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Everything posted by BlackBullWings.2734

  1. hell no.gen1 legendary weapons being sellable was a mistake. ALL legendary gear should be a thing to earn, not to purchase through gem to gold conversion.
  2. oh god please yes.I think what bothers me the most is the on hit effects on enemies, such as freeze, poison, flashing white, and so on. these change the colour of the enemy and make them look ridiculous.But the worst is the on hit effects that create some kind of visual around the enemy. when 50+ people are hitting an enemy, they pretty much turn into a disco ball. the option to turn these effects off on enemies would be nice.There's not many settings that help against this. effect LoD barely does anything against this. Let us turn off overdosed glow on players as well, and an option to turn off player's backpacks so I can't see shit with all those ridiculous oversized backpacks in the way. I'm also curious... does this affect people that can get epilectic seizures from lights? Because it really looks like something that could trigger a seizure.
  3. Man I'd love that. Either piggy back, a new mount, anything really. I'd gladly pay gems for it.
  4. Don't worry too much, some people managed to map break and the new map has an entire empty area further north. I'm 90% sure the new map is going to be extended, like bjora marches did.
  5. it really does give underwater skimmer vibes. just bc they used skimmer as the picture.Would be insanely awesome, could freshen up underwater combat a bit.
  6. Sure why not.Still don't understand why the nalnourished icon even exists. But the colour can be confusing.
  7. no interesting enemies, very boring events, tedious world boss, masteries that make 0 sense and add nothing to the game, sloppy story. This season is a big setback honestly.The prologue map and story are an exception, fantastic map, really got story. the 2 other maps however, very lackluster.
  8. You can combine portal scrolls into portal tomes, which you can buy at the map vendors.there's one for season 3, 4 and icebrood saga.
  9. Chaks have probly killed me more times than i can count.Most mobs aren't very hard outside of HoT sadly.Djinns are pretty high up there too
  10. I'd rather see the hearts being remotely interresting than throwing all the players who put in the effort under the bus. You do the work, and you get your reward, that's how it should be.
  11. Female asuras bc they're cute,then male humans to make badasses,then female sylvari bc they're pretty,then male charr to make badasses.the rest is meh
  12. The only thing i could give you is that you can turn off camera shake and effect LOD (Limit Of Detail). but sadly, you can't turn off overly shiny spam, oversized backpacks, or infusions.Here's hoping one day the game doesn't look like a disco ball
  13. I'd love that. I hate seeing names and certain UI elements in PvE, but in WvW and PvP they are needed.
  14. GRUNT GROWL ROAR GRUNTGRUNT *GROWL2 hours later"I trusted you" OH SNAP
  15. I've made so many characters which I later on deleted bc I didn't like the aesthetic. Not really bc of profession tho
  16. Full hype ahead!Finally I get to see how we met dragon's watch. Btw the trailer said "unlock new rifle/pistol/staff skills" anyone know if these are also for outside the missions?
  17. I second this. I straight up not join squasds anymore in PvE since its such a clusterfuck and I can't see anything.
  18. I'd second this, although not 0.01 but a big nerf to the damage is imo needed, but also a nerf to how much cc the skills do. As it currently stands mount attacks can take away up to 1/4 of the combat from mobs due to damage, but especially due to cc, which stops enemies from attacking you for about 2s. This is enough for players to melt mobs before they can really fight. For the sake of engaging content, mount skills need a serious look at both damage and cc. I'd go as far as to nerf damage to only 33% and all cc/secondary effects having their duration/power halved. I really think mount skills can destroy the fun of enemy encounters
  19. anything that improves the outdated early experience is always a 10/10!
  20. I really hope guardian hammer one day gets the same treatment warrior rifle is getting with the next balance patch.
  21. yep, too much desert/jungle stuff. Would love one too.
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