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Everything posted by ArthurDent.9538

  1. Not even close, there's a reason why basically everything was able to stalemate the actual bunker vindicators in the tourney today including specters and a zerk herald which had no trouble doing so where as pre EoD duelists like core ranger and fire weaver would make mince meat of a herald and force them to run for their life in under a minute at most. You are probably getting rekt by more offensive variants and not picking up on it as vindi does have a fairly large amount of build flexibility at the moment as we saw in the EU open bracket.
  2. Except for cleave dps, impossible odds procs are single target due to the icd while jalis hammers not only cleave but they don't seem to have a target cap. Im not sure how many targets you need to be cleaving for hammers to pull ahead in overall dps but it's probably only 1 extra enemy. Fortunately impossible odds hits focus your targeted enemy so you won't waste dps on less important adds generally.
  3. There no real argument for impossible odds being op. Impossible odds is simply the primary damage skill for the shiro kit so obviously for an energy management class optimal dps rotations are going to dump all energy not used on weapon skills into it. The other skills in the shiro kit provide much more utility and serve their purpose well enough and the only way to make them the new dps energy dump they would have to be insanely op. Its like staff thief, they spam staff 2 for dps instead of 5 not because 5 is bad, 2 is just better for pure dps, 5 gives an evade and more mobility so that is its merit and it is fine that way. Occasionally you get dumb people thinking anet should be balance staff thief to use both 2 and 5 in a pure dps rotation which will never happen (baring thief initiative rework which would be dumb) it will always be one or the other.
  4. Its good except harbinger cucks it hard which makes it bad and wb better which is a position lots of builds are in right now.
  5. Bunk vindi is still D- tier damage right above support guard and below sup tempest and now has a very hard time stalling certain 1v1's because it can't effectively counter pressure while trying to not die. Dps vindi is still a major defensive liability with slow super telegraphed damage and still feels worse than herald in this regard. I don't know where people are finding these op vindicators but I haven't found them at least not on NA in ranked or at's.
  6. I have always hated the keep increasing cd's on skills approach anet has been taking for for the past few years for everything. A 40 sec cd for a weapon skill on a class without weapon swap is a bad joke.
  7. Harbinger is going to be insane without tree song keeping it in check. Calling it now.
  8. Im amazed anyone considered hammer still overperforming those power coefficients for such slow skills are hilariously low even before these nerfs.
  9. That is the one skill that makes vindi viable at the moment and without it allowing vindi to survive against +'s from harbinger then its pretty much trash. As a sidenoder it has extremely low damage and no knockbacks to force any sort of decaps so it eventually loses node 1v1 to any decapper builds while it can't return the favor against really anything whether it be side node, roamer, support, etc. almost everything can all hold full cap against it at least for a very long time. Tree song also lets it work pretty well in 2v2's because it helps teammate out otherwise it would have major "all my friends are dead" syndrome, and if you go for a more offensive vindi build its still reliant on tree song to survive against condi and just starts hard losing 1v1 to various power builds while not picking up many winning matchups. As a dps or a roamer it simply doesn't have the damage output to function effectively while being crippled with one dodge that costs twice as much and is extremely buggy.
  10. He's going at it from the perspective of you being the best player in your match and you need to hyper carry weaker players. If you are an average/weak player in your given match tankier more passive duelist builds like mechanist are far better than dps roamers.
  11. Sigil of severance is good on staff since you can start a fight/dps phase in staff break defiance bar while proccing the sigil then keeping the buff a few seconds as you swap to swords to do your damage. Sigil of cruelty is pretty much always worse than bloodlust but bloodlust is a good option to put on staff as you can finish off fights with staff to get stacks for the next encounter. For swords use some combination of force, impact, or air. If you can change sigils on the fly (which legendary gear makes easy) sigil of night and slaying sigils become situationally best in slot. Cleansing and generosity sigils are just a defensive option against enemies that inflict lots of conditions. Both good options for wvw but generally less useful in pve.
  12. So you are proposing completely randomized team? 5 man team q only? or something else?
  13. Thread is about how willbender is just a better power herald now; proceeds to link footage from before the patch that massively buffed willbender. Critical thinking not your strong suit I guess.
  14. Probably vindicator actually camp St. Victor and spam treesong if you want to get even more cleanse than that run ventari as second legend and dump all energy for it into purifying essence.
  15. Never mind basically every competitive team across both regions running harbinger you know "a spec which isn't even meta in the MATs"
  16. So did you learn anything from watching the MAT today? The meta has changed a lot since last month.
  17. Bunk vindi is actually going to see quite a bit of top tier play in tomorrow's mat because treesong lets it be the only sidenoder that doesn't get completely blown up by harbinger and it can still stalemate the other sidenodes. Its a very specific strength among many weaknesses but treesong almost single handedly makes vindi meta viable atm.
  18. Saddly its the only decent 1v1 build rev still has for that game mode but it is pretty strong.
  19. Bunk chrono meta was weird. At top tier play it was clearly broken and not counter playable but in normal ranked q's bunk chrono was far less oppressive due to its passivity. It was a weird meta where everything felt invincible but once a target ran out of defense they got blown up extremely fast as both sustain and damage were extremely high at that time. I think that this meta inarguably did the most long term damage to the gw2 pvp scene as they tried to push esports during it yet because the top level play was excruciatingly slow and boring to watch that movement died after one season. I ended up voting for early PoF meta as the top level meta and the ranked meta were basically the same as anyone could face roll on scourge or spellbreaker and dominate all the pre pof specs. I always hated early scourge in particular because all the shade skills hit like a truck and were completely instant so there really was no counterplay for melee.
  20. Being about to win on caps regardless of lord made this much less dramatic.
  21. Eternity's Requiem has a way more obvious tell and still got absolutely gutted.
  22. First several MAT's of new expansion don't count? If not, weird metric to consider since special tourneys are so rare and sporadic and often completely miss entire metas.
  23. It was pretty dead the first few months of PoF but that was only time it wasn't competitive. Thief on other hand only fell out during early HoT including all of core.
  24. The amount of cognitive dissonance here is actually amazing.
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