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so unbalanced


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People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match.

Anet wants large groups easily winning matches.  They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers.  Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups.

Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot.

So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win.  So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours.

If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.

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People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match.

Anet wants large groups easily winning matches.  They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers.  Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups.

Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot.

So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win.  So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours.

If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.  Occasionally, bored comps will try and fend off another one, but usually say "I can't get on the map with all of my blob" so they don't bother to defend.  Which is good, I guess, cause Anet has shown they don't really want people defending anyway.

Edited by Ubi.4136
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14 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match.

Anet wants large groups easily winning matches.  They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers.  Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups.

Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot.

So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win.  So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours.

If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.

in the old gamer vocabulary theres a word for it... Lamers.

Lamers are meta in 2022 across gaming itself.


The major issue is the Ktrains when they happen non stop in a match and guilds that  only play if they can only ktrain, like this later alliance test...

Edited by Aeolus.3615
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In defence of the commanders of these "blob groups" who avoid other groups..  they know their squad can't handle a fight. 


All that will happen if they seek out a strong opponent is they will feed kills and everyone will rage-quit.


There is no attacking SMC even if you have  30-40 squad.  They go to the empty corner and PPT simply because they are good commanders with a read on their squads ability.

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While I am not arguing whether or not EBG is a joke, I want to remind us that in WvW  we have 3 different playing styles. We have Solo/Roamer, Havoc, and Zerg. Zerg, tho, actually has two subtypes - fighting zerg, or just zerg and Ktrain.   Let's take a look at this. EBG = mostly Solo/Roamer ...mostly. EBG is 'Home of The Tagless'. These are players who want to solo pvp in an unstructured wvw map or players who do not have a tag but want to follow a tag or players who just don't give a ...  I have seen and been a part of some very strong roamers banding together and beating a zerg. And no, I am not on Mag nor do I desire to be there (no offense). This is just what EBG has evolved into. Some instances on some servers during some time zones will get a tag or two on EBG. These groups usually end up zerg sized as most people who do not have a tag but wants one goes to EBG. The tag may stay if their goal is to take over EBG or swap to a Borderland if they want skirms or to Ktrain.

On the BLs, things change. We will have all 3 player types, but Havoc and Zerg are the dominate types. The havoc are, well, havocking. They are taking objectives, defensive fighting and some offensive. It's a mixed bag with more emphasis on taking bigger objectives. The zerg is the opposite of havoc. They are focused more on fighting and less on objectives. They want fights. They look for fights. They arrange fights. Unless the zerg is a Ktrain, obviously.

Here's the thing that I see so much in the forums. Often times some players want their style of WvW to be the one style and all others are wrong. That, my friends, is not going to happen. But what does need to happen is a balance between the 3 styles ... somehow. We will not achieve a balance by changing the classes. This just is not going to happen. The only way this could happen is if Anet goes full on homogenization of the class. They are leaning towards that, currently, but managing to not cross that line ... yet. Personally I hope they never do, but that is another rant.  

One idea of balancing the styles could be to have one of the three maps Solo/Roamer, Havoc. We could only be a party of 10 or less or solo/roamer in order to be on that map. The other two maps would be havoc/zerg. We could only be on that map if we were a squad of 11 or more. As soon as we were not in the appropriate party size we get transferred off of the map. This is a rough idea, but I hope the general thought is seen. Instead of focusing on changing the classes, in order for us to achieve the ever-evasive balance, change the maps, change the board . Just a thought ...

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On 2/1/2022 at 2:40 PM, Ubi.4136 said:

People need to understand that wvw isn't a balanced match.

Anet wants large groups easily winning matches.  They nerf anything that even remotely made defense possible with smaller numbers.  Even things like shield gens and downstate, fully support the larger groups.

Ignoring Anet's choices, players want easy wins because it means fast wxp and loot.

So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

All these blobs, avoid each other so they only have to face outnumbered servers and pugs, because it's the easiest way to win.  So, they have banded together, stacked and transferred to places where no other large comp plays against them during their play hours.

If, by mistake, another comp'd blob plays where and when they play, one of them will transfer or stay on opposite maps, so they never have to fight.


So, what you see in game now, is huge groups of comp'd players, only fighting when they don't have to fight one of the other huge groups of comp'd players.

False, I play on ... well i wont tell you the server name cause you will complain most likely. But all we look for is big groups to fight. The problem is in our current matchup we only have PPT blobs to fight. So we have to chase them and FORCE them to fight us. lol. Fun and boring at same time. But wiping a PPT guild with 1/3 thier numbers is fun. If only they would fight...

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On 2/4/2022 at 10:14 AM, AlCapwnd.7834 said:

We will avoid pugs if we are in a blob.

Yeah right, I find that hard to believe, no one avoids pugs unless it's mag pugs. Chasing down ppt groups isn't avoiding either lmao, sounds desperate. Plays on BG, biggest ppt server, blobs down every single group and roamer they face, then tries to make fun of ppt groups...


Unless we are trying to take a keep to get a fight out of the server. Then no one is safe.

Uh huh, "take a keep", who you trying to fool here?

Man if only those pugs that know they have no chance against us would just stay still and fight, I mean fall over and hand over their bags quietly instead of running every time, ugh now we need to easily break in their keeps, because we got siege and walls and gates nerfed, we just need to park in lords, and let them feed us, just wait till their fite guild zones in, any minute now gais, what do you mean half of them are stuck in a queue, oh well, keep the boons up we'll farm till they dropping no loot, thanks anet, BG top server forever!



Edited by Xenesis.6389
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The worst part of all of this is the servers are all "full" LoL.. what a joke when every tier is dead 20 hours a day.  Nowhere to go to get fights anymore it's either feast or famine.


Have 0 interest in buying this new xpac and really don't see a competitive WvW coming back into existence.  Even if there was actual WvW guilds recruiting nobody would take the time to join and learn to play.





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2 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

The worst part of all of this is the servers are all "full" LoL.. what a joke when every tier is dead 20 hours a day.  Nowhere to go to get fights anymore it's either feast or famine.

There's been ~300,000 deaths in WvW since friday reset. That must be some intense 12h (if we are being very generous and count sunday).

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7 hours ago, displayname.8315 said:

The worst part of all of this is the servers are all "full" LoL.. what a joke when every tier is dead 20 hours a day. 


Totally agree. From Monday to Friday there is nothing, it's dead. There is a little bit of action in prime time only.

But hey, all this has been said and said again, but there will always be weird people like this guy who spends his whole life on the forum who think the game is in top form with tens of thousands of players per day in WvW. 😊

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9 hours ago, Turgon.2091 said:


Totally agree. From Monday to Friday there is nothing, it's dead. There is a little bit of action in prime time only.

But hey, all this has been said and said again, but there will always be weird people like this guy who spends his whole life on the forum who think the game is in top form with tens of thousands of players per day in WvW. 😊


At least this weird person isnt going




On EBG every other minute just because there's no commander to lead the headless chickens, I've instead spent the past 2 hours rushing from side to side on HBL trying to defend it against half a dozen roamers.

I find my own action. How about you?

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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Every thing about wvw and this game seems very unbalanced even these forms are comply unhinged in balanced. The first thing ppl see are the Guild Wars 2 Discussion where it seems you can only realty talk about pve and it must be very general pve or it will be banished to a class forms or the profession. Wvw forms are way down near the bottom and you STILL have to keep the chat about a very general post or it too will be banished to a class form or the profession where often the chat turns to pve aimed on. We even see pve chat in the wvw forms yet they do not ever get moved or even called out for ppl trying to balance wvw in the point of view of pve which is very much out side of the wvw forms.

If your running less then 3 classes out of 9 then the balancing is bad. If a map is owned by one side most of the time the balancing is bad. If you have to hid a post about balancing from most of the player base who may get into the game then the balancing is bad.

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I think a big part of the problem is how people play this game and what playstyle/strategies are being rewarded.

Like, Zerg oriented servers always just win I feel. So it’s a battle of WvW population which is not always fair. Sometimes one cannot even roam because the zergs circulate everywhere and people from the winning server wait at camps just to score an easy kill. So it’s like you run around the map searching for opportunities and realise there is almost none so you log off.

Edited by Mik.3401
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