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Everything posted by kharmin.7683

  1. Well it's in a way a gold sink, the home instance gather value is nothing u can not get in the open world anyway.Not really a gold sink if you need only purchase it once. It affects the economy the same as endless gathering tools do already.But curious to know ur opinion what u mean it will disturb the economy, I admit I didn't think that much through.Endless gathering tools may have had an impact on the economy, but players still have to actively go to a node and farm it. Many players may not take the opportunity to do this each and every time that they log on. Your proposal would basically give mats to players for "free" without any effort. IMO, this would add more mats to the TP as people cash them in for gold which would devalue the mats. Converting gold->gems would then affect the gem prices (as well as de-incetivize players from purchasing gems with real cash), much like what was seen during the heyday of the Istan farm. Gems were a lot cheaper then than they are now (almost by half!).
  2. Correct. Rebinding a key for the glider would be more of a QoL suggestion anyway, which should be in the QoL thread conveniently stickied at the top of this forum. /shrug EDIT: Rules for necro'ing threads can be found here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/342/save-forum-moderation-and-infraction-system
  3. It's not change for change sake. It's forcing consumers to purchase something to continue the revenue stream.
  4. Are you using copy paste for this comment so that you don't even realize that the person apparently used the search function ^^''? If they had, then they would know that pretty much everything they posted has already been discussed in previous threads on the topic and doesn't really add anything new. /shrugs So that's your way of saying be quiet others have already said the same thing and that's why YOU'RE not allowed to express your opinion on it anymore?No, it's my way of saying that the topic already exists and that others should read those before posting new threads which offer nothing new to the conversation.
  5. Yeah, nothing adverse could happen to the economy from this suggestion.
  6. Hey! Stay away from my weird little androgynous Asurans! So diversity is not for you? Good that tastes are different.I read that as "Good that Asura tastes different."
  7. Are you using copy paste for this comment so that you don't even realize that the person apparently used the search function ^^''? If they had, then they would know that pretty much everything they posted has already been discussed in previous threads on the topic and doesn't really add anything new. /shrugs
  8. Follow that logic to its conclusion and you'd have a pretty generic MMO. While I initially hated JPs and they are certainly side content, they're also a very "GW2" sort of thing. One of many unusual things you encounter in this game that lend it that unique personality. I thought it was funny when I heard that in the original GW characters lacked the ability to jump. I imagine jump puzzles were the developer's way of making up for that! Not sure it's following to any conclusion. I'm not advocating for removing JPs or even granting them less resources. I feel that the amount of attention given to JPs is enough and no additional resources beyond what is already allocated should be spent. But, again, that's me. :) I'm glad that JPs are available to those players who enjoy them and that they are not required content. I have never (and probably will never?) advocate for removing them. I don't want JPs removed or not to be included in future offerings. I feel as if some are misinterpreting my point. I don't feel that I am discouraging things like this. That is certainly not my intention. I'd just prefer these things to not become more prevalent at the cost of detracting from or degrading the main content. I completely agree. See above ;) I have no argument against this as long as the resources allocated remain close to what they are now. Again, all of my points are my opinion and preference. Not trying to demand or change anything.
  9. I always felt that JPs were additional, optional content that were introduced for something to do on the side. I'd prefer not to see additional resources put into them at the risk of degrading the quality of the game's main content. But that's me.
  10. GW2 was a PC based game from inception. Your last point is flawed. Also, no one is telling anyone that they are not longer a valued member of the game ecosystem. I get it. You're upset. But hyperbole never helps an argument.
  11. Redoing old content is not new content. Just my opinion.I would prefer new content.
  12. Somewhere in one of the previous threads on this topic it was explained that griffons (and now, by extension skyscales) are too heavy to benefit from updrafts. Thus, the glider.
  13. There is no setting of which I am aware for this. I believe the intent is to get players to move from emptied maps to ones more populated. The annoying reminder is a way to try to enforce that move. I doubt Anet would entertain your request.
  14. The result is that players don't swap unless their the meta build is suggesting a different stat.This doesn't prevent them. Discourages, perhaps, but not prevent.The ability to tryout otherwise never used stats or weird stat combinations or sigils is withheld for players with legendary equipment.Isn't that where the META builds come from anyway? Players with legendary equipment?There is this cool wintersday sigil which launches snowballs on foes. Who wants to try that out if you have to buy a new 5g sigil of force or 9g sigil of malice after throwing some snowballs?So, either pony up the gold or craft legendary equipment. As I said, I find this to be a gold sink for the game and probably intended to be so. Why put in the playing time/effort/mats/gold for legendary equipment if one can stat-swap with everything else. Just my take on it.
  15. Stat swapping, outside of legendary, is a gold sink. I think that's by design. I don't see the pressing need to alter it.
  16. A littlebit borderline with privacy? It was a lot more than that.
  17. What evidence do you have to support such a claim? I know that for my play-group, none of us enjoy PvP so your point wouldn't impact us at all. IMO, GW2 is more PvE centric than anything else. I don't see anything that would change players' minds to suddenly start playing PvP. @maddoctor.2738 said: What does PVP have to do with DRMs? (Dragon Response Missions)? Most players play multiple game modes.Again, where is your evidence to support this claim? How do you know that "most" players play multiple game modes. I my very small sample (my play group), none of us play multiple modes. Should I then be able to discredit your claim based on the evidence that I have?The people who've moved to other games since the Feb patch didn't spend 100% of their game play in pvp/wvw.Probably, but you know this how?Daily's are a routine for many people, and 2/3 modes are pvp oriented, how many people close the game in frustration before they reach DRM's.Completing dailies isn't required to complete game content. No one has to do them if they prefer DRMs.It effects population.One could claim that many different variables affect population. You haven't supported your point of view with anything factual.
  18. I wouldn't call it QoL. Since such stuff should be ether from the start, or intended to make sure you will spend more stuff to get needed result. But okih gonna post it for 3rd time there too. I call it QoL because it isn't something that is required to complete content. Also, the devs have already posted in that thread that they keep an eye on it, so suggestions have a better chance of actually being seen there. I doubt that the devs have the time to comb through the rest of the threads in the General forum and even much less time than the entire forum and all of the sub-forums. /shrug
  19. QoL Suggestions go here https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas-merged where devs are more likely to see them
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