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Mechanist Feels Like A Whole New Class


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I think there is a bit of misconception there... The spec doesn't do All the work itself. You're still supposed to mix and match existing core skills. Furthermore, yes it has a wonky AI, but the breakbar renders it immune to most traditional CC, making it more reliable in usage than typical pets. The fact it can also use it's skills concurrently to engineer's typical skills mean it should pair very well with engineers that use 1 or more kits.

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4 minutes ago, Random Wax Orc.7695 said:

Unless Core Engineer gets a rework as well,  I am not sure how Anet can get around messing up Engineer elites... because elites need tradeoffs, and Core Engineer was designed with excessive baked-in limitations leaving it with essentially nothing to trade off.  Limited Weapons, No Weapon Swap, Too much eating up Utility Slots, etc.

Toolbelt skills should have been retained and enhanced to have an additional mech skill... further diversifying mechs.  Equip a kit and the mech gets a version of that kit?


Well technically that tradeoff can be quite low ..... considering the tradeoff of the untamed is literally "we need you to choose if you like a 10% dmg or survivabillity penalty ..... which is already compensated with a 15% buff on the other thing .... so have fun with your new mechanics.....


Ok to be honest the mech is a much cooler mechanic then the one of the untamed but still ....

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1 minute ago, Gomes.5643 said:


Well technically that tradeoff can be quite low ..... considering the tradeoff of the untamed is literally "we need you to choose if you like a 10% dmg or survivabillity penalty ..... which is already compensated with a 15% buff on the other thing .... so have fun with your new mechanics.....


Ok to be honest the mech is a much cooler mechanic then the one of the untamed but still ....

Thematically it's cool. No one denies that. The problem is that the spec how it is presented most likely will never be taken by anyone who plays the game somewhat efficiently.

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The mech is super awesome and the gameplay looks fun. It's not viable in pvp lol. People will either burst the mech down and make you useless or they'll cc the sheet out of you which once again makes you useless. Mace doesn't really add anything new and the cool down is atrocious. The golem is essentially a pet and you want it out as much as possible so having 100s to wait for it return after death or dismissal is idiotic. Drop the cool down to 20 or 30 seconds. Bonus points if they revamp the toolkit and let engies get a mech toolkit if the mech is dismissed. Yeah it's more work creating another 5 skills, oh noes well that's what happens when you don't give it many tools from the start. 

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Pretty sure I saw 10s CD after dismissal? So it's not completely trash. They said the 100s CD on death is still work in progress.

So obviously with this spec we are not going to be able to use certain utility skills such as turrets and we won't be able to use the important toolbelt skills like breakstuns and medkit heal. But we do have other breakstuns that we can use and other heals, the damage we lose from not having grenade barrage and the likes is no big deal in my opinion as the mech itself can deal big damage.

Like I said, feels like a whole new class. We lose lots of stuff sure but we still have substitute skills. Looks very fun IMO, we'll see how long the mech can stay out without dying and then we'll really know if it's a bad spec or not.

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3 minutes ago, Kaizoku.1298 said:

Pretty sure I saw 10s CD after dismissal? So it's not completely trash. They said the 100s CD on death is still work in progress.

So obviously with this spec we are not going to be able to use certain utility skills such as turrets and we won't be able to use the important toolbelt skills like breakstuns and medkit heal. But we do have other breakstuns that we can use and other heals, the damage we lose from not having grenade barrage and the likes is no big deal in my opinion as the mech itself can deal big damage.

Like I said, feels like a whole new class. We lose lots of stuff sure but we still have substitute skills. Looks very fun IMO, we'll see how long the mech can stay out without dying and then we'll really know if it's a bad spec or not.

How can the mech deal big dmg? No mods, boons including quickness, alac, fury because its a useless pet and they forgot a share trait.

The only way to get boons on the golem is to steal them from group members or when solo. They made an entire spec for open world. The golem will stomp noobs in pvp resulting in useless numbers in higher tiers. It will be basically core engi with a mobile passive turret in instanced pve.

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39 minutes ago, Gomes.5643 said:


Well technically that tradeoff can be quite low .....

Technically, yes.  But Engineer functionality is all jammed into the same bits of the UI (bits that elites need to use), and other bits of the UI have been erased (like weapon swap).  Core Engineer could have had weapon swap be a kit selector (maybe with the toolbelt built-in), and have a full allotment of utility skill slots for non-kits (leaving space for elite mechanics on the base UI).  Core Engineer could be revisited and optimized, to not cripple elites in advance.

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Engi main with around 6k hours here. I have mixed feelings about this:



- could do great dps as condi 4 kit engi with mech full condi. Or 4 kit condi engi with support mech could be a thing

- open world and solo things could be pretty easy if mech is tanking everything

- mech scales with player stats

- damage numbers seem to be pretty good for mech




- no visual customization, I dont like the green mech nor the super high tech (again)...

- clunky AI, we all saw it

- loss of all regular toolbelt skills -> how does even med kit work then?

- Mace skills seems weak

- dont know how long mech will survive in big pve events or wvw. It could be easily be destroyed in aoe? And then leave us alone with 100 sec cooldown, and then we are basically core engis with 2 traitlines and no toolbelt left


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14 minutes ago, mov.1246 said:

Engi main with around 6k hours here. I have mixed feelings about this:

- dont know how long mech will survive in big pve events or wvw. It could be easily be destroyed in aoe? And then leave us alone with 100 sec cooldown, and then we are basically core engis with 2 traitlines and no toolbelt left


To address this last point. Build your mech for the content you will play. Also manage its positioning. Its not a activate and forget mechanic but one you have to pay attention to. 

If you or your pet are under harsh aoe pressure, shadowstep out or recall your pet to you. 

They are also looking at lowering its cd as 100 does seem a bit high even to them.

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By whole new class, you mean whole old class aka Ranger from GW2 2012 edition? 🤔 


I think Bladesworn and Vindicator were more original (though case could be made about some cross reference yea yea). Most other classes feels copy pasted from some other class.


i admit golem looks cool tho.

Edited by Dracomet.3648
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Those that have beef with this spec should remind themselves that Engi only needs some tweaks to get better and polished, and is reasonably worthy.  Some of these professions are gonna be in abysmal places if their current specs go out as shown.  Shout to Bladesworn, Catalyst, Willbender.  Those guys don't need tweaks, they need complete overhauls.  At least Mechanist has some coherence to it's class.  Willbender is a ham-fisted Thief.  Catalyst is plain garbage, and Bladesworn is what the Engi should have been.

Edited by Borked.6824
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3 hours ago, Aigleborgne.2981 said:

I must admit it looks great but loosing toolbet skills kills it in the first place. 

Sure you can go for all mecha skills and be fine, but if you use any other skills, you will miss toolbet hard. Several skills are taken just for their toolbet. Not even mention tools traitline...




I assume the golem can trigger tool traits passively or actively 

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2 hours ago, mov.1246 said:

Engi main with around 6k hours here. I have mixed feelings about this:



- could do great dps as condi 4 kit engi with mech full condi. Or 4 kit condi engi with support mech could be a thing

- open world and solo things could be pretty easy if mech is tanking everything

- mech scales with player stats

- damage numbers seem to be pretty good for mech




- no visual customization, I dont like the green mech nor the super high tech (again)...

- clunky AI, we all saw it

- loss of all regular toolbelt skills -> how does even med kit work then?

- Mace skills seems weak

- dont know how long mech will survive in big pve events or wvw. It could be easily be destroyed in aoe? And then leave us alone with 100 sec cooldown, and then we are basically core engis with 2 traitlines and no toolbelt left


Remember when no mech out, signet skills trigger on the engineer. So likely trait passive still work out.

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So I see a lot of people complaining about the 100 sec cooldown for the mech. Seriously though, this is an incredibly minor issue. That is simply to punish the afk player. Any real player will simply dismiss their mech and then bring it back 10 seconds later ready to fight again.

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37 minutes ago, Shaogin.2679 said:

So I see a lot of people complaining about the 100 sec cooldown for the mech. Seriously though, this is an incredibly minor issue. That is simply to punish the afk player. Any real player will simply dismiss their mech and then bring it back 10 seconds later ready to fight again.

The ones complaining about the 100 sec cooldown. Seems have forgotten that it won't be 100 sec on eod release. After hearing something they didn't like about the preview off mechanist. They mentioned during the stream that they will balance it since 100 sec cooldown is long.

Edited by Trungar.5031
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Not really all that fussed about the loss of toolbelt skills. What I find tends to happen is that I'm taking a skill for EITHER the toolbelt ability OR it's skillbar abilities. Rarely do I find BOTH useful for the situation I'm in. It does happen, but it's not often enough to complain about. 

My biggest distaste is Mace ... It's pretty relegated to a Hybrid DPS model, much like Harbringer Pistol though with the right trait, your perma alacrity IIRC. 

Overall, it should be a pretty decent spec. Definitely meets the goal of having a different feel for the class. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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23 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Not really all that fussed about the loss of toolbelt skills. What I find tends to happen is that I'm taking a skill for EITHER the toolbelt ability OR it's skillbar abilities. Rarely do I find BOTH useful for the situation I'm in. It does happen, but it's not often enough to complain about. 

My biggest distaste is Mace ... It's pretty relegated to a Hybrid DPS model, much like Harbringer Pistol though with the right trait, your perma alacrity IIRC. 

Overall, it should be a pretty decent spec. Definitely meets the goal of having a different feel for the class. 

I must agree with you on all points. Its gonne be really different, Im sure in pvp it can be fun in the good end, I did see a couple thing that could be kind of op. I find my real issue is the lack of condi clean and stability.

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4 hours ago, iKeostuKen.2738 said:

To address this last point. Build your mech for the content you will play. Also manage its positioning. Its not a activate and forget mechanic but one you have to pay attention to. 

If you or your pet are under harsh aoe pressure, shadowstep out or recall your pet to you. 

They are also looking at lowering its cd as 100 does seem a bit high even to them.

Or just playing a decent spec instead that doesnt have rp limitations. without golem you are basically core engi with 2 traitlines. you have no real way to heal it in combat. i mean a way that doesnt reduce you to sub alac ren dps

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