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The Guild in Guild Wars

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I am an active guild leader, and have been since the start of the game. I love this game, but there is an area of play that lacks some love. That is the Guilds themselves. I would love to see the guild mechanic become something more. What would that look like?
1. New, added, guild missions moving us into HoT and PoF and then EOD!

2. Getting our guilds to level 70, or even higher by adding new stuff to the guild halls!

3.  Updating some of the vendors in the guild hall. 

4. As part of that, we have guild miniature, guild weapons and guild armor and no collections for any of that. Collections for that would be really cool.

5. Guild unique achievements, with unique rewards would also be a great add!

Arenanet we are GUILD Wars. Lets give the guilds some love!

Brangwen Liana

The proud guild leader of Hope Remains!

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I would add the competitive side of the game like GvG.

For many years now GvG has only been created with somewhat makeshift arenas which are inconvenient to use and the GvG scene has always been organising everything on their own.

There is still no 15s, 20s or 25s GvG gamemode and many fightguilds have to reduce their activity by now cause either their wvw matchup dont brings them proper opponents in that week or the available arenas dont support appointments with other guilds properly.

Is when Anet decided that  spvp conquest should go esports before they actually shipped Guild Wars 2 without the Guildwars.

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Guilds are just so meh in this game. And it's really a shame because they added so much cool features for guilds which sound great on paper but just turned out so meh.

The game is missing something that would distinguish guilds between themselves. Something prestigious, something that guild could work together to.

Raiding is just so niche in this game, noone cares if a guild has cleared a raid or not and there is nothing to show from it anyway. WvW is actually the only place where guilds can make a name for themselves. Alliances will elevate that. And it's the only guild where I feel like I am a part of a guild where we actually have a common goal and a proper community.

But GW2 is primarily open world game and does it great. There is not much in open world for guilds (yeah some guilds do run bosses and events like TT but thats not enough). Guild missions are just silly mini games. They would need to add something really cool in open world, something large scale, hard to achieve and with good rewards and only able to achieve with a guild. Like an even chain with great boss(es) that a guild could spawn. Everyone on the map could join in but the guild would have the vital role and reap the cool rewards.

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Guids are abandoned content.
1) People cried to hard that an MMO "requires" you to play with other players to get stuff, can't have that.
2) GH's are hard to monetize, ANet got to pay them bills as well.
3) People cried that GHs could not be upgraded by solo players within a week or so.

Sad story is sad, but I doubt anyone at ANet is looking into guilds or guild content.

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My biggest issue is that I can't contact everyone in the guild at the same time. I can post messages on discord (but not everyone goes on discord) and I can whisper people individually or talk in guild chat. I can even edit the message of the day (for the six people who'll read it). 

At the end of the day a guild schedule in game, and the ability to communicate with my guild as a guild would go a long way.

Also, it's nice to see how long it's been since people logged in, so I can get rid of people who haven't been in in months, but it would help too if I could see when the last time someone actually repped the guild was.  What's the point of using a guild slot for someone that's just too lazy to actually leave the guild.

There are also things that really should be shown in the log that aren't shown. If someone changes the guild missions from PvE to PvP for example, there's no way to see who did it.  It's probably accidental but it sure can be someone trolling.  I'm not sure why stuff that can affect everyone in the guild isn't tracked by the log.

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6 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

How is that not contacting everyone at the same time though?

The guild message is passive.  I can put something in there, but it's up to everyone to go into what is essentially a static  message and read it. It doesn't appear in their inbox. It doesn't say when it's changed unless you've logged in.  If it gave you a message when you logged in saying the guild message has changed, that would be different.

How is it different getting an email or someone posting on a forum?   The email will say something directly and the forum you have to go to.  When we had a forum only a tiny percent of the guild ever went there.  And I'm sure only a tiny percent of the guild checks the message every single day or even weekly. It's just there. It's good for information like this is our regular guild mission times and here's our discord server URL.

What it's not good for is letting everyone know that a planned event has changed times due to circumstance or something got canceled or moved.

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6 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

The guild message is passive.  I can put something in there, but it's up to everyone to go into what is essentially a static  message and read it. It doesn't appear in their inbox. It doesn't say when it's changed unless you've logged in.  If it gave you a message when you logged in saying the guild message has changed, that would be different.

That's up to the one that write the message... you can add a date/time on it. 

Doing it actively is actually talking in guild chat.

What exactly is it you want for all those currently offline? An Anet system to call their cellphones? Knock on their doors? Even with a well oiled Discord community you're not going to catch people unless you do something similar.

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For those who are giving conversation and ideas of other things to expand the guild hall experience, thanks. For those who are saying its dead, but have no ideas to share, your opinion is your right. I reject your reality and replace it with my dream. My dream of guild halls and guild mechanics being a wonderful benefit to all who are in a guild. We are GUILD Wars. Lets make the guild dynanic awesome! Ideas on how to do that are very welcome!


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2 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

That's up to the one that write the message... you can add a date/time on it. 

Doing it actively is actually talking in guild chat.

What exactly is it you want for all those currently offline? An Anet system to call their cellphones? Knock on their doors? Even with a well oiled Discord community you're not going to catch people unless you do something similar.

Just an in game mail mate, it's not that hard. With an option to disable it if people wanted I guess.

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Again it must be corrected that the franchise is named after a historic event in the game's lore, not because player Guilds are a major part of the actual game.. although I do agree that they absolutely should be.

New halls are really not enough.. sure, they're nice to have but what we really want is more guild content!

New missions, new bounties, new adventures.. etc.
Hell why not revive the old monthly rewards concept but as guild based goals.

Things like.. say slay10,000 enemies within a month.
Every guild member who logs in and kills something contributes to this community goal and when the goal is completed all qualifying guild members get rewarded on their next log in.

Or how about complete 150 dungeon paths in a month.
Best way to do it would be to team up with 4 other guildmates so that upon completion of of a path all 5 players contribute a point towards the monthly goal.
This can also be done with Fractals, Strikes and Raids.

Defeat 100 world bosses.

Complete 500 events.

Get gold in 100 Beetle Races.

Kill 500 Champion creatures.

Kill 300 Bounty board creatures in Elona.

Complete 100 adventures in Heart of Thorns.

Complete X amount of guild missions.

Kill X amount of players in PvP or WvW.

Capture X amount of Towers, Camps, Keeps etc for your guild in WvW.

Like seriously there are so many potential options here for you and your guildmates to work on individually or together every single month.
And I feel like something like this would be really popular as well considering how many people actually et involved whenever there is a Community event going on in the game.
These would basically be a smaller guild focused variant of that same thing.

Edited by Teratus.2859
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I agree with all the op suggestions, however these are mostly suggestions going back 6 years across dozens of threads - some pretty big as well. All utterly ignored. There seems to be a lack of appetite in Anet for guilds and I am uncertain why. The best Guilds promote everything that GW2 stands for in terms of community and cooperative spirit. And yet the support and functionality is grossly under cooked.

HoT should have been the start of a semi regular cadence of small updates to things like guild missions, and qol updates. But apart from GH decorations - which do get regular additions - Guilds have not progressed despite continuous calls and feedback.

So, I’m full supportive of what the op is asking for, but I don’t think it’s on that mythical table 

Edited by Randulf.7614
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On 2/18/2022 at 4:42 PM, Brangwen Liana.5632 said:


I am an active guild leader, and have been since the start of the game. I love this game, but there is an area of play that lacks some love. That is the Guilds themselves. I would love to see the guild mechanic become something more. What would that look like?
1. New, added, guild missions moving us into HoT and PoF and then EOD!

2. Getting our guilds to level 70, or even higher by adding new stuff to the guild halls!

3.  Updating some of the vendors in the guild hall. 

4. As part of that, we have guild miniature, guild weapons and guild armor and no collections for any of that. Collections for that would be really cool.

5. Guild unique achievements, with unique rewards would also be a great add!

Arenanet we are GUILD Wars. Lets give the guilds some love!

Brangwen Liana

The proud guild leader of Hope Remains!

Personally I'd very much also like more to do with WvW as well the ability to clean up and restore the guild hall to its former glory. 

For example the one we got from PoF. Why does it need to have sand covering everything; Why is it that it has to look dirty and worn? We should be able to restore it and add racial flair to it (Norn players and charr players for example could bring stuff from their homelands to add to the guild hall)

I just feel like they scuffed guilds so hard in this game.... it is sad to see.

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Because those so called fite guilds barely even fight each other in wvw these days, why would they make an exclusive mode for them? that ship sailed like more than 6 years ago. Even the player run tournaments were filled with one push guilds. It's just BvB in wvw these days.


They should update guilds, it's a massive grind feature they pushed onto the players with HoT, so continue to support it Anet even if it's adding a couple more missions or updating vendors or achievements, it's the least you can do.

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24 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

They should update guilds, it's a massive grind feature they pushed onto the players with HoT, so continue to support it Anet even if it's adding a couple more missions or updating vendors or achievements, it's the least you can do.

This ^

New players don’t get that they locked stuff we already had behind a time and gold grind to get it back.  Was complete bs

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I actually didn't  mind building the guild hall. I treated it like a project and am a trained project manager. You should have seen my spreadsheet. I found the process fun and so did the bulk of my guild. I know though that a lot of players didn't enjoy the process and felt it was too much. 
Lets talk about what isn't completed in the guild halls. My guild has used them all. We will be doing the expedition to get the new hall about a month after release. 
1. There is a Jumping Puzzle started in Lost Precipice that never got finished. A couple of my officers found it late at night while dinking around in the hall. 
2. The PoF hall is too small for all of the decorations to be placed to advantage. We have interactive displays for every festival and a race track. We couldn't effectively build it in the PoF hall.
3. I loved Gilded Hollow. Like the other halls there are areas where it clearly didn't get finished. The same type of incomplete JP is there as well, and there is an entire area up top that wasn't accessible until we built our own JP to get up there. There are sections in that hall that have updraft pads that don't work. It was obviously an unfinished project. 
I have great memories of GW1 and the guild halls. They aren't nearly as interactive and fun as the gw2 halls, but wow, if the halls were expanded on and finished, it would be so much better of an experience. 

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41 minutes ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

I got hard baited to play this game because i expected heavy GvG both in PvP and PvE (with a lot of politics).

I stayed because the gameplay is great but boy o boy i was disapointed with the childish good vs evil story. I expected something like SWTOR

How the hell was someone even able to bait you that there were GvG in pve?

Only place you can attack other players in pve is challenges pre east octovine and if Drakkar fails.

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14 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

How the hell was someone even able to bait you that there were GvG in pve?

Only place you can attack other players in pve is challenges pre east octovine and if Drakkar fails.

I thought it was like Guild Wars 1, specially prophecies and factions. And of course i never played GW1, just looking from outside perspective.
And the PvE GvG i talk about its not the Player Guild vs Player Guild, but rather NPC Guilds fighting eachother. Like Republic vs Empire in SWTOR, or like if you could join a legion and fight the others (kinda like drizzle at the beginning of IBS)

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15 hours ago, KeoLegend.5132 said:

I got hard baited to play this game because i expected heavy GvG both in PvP and PvE (with a lot of politics).

I stayed because the gameplay is great but boy o boy i was disapointed with the childish good vs evil story. I expected something like SWTOR

And look what happened to SWTOR after the latest "expansion" 🙄

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