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Everything posted by ArthurDent.9538

  1. You are using pve values. In pvp riposting shadows is 40 energy and the aliance stunbreaks are 35 energy each.
  2. On one hand anet is terrible about fixing revenant bugs so it probably won't be fixed. On the other hand the animations is only really borked for the other players looking at the rev. So the obvious solution which will probably be utilized will be to nerf vindi to complete non viability.
  3. Some point you need to realize that no amount of nerfing stuff will make you better at the game.
  4. Reaper is meh but probably better than scourge and its fun to play so that's cool. Harbinger is insanely strong to the point of the meta warping around it with high projectile defense uptime becoming much more valuable than it used to be hence why tempest becoming more popular than guardian as a support.
  5. Scourge is quite frankly trash right now. Only play scourge if you are not on my team please.
  6. LMAO everyone getting so defensive on the virtuoso f2. All im saying is if you get hit by it and happen to use 2+ skills which lets be real that's going to happen sometimes then it can easily do enough damage to deplete some entire health pools. Sometimes it may take some extra follow up pressure to force players to try to defend themselves to proc the big confusion damage, or just catch them in a plus 1 when they are already using skills to try to survive.
  7. GW2 - Who Said Conditions Can't ONE SHOT?? - YouTube Sure a wvw video but being in pvp doesn't change a lot, 4k+ confusion damage per skill use doesn't require any sort of special setup like might/vuln/trait modifier stacking other than have 5 blades stocked, and the skill already can do well over 8k without confusion procs so it only takes 1 skill use to start one shotting low health pool classes that didn't stack vitality or have a cleanse readily available.
  8. Or don't run banners like a stubborn moron and run shout bladesworn instead which is totally fine in 2's.
  9. Actually I assumed that would be the case but before patch went live I did a quick bench for full dps herald (forceful persistence + notoriety) without profession specific buffs (banners, spirits, etc.) and got 27k. After patch under same conditions I was able to pull 27.5k after a few attempts with obvious room for improvement. So actually a very small relative buff in the sense all power builds got nerfed by the removal of unique buffs but you can do slightly more dps than you could without them before. Still garbage tier and the new rotation feels like kitten and is much more alacrity dependent but it was better than I expected and I really didn't test all the possible rotation options.
  10. Just take notoriety as the selfish power dps trait from now on as power vs ferocity ultimately doesn't matter its just more damage and more personal damage than ap ever was. Make no mistake Rev not getting an extra 5% crit modifier in traits along with just generally ignoring how bad power rev dps is was certainly a major disappointment. But ap becoming a dead trait is no big deal because notoriety is a decent damage increasing replacement.
  11. 6 secs of alacrity is just a 1.2 sec cd reduction for the skills that are on cd at the time. It really isn't that strong considering how rarely a tempest can realistically finish an overload and the opportunity cost of no aura heals.
  12. The facet cool down increases are complete and total bull shlt.
  13. They want you to camp glint a little longer to get the double facet activations which going by quick napkin math can get perma quickness but you will need extremely high boon duration and won't have much rotation flexibility.
  14. Considering 90+% of anet's changes for the past 2 years have been nerfs, being ignored is a blessing.
  15. I program my bots to accuse the other players of being bots because no one expects someone who is adamantly anti bot to actually be a bot.
  16. Possibly unpopular opinion, I like that the meta is heavy on EoD specs. We've been fighting core/hot/pof ones for years and it is nice to have the new ones take the spotlight at least for a few months. Eventually bring them inline with the old ones but for now its still kinda new and more interesting than same old same old. I should add that EoD specs aren't nearly as oppressive as the other two expansions were in their primes. I do find harbinger in particular obnoxious to go against but compared to stuff like release scourge, sb, herald, etc. it's pretty tame.
  17. Not the bunker build, only way you can die to that is if you have extremely low self healing and refuse to kite off node. And by that criteria, every single 1v1 build ever was oppressive to glass specs.
  18. Offensive vindi variants are subjectively extremely fun and reasonably balanced and killing off the bunker build (because lets be real that build is completely useless if it can't even survive 1v1) will inevitably hurt the dps/bruiser variants. And what is the point? Stalemate 1v1's have been the sidenode standard for a long time and basically no one plays bunk vindi outside of very specific situations at least on NA because it is just such low impact.
  19. Bunk vindi doesn't die 1v1 but it doesn't kill anything at best it is just a neutral asset to a team that can only maintain a status quo as any moderate sustain build neutralizes it in a stalemates but at least it isn't a liability to randomly being killed though decapper builds will steal its node eventually. More offensive variants can get kills but also can be killed 1v1 so that balances out. Notice how bunk vindi was heavily used in the hardstuck conquest league tourney yet wasn't used much in the MAT a week later. The difference was hardstuck didn't allow spec stacking so a low risk low reward build like bunk vindi was a better option than running a build that had more potential reward but more risk of being obliterated by a harbinger that could afford the time go plus a sidenode. In mat spec stacking is allowed so you see double harb which allows them to be slightly higher risk but way higher impact as a sidenoder. Should harb/wb be nerfed completely out of the meta bunk vindi loses a lot of relevance as why would you run pure tank build that can't even force thieves off a node when you can run something like bladesworn/mechanist/various duelist ele builds/duelist ranger/more offensive vindi builds, etc. none of which really die 1v1 to anything but harb yet have much more impact via more damage, or at least decap potential. I predict bunk vindi would die off on its own because its so passive and generally low impact.
  20. Bladesworn is quite strong just feels awfully passive to play with so much of its sustain being instant cast shout spam while the gunsaber kit is simply a bland weapon that it is forced to use as opposed to having choice in weapon combos. Spellbreaker is far better designed in my opinion.
  21. One caveat with stab is if there are multiple rings from multiple targets being hit by the final impact they will require multiple stacks of stability to get through all of them. Alternatively if you dodge/block the last damage tick of the skill the ward won't form around you and the wards from other things being hit won't affect you.
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