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Can EoD introduce the concept or earning some mount skins in game?


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I love the mounts in this game. I also love earning unique skin through unique challenges in other MMO's. I know a driving force of the gem store is selling mount skins through their but I find it very saddening that there aren't a handful of skins for each type of mount to earn in the game. I don't mind a majority of them being in the gem store I just want some decent looking skins to earn in the game so I can play it and have something to show off as a kind of achievement. Having a skin tied to a raid/ hard dungeon/ world collectible/ legendary collectible/ pvp rank/ rare drop would be such a delight to see.


I don't see why purchasable skins and earnable skins cannot co-exist and my one hope for Anet is they make an effort to give me something to earn in the game. I don't much care for collecting armours and weapons anymore since I have such a large variety but it really sucks that the only way to make my mount look cool is to spend an absurd amount of money or boringly convert gems to earn a mount that can't be distinguished from one achieved through specified gameplay efforts that aren't gold farming.. 

Edited by Hanako.1827
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The 9th anniversary supply drop give you a good among of selectable mounts. For the price it's a very good choice.

 Still I believe it would awesome to have unlockable skins.

 I used to play ff14 as f2p and I'm still in it's communities even though I quit a long time ago. When I see then unlock tons cool mounts by playing for it I do feel envy sometimes and wished gw2 was like that too. But sadly gw2 isn't a subscription model mmo and so they gotta earn money somehow and so it's very very very very unlikely they'll give unlockable skins. With the situation of the current August sale (a bad replacement for the anniversary sale) I'll add another very x100 unlikely. 

Ps even f2p in ff14 can unlock a lot of mounts .

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If you got the supply drop week one, this week we got to choose from a very wide selection of mounts, and got 2 skin choices in total, which is a lot. 


And tbh, if you grind for gold and swap to gems, you can get any skin you want free and via in game methods. Just bauble farm. Can still earn em 🙂


Plus the track in wvw gives a skin, and the track itself nearly pays for itself 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/1/2021 at 8:06 PM, Gibson.4036 said:

I'm on board for this suggestion as well. It'd be nice to occasionally have a skin designed that has a story to how we earn it.

Technically, though, you can earn the mount skins in game already. Earn 360 gold -> 1202 gems -> Mount Select License.


This is such a flawed argument and it upsets me every time I see it. Can you really not distinguish earning something from a specific intercourse of playing the game tied with an achievement you dedicate to (the term achievement, not the actual achievement you earn as points before you probably misinterpret it as that) and converting gold earned in game? 

If the only way to earn mounts, is to get gold, then it limits my ability to expand my horizons in how I should play since my default option to get the mount as something to solely dedicate my effort towards is going to be whatever earns me the most gold (which is usually a very boring endeavour) 

Edited by Hanako.1827
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5 minutes ago, Hanako.1827 said:

If the only way to earn mounts, is to get gold, then it limits my ability to expand my horizons in how I should play since my default option to get the mount as something to solely dedicate my effort towards is going to be whatever earns me the most gold (which is usually a very boring endeavour) 



Or, you could purchase gems and exchange for gold.  Probably what Anet would prefer anyway.

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18 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Doubtful.  But please enlighten me.  What's the point?  From Anet's angle, they would rather have cash in hand instead of players grinding for gold. 

Thats cool and all, but Im not an investor of Anet so even though I can understand their decision I can't fully empathise with it. I play their game and would like to have more incentive to play it more than a couple of days each month since I enjoy its fundamental frame works, but just find it doesn't expand on them to keep me and the multitude of friends IRL and from other MMO's playing it.

Its a main complaint of the game that every nice looking thing to get is mostly Gemstore exclusive. I personally don't mind that since theres lots of nice weapons and armours to earn in game, but theres nothing for mounts.

What I have always liked about MMO's is seeing something someone has got and thinking "kitten I want that" and finding out they had to do a hard trial and tribulation to earn it only invigorates a positive feedback loop within me to play, learn, get better and earn it, this incentive BARELY exists within Guild Wars 2. A reason I don't want to spend money in the gemstore isn't because I am disgusted by its concept, I actually think its fine since the game doesn't have a sub. Its more why would I buy something in the gemstore when I don't even have a goal to work towards most the time in the game to keep me playing it? Mounts have always been a staple form of achievement in pretty much every MMO that has them. Whether its a random rare drop, a PVP achievement, or raid achievement.

I don't know why you are making this argument either, are you an investor? Just because you know the reason why something is the way it is doesn't mean you have to support it if A. you're the fuel for return of investment and B. if you like the initial concept of what I proposed unless you think its bad that mount skins can be earned through specified means?

The genuinely only reason I play this game anymore is because its just really good looking. I work in the game industry and Anet is known for having one of the most talented art teams in gaming for 3d modelling and Concept art (its kinda phenomenal some of the details of the models in the MMO, my dream MMO is something inbetween GW2 and FFXIV). Its a badge of honour to work for the company on par with blizzard for your CV even though the company is nowhere near as big. 

Edited by Hanako.1827
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That's ok.  Maybe you've not been around that long?

There were a lot of complaints about grinding for things, so Anet put items in the gemstore to make them more accessible.  I'm guessing that this decision brought in more capital as some players purchased gems to convert to gold for those items.  Only recently has Anet started to put things back out into the wild, so to speak, to be obtainable through game play. 

If a player feels that they have nothing to do in the game, and still wants gemstore items, then they can play whatever content that they want to acquire the gold to purchase the item.  Or, if the desire is more immediate, they can purchase gems and convert to gold.  Either option can satisfy depending on the particular player's want.

I would hazard to guess that Anet earns a lot more profit with mount skins in the gemstore than they would if they were made available through actual game play. 


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10 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

That's ok.  Maybe you've not been around that long?


I mean I can show you printscreen of me playing the beta if you're gonna make snarky conjecture. (which is most of your paragraphs)


10 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Or, if the desire is more immediate, they can purchase gems and convert to gold.  Either option can satisfy depending on the particular player's want.


I feel like I should use the "Maybe you've not been around that long?" response to you in regards to generally playing any MMORPG if you believe the 'gameplay=gold=gemstore items are content to earn' line of thinking. Specified achievement in circumstances is more desirable to me personally since I can tie an effort to an outcome. If someones earned gold to buy something from the gemstore, and the other has bought it, I can't really distinguish the value of effort which when backing something pristine looking is what makes it sought after. I might think its cool looking but its dull overall because exclusivity through effort of the game being played is more interesting to me than exclusivity through the means to spend money.


10 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I would hazard to guess that Anet earns a lot more profit with mount skins in the gemstore than they would if they were made available through actual game play. 


The only genuine argument you've made, but the problem is we have never seen the alternative of having stuff like that earnable in game to maintain more players who have potential to use the gemstore, again its makes sense that people don't want to play an MMORPG where the RPG aspect is heavily nullified because the cosmetic source of the sense of achievement has been almsot exclusive to the gemstore for the game. But I can see the validity in this argument, doesn't mean its one I have to back, nor do I believe it warrants making every single skin a gemstore item. 

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5 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Wasn't attempting to be snarky, so please cool your jets.

I don't see a business reason for Anet to implement what you propose.  That's all. 



Fair dues if you say so my dude, I may have misread your first part but deductively when someone mentions another's time played with a question mark as a judgement on their misinterpretation of something because they haven't been around long enough, then I can only see it as immensely dismissive.


Player retainment to use the gemstore potentially. A common complaint of people who dip in and out of GW2 is progression systems and rewards are non existent. I pretty much only play the game to try and  get some of the legendaries I think are cool. But I don't know the balance between whether or not having fewer players who prefer spending more money, or more players who spend less money = an outcome where anet gains or looses, especially since the anet have never made an effort for the latter outcome from what has been seen. That being said I don't see the latter players leaving if some small tweaks were to be made to accommodate for the former. 

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I think the problem is that you want a cashless route to rewards ANet could charge cash for. They need that cash to run the game, so if they give you what you ask, you are costing them money, not making them money.


If the argument is that giving you a cashless route would inspire you (or someone else) to spend the equivalent amount of money at some time in the future, then it may be worth it, but I assume they have run the numbers and assessed how many rewards to paywall.

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I've earned all my mount skins so far in the game by converting gold to gems and I've got multiple for each mount and I'm also quite casual.


The game shoves gold into your pocket even if you try to avoid it, so save up and buy all the skins you wish, imo the game doesn't need another system when the one we have is already perfect, as you can earn gold by doing anything you wish and then turn that gold into any mount skin or whatever you want to have from the store.


Getting a mount skin token or something like that from some achievement/mission/boss whatever isn't any different, except the game forced you to do an activity that you might not like, instead of áctivities that you enjoy.

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7 minutes ago, Tiilimon.6094 said:

Getting a mount skin token or something like that from some achievement/mission/boss whatever isn't any different, except the game forced you to do an activity that you might not like, instead of áctivities that you enjoy.

Not only that, but when a player obtains the desired skin, they probably won't play that content anymore.

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There’s already the option of converting gold to gems. And frankly? Part of me even wants that taken away


do I want GW2 to become pay to win? No, by no means, and if/when it does is when I leave it. 

but i love this game. Therefore, I want the devs to make money, and to keep making good content that I enjoy. Offering skins, which has no bearing whatsoever on the combat or skill of the game, for money? That is the PERFECT route. It adds to the customization aspect, some social prestige, and more, without giving literally any edge to those who buy them. 

these purchases continue making the game. To say someone who plays is ‘not an investor’ is a bit dishonest. Asking for something for nothing is an insult to the developers, their years of training/honing their craft, and to the designers who put their work in, too. Especially when, again, at this moment? There absolutely IS a free way to get everything, if one applies patience. 

that is the trade off for a ‘living’ game. Especially one with the absolute kindness to have no subscription fee, existing purely off of one-time purchases

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3 hours ago, Hanako.1827 said:

This is such a flawed argument and it upsets me every time I see it. Can you really not distinguish earning something from a specific intercourse of playing the game tied with an achievement you dedicate to (the term achievement, not the actual achievement you earn as points before you probably misinterpret it as that) and converting gold earned in game? 

If the only way to earn mounts, is to get gold, then it limits my ability to expand my horizons in how I should play since my default option to get the mount as something to solely dedicate my effort towards is going to be whatever earns me the most gold (which is usually a very boring endeavour) 

I'm sorry it upsets you. I can distinguish, and have made plenty of posts over the years also asking for more "earn in game". I recently set a goal of finishing out my core Tyria masteries, which lead me to Triple Trouble, which I've never done before and was found to experience. I also started thinking about legendary weapons, which lead me to explore jungle completion, and I did the Dragon's Stand meta for the first time. I found the last fight delightful, and would likely never have discovered it without something that needs to be earned "in game" rather than just bought for farmed gold.

Clearly the idea that everything can be earned in game through gold is a trigger for you, and that eclipsed the fact that I used the word "technically" to modify the statement, and the first part of my post actually supported the idea of having some skins to earn.

Realistically. I appreciate that this game has no subscription. I also appreciate that nothing in the gem store is P2W. I'd actually prefer that they removed some of the convenience items that get rid of designed hassles in game and relied more on cosmetics, which leads me to think that, while I'd like some skins I could earn in game, I really don't want it to undermine the financial model they've got going.

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Completely agree with OP. Although it's nice that they gave us the option to convert gold to gems and buy them that way (unlike ESO who took FOREVER to implement a way to purchase items from loot boxes errrr "crown crates" directly)...it would make it more meaningful if we could earn them in-game. 

I'm not saying dilute their value for those willing to pay the big bucks, but make it something difficult to obtain for those who really want to go the way of earning them with their own in-game effort rather than swiping a credit card. 

It's honestly the one thing I appreciate about WoW is that when you see a player on a (non-store) mount or the armor on his character...you know at some level they earned it. Whether they played the content at the time of its release and grinded for it, or farmed it after...they still EARNED it in-game.

Cash shops that sell cosmetics always cheapen that.

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It's funny how we separate mount skins from armor or weapon skins.

ArenaNet has found a way to monetize armor and weapon skins along a hybrid model. Some are available for gems, some are available with black lion tickets, which has a gem/gold interaction, and some are available through RNG, some are at the ends of specific achievements or collections.

So what makes mount skins so unique that they have to be gem store exclusively or the financial model would collapse?

Occasional skins that could be earned in game could keep the non-whales coming back for more and feeling like they aren't stuck on one side of the pay wall. If the mount skins are tradeable, then there will be some whales who will skip the onerous achievements and convert gems to gold in order to get them from other players. ANet still gets income, players who want to "earn in game" with something more specific than gold farming get an adventure.

The design of GW2 generally does a pretty good job of balancing between whales and full-time-job players and casuals with a little cash and a little time. Mount skins, so far, don't reflect that distibution.

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There is one Mount Skin earnable in-game.  I'm not sure how popular it is, as it is quite expensive and requires a mode of play that some are not willing to participate in.


Be careful what you ask for; Mount Skins might end up in Raids, or require the equivalent of the Skyscale collection...and you know how popular those are.  :classic_dry:

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On 9/1/2021 at 5:54 PM, Hanako.1827 said:

I love the mounts in this game. I also love earning unique skin through unique challenges in other MMO's. I know a driving force of the gem store is selling mount skins through their but I find it very saddening that there aren't a handful of skins for each type of mount to earn in the game. I don't mind a majority of them being in the gem store I just want some decent looking skins to earn in the game so I can play it and have something to show off as a kind of achievement. Having a skin tied to a raid/ hard dungeon/ world collectible/ legendary collectible/ pvp rank/ rare drop would be such a delight to see.


I don't see why purchasable skins and earnable skins cannot co-exist and my one hope for Anet is they make an effort to give me something to earn in the game. I don't much care for collecting armours and weapons anymore since I have such a large variety but it really sucks that the only way to make my mount look cool is to spend an absurd amount of money. 


well, it will be complicated with EOD since the only challenge you will have is to spam F as quickly as possible in a pond to catch a crab

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18 minutes ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Be careful what you ask for; Mount Skins might end up in Raids, or require the equivalent of the Skyscale collection...and you know how popular those are.  :classic_dry:


So? I enjoy collection and hard things to obtain. Its why skyscales were initially impressive to see around. That sounds like a dream compared to every mount being in the gemstore to me personally. If skyscales had a liscence pass to get them that would be infinitely more horrific. 

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