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Todays nerfs prove that Anet DESPISES Solo Players


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8 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Frankly, Impact Savant shouldn't have -180 Vit if it only gives 5% barrier now. 

I'd rather not have this trait at all at this point so at least condi, heal, or hybrid builds aren't punished. 

And it's not like it's an optional trait either. You can't build around it. 

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15 minutes ago, Horus.8304 said:

How good are these new specs though? Anyone tried out and tested their sustain?


Cause if the new metas for sustain show up and its all the new specs, that's pure greedy BS move.

Vind, Mech, and specter are all very heavy on sustain. Not sure about Bladesworn since I dont play War in PvE. 

I've played Mech the most, and it handedly beats Scrapper in the tankiness department with its barriers, perma regen, and prot, and alac. You also have a pet to draw aggro from you.

Spectre I played second most, and its tankier than I ever was on glass crit thief with inv precision. I still had to dodge on that build. Spectre can face tank more since Cele works so well on it. 

And its ranged, which helps. 

Vind is just nuts sustain wise. 3 heal skills on short cooldowns. The most cleanse in the game by a wide margin (tree song op), short cooldown 1 sec evade, plus additional defense on GS. 100% endurance regen + ways to restore endurance so the 1 dodge is misleading. 

Its a very tanky build. It's actually tearing up PvP right now because of it.

Necro might be the only one that got nerfed without getting a high sustain elite spec (depending on how BS plays. Warr mains will have to chime in there)

Edited by Kuma.1503
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36 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Frankly, Impact Savant shouldn't have -180 Vit if it only gives 5% barrier now. 

I'd rather not have this trait at all at this point so at least condi, heal, or hybrid builds aren't punished. 

This I would agree. Its hps is now more in line with similar traits (still scales with dps so it can still overperform or underperofm based on your skill). 

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34 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Vind, Mech, and specter are all very heavy on sustain. Not sure about Bladesworn since I dont play War in PvE. 

I've played Mech the most, and it handedly beats Scrapper in the tankiness department with its barriers, perma regen, and prot, and alac. You also have a pet to draw aggro from you.

Spectre I played second most, and its tankier than I ever was on glass crit thief with inv precision. I still had to dodge on that build. Spectre can face tank more since Cele works so well on it. 

And its ranged, which helps. 

Vind is just nuts sustain wise. 3 heal skills on short cooldowns. The most cleanse in the game by a wide margin (tree song op), short cooldown 1 sec evade, plus additional defense on GS. 100% endurance regen + ways to restore endurance so the 1 dodge is misleading. 

Its a very tanky build. It's actually tearing up PvP right now because of it.

Necro might be the only one that got nerfed without getting a high sustain elite spec (depending on how BS plays. Warr mains will have to chime in there)

Would you mind sharing with us the builds (traits, weapons, runes, sigils, armor) for these 3 that you say are good on sustain now?  I emptied my account and spent about 150 gold on a full Trailblazer's Tormenting Runes Condi Renegade about 3 weeks ago, not knowing it was going to have its healing halved, and now I'm struggling again.  I'm just not a good player, which I readily admit, and I just want something that can both survive but also not take forever and a day to kill things.  I don't mind spending more gold in the TP if I need to, but I'm finding these enemies generally harder than POF was.  I feel there are a lot of admittedly "spoiled" players like me out there right now, and if we're struggling then we're just likely to quit and go play something else, which I don't think is what ANET wants to happen.


I really just don't get why me being able to survive better in PVE by myself was bothering anyone at ANET - I just don't.  I don't Fractal, WVW, or PVP at all.  I just want to NOT DIE all the time.  Thus why I had a Renegade, Mesmer, Thief and Necro - ALL nerfed the very day the new expansion comes out.  Just feels like a big kick in the ____ after I shelled out another $50 for the upgraded expansion, and also gave them another $25 for a mount skin I really wanted.  


Any advice on what best the self-sustain PVE Open world build is now (which can be acquired through the trading post) would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

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3 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

The torment runes were a crutch.

Stealth as well. 🤭


No idea why they waited so long to make the changes to torment runes, why didn't they change them back when they changed torment with the damage switch they did last year, and this was when players were already soloing hard content with the runes, but yet they switched the damage on torment to make them even better for pve. 😲


In any case all these changes, bad taste to be doing it on the day of the expansion. They obviously didn't do it before because they probably figured it would mess with sales. But the fact they didn't post up balance patch notes on changes a week before like they normally do now probably should have been telling.

They could have done it 2-4 weeks from now, after people had enjoyed the expansion and everyone would have been happy with the expansion and more understanding of changes. Oh well.

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2 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

Power scrapper barrier was a broken joke. You took one or 2 traits and you had nice barrier generation scaling with dmg. It was not a sustain trade off but reverse of what it should be. It went a bit under the radar just because it wasnt as competitive as rev where also the trade off was practically non existant. 

Broken for what? pvp wvw crowd? hard-core end game pvers?

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14 minutes ago, fourhim.3584 said:

Any advice on what best the self-sustain PVE Open world build is now (which can be acquired through the trading post) would be GREATLY appreciated.  Thank you in advance.

If you play specter, try this. Its not great in the damage department, but what you'll essentially want to do is keep your wells and siphon on CD and every 1-2 seconds hit Shadow Shot (d/p 3). You'll gain shadow force (and health)* rapidly. Once it is full or mostly full, get into shadow shroud and keep everything on CD. And then after several seconds of dealing damage, hit siphon if it is off CD and then exit shroud to top yourself off and repeat.

Been trying to see its limits and so far I've managed to survive against a large group of vets with some elites and last a hopeless 8 minutes against a bounty level boss with elite adds and healing tendrils before time was running out and I bailed.

Edited by Zacchary.6183
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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Vind is just nuts sustain wise. 3 heal skills on short cooldowns. The most cleanse in the game by a wide margin (tree song op), short cooldown 1 sec evade, plus additional defense on GS. 100% endurance regen + ways to restore endurance so the 1 dodge is misleading. 

Its a very tanky build. It's actually tearing up PvP right now because of it.

Mirage watching from the sidelines..... 😑


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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Vind, Mech, and specter are all very heavy on sustain. Not sure about Bladesworn since I dont play War in PvE. 

I've played Mech the most, and it handedly beats Scrapper in the tankiness department with its barriers, perma regen, and prot, and alac. You also have a pet to draw aggro from you.

Spectre I played second most, and its tankier than I ever was on glass crit thief with inv precision. I still had to dodge on that build. Spectre can face tank more since Cele works so well on it. 

And its ranged, which helps. 

Vind is just nuts sustain wise. 3 heal skills on short cooldowns. The most cleanse in the game by a wide margin (tree song op), short cooldown 1 sec evade, plus additional defense on GS. 100% endurance regen + ways to restore endurance so the 1 dodge is misleading. 

Its a very tanky build. It's actually tearing up PvP right now because of it.

Necro might be the only one that got nerfed without getting a high sustain elite spec (depending on how BS plays. Warr mains will have to chime in there)


I freakin knew it. There it is, the classic BS from a greedy company.

"We're just balancing the game out........ oh but the new classes are all super strong tho, maybe buy that if you miss your sustain"



Edited by Horus.8304
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If you are paying attention ArenaNet.. ignore these people. These nerfs, while a bit harsh, were fair and justified. If your having trouble with sustain....get gear that isn't all damage focused? Learn to try new things and don't hold on to old and broken things as a crutch? Not a whole lot of open minds here. 

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6 minutes ago, Blademaster.6123 said:

If you are paying attention ArenaNet.. ignore these people. These nerfs, while a bit harsh, were fair and justified. If your having trouble with sustain....get gear that isn't all damage focused? Learn to try new things and don't hold on to old and broken things as a crutch? Not a whole lot of open minds here. 


With less than 5 k concurrent viewers on twitch other than a few hours at release, more negative threads than positive, empty maps, unfinishable events due to lack of engagement, absolutely no hype ANYWHERE on the internet other than preestablished GW2 content creators, ignoring ANYTHING right now would be an incredibly silly thing to do.


Remember Wildstar??  Ya, me neither.

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2 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Frankly, Impact Savant shouldn't have -180 Vit if it only gives 5% barrier now. 

I'd rather not have this trait at all at this point so at least condi, heal, or hybrid builds aren't punished. 


This I agree with.  5%-of-damage barrier is less valuable than other traits which don't have drawbacks.


2 hours ago, captrowdy.9561 said:

Haven’t these forums been filled with how easy open word pve is? They do something about it and complaints…


To be fair, the odds are approaching zero that the people complaining in this thread were also complaining about OW PvE being too easy.




That said, my issues with the changes are the scale and the timing.


Scale: Once upon a time, ANet said something like, "Our approach to balance changes are to do small, incremental changes, then adjust again later if still needed."  Invigorating Precision used to be 10% of crit damage, then they added +10% while under Fury.  Now, 4 and 2.  That's a 70% reduction on the 10/10 and 1 40%-60% reduction on the pre-buffed trait.  I suppose it could be argued that a conditional 100% increase was not a small change, either.  I suppose the moral of this story is that ANet threw out the idea of small changes a long time ago.  Pity.


Timing: The timing of the changes on the same day as the new Elites appeared is a pretty blatant push to the new builds that are no doubt incoming.  While this is understandable, it also leaves a bad taste in the mouth.

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2 minutes ago, Zacchary.6183 said:

Vocal != majority.

Yeah it only means the most dedicated people who want the game to improve and be better for everyone including a better in game experience for all players. Negative feedback is still good feedback, it means people like your game and want it to improve, when I stop seeing it, it usually means the game has died. I really do miss Warhammer online. The thing is that the ball is in Anet's court now, do they listen? Or do we just move on and forget all this. 
But it really just hammers in the point that Anet marketing team is amongst the worst of any team out there, that this expac was marketed to people already playing the game, as we have a tiny, tiny portion of people who actually watch gw2 content, our most popular YT people can barely manage 20k views after days. I see random yt vids of people with few followers post like Stardew Valley content and get over 100k views in a day. If our minority is this small, it doesn't bode well 

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4 hours ago, Eternia.9375 said:

I think the main thing to understand here is that most of those sustain builds were for solo play and open world content. In my mind I can't see how it hurts anyone else or affects the game balance if I want to run around a map on my own with a mirage, scourge, renegade or whatever.  I find the low intensity builds fun and easy to play, I have pain in my finger and wrist joints due to my hypermobility so why shouldn't I be able to play what I want and what is good for my health? It's a game isn't it? It's meant to be fun, and having multiple play options is part of that fun. If someone wants to face roll, so what? If someone wants to play a harder build, so what? Good on each of them, they're both doing what they want. 

More builds and more options equals more people happy. Let people play how they want, with whatever skill level and physical capability they have. Is that such a terrible thing?

Because eventually people start asking the question why are these classes so much better with so little effort and where is my free ride?   Then it's no longer about just you. 

Developers have to think long term and bigger picture.  Are torment runes overpowered? Yes, they are. Compared to any other healing rune they provide dramatically higher benefit for torment heavy specs.  Yet they aren't even a healing rune. They're a damage rune.

That leads to two options: buff other runes so everyone can faceroll the class of their choice or nerf an overperforming rune.  I'm glad they chose the latter.

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24 minutes ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

Invigorating Precision used to be 10% of crit damage, then they added +10% while under Fury.

It previously used to be 15% of your crit damage but then they changed it to 10% + another 10% if you have fury.

24 minutes ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

I suppose it could be argued that a conditional 100% increase was not a small change, either.

Sure but one could also argue that Invigorating Precision was already inferior to similar defensive choices (like taking trailblazer over vipers gear). Also keep in mind that the only people who actually took issue with these skills were gameplay purists that simply didn't like that these kinds of effects exist while they, on the other hand, didn't cause any tangeble damage to the game.

Edited by Tails.9372
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2 hours ago, captrowdy.9561 said:

Haven’t these forums been filled with how easy open word pve is? They do something about it and complaints…

only from 'pro' players who like to gate keep complain about it.

and they are only a small fraction of the player base.

it's sad devs only listen to them tbh.

Edited by fixit.7189
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13 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Yeah it only means the most dedicated people who want the game to improve and be better for everyone including a better in game experience for all players. Negative feedback is still good feedback, it means people like your game and want it to improve, when I stop seeing it, it usually means the game has died. I really do miss Warhammer online. The thing is that the ball is in Anet's court now, do they listen? Or do we just move on and forget all this. 
But it really just hammers in the point that Anet marketing team is amongst the worst of any team out there, that this expac was marketed to people already playing the game, as we have a tiny, tiny portion of people who actually watch gw2 content, our most popular YT people can barely manage 20k views after days. I see random yt vids of people with few followers post like Stardew Valley content and get over 100k views in a day. If our minority is this small, it doesn't bode well 

Unfortunately, not everyone is going to agree on which path GW2 needs to take in order to improve. And when that happens, someone has to get left out in order for anything to improve. It usually comes between those who want change and those who do not and Anet chose change with PoF. Change involving a complete shake up of the meta because it was getting too stagnant with three ELITES dominating the meta across the board. You can't have that and call the game healthy.

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