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What are you looking forward to or think looks cool about Bladesworn?


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53 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Having a teammate stealth me so I can instagib ppl.

That and people are starting to realize some shenanigans with the barrier on final ammo use trait, which will end up creating a rather interesting support spec after all. We'll have to see what the scaling is like though.

how do you even instagib ppl when you need to be in combat to gain adrenaline.

as sense less as having your friend stealth you to land level 3 axe f1

Edited by Lighter.5631
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55 minutes ago, Apolo.5942 said:

Nothing, it sucks and complaints are justified.

I never said whether the complaints are justified or unjustified, I just wanted to have a more positive oriented thread, since not everyone has the same opinion and some people may like aspects of it 🙂

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35 minutes ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

Playing Devil trigger and bury the light on beat to the skills I'm putting out.

No matter what I'm holding dragon slash till "Pull my devil trigger" drops.

All of these thoughts runnin' through my head

begins charging
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red

5 bullets
Frustration is gettin' bigger

10 bullets

eats 4K


Eat 3k


Is at 1 health point remaining

pull my Devil Trigger

500k ultra death slash, everything in sight dies


something like that?

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14 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

All of these thoughts runnin' through my head

begins charging
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red

5 bullets
Frustration is gettin' bigger

10 bullets

eats 4K


Eat 3k


Is at 1 health point remaining

pull my Devil Trigger

500k ultra death slash, everything in sight dies


something like that?

More like "starts charging and gets instant focused and downed in one second"  

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18 minutes ago, oscuro.9720 said:

All of these thoughts runnin' through my head

begins charging
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red

5 bullets
Frustration is gettin' bigger

10 bullets

eats 4K


Eat 3k


Is at 1 health point remaining

pull my Devil Trigger

500k ultra death slash, everything in sight dies


something like that?

Hell yes 🤣


2 minutes ago, Valik Shin.9027 said:

More like "starts charging and gets instant focused and downed in one second"  

Start charging behind wall and then teleport out and slash.

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I’ll add my own opinions to this;

Overall, I’m looking forward to the whole thing. I think there will be some cool, effective ways to play this that are very different from how warrior has been played without losing the “warrior” feel that keeps me coming back for more. 
I am excited to see the variety of ways that dragon trigger will be usable in competitive play, as I see fairly high bait and execution potential that will create a very multi-faceted gameplay. I think that the trigger will provide a lot of different gameplay styles.

As far as traits go, I’m looking them over and am seeing a lot of potential synergizing with a variety of weapons, providing an interesting gameplay style. It should be quite fun to play around with.

That’s not to say I don’t have misgivings or concerns about certain things, or already have some feedback I’m going to be focusing on, specifically in regards to weapon skills that I will be looking at in the Beta weekend, but overall I’m very excited and think there’s a lot of potential in the spec 🙂

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I like a lot of what Bladesworn has to offer and I dislike a lot of things it lacks. My top 2 things I like about Bladesworn:

1. It looks cooler than every single new espec shown thus far (maybe not virtuoso depending on preference)

2. It gives the feeling of a samurai.

Bladesworn's abilities looks really swift and deadly. The style of design is exemplary. The floating shell casings and the large sweeping attacks are fantastic design choices by the devs. Bladesworn looks like a samurai in a fantasy setting. It looked to give a feeling of an authentic samurai fantasy adaptation. I'd bet it feels just the same when playing it.

I'm looking forward to how it plays in the beta. Let's go team warrior. kitten those other classes. Lol I don't why I put that but eff em. Warrior 4 eva 😜 

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4 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Im looking forward to get Zerker 2.0.

Insane amounts of downsides for high dmg that will be nerfed into the ground because of QQ but the downsides will still be the same.

It is actually Zerker 3.0 , Holo was Zerker 2.0 since it stole the whole Stick of the HoT balance berserker and now we have the reverseru and warrior is swiping the cool toys from Engi. 

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4 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I want to use all the mobility skills, as it looks quite fun. Fun ends with duels tho...Patience I suppose. We will see what Bladesworn does against Renegades, Mirages and Thieves. Sad that I saw no condi cleanse traits or in some utility. Also excited aout our "Roll for Initiative" as I will finally roleplay thief!

It opens the roaming option for warrior in SPVP and it might be even good option for WvW zergs and roaming, looks like it is something like Holo / Ranger roam builds where they are gankers that can also hold a sidenode in an emergency for while.

Not being great at sidenodes is not a bad thing it would leave the other 3 warrior options their niche.

The cleanse thing is probably so it doesn't end up like early POF Holo and force people to supplement their build with some defensive traits and skills (with the hope that those get the a touch up for the new century) and not plop all the damage traits and skills and just run over everything.

The spec is amazing all around for PVP as it is going in another role.     

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