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Everything posted by Tsakhi.8124

  1. 5 I don't do hype, hype leads to disappointment. I would be lying, though, if I said I wasn't the least bit excited. There are many things that can enrich the game, I just don't have enough information to make a sound judgement.
  2. I will hold my judgement and my money until I get more information. Also, I'm beginning to feel as though I need to take a break from the forum and Reddit because, truthfully, I'm getting sick and tired of everyone's whining. It's like, what do you want? No matter what they do, some of you will never be happy. So how can anyone win? People wonder "oh why do the devs never talk to us reeeee" also the same people: "you didn't tell me what i wanted to hear, didn't live up to my hype, failed everything i wanted reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" So, yeah. Okay. You all have fun with your BS, I'm going to go enjoy the kittening game.
  3. No thank you, I don't need one of my favorite mmo's to become a mediocre, oversexualized, dumpster fire.
  4. Well, that escalated quickly. XD On topic: yeah, that kind of made me cringe a bit when I learned more about Tyria's lore. On my Norn, I was like: "Kryta's politics do not concern me. The only reason I'm going along with it is so that I can progress the plot. Hush hush and all of that sheep." Also, probably shouldn't be typing, right now. Fu fu fu.
  5. I voted Strawberries and Cream, because it's an ice-cream flavor and it's already starting to swelter here. 10 PM here and it just now hit 85F, lol. Also, I want a Strategy RPG inside my MMORPG! Fear the acronyms.
  6. Can't wait to welcome you back. Speaking strictly for myself, I understand the feeling of needing and wanting a sense of community. Hopefully the economy will get better and you'll be back in the game soon!
  7. Howdy! Snacks and drinks are on the table, help yourself.
  8. And I believe that people with kitten poor attitudes should be banned, too. But here we are. As for the actual argument: Beauty is a matter of taste, taste is subjective. You citing philosophy as an argument is such a weird hill to die on; philosophy, like beauty, is a matter of both outside stimuli and mores dictated throughout history. Saying that babies find "attractive" faces beautiful is kind of a weird argument as well, since these studies weren't done consistently enough to hold much merit. Also, the fact that you refuse to show your own fashion makes me question the validity of your argument all together. Petty of me? Of course. But I never claimed anything to the contrary.
  9. I'm going to assume that this is embellishing and you didn't actually chase Valium down with whiskey. If it's not, well, speaking from experience, those two things dramatically reduce your reaction time. Just be careful.
  10. A-Net is not responsible for your lack of financial prowess. The post is full of hyperbole; you were not forced to buy anything, that is on you. You are not owed an apology. And, trust me, they are not going to lose sleep over the lack of your funding. Also, the whole "I rarely post" thing kind of cracked me up, since it says you joined the forum about a day or so ago.
  11. Going strictly by my definition of P2W, no. My paying for conveniences does not give me an edge over my fellow players. I am not stronger or better because I can teleport to my home instance. Should my friends or guildmates want to farm my instance, it is free for them to do so. Again, it is my definition, one's my mileage may vary.
  12. Wow. So first they charge 4000 gems for dyes and now they're fudging up their mounts with unnecessary cosmetic changes? This is really starting to bother me. Are they trying? I know they're working on the expansion, but there is absolutely no reason for all of this bloat. It's bad enough that the fixes break more than they correct, now we have bloat and refusal for a refund. The way I see it if you're buying something specifically for their aesthetics, you should get what you pay for, not the "fixed" altered version that you had no say over.
  13. ...What are you even talking about? If you're still angry over something they already fixed...And it's probably a notification to, you know, notify that the problem has been acknowledged and fixed.
  14. I wonder that, too. It's been happening to me a lot, as well. It's disorienting, especially when you're trying to make it up narrow ledges. Thus far, it has only been affecting my human characters, but I have seen reports of it happening with the Norn as well.
  15. This is pretty game-breaking, so I'm going to go ahead and bump this. Yeaaaah. (and meanwhile, my Ele is crying because he really wants to impale something from 3,000 meters away. )
  16. What is with people saying such and such class is garbage because they personally are not good at it? I mean, I am absolute trash-tier with Warrior, but think it's a really good class if that's your playstyle. And if it's such a trash class, then why can I absolutely melt anything that gets in my way in the open-world? I think we've established that I am mediocre at best and yet Elementalist isn't really hard for me. If we're speaking PvP or WvW, well, I don't know much about that. (I use my Firebrand/DH/Guardian) in WvW.
  17. I personally feel that every living thing deserves empathy, but not sympathy. Empathy teaches understanding, sympathy teaches acceptance and not everything deserves acceptance. I think that Hypnowulf deserves a fair shake, personally. I feel empathy for Jormag, but I feel no actual sympathy; having sympathy means that I have to accept everything about them and I can't because I don't full understand their design. I can sympathize with their struggle but not with their actions if that makes sense. Also, I might be remembering wrong, but in Crack in the Ice, Rox mentioned to you that she thought she was on a beach whilst encased in ice and was not cognitive of the fact that she was ensnared in a huge ice block. Maybe the encased people are the same? Jormag is the dragon of persuasion after all.
  18. It is my main MMORPG, but not my main game; I'm bouncing between Final Fantasy 10, FF10-2, Valkyria Chronicles, Disgaea 5, Persona 5 Royal, Forsaken World, and a little bit of Hunie Pop don't judge me i play for the puzzles and the story oooooooof when I don't feel like anything else. The only time I have ever done the gear grind in this game is to get the ascended armor for my Guardian and I only do that in small chunks so I don't get burnt out.
  19. You mean the reason I stopped playing WoW? Speaking strictly for myself here, but if that ever became a thing I would uninstall the game. I know no one would care because I'm just one person...still, this has been discussed before and has been shot down every time. Every. Time. Also, how hard is it to do a search in this search engine or any search engine for that matter? I mean, this has been discussed before. Open world pvp is optional though. You need to be in war mode. So, if your Guild Leader puts the guild into War Mode, that means everyone in that guild will be flagged? I think that would cause some defection in the said guild, especially if it was done out of spite or in a moment of anger. I just think that it can be easily abused and in the long run won't really contribute much. It will satisfy a very small niche of people.
  20. You mean the reason I stopped playing WoW? Speaking strictly for myself here, but if that ever became a thing I would uninstall the game. I know no one would care because I'm just one person...still, this has been discussed before and has been shot down every time. Every. Time. Also, how hard is it to do a search in this search engine or any search engine for that matter? I mean, this has been discussed before.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sedna_(mythology) It's far-fetched, sure. There still is the possibility. For those that don't want to read the article, Sedna is the Inuit goddess of the Sea, AKA Mother of the Sea. What fascinates me is that many theorize that the DSD is the "Mother" Kralk spoke of. Again, this is pure conjecture and is probably not the case, but this wouldn't be the first time that A-Net has used deity-related names in both in-game characters and items. Further add to this that Sedna is not a complacent goddess, in fact, she is known for her tempestuous nature and her inclination to withhold bounty should she become displeased. Some say the bounty she withholds are parts of her, so that kind puts her size into perspective, even if it is in the scope of mythology. i'm trying to defrost, I will not go to sleep I will not go to sleep I will not.....zzzzz
  22. If you ever find a way to do that, let me know. That would crack me up so much. I would actually put it on speaker so my husband could hear it, yeet off a cliff, and let him hear The Price is Right Losing horn. XD (probably followed up with said husband making the sad "wonk wonk wonk" noise and making me laugh harder. On topic, if this were a wide-spread problem, I suspect they might make the "death" music part of ambient sound, maybe.
  23. So kind of like the upside-down castle in Castlevania: Symphonyof the Night? So, to make sure I'm understanding: The starting area is in the center and you're trying to work your way outwards, towards a fringe of sorts, where you're able to proceed to the next area and the only way you can leave this instance is in the event of a wipe? If this is the case, what happens if there's a disconnect? What happens if there's an emergency? Can you continue on without the person, like normal, or do you have to wait? <--snip because Clan wars is basically a modified WvW scenario I mean, you may not respond, but I'm trying to understand.
  24. I know this will never happen, but putting all level 80s + MP on overflow maps, whilst leaving the new players in low-level zones alone in the main may be helpful. That way, the new folks have a place to grow and learn and the veterans have a place to do map completion and events. And, of course, scale down the heckin' mount damage in the starting area.
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