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Everything posted by Arheundel.6451

  1. I am 100% certain that they will nerf sb in some capacity, for all intended purposes ranger is a B+ class and because the majority of the GW2 playerbase sits below the average skill level, in most instances ranger will feel and look like an A+ class but...the moment you face actual good players and you see the class is not really that amazing. Ranger is a great class to main, can feel fun and exciting to play but it's not the top dog anywhere, in the end the class has a single source of stability on core/druid and that can be easily interrupted with that long 1s cast time, it's not that hard to shut down a ranger..ofc you still need to know how to play to do that....really it's a B+ class where rev and engi are A+ professions, the good thing about ranger is that the skill floor is lower than engi and rev...sadly the skill ceiling is equally lower. you can count on a single hand the patterns of attacks a ranger can use...and A+ professions can equip all the tools to counter each one of them....with a single build of theirs. The class gets hard nerfed the second it reachs A+ status for any specific reason, was the case with boonbeast and druid before it and not forgetting double bird beastmaster, luckily the core kit of the class never gets hard nerfed that much that reaches C- status (elementalist, warrior, mesmer). I love ranger, I enjoying playing it but...I suggest people to main also one of the professions from the A+ rank ( engineer -revenant -thief) when it comes to WvW roaming/small group ..or even A- rank (guardian -necro).
  2. I have thought the message was clear enough...I have literally said that I buy EoD because of Untamed, that would imply ranger is my main ( even though this talk of mains is stupid, the game should be balanced for all professions not just the one you like playing..anyway). I have stated that most people don't like untamed and that's not up to me really even though I have recognised that the elite is not ranger wet dream but again it could be much worst...untamed could have been at the same level of : willbender-catalyst and bladesworn in the sense, Anet should pay you to play them. Again I want to repeat myself...Untamed is not ideal but compared to the 3 EoD elites I have mentioned...it's still worth an expansion price, that's all I have said.....it adds something relatively useful to core ranger and the traitline is decent, by comparison Catalyst and Willbender are joke and worst versions of core ele/guardian while Bladesworn is just a plain worst core war
  3. The more I try to create something with Catalyst....Willbender.....Bladesworn.....the more I am grateful for Untamed, it may not be the top star, people were looking for but at least I am willingly to spend a 40 something to get the expansion... Untamed is literally the only reason I am buying EoD...all my other mains got absolutely nothing for a 3rd elite, what they have now is complete garbage
  4. All professions except the usual ones : Engi-necro and Rev, all of them have been nerfed with the same intensity both in PvP and WvW, the same nerfs got applied in both game modes....why should it be different for engis?
  5. Anet motto is: "if it's ele...we want users to go through loops and whatnot to get the same things other professions get...in far greater magnitude" Elementalist should not really be used as a beacon of balance, it's mostly overcomplicated and overnerfed for the sake of it
  6. And for those saying:" grenades didn't get nerfed like other things with the balance patch"....it's the main reason against nerf culture. I noticed a trend where the same 'ol professions always get "forgotten" every time a major patch hit....they never forget to nerf ele, war or ranger......but they have "short memory" when it comes to revs, engis and necros....always flying under the radar, always compensated for even the smallest change...with weapon skill/utilities updated on a whim...
  7. If we can at least remove engi ability to throw grenades behind him while running...because apparently on ele doing that with scepter was deemed op...lack of consistency with balance is what I hate the most with this company
  8. There are no roaming rangers...like seriously, from T1 to T5 all I see roaming are immortal scrappers with perma superspeed throwing grenades as they run from chasing groups - celestial renegade dealing 70% of your HP bar with a single shortbow 3 all the while being tanky af thx to jalis dmg reductions utilities/trait - permastealth DE with immobilize/kd or permastealth pewpew condi - immortal core necros or condi/power reapers...and this is what I see on every other day, rarely I see some tryhard trapper dh, cele weaver. I played warrior for as little as 100 hrs and by far...ranger is the easiest class to down, it's not a coincidence that 90% of rangers I see in wvw are just tower pewpew hide/seek. Now I do not claim that you don't meed some trailblazer trapper or try hard cele boonbeast from time to time, but these type of builds do not come close in sheer power to the first builds I have mentioned. I frequently face "TOP roaming" guilds (just a bunch of ganking trolls really), from [SA], [HUNT] and similar clown lords and not one of them play a ranger in their ganking composition....let alone stack them as they do with revenants and scrappers/holosmiths. Nerfs? Like everything in a MMO, every class needs nerfs..and buffs for balance purposes, but nobody with a honest heart can claim that ranger is a TOP anything in this game, it's literally a class that looks amazing at the bottom of the skill pole while constantly striving at the top Definitely ranger sits in a far better place than warrior and ele.....lol I have been maining all three of them for like 8 years now so I can definitely say that but.....when on warrior if there is one class I love to see running at me...that would be ranger hands down...it's like easy victory 8 times out of 10 P.S I would have agreed with you if this was GW2 in 2018 when Boonbeast was broken OP and we had pet swap but now...after sustain/dmg nerfs and pet dmg literally reduced by 66%...lol not even boonbeast holds a candle to a decently played cele renegade or scrapper in terms of roaming and you litereally can't kill anything being played half decently, and ofc at the bottom...there, a pewpew can easily rapidfire some zergling to death..
  9. It is extremely unlickely that any new pet will be able to substitute bird/smokescale/gazelle for soulbeast but overall... I am expecting nerfs to soulbeast as it's certain that a combination of new pets/stats will create some "hard to fight against" bruiser that will inevitably bring nerfs to the class
  10. That's the kind of reasoning I hate....they are the ones who made the professions and now they expect the players to pay for the poor decision making. You make a class to be dependable on AI to achieve maximum efficiency and now because Timmy and Jimmu get killed by such AI...they go and gut the AI....but it's already in the game so you either remove and replace it with something, Timmy and Jimmy won't whine about (wishful thinking I know....gw2 players cry about anything if it kills them) or you stop caring at all about Timmy and Jimmy crying in the first place. You cannot nerf a class mechanic into uselessness....it's not like ranger players can decide to play with a pet or not, it's not our fault you kittened up and neither we are supposed to care if people like AI or not. This is must be the only MMO where the playerbase whine about pet class....or the mage doing dmg with a staff....or the warrior class doing what warrior do in every other kitten MMO
  11. The video is evidence enough that "OP" ranked specs lose any value vs players who actually know the difference between fire and water element and have an understanding of how each class play. In ranked by contrast right now, you can have plat players who barely know how to rotate...let alone have knowledge of all professions and I say this because at the difference of before the MMR got actually changed, there is plenty of evidence, from the devs themselves who made a lengthy blog post years ago, explaining how the initial MMR was....too punishing, so you have it wrong....is much easier to reach plat now than before ..especially because the population is like 1/3 of the previous one. The video is but a small glance of what players go through at the top, from pvp to wvw......there are no stacks of eles, rangers or thieves at that level, you only find stacks of revs and engis and necros...supported by a guardian/firebrand. People can believe what they want..but the numbers don't lie
  12. You play ranked pvp vs bots and the likes...actual pvp looks like this: Anybody can reach plat1 these days....I could play zerker war and reach plat1, the actual pvp above picture a different scenario though : one where the actual dominant professions are shown As you can see ....eles are rare indeed where it counts
  13. The main factor in this balance talk has always been the gw2 community, majority of players don't accept anything less than removal rather than rework, for the gw2 community nerfing means removing. Most discussions are based on emotions not objectivity..."delete thief.....delete pets....delete shadow art....delete cc...." well at this point let's just close the servers and be done with it. Then we have the current team of devs who have opted for a policy of "appeasement" over game longevity, and simply add more bloated concepts over time to keep the game "alive".... For better balance the first thingg which should happen is this community finally losing this idea of crush and burn everything that displease them.....but opening this forum from time to time, I have little faith in that ever happening
  14. The game would be better off for you..not the for the rest of playerbase and if we start removing all "annoying" things on the class you play, I wonder what game we'd play in the end. There so many "dumb" abilities on the class you play and you will find many reasons why they are not dumb...it always comes down to personal bias, you want to remove every inconvenient thing you don't want to fight...then you will tell others to "L2P" or "git GUD" once they stop being an incovenience for you...but that's not a MMO. We have been playing this game for almost a decade now...this knee jerk nerf cycle didn't make things better for anyone. You nerf A...B becomes stronger than necessary..you nerf B...C becomes stronger than necessary..then you buff A again..and restart the cycle. Yeah I am sure, you'll be happy now that A is gone...but then your turn to be nerfed comes also, because it always comes,nerfing is easy...requesting nerfs it easy, anybody can do that. But what about buffing what's not used?....Buffing is not powercreep when done right, this absurd notion that buffing is powercreep is just an excuse used by the mob to justify its lack of consideration for the wellbeing of the game, it's all about personal gain
  15. Against a good thief, warrior is not the only class having it bad...I have been playing since launch and I don't know any class that can keep up with a good thief, if the player using it decides to hit and run all day long. You can only stall a good thief and that's the best you can ask for on any class. Frustrating?..Yes it is, Unfair?...Yes it is...but as I have explained "fairness" is not something to look for while playing a MMO, you will have bad, very bad MU and good, extremely good ones. There are easy sustain buffs you can give warrior, without making it straight OP, things like : Adrenaline Health and Cleansing Ire should not rely on a target being hit...as it's not 2012 anymore; most sources of resistance should be replaced with Resolution as they were intended to give the class , great defense uptime against condis and since they "nerfed" resistance ...they should update the whole thing on warrior. Warrior is already good against power specs, just need some help on the defense line and immediate help vs condis; this would be to bring the class up to date...the rest requires changes like most other professions P.S if you play thief, you'll realize that it's not as easy to stay alive when the enemy knows what he's doing and that's the case on literally any class...yes there are eay and hard specs atm and those need a look at ofc, but generally...it's not easy to stay alive vs good players in general, regardless of the class you play
  16. This thread would be a great point of reference for the devs and players alike if only....people would actually focus on improving what's weak rather than wasting energies with their "revenge nerf" crusades, there are quite few things Anet could improve on warrior....while actually benefetting the whole game...and not only the personal petty agenda of some individuals. 1) Berseker's stance : replace resistance with resolution , 8s duration, stance CD reduced to 25s 2) Adrenal Health : CD reduced to 10s in PvP and 5s in WvW 3) Cleansing Ire: 2 condis removed for Adrenaline spent, now activate on burst used and not on burst hit (better upclose condi clear uptime, better sticking to target) 4)Revenge Counter: replace resistance with resolution 5)Bull's charge: reduce CD to 20s in all game modes For starters, if you want sustain : You must invest in sustain and that means using Defense Line, the traitline can be improved so that it becoems a staple for warrior players looking for more defense options, the idea of some individuals that you should be able to use 3 power lines and somehow still have the sustain of a brawler is simply absurd. My proposed changes to the Defense line would make warrior also that much harder to kill for a thief without straight deleting the MU which should remain in thief favour...that's what thieves do and all other specs suffer just as bad against a well played thief...no exception, the warrior is not the only class who can have troubles sticking or hitting a well played thief...but again that's what they're good for. Warrior has already good sustain against power builds....people stating otherwise are liars , what needs to happen now is to increase warrior defenses against condi burst as the class struggles during teamfights and that's surely not because of power dmg
  17. What has this constant and years long nerfing done for this game? It's short-sighted.....self sabotage at its finest https://tenor.com/view/button-kick-gif-10790675 , after 7 years of constant nerfing, this vocal minority did not grow tired of constantly ask for even more nerfs. With 4 specializations for class, you'd expect to see at least one build for each one of them, being played at above average level....in GW2 you see most time a single specialization being played and most times not even at above average level but still...this community asks for more nerfs....like it will make the game better or increase the playerbase, which has decreased as a consequence of this constant nerfing. Constant nerfing, reduces viability, with less tools given...there will be less chance for players to adapt, this leads to a stagnant meta, which in return leads to an ever decreasing playerbase. There are 9 professions in this game, with strengths and weaknesses, each with its own design philosophy, some professions will excel at duelling, some at supporting and some others during teamfight...now what GW2 players take for granted is that they think of chosing any given glass and be good at everything Egocentric and proudful individuals won't accept that their chosen class doesn't excel at their preferred gameplay choice and will come on this forum asking for nerfs, actually trying to remove the weaknesses of their chosen class at the expense of others. An example would be : warrior player complains that they lose the duel to a duellist class....this duellist class on other hand is not able to teamfight as well as warrior...the warrior player doesn't care and simply wants to nerf the duellist class...it's unfair that his class can lose duels..... I came to this realization by multiclassing...the more I multiclass the more I realize how selfish is to ask for nerfs and use the term OP loosely, out of context and without actual understanding of what the term OP means in reality : OP = Over Performing = the class is doing too well outside the scope of its intended design. A class doing too much as duellist, support and teamfighter is OP...it can only be very good at 1 thing, at best decent at an additional one..but never very good at multiple roles, that's the definition of OP. By contrast what you consider unfair to fight against is not OP by definition......people out there should try to understant this simple concept You cannot win them all and fairness is a relative concept, understand this idea...or quit your attempt to play a MMO
  18. The only builds that ever get nerfed down to uselessness in this game belong to warrior, mesmer and ele...no dev plays them...so easy targets for nerfs during "balance" talks
  19. After 9 years of shroud face tanking....you expect necro mains to suddenly realize where the dodge button is? They will surely give Harbinger some facetanking ability....otherwise we will be able to fill up the grand canyon with those salty tears
  20. The game has been downgraded to kiddy gameplay with specs having access to everything at the press of a single button, not really something wise individuals want invest time into
  21. Really...the gw2 community does that with any class, and warrior mains are part of the community. Not pointing fingers in your direction but it's common to see comments like :" ele need no buffs...because celestial d/d in 2012 blah blah" , literally you can't really have a discussion on the forums, majority of comments are emotionally invested and people simply wish not to deal with that or that profession and if that means asking to gut every single thing on that class....players here will do just that
  22. Nobody forces players to go PvP, what more nobody expect you(generalizing new player, not you as you in particular) to put maximum effort if you don't want to, everybody is free to put as much effort as they like BUT....people should be ready to accept the consequences of their choices. A new player comes and states he can't be bothered to train himself in recognizing skill animation, kiting and more....no problem there, everybody is free to do with their time what they want BUT ...if you put as much effort as a bronze player, you new player will sit in bronze! you new player will accept it! and you new player won't be entitled to discuss about balance! Like in real life...you get rewarded for as much effort you put in learning new skills, you cannot go out there and expect to be paid as much as a doctor while working as a supermarket cashier. Back in GW1, people would train for weeks...months, to learn all the tricks about fake casting, shield equip mid animation, body block and more and to be able to play 4-5 professions was a requirement, here in GW2, somebody plays barely 100hrs and already expect to be top rank while playing a single profession and this was the issue which arised during Season 2, at the time when the devs still used the non-mixing matchmaking and new players would not start from 1200 internal rank. I made a "joke" thread suggesting Anet to remove PvP and just leave WvW, that's the right way to go for MMOs in 2022 and moving forward. The current generation of players hasn't got the will or patience to get results by improving...everything is now and without delays, the fact that MMOs are going for realm vs realm, @that Grouch stated how WvW will become the focus of Gw2 moving forward...proves me right, this is not the same generation of players who enjoyed games on the same line of Everquest.... P.S yes...MMOs will ofc have OP aspects on every profession on rotation but the meaning of OP has lost any meaning. OP/broken doesn't equal to a class beating you, OP/broken means that something plays out in a distorted way respect to its intended purpose, a class being a challenge for you to beat is absolutely normal...anybody who does not look for a challenge, should not go PvP
  23. The truly broken specs tend to have a high skill ceiling as such they become broken at the highest level, by contrast the lower ceiling specs are deemed OP at the lowest levels. Over 90% of nerf threads are started by players who ignore the meaning of timing, dodge counting, kiting...basic pvp principles. The low ceiling specs will fare badly against opponents who possess basic pvp knowledge...this is why MAT representation is focused always around the same 3-4 professions. Now if a company start nerfing anything that @Timmy failed to dodge...well we can see what happens
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