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Za Shaloc.3908

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Everything posted by Za Shaloc.3908

  1. I definitely think this is a nerf to its dueling potential due to the kiting and "poking" that Precision Strike lended to, but overall I like the change. Having a reliable AoE attack is nice.
  2. Haven't played too much Rev today, but a few notes:-Pulsating Pestilence got ninja-nerfed in PvP/WvW unmentioned in the patch notes since it got a "rework" aka interaction with Invoke Torment. 3 conditions to 2.-Also very relevant: Invoke Torment has a delay, maybe like 0.5-1s? So all of its interacting traits have a delay as well. Most notably, no more instant transfer. Counterplay is more clear now.-An addition: Previously, when both Pulsating Pestilence and Cleansing Channel, I think--although am not positive--that Pulsating Pestilence would take priority over Cleansing Channel. Now since Cleansing Channel procs before Pulsating Pestilence (er, Permeating Pestilence) due to Invoke Torment's delay, the cleanse is prioritized.
  3. I haven't played but I'm just imaging trying to cleave a Ranger LOL!
  4. Well, nothing so far is indicating that it is, so...
  5. Wrong. It's gonna be Charged Mists era until that gets nerfed too. As someone who plays only Core Rev, I can still deal with the Energy costs going up because Ancient Echo has got my back. I just don't like it that Rev utilities are so overloaded to the point that it needs constant adjustment checks to make sure the Rev "Can't use it" I much much rather have weakened utilities which cost less. I think you bring up a very good point. The further energy costs are increased, the more it pushes Charged Mists as a necessity. Increased energy costs is more tolerable for core Revenant players like you and me because we have a higher potential energy flow to be selecting from and therefore more adaptability, but these changes do undoubtedly change the meaning of energy costs and regen. Charged Mists is meant to be an option, but I do see it becoming the standard and slowly redefining the minimum baseline. If CM becomes a staple for all builds because of energy cost increases, then it will just be another one of those required traits in a traitline that has long been seen as essential, and will unnecessarily push certain builds out of viability. We don't really want another Empty Vessel situation. It is not to that point yet, but still important to consider.
  6. Just spend 3/4s to cast Vine Surge before you use it. ;)
  7. Do you guys (ANet) find any issue with the performance of Engi's Purity of Purpose?
  8. With the upcoming balance patch, I have been dusting off my Druid to try to rummage a decent support build for WvW because the spec has a special place in my heart. General viability aside, I have really been enjoying Glyph of the Stars a whole lot. Although it is very niche and can be difficult to find just the right circumstances to use it, I do really like the effects both in and out of CA. With rez skills and traits seeing severe nerfs, I imagine this skill could gain some momentum considering it is getting a significant cooldown reduction and no nerfs to its rez effectiveness. I know it is an unpopular skill, but I genuinely believe that the animation needs better visual clarity. It is rather hard to see in large groups, and the visual effects that do exist for it currently don't indicate very well of its effective area. Considering it is called Glyph of the Stars, I think it'd be pretty cool to have it be more reflective of that and for it be a thematically appropriate dome with stars, similar in style to Winds of Enchantment, another major denial skill. Clear animations for impactful skills are important for both ally and enemy alike; not knowing why your condis aren't sticking or why your cleave isn't working are very important thing to be aware of. I also wanted to add that I cannot seem to gain any sort of water field from the non-CA version of this. I am assuming this is a bug?
  9. Now i wanna say something to that. You know there are people playing condi revs.Besides an axe ,condi revs have no real choice for an offhandweapon (shield is never gonna be used). So Axe is the only choice here. Axe 4 is useful but nothing really for condidamage.And axe 5, the only skill that can be really used for condi classes ,gets flushed down the toilet? Removal of confusion + 2stacks of torment(12secs) gets reduced to 1stack(1sec)?An condition damage-wise reduction of over 95%? Is it really necessary to kill the only condi-offhand weapon ,no... the only offhand SKILL we have? This was done following the same philosophy as other CC skills. This is one of the fewer that inflict damaging conditions, but you can see a similar method was applied to Spike Trap for Ranger. The torment is only kept there to retain its PvE potency since they don't do functionality splits. Yes, it makes the weapon a bit worse for condi Revs, but it's the same story for every class, power or condi. Personally I think the weapon will still be fine because the confusion is kept intact on interrupt and it is in general a powerful skill that synergizes really well with mace. u know the confusion gets removed, ye?Besides the 1sec torment there wont be any damaging conditions on the offhand anymoreOh, I totally overlooked that. Just now saw it. Sad day.
  10. Now i wanna say something to that. You know there are people playing condi revs.Besides an axe ,condi revs have no real choice for an offhandweapon (shield is never gonna be used). So Axe is the only choice here. Axe 4 is useful but nothing really for condidamage.And axe 5, the only skill that can be really used for condi classes ,gets flushed down the toilet? Removal of confusion + 2stacks of torment(12secs) gets reduced to 1stack(1sec)?An condition damage-wise reduction of over 95%? Is it really necessary to kill the only condi-offhand weapon ,no... the only offhand SKILL we have? This was done following the same philosophy as other CC skills. This is one of the fewer that inflict damaging conditions, but you can see a similar method was applied to Spike Trap for Ranger. The torment is only kept there to retain its PvE potency since they don't do functionality splits. Yes, it makes the weapon a bit worse for condi Revs, but it's the same story for every class, power or condi. Personally I think the weapon will still be fine because the confusion is kept intact on interrupt and it is in general a powerful skill that synergizes really well with mace.
  11. Howbout we wait to complain post-balance patch to see how the legend performs? Riposting Shadows is getting nerfed hard and Empty Vessel is getting removed, meaning it will be easier to actually counterpressure them. Wait to see how things settle before making more overexaggerated complaints.
  12. I'm gonna have to disagree with that, personally. Weapon skills having energy allows for legend skills (and e-spec f-skills) to cost less energy. Remove the energy cost from weapon skills and you are going to see all non-weapon skills get a moderately to significantly increased cost. In my eyes this would be a simplification of the class' relatively thoughtful mechanic as well as a way of decreasing flexibility of skill choice and use. Perhaps if what you are looking for is to not be "doubly punished" by cooldowns and energy costs on weapon skills, an ammo system would be appropriate. Although to be honest, it's hard to see where those would fit in. I could imagine Staff 4, Shield 4, Axe 4, and maybe Shortbow 4 working decently with an ammo system, but not really much else.
  13. Eh, I am not convinced that it is weaker than every other profession. Whenever I hear this said, it gives me the impression that people don't actually experiment with builds and can only see through the eyes of the current meta, or Metabattle. What about the class makes it so weak? I would agree that Ventari and Kalla are on the weaker side, but we will probably see a lot more Kalla Renegades in the next balance patch, at least in sPvP. Although Shiro is getting hit pretty hard, I honestly think Revenant is coming out of the balance patch as one of the luckier ones.
  14. I'd like an extra heavy lootbag for killing a banner carrier. I get bloodthirsty whenever I see a banner, and even if I die in the process trying to kill them or force them to swap off it, it is worth it every time. Nerfs to DB would be nice, but so often people let the carrier freecast, even when they are extremely poorly positioned. Providing a slightly bigger reward incentive to killing one would ideally make people actually try to use their brains and make them a bigger focus target.
  15. Kinda curious if Corruption and Mallyx will gain any momentum for power builds, maybe something like a Corr/Dev/Invo core build with Resistance Runes and all the resistance traits from Corruption. It'd be pretty insane resistance uptime, which would not only provide damage reduction, but also a HoT from the GM. Could help replace the sustain from Steadfast Rejuv since it is getting nerfed. Hard to gauge whether it would be worth sacrificing another legend and traitline for it, but the boonrip and CC utility from Mallyx is still quite nice for power builds, especially with boon/stab and stunbreak uptime going down.
  16. I think it's a healthy philosophy for weapon skills, but not for elite skills like Maw, PLB, Chilled to the Bone, Jade Winds, etc. I should clarify that this is a generalization, but there should be exceptions when it comes to things like Warrior's hammer that has a kit largely centered around CC.
  17. We don't want rev to be as boring to play as guardian. For real. I would straight up quit the class if the energy system was removed. Why? We dont have any advantage of the energy system anymore. High cds on weapon skills, utilities with high energy cost and most o them also with energy cost. Whats the benefit of energy? Cause i do not see any anymoreI mean to an extent you are right. But when I am playing the class I absolutely feel the energy system in effect. Some of them have short to medium cooldowns, yes, but generally the CD's don't feel too oppressive given their value. I mean there's something pretty special about being able to spam Banish Enchantment to completely neuter a bunker, to spam Riposting Shadows to get out of a hairy situation, to upkeep major RotGD under major incoming pressure, to completely coat a party in resistance for a long period of time, to pulse out big burst heals from Ventari to help survive repetitive incoming spikes. I don't like playing Kalla much because it feels less like a Revenant if that makes sense, but the core legends maintain something special about them. I feel that energy system intact even if I dont fully agree with every little change they have made in that regard. I still feel like I get to play as I choose, even with some restrictions. Not trying to advocate that it is perfect by any means. I was very vocal about my dislike of the Mallyx rework due to the longer cooldowns, but they adjusted the legend to what it is now, which is a very fluid and impactful kit.
  18. We don't want rev to be as boring to play as guardian. For real. I would straight up quit the class if the energy system was removed.
  19. Somehow I doubt that. For condi Mirages at least. With TB gear, dodge food, and double energy sigils, it makes a notably smaller impact in WvW than it does in sPvP where they will have an even smaller selection of amulets. Not saying they will be S-tier, but I have a hard time imagining a condi Mirage ever being "done" as long as Mirage Cloak functions as-is. Other classes are being brought down as well.
  20. I will miss the confusion, but being able to chill from 900r will be very powerful. Confusion was a helpful addition, but when fighting a condi Rev in small scale situations, I would just try to kite out the confusion and cleanse/strike after they bust all of their energy on it, so at times it could be easily outplayed. Chill will make it harder for the Rev ro be kited, and the additional torment via Abyssal Chill means the enemy will suffer for even trying to kite. Spammable unblockable chill sounds cancerous tbh. My confusion (heh) is in how the will will work when it says 3 strikes. Will it now be a channel skill? Or does it delay each strike over a short period or time?
  21. Yeah I have been thinking about modifying my dumb Ventari/Shiro power build post-patch to see how it fares simply because of the synergy it has with Devastation and the Battle Scar traits. I guess a lot of it depends on what the numbers will be at this point.
  22. I like its hypothetical direction. I think they applied their newfound philosophy a bit too generally and unthoughtfully, but in general I am happy with where they are trying to move the game. Expecting some big road bumps along the way, but I like what I have read so far.
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