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Substance E.4852

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Everything posted by Substance E.4852

  1. Is there an option to not have to look at it if I don't like it? Because the current neon laser lisa frank carebear aesthetic is making "tornado shoulder pads" WoW look tasteful by comparison
  2. Bro, if we wanted to run around a barren map looking for fights that almost always end in a gank, we'd be playing fortnite
  3. But one skill to nullify an entire class's ranged capability is totally fine? LmaoOne "Wall of Reflection" that nullifies your entire classes range capabilities... Good one, ill add another.... One small pebble was on the footpath... it nullified my walking capabilities. Its fun saying dumb stuff... if you were actually serious though then im lost for words. "reflect wall/bubble spam doesn't make ranger useless in a zerg" lol okay there pal So its Ranger you're talking about? Why not use unblockables? Im sorry, I didn't know you were actually serious. Use unblockables, stow weapon, position yourself and time your rapid fire is the best advice I can give you.I really hate the "learn to play" phrase because it sounds extremely elitist but it applies here quite heavily. Best of luck on your endeavors."use unblockables" you should probably get into the habit of reading balance updates every once in a while
  4. But one skill to nullify an entire class's ranged capability is totally fine? LmaoOne "Wall of Reflection" that nullifies your entire classes range capabilities... Good one, ill add another.... One small pebble was on the footpath... it nullified my walking capabilities. Its fun saying dumb stuff... if you were actually serious though then im lost for words."reflect wall/bubble spam doesn't make ranger useless in a zerg" lol okay there pal
  5. Same answer every time people ask this Gw2 is has a terrible visual diarrhea problem now and is uncomfortable to look at even when you know what's going on. Combine that with pvp where you die in 3 hits these days and no one is going to sit down and spend time to watch a stream that already has a bunch of streamer UI bullshit all over it.
  6. But one skill to nullify an entire class's ranged capability is totally fine?
  7. Because people cope post hard when you tell them their favorite for profit corporation might not be perfect in execution
  8. LOL. Me too. But without the changes of OP. Just increase the modifier. Just completely unsplit them. I see no reason why the base damage of axe 2 should stay split or the might duration of axe 1. It would hardly break anything in pve. I think that their reasoning is that they don't want MH Axe to become better than Sword or Dagger. Then why don't they buff Sword and Dagger instead ? I mean, Sword AA-2 still hits 1 target !!! Did you guys know Poison Volley (Shortbow 2) does more power damage than Splitblade ? At worst, both should do the same damage, but Axe is clearly a Power weapon when you take in consideration Honed Axes, so it should be normal that it does more damage... Even Winter's Bite should do AoE baseline. I've found that Ranger weapons are outdated except GS and Longbow. If they can changed Guardian skills many time, like buffing Torch to heavenly damage, can't they do the same with our weapon skills ? When you compare Guardian Torch and Ranger Torch today, it's laughable. Changed Thief traps to Preparation, when many of us requested Throwing Traps ? As someone that play many profession, I can clearly see that they give less efforts to Ranger,I can only assume they think there's some secret high skill play where you use the pet to make up for our dismal weapon skill effects Regarding torch, it's absolutely hilarious that our torch 4 is the only one out of all classes that hit's a single target while also being an easily blocked/reflected slow projectile what a joke
  9. We have split balance to adjust damage values and break bars mean CC is usefull in pve The idea that there's any kind of dichotomy is silly. GS and LB are some of our best pvp weapons and both are pretty much BiS for basic pve meta zerg play as well Hell, axe hits like a truck in pvp and was our meta condi weapon till dagger showed up.
  10. Get rid of the might generation and give back pulsing swiftness and fury Swap the stab in where the might was for like 1s of stab per hit Return cooldown back to 60s Problem solved
  11. Dagger (and SB really) was just meant as a PvE damage boost to base ranger Auto is slow as fuck with much of the damage loaded onto the painfully slow fourth hit2 is just a stronger auto hit3 is just a temp dps boost skill It has no snare or defense and even the leap is so short and slow that it barely works in pvp combat Nothing about it makes me think Anet intended this to ever be a pvp weapon hence the total lack of touch ups
  12. Runes/Sigils have only been craft-able for a few months now and prior to that, most WERE worth less than dirt Anet just switching over to a system that makes build experimentation easier wouldn't have any real effect on anything
  13. I mean the other mount skins have been gemstore items to... Sooo... In any case, it is super adorable, I love it's fuzzy face. '3' bad decisions don;t get better the more times you repeat it
  14. Changing conditions into their own type of primary damage instead of keeping them the slow burn pressure damage they were in GW1 was one of Anet's biggest blunders and one they will never be able to undo or correct
  15. Then the game is doing a bad job at doing so. Compared to experiences from certain shooters or MOBAs, even compared to what I see in MMOs, this game does not promote toxicity. We have for the most part quite a good community. Probably because this game no longer requires any real effort and people get carried no matter how terrible they are with no imperative to actually get better thus there's no "git good scrub" mentality anymore GW2 was no better than any other game back when people gave a fuck about pvp/wvw and pve wasn't just one big overworld meta zerg fest
  16. It really only has an identity crisis because it was the only thing that could be paired with torch and split blade still dealt bleeds as a throw back to the days when conditions were just a thing you got as a bonus to regular damage (Maul giving bleeds instead of vuln etc) As it stands now, axe is probably our most powerful pvp weapon for power builds. People complained about LB when I've killed far more people with "winter's bite + hunters call/one wolf pack" this cycle than I ever have with LB outside of wall/zerg sniping. Hell, the only reason PvE has a weaker split blade is because the pvp/wvw version would make it better than sword which would be hilarious given the "melee vs ranged" rule they've tried to stick to.
  17. There's effectively no way to balance SB vs core without changing the way the entire pet mechanic works. Either They are more or less the same by default and SB comes out on top thanks to merge bonuses. Or SB is weaker when not merged and people just stay merged as long as possible effectively making it a whole different class. SB exists entirely as a way for Anet to address the problems of the pet in a pvp setting without having to actually create an entirely new system of AI or skills from the ground up just for one class's mechanic that they probably regret making 1000 times over by now.
  18. Dolyak stance is our only functional source of stability in this game right now. That alone still makes it better than core ranger.
  19. Barrage will always be utter garbage in zerg fights until you can move while channeling and no longer trigger 60 ticks of retal that nuke 2/3 of your hp. Only other way to make it good is to condense it down into like 3-4 pulses with proportionate damage. Effectively a meteor shower clone. Even that will still be worse than spamming CoR into a crowd but it'd be something worth a damn.
  20. Trying to defend 2 most used professions in all of WvW since PoF then compares them to no impact build lol. Im sorry you are wrong. I know you are salty because you cant farm bags because you cant aoe cleave but soulbeast is the most broken kitten i've seen in game to date. Both fb and scourge can be sniped even inside zerg but try to kill a sb among their 5man party lul. You will die before you can reach 1200 range. -Blow all cooldowns to snipe guardian-Down him-Allies just insta rally him-Try again with necro 40s+ later-Eat ~10k of his health bar-He activates shroud and negates the rest of my damage-Get ganked by thief that circled around me while I was trying to be "le elite sniper"-Revive at spawn Really game breaking stuff there bro. I can see why zergs run with rangers in their parties...
  21. its more like rangers trying their hardest to convince ppl that their obviously op builds aren't bad for the game, and that we should look the other way since this class is a special victim with special privileges. More like people who aren't as good as they think they are keep getting ganked by rangers so they take to the forums crying their eyes out, asking big daddy Anet to tip the scales back in their favor so they can feel good about themselves again. Funny thing is bet u had a different opinion about thieves and mesmers when they were on chopping block. Oh how people perspective changes when it's their prefered class in question lmao."chopping block" They are both still ludicrously good roamers while you lot are asking Anet to cut ranger's balls off because you can't just auto run across the map on your mount. But hey, I'll tell you what Thieves have been telling everyone else for years, "Learn to play"
  22. its more like rangers trying their hardest to convince ppl that their obviously op builds aren't bad for the game, and that we should look the other way since this class is a special victim with special privileges. More like people who aren't as good as they think they are keep getting ganked by rangers so they take to the forums crying their eyes out, asking big daddy Anet to tip the scales back in their favor so they can feel good about themselves again. Like the people who whined about Arc Divider? And do any of those specs have an instant cast +40% damage modifier on their bars? No? Mkay then. Bring Sic'em in line with other player accessible damage modifiers, +20% increase for the merged Soulbeast or +40% for the unmerged pet."Every class has the exact same performance and damage in all scenarios so they should all have the same skills and modifiers" lol kay
  23. No, I cannot. Like I said, employees are not allowed to say certain things out in public. Even without inside info, I’m sure everybody knows that not everybody on the same team agrees with a design. Also, I recommend taking articles with a grain of salt. I used to work at a game company and had some connections to other companies, as well. Sometimes, game publishers push complete lies as facts to the public, and I’m not making it sound dramatic or exaggerating. Some of the stuff I know is just... disgusting... Not saying that this particular article people are referencing is BS. Just a general advice. I’m sure this isn’t specific to the game industry. So in other words, nothing to back up what you said other than that we take your word on it? It's also an easily observable fact that having to travel by land involves a level of risk and navigation that is often completely negated by flight. Moving across maps in WoW while flying is basically you pointing yourself in the direction you want to go, hitting auto run, and then tabbing out to get a drink and watch some netflix
  24. lol welcome to online gaming where everything but whatever player X plays is OP as fuck and needs to be nerfed ASAP
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