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Everything posted by Blocki.4931

  1. Because if you kill anyone who might otherwise defect to you, the defections will only ever flow one way. And if you kill all your prisoners, the enemy will fight to the death because they have nothing to lose. This is a 'hearts and minds' campaign as much as a military one, and Smodur's policy hands that advantage entirely to the Dominion. This is a cultural thing first and foremost. Blame the Charr, not him.
  2. Remove Black Lion Keys from the reward table at the same time
  3. We do get follow up balance patches almost every time. They're just smaller.
  4. Seems like a typical, war-minded Charr to me. There has never been tolerance for defectors or enemy spies, so why show mercy to them now?
  5. Snowcrows builds are not for open world. Of course you will struggle. You can't just copy and then you're good at the game, you will have issues learning and adapting.Seriously, the most important thing is just having 25 might. Ignore everything else. Suddenly the game is very easy.
  6. You can never compare yourself to a new player, who has not yet experienced mounts for themselves. Of course you will feel like the game is awful and inaccessible, because you get used to that comfort so quickly.
  7. Just the permanent disengage. It's frustrating if you can't keep up and if they play it right you probably end up wasting cooldowns during your one chance to burst them down maybe.
  8. How is 3 months old news a ship sinking deeper? Why are you mad they don't disclose information they don't have to?
  9. If your amount of player characters shown is high and all of them have very high res then you're going to lag, is it that?
  10. Materials naturally devalue over time as no new sinks are added. We didn't get a legendary item to drive the prices up since S4 ended.
  11. Go through each of the living world maps and grab their respective meta achievements. Look for easy stuff to do, some of them are really long term. Remember to get the meta every festival too, gives you 50 every time too.
  12. So far we got an episode every 75ish days, with content in between. They've been really consistent with this.
  13. When you say it makes no sense, do you deliberately ignore that Charr all sort themselves into Legions or..?
  14. I thought the mobs were pretty tanky and strong for a living story map. I actually had to bring out my Hammer to CC some of them because they would have blown me up... I'm just talking about doing stuff solo though, not taking part in a meta or anything. They're alright. I like the snipers.
  15. Yeah it kind of reminds me of that one Kourna story instance where - whoops, ported out of the map now I'm kicked
  16. It was a bit sudden, but I think Smodur acted correctly - like a Charr during an actual war would.
  17. "nameless mobs", we got introduced to them so they are anything but that. Just because we didn't have seasons of build up doesn't mean they didn't have worthy character development.
  18. Somebody has to be at the bottom. Last and 4th from last with those numbers isn't even bad, at all. These benchmarks are extremely optimized too, so looking at them in a vacuum like this isn't useful at all. In my raid group I consistently DPS top 3, if not 1, as Bannerslave. 16 to 20k DPS is much more reasonable to expect and perfectly fine to beat every raid.
  19. Sustain in general refers to how well characters can shake off or heal back damage without dying. It can be direct health healed or barrier and thus damage absorbed or even having access to a lot of dodges/invulnerability in combination with those.
  20. Yeah it's extremely weird hearing the smaller character noises hahaEnjoyed the first mission and some of the map, but I'm out of time today.
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