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Todays nerfs prove that Anet DESPISES Solo Players


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42 minutes ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

Where can isee the notes?

After reading the patch-notes multiple times, I think most of my open-world builds need to be dumped/reworked. I have no problem reworking my builds, doing that all the time. But this was too much. A lot of these nerfs dealt a critical blow to most of the high-sustain open-world builds, which kept many players who were not interested in group-content happy and motivated.

This change will not make every open world player a motivated active raider, no matter how much you wish this. Look at your competitors, look at EA? If you hurt your loyal player-base too hard, they will move on. People do not go on a football-match to play basket-ball.

Edited by HnRkLnXqZ.1870
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2 hours ago, Raizel.8175 said:

It's a MMORPG.

The game is already utterly unsocial to begin with which is one of the main reasons why sophisticated PvE-content is but a home to the few.

Besides that, the nerfs aren't really substantial to solo open world gameplay.

Boss / instance / hard(er) content soloing has been a thing in pretty much EVERY MMO for ages. There's no reason to nerf it, as it attracts more players and doesn't hurt the more casual ones.

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57 minutes ago, Kabosu.5149 said:

I had a build I was excited for with harbinger, based around torment runes for sheer survivability. I like to play facetank-y builds despite the game being balanced heavily out of the favor of facetanking attacks. But it's the only playstyle that works for me, because my brain's slow and deals with too much sensory overload to dodge enemies' attacks. The only accessible type of playstyle for me is facetank-y, solo builds.
I was really excited for that harbinger build, spent a lot of karma trying to get the recipe for the runes, so I could use my watchwork pick to gather the materials to craft it with.

Now harbinger's just wasted potential to me that I'll never touch. Genuinely depressing. And especially with all the other nerfs, most of my characters are now worthless to me, just like that, ruined in an instant. What a comforting precedent to set against accessibility for casual folks like me.

I'm so sorry that this change killed your excitement towards your builds you had planned. My excitement is in the gutter too after these changes. I don't even want to play my Revenant (whom I solely used to casually explore the world, do HPs, and help others with) anymore and it's unfortunate because I LOVE the class and adored that specific character. Oh, well. What can we even do at this point? 😕

Edited by Tiberius.3802
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What is curious to me is that this wasn't offered as a choice.  Rework the traits so if you go for this level of sustain, you take a 25% dps loss.  Removes the viability of the sustain builds in elite content types, but keeps the game playable to players who are bad.  


Essentially, retain traits that "bad" players can rely on, and "good" players can spec out of.  That seems like great design, and I think we'd praise.


Outright deleting all viable survive builds so they literally can't function (but don't worry, you'll still do insane DPS!) seems like it reduces options and pigeonholes players, builds, and classes even more.

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1 minute ago, otto.5684 said:

How much was it nerfed by?

  • Superior Rune of Tormenting: The 6-piece bonus of this rune no longer heals you for each stack of torment you apply. Instead, it grants regeneration for 3 seconds when you apply torment to an enemy, with a 5-second internal cooldown.
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1 minute ago, otto.5684 said:

How much was it nerfed by?

To quote the patch notes,
"Superior Rune of Tormenting: The 6-piece bonus of this rune no longer heals you for each stack of torment you apply. Instead, it grants regeneration for 3 seconds when you apply torment to an enemy, with a 5-second internal cooldown."
It no longer heals based on torment applies, it just gives you a tiny bit of regen on a cooldown.

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Was excited for the xpac, then saw Scrapper's sustain in PvE get cut by 66%. 

The entire POINT of scrapper is to be a durable juggernaut. 

You could have, at the very least, made good on your years-old promise to make impact savant proc on conditions.

Way to kill the hype. 


At least Firebrand might not monopolize the quickness slot anymore after their changes.

Edited by Kuma.1503
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On 3/1/2022 at 5:12 AM, HeIIica.2945 said:

I just started with the necro a couple of weeks ago, and I don't know a lot yet, but I love the necro, not only for the minions, but for the shroud, and from what I have heard in the game, they nerfed it.....really, really upset about this....I agree with the first poster....the necro allowed me to play alone, if I needed to....

Ps., whyyyyyyyyy give a ranger a hammer??? It is in the name....."range" why not give the ranger a gun? A gun has range.  A hammer makes no sense.

Aragorn was a ranger in Lord of the Rings. He used a sword. Ranger isn't called a ranger because he has a ranged weapon. He's a ranger because he ranges the wild, like a park ranger.  He has a range like an animal...this a range. You know, home, home on the range.

The hammer was given to the ranger because one of the more popular ranger builds in Guild Wars 1 was called the Bunny Thumper build which was a ranger with a hammer.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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Just now, Kuma.1503 said:

Was excited for the xpac, then saw Scrapper's sustain in PvE get cut by 66%. 

Way to ruin the hype Anet. 


At least Firebrand might not monopolize the quickness slot anymore after their changes.

I'm glad I was already planning to swap from my current main scrapper to mechanist, but ruining the "scrapper" part of scrapper is one hell of a tragedy. I really hope ANet reverts these changes.

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I want to chime in as well on the off chance that Anet will actually read this thread and consider making changes.


Virtually every one of the sustain nerfs impacts a build I use. As others have stated, no alternatives have been offered within the individual trait lines (ie pick a DPS increasing trait or a sustain trait - but with the latter at higher-than-current values), which is very discouraging.


Anet, if you must seriously nerf existing traits and runes so the new EoD elite specs will be used, I believe you should have made the EoD specs better instead so they could at least be comparable to what was already available to players.


This is the first Guild Wars 2 expansion to go live since I started playing and I am deeply disappointed.

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Does anyone know why they make such huge changes in one go?

Completely nerf Tormenting runes AND hit battle scars.

Take Invigorating precision from 10%/10% to 4%/2%.

Impact Savant from 15% to 5%.

If something is too strong, why not shave a percentage or two, see how it works out, then come back for another percentage or two until you find the sweet spot? Why nerf things to a third of what they were in one go?

Edited by Gibson.4036
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2 hours ago, fixit.7189 said:

i guess this is here to force people to group/rely on new support builds to save the day...but that does nothing for solo players. i mean barely anyone plays support in open world b/c a) you can't kill anything b) it's next to impossible to get credit for kills/events b/c dps is non existant. c) you are reliant on other people to kill things but if no ones around it's useless. so in the end, i guess they just want to nerf solo players for um...reasons? blah.

Make friends? Join a guild? 

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