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Everything posted by Poormany.4507

  1. Just suspend characters after the first time they die. It would give a new meaning to "God Walking Amongst Mortals"...
  2. Pros:Revisiting old locations was nice and didn't feel forced. Concept of Response Missions seems like a good idea to let players choose to play solo or with other players. Strike mission allies being helpful in combat, even taking out veteran enemies by themselves, felt natural. Voice acting for the chapter was very well done (still haven't replayed Drizzlewood yet). Braham was not whiny and one of the only few characters who considered the long-term effects of allying with Jormag. Cons:Bosses were too much of HP sponges and felt like they were just made like this to extend playtime, despite it being very boring. Everyone accepting Ryland with little reservations seemed really unbelievable. I would have expected him to be attacked on sight by most of these characters, much less them openly chatting with him and battling alongside him (even as a single, easily unnecessary ally in the Brisban mission). Much of the characters' dialogue and drama seemed unbelievable and forced. Taimi's argument seemed laughable for her to be making, and doubtful that she would so easily dismiss the long-term consequences of allying with Jormag entirely. Would have been much more reasonable for Phlunt or one of the other traditionalist Arcane Council Members. Unless Jormag's directly messing with all of these characters' minds, which doesn't seem to be the case, this just seems like forced drama just for the sake of having it.
  3. I feel like Jormag's plan to use us against Primordus might backfire and Jormag themselves will end up dead against Primordus, with either Primordus and/or Aurene absorbing its power, and leaving Primordus without an opposing weakness. Deep sea dragon could probably help with that, since it controls water. Alternatively, both Jormag and Primordus could end up dead, with Aurene overloading herself with their magic and being negatively affected by that (similar to Kralk) and we might have to go to Cantha to find some kind of cure or magic transfer method (Kuunavang or DsD maybe?).
  4. Air/Mists route seems most likely to me as well - We could ride Aurene directly overseas or through the Mists (although the Mists would probably be the easier/shorter route. Alternatively, we could use airships, particularly if we do end up getting Aetherblade allies in Champions (getting something similar to the teaser art with the Aetherblade ships). Going by boat or water when there's a deep sea dragon somewhere out in the water that is known to be able to control it seems unnecessarily risky, especially if/when its revealed to be near Cantha, and would be less convenient anyways.
  5. Based on the teasers and having "unlikely allies", I would not be surprised if the Aetherblades were one of the Allied Factions, despite being antagonists back in Season 1 and not receiving much attention since. As some people have already said, they may also provide passage to Cantha for the expac.
  6. Kinda disappointed there won't be many, if any at all, new maps in the remainder of the Saga. It really looks to me like there were going to be more originally based on the initial Saga trailer, but were cut to focus on the Expac.
  7. Agree that there should be an option to remove one or both of the buttons from the top of the inventory and re-add them to the dropdown like before. I don't understand why this update was needed in the first place - I haven't seen a single player have any issues with the previous layout. If it had an optional remove setting, I would have been much happier about it, as it would have allowed for some convenient UI customization for players who use the compact and deposit buttons frequently, but allowed those who don't use them as often to not mess up their inventory arrangement.
  8. This again... See the many other threads about subscriptions in which the overwhelming majority strongly opposes the idea. If a subscription was implemented at this point, optional or not, many, if not most, players would either immediately quit entirely, or start playing much less due to having a disadvantage, making it uneconomical to implement one in the first place. If there's no additional in-game advantage like proposed, nobody would get the subscription. Maybe if a spinoff series, mobile game, or something like that was made, it would be fine, but I highly doubt there will be any kind of subscriptions in the console Guild Wars franchise.
  9. I also agree that it looks kind of bland, but it's probably because the devs were originally going to use a lot more new assets in the fractal but decided to save them for the expac instead, as they said on the Guild Chat iirc.
  10. Grothamar for me as well - Had a good mix of interesting story, map, and doable achievements that did not take forever to do. 9/10 Bjora part 1 - Finished story and map in less than an hour (two or three for meta achievement) and felt very underwhelming with little reason to go back to after completing it. 2/10 Bjora part 2 - Slightly better in terms of story, but started the trend of having way too many "do x boring event 20-25 times" achievements to even bother with achievements with the future episodes. 3/10 Vision of the Past - Really fun and repeatable group content with a lot of different styles of achievements. EOTN hub is really convenient and well designed. 9/10 Drizzlewood part 1 - Decent episode with a pretty good story and map design. 6/10 Drizzlewood part 2 - Story was good, but I felt that the two metas should be separate, otherwise they take too long to do for me and I always end up in an empty map. 5/10
  11. Really doubt we'll get as many leaks, or any at all (definitely not months before like PoF), after PoF had pretty much all of its features and maps leaked, and Anet will probably be stricter on what preview content gets released for EOD. If we do get any previews, it could be through development bugs like the Junundu model swap that happened before PoF was announced.
  12. Anything in the game can be called a "grind". Leveling to 80 - a "grind". Leveling masteries - a "grind". Leveling crafting - a "grind". Making weapons/armour - a "grind". And so forth. This is the least grinding MMO I have played. Mounts aren't compulsory, you can play the game without them. They are QoL. They actually are for a lot of group content (Dragonfall meta in particular), in which not having a flying mount makes you unable to get to certain bosses by the time they're killed without having to camp each one for hours before the boss/meta resets. Locking them behind heavy (and largely unnecessary - looking at skyscale map currency step) grind excludes players who either do not have the time for it, or just aren't interested in spending days/hours repeating the same content.
  13. Want: New playable race(s) (Tengu with a new starting area or level 80 starting point seems reasonable to me), new elite specs, underwater combat revamp (if the story goes in that direction), HoT scale map wide meta(s), Canach Would be nice: Player housing, new weapon type(s) (i.e. polearms/land-spears), separate underwater mount Don't want: Grindy achievements or story steps, confusing maps (really hope they don't make Kaineng or the sewers into Tangled Depths style maps), map-specific/limited use masteries, time gated content, annoying characters (i.e. Braham)
  14. I honestly, also expect atleast a Elite Spec for Cantha expansion that is also influenced by the Ministry of Purity. Being a bunch of anti-Xeno people, or at least a certain faction, I expect maybe a new Warrior or Guardain Elite Spec that is about Purging the lands of enemies. After all it would be a interesting off-hand Pistol Elite Spec for Warrior and Guardian or at least a Rifle Elite Spec for Guardian. Modern issues with purging requires modern solutions and a spirit of a Space marine...I mean a Soldier from the Ministry of Purity to scream for the Emperor while calling your enemies Xeno scum.They do mention The Seven Canthan Spears order in the Canthan royal military in one of the letters in the fractal, so maybe we'll get some kind of land-spear elite spec or mastery.
  15. Agree that the skimmer should be at least slightly faster underwater. I also wish that you didn't have to press a button to dive and would just be able to point downward to do so.
  16. Playing on high speed internet, GW2's the only game that has lag issues, and it only started around late April/May on PoF/LWS4 maps, so pretty sure it's on Anet's side. I can barely play on those maps due to skill lag and cannot do group events on them at all, while almost all other maps are playable. Really hoping this gets fixed soon.
  17. Jormag has dealt some blows, but we have hit back pretty well ourselves, killing many important entities in its army. freeing the corrupted Sprints of the Wild, and doing something about Ryland, are, IMO, the last two major stepping stones before we can really kill Jormag. Also we would need either a replacement for taking Jormag's energy (or that of one or more of the dead elder dragons) or risk Aurene taking it and getting tormented like Kralk was. Since the story hasn't pointed in any way to the former (unless it does so next episode or two), I think either Aurene will get corrupted/tormented and we have to look for a cure or we'll force Jormag into a stalemate and have them re-emerge sometime after the Cantha Expac for a Jormag/Primordus showdown. Regarding the next area, if Anet sticks to the EoTN pattern, I think it'll either be near the Giant's Basin in Woodland Cascades or the big lake north of Bitterfrost. The former could be Jormag trying to pit the centaurs and humans against each other and promising them conquest over each other while corrupting both. The latter could be a search for a replacement for Jormag or some kind of macguffin to use against them.
  18. Have been getting these for years now, always at the end of story instances after a cutscene. Guaranteed to get it at least once or twice per character when playing The Departing mission in PoF.
  19. Really looking forward to the diving ability! Just hoping the collection isn't overly long and tedious like the skyscale ones ;)
  20. EU Server here - Heavy lag in PoF areas for past few weeks and same random server error popups for no reason every few minutes for the past few days.
  21. This used to be a feature on the log-in screen but was removed with the new login screen UI around when HoT was released. It's not really that big of a thing, so I doubt it will be added in again, but would still be nice.
  22. The Eagle one was actually in the Icebrood Saga Episode 2 trailer, but I did enjoy having it in game as well. The open world map music felt kind of lackluster compared to prior map soundtracks though imo.
  23. I think Jormag's just playing a long-term game with the Commander and allies, just like they did with Bangar to get the Frost Legion army. Not sure what the end goal is, but they could be using the commander to kill off the remaining elder dragons (especially Primordus) for them. Primordus is Jormag's weakness, was able to damage Jormag based on the Jormag shards achievement, and has been regaining strength recently, so using the commander to fight Primordus and then somehow absorb the energy would be a big win for Jormag. I do expect Jormag to turn on us the moment they get whatever it is they want though.
  24. There's almost certainly going to be another Far Shiverpeaks map where Jormag currently is (north of Bitterfrost most likely) based on the direction of the story so far. This would be one or two more episodes, depending on if it's a two-part map again. I'm guessing since there was a prologue, there will also be an epilogue episode to the Saga, which would introduce the reason for going to Cantha. So at least 2-3 more episodes at the minimum after Jormag Rising.
  25. I like Trahearne as a character, but really do not like how his Personal Story storyline was handled, especially to non-Sylvari characters. He just randomly shows up on Claw Island and afterwards instantly becomes the Pact leader despite the PC barely knowing him up to that point (unless you're Sylvari) and everyone only knowing him as a scholar. It just seemed like a really forced and unrealistic decision imo, as there would have likely been a better candidate for Pact marshall that was unaffiliated with an order, but still known for combat strategy.
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