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for god sake nerf rezzing

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i played almost every MMO that came out in the last 10 years. I would put GW2 above all of them combatwise.

BUT...... and that is for real my only problem with GW2 PvP/WvW. DOWNSTATE.

How is that improving the gameplay? It makes sense for PvE but in any player versus player combat.... idk man..  it is not even balanced.. some professions have better downstates than other. for example a ranger and ANYOTHER profession go in downstate at the same time... Ranger will always win it because he has 2 pets doing damage and even rezzing him. Rev downstate is just a big joke for example... it feels really weird /unbalanced/and more than anything unnecessary and unfun.

how unrewarding is it when you manage to burst someone down in the middle of his teammates.... BUT ITS DOESNT MATTER, because they just hit F all together and he is up again.

Please atleast make Rezzing be interrupted on receiving damage or something. But atm its just Rallybots and Boonspamfiesta.

Its even worse in WvW sometimes... Eles abusing the downstate mistform to get into their keeps/towers... they cant die as long as they are close to a Keep/Tower/whatever.  MANYMANY eles are abusing it. No-Downstate-week is more fun(personal opinion).

Edited by Sahne.6950
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also wtf did they do to my snowman ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️ ☃️☃️☃️

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9 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

Yet another reminder to nerf rezzing.

Yet another reminder that finishing is equally broken as reviving, so both balance each other out.

If one gets nerfed, the other one needs to be equally toned down.

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4 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Yet another reminder that finishing is equally broken as reviving, so both balance each other out.

If one gets nerfed, the other one needs to be equally toned down.

Finishing is significantly weaker, because it takes longer (unless the downed body has already taking significant amounts of dmg), can't be sped up and you lose all progress if you get interupted, meaning you are usually forced to blow cds to even have a change at getting it off. Stomp skills are also weaker than rez skills. You can also avoid getting stomped by not going down to begin with (which should be the focus of combat, not downstate management), but you can't skip the downed part when you have to kill someone.

Edited by UmbraNoctis.1907
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i don't think it's rez thats strong, i think it's the class

banner definitely isn't strong, easily interruptible and in range.

rez sig is strong because guard has instant stab without cast time

and tempest can cast and teleport away mid cast and the rez will still be in effect make these two rez super hard to stop


also i've seen plenty of banner denied with not enough healing, and i barely see that with signet, i dont know why

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On 1/5/2022 at 8:22 PM, Zexanima.7851 said:

I don't understand why there isn't at least a debuff after being rezzed. Like for 15-20 seconds after being rezzed you do 33% less damage and take 15% more damage and if you're downed again during this time you're full downed. That way if you get a rez off it's in your best interest to disengage until the debuff is gone. Getting the rez would be worth it still as it saves and respawn timer and they can still rotate and apply map pressure, but they'll virtually be taken out of that specific fight and be punished heavily if immediately going back in. 

Personally my only issue with the rez mechanic is that they're recovering cd's while downed and if they get rezzed, they  can immediately push back in after popping a heal or something. Then if they get downed again, just repeat the process. 

Not only, you even have a brief second of invulnerability after being ressed xD


If it was for me, skills that insta ress like signet, gliph, banner shouldn't exist in the game.

At this point they can't be removed, so give them the 300cd instead, so they can be used max 1 or 2 times per match if you can manage to land them. For the insane value they have it's not even exaggerated cd time.


Then they should remove ress buff traits, make ress healing scaling with healing stats only and make poison -66% healing on downed bodies.


If someone gets insta downed it's because he played poorly, he was bad positioned, he didn't react in time, he got hard focused, so he shouldn't have a second chance to completely flip a game, because in the current state, for a stupid downed body you have to invest like 90% of the cooldowns you have if not all, and it's not even certain you will get it done because how broken those skills and hand ressing is.


It's a cool needed mechanic in PvE to prevent wipes, it's an ok mechanic in sPvP, but should be nerfed like I suggested, it's a broken mechanic in WvW and there should be removed forever, because you are in a war zone, you shouldn't have second chances to be carried by ress bots, if you die you are done, you didn't play good enough, your build is bad, lot of factors.


Hope in the june patch they will make those changes, which are pretty simple to be honest.

Edited by myun.6395
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I have mentioned it in every thread about this topic in which I posted: The rallying is more of a problem. Rezzing and downstate itself ... I see as a fun addition to the gameplay. (In WvW it might be more of a problem though. With huge zergs that can rez.)

Since there was another thread about matchmaking: We have a problem because the matchmaker can only use a single rating number + trying to mix the classes/professoins that people use when queuing. Does not take different builds and stuff into account.

That rezzing only becomes really strong with the additional skills/traits that support it. Or a 2nd player. 1 player without stability and 1 enemy with a few cc (always loved the rifle 4 back then when I still played core engineer) - and it is not that useful. (And on top of that as engineer I could just safe stomp with invulnerability elixir.)

On the other hand: If the downed guy has a good AoE CC ready (some even have this on the lower cooldown ... the skill 2, not 3) - and the rezzer maybe with stability and/or CC as well - then it will be problematic.

Much more ... if some team combination just works better together. Of course in the random teams it is ... random. 5 man premade team that isn't just randomly made up of people from lfg (semi-random) but instead maybe a team of veteran tournament players where every skill/trait is chosen with the other player's setup in mind - would probably roflstomp everyone.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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- Rezzing should scale off healing power. Nerf Nerf rezzing, make it scale off healing power. No reason your typical glass DPS build should be rezzing as fast as a support spec.

- Move rez traits to middle tier. They tend to be in the firs trait tier and are disproportionately strong compared to the competition. Am I bitter that shadestep is currently a GM trait? Yes, yes I am.

- Make both rezzed and downed players keep currently applied condis...Not sure if rezzing removes condis, but downing someone does.

- Remove the period of invulnerability when being downed and when being rezzed - not sure if this is in place due to a technical limitation, but it would be nice.

- Dare I say it, but reduce the cooldown of rez utilities, but make it so they're not 99% of the time an instant-rez - instead, change the effect to pulse a revive percentage to help with rezzing, perhaps give the targetted player some boons, etc. Insta-revive is ridiculous and probably can never be balanced - changing it to pulse XX% revive health per second plus giving the downed player protection, resolution, and stab (so they can't be knocked away) would be much easier to balance around. It would still reward interrupting the skill while not making it quite as oppressive.

- Normalize downed skills to some extent. Having some classes be orders of magnitude stronger, or basically be an auto-win or much more dangerous in downed battles, hasn't kept up to date with the current state of the game - I do not think classes need these upsides anymore, and using downstate to store some of a class's overall power (eg X class is considered 10% weaker than other classes because their downstate is 10% stronger) is...Not a good way to go about things. "We chunked off part of your spec's active ability and shoved it into a state you only see benefit from when you screw up" doesn't make actually playing the class feel good. Balance should primarily be around a class's 'up' state, with downstate consisting of an AA, CC, and minor extra utility skill while being primarily dependent on teammates. This "some classes are oodles more threatening than other classes while in downstate" no longer has a place in the game, imo.

- Remove double rally. One kill = one rally. Seeing someone die and having multiple enemies stand right back up is disproportionately rewarding.

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  • 1 year later...

People out here seething because their meta oneshot build they learned can't outcleave team empathy

We almost got all the pieces of Elder Dragon Exodia people

We got:

  • People mad at builds that wont die to oneshot
  • People mad at builds that -can- oneshot
  • People mad at builds that are neither of these but are annoying
  • People mad at getting oneshot / taking too much damage too fast
  • People mad that oneshot can't account for reviving a downed teammate/that better teamwork can undo their super special combo or turn around a skirmish (You nuked a guy but cant cleave him/your teammate cant cleave him? kekw)
  • People mad at premades (fair but consider the following:)
  • People mad at solos that don't have cohesion and throw at the slightest hint of difficulty (what do you expect)

It's almost perfect. We just need exclusive skins for PvP to irritate PvErs and it will be complete. The salt diamond is almost reforged.

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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3 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

If one gets nerfed, the other needs to be nerfed to keep both in balance.

Similarly, if one gets buffed even further, the other also needs to get buffed.

Perfect way to balance is to remove downstate. One does not need to be nerfed just because the other does. Sometimes you must take a rock from one side of the scale without touching the other to balance.

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1 hour ago, magickthief.6492 said:

there is no one shot in the game anymore, that's long gone. this has exposed how slow GW2 players reacte to anything lol

There are still plenty of builds that can one shot. Scrapper, Soulbeast, Dragon Hunter, Chronomancer, Thief, Bladesworn all have one shot builds. 

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5 minutes ago, Mell.4873 said:

There are still plenty of builds that can one shot. Scrapper, Soulbeast, Dragon Hunter, Chronomancer, Thief, Bladesworn all have one shot builds. 

No, there are literally zero(0)...everything is multihit and takes more than 1.5 secs. Dodge, it takes .1 secs

The game must not go any slower. If anything defense on ele, engi, necro, war, and ranger need to be nerfed 

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