you want clear-cut borders between games, you should get rid of Guild Halls first. Building and decorating your own base is something that Minecraft does a lot better than GW2. Even though gathering is a fundamental element of many MMO's, that's not sufficient to demonstrate that the level of auto-gathering happening in this game is not being dealt with in an appropriate way. Or causing an adverse effect on the in-game economy.
  12. Again. We keep saying it. The wiki has information. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wildflame_Caverns"A Mastery Insight located in this area can be seen in the world map; however, it is only possible to commune with it during Dragon Response Mission: Metrica Province, and it does not exist as an object in the open world."
  13. Glad that you find it entertaining and "not too hard." For me, it is next to impossible.
  14. Out of all of the things that are "wrong" or need to be fixed in GW2, this would be near the bottom of my list. I'd prefer that Anet spend their resources elsewhere.
  15. So far i can't enter PoF without listening to herald of balthazar go on about...whatever forgetable monologue it was. The fact that you can circumvent it with the teleport to friend things seems needlessly convoluted. Not to mention that you need to waste one of those things just for that. I thought the discussion was about core Tyria masteries and achievements. I though it was about skipping story.Yes, ok. True. However, the point to which I had responded seemed to be about core Tyria mastery points and achievements. No need to split hairs.
  16. So far i can't enter PoF without listening to herald of balthazar go on about...whatever forgetable monologue it was. The fact that you can circumvent it with the teleport to friend things seems needlessly convoluted. Not to mention that you need to waste one of those things just for that. I thought the discussion was about core Tyria masteries and achievements.
  17. that you can buy directly from the website (like on your phone) instead of requiring the game (some people can't always login to play) to buy what you need you missed the part of @Fuchslein.8639 's suggestion about accessing the gemstore outside of the game which includes buying things not just seeing what's for saleI was speaking specifically to the point of knowing what is on sale and when. Which can be done now with the friendly help of the thread that I linked. I wasn't speaking to the rest of the suggestion.
  18. But mastery points and achievements are account wide, no? Once you've done the story, there's no essential need/requirement to do it again on another toon?
  19. gw2efficiency is not a valid marker for any argument or comparison.
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