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Nerf Vindicator

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Ahaha, I totally called it. 

For anyone wondering, there isnt much to the build. 

Run retribution endurance regen, run the vigor trait in vindicator, and use the heal dodge. The sustain is bonkers. 

Spam it if you like. If you need a dodge, Vindicator has one that evades for 1 second, has a 2 second CD and costs 20 energy. 

And since you dont use upkeeps on Vindicator... you can spam the evade whenever you need it. 

You also have a 3 second dash akin to holo leap in both stances, and Tree song is a 3 second CD 5 condi cleanse that heals for every condi clesnsed, so condi bunkers can't touch you. 

It works as condi and as power.

You're welcome :)

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2 hours ago, Paradoxoglanis.1904 said:

dodge still heals for 3k + 3k barrier, and the new legend means you have 3 heal skills.

Alliance stance heal skills are in a unique place with extremely small heals on extremely low cooldowns but also with fairly beefy cast times. If you spam alliance skills off cooldown its litterally 30% of your time would be spent casting heal skills which is frankly obnoxious and has very obvious drawbacks spending that much time casting channeled heal skills. If you don't spend tons of time casting the heal skills the hp/s from them is quite weak.

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Haha there we go the first nerf post xD


I was betting if it was this or harbinger.


Enjoy the diversity, play it yourself.


I am actually playing vindi same as herald playstyle and not as bunker.


Maybe it's too early to say, but damage is over the top, if the enemy don't dodge I can oneshot with vindi gs5 combo. 


Just enjoy the change for a while...



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The sustain is a bit much on Bottom trait. We kind of warned in beta that Saints Shield was a bit much. For some reason it has higher numbers in PvP than in PvE. The PvP/WvW version can see a 25% reduction or so. Possibly more.

HOWEVER, in order to truly take advantage of that and be "unkillable" you have to run retribution and camp Viktor stance. Retribution is a massive damage loss, and Viktor legitimately does 0 damage ( No seriously, read Viktors skills. They do not even have a damage stat ). so the only threat becomes GS5. While I can see the frustration of not being able to kill this build, if you are actually dying to it then it means you failed to avoid a skill that has one of the biggest tells and longest casts amoung weapon skills in the entire game.  So complaining about the sustain is justified, but those dying to Retribution Vind have an L2P problem.

Edited by Master Ketsu.4569
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1 hour ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

ah yes, revenant the underdog XD

Yeah the class with 1 top tier build that only works in the hands of top 250 players (under plat Rev players don't even exist and the rare ones i vs when i tank in gold 3 are easy to deal with), having a new build is a good thing.


I guess make it a 3rd build, Renegade might not just be a worse Core Necro in every way now that they got looked at.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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1 hour ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

Yeah the class with 1 top tier build that only works in the hands of top 250 players (under plat Rev players don't even exist and the rare ones i vs when i tank in gold 3 are easy to deal with), having a new build is a good thing.


I guess make it a 3rd build, Renegade might not just be a worse Core Necro in every way now that they got looked at.

poor rev was meta for only several years, good thing papa anet stepped in to save to bring something new.
its not like shrtbow renegade or condi rev were hyper busted and oppresive, and power herald was always meta no no no.
poor rev is on a struggle bus.

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7 hours ago, FarmBotXD.1430 said:

poor rev was meta for only several years, good thing papa anet stepped in to save to bring something new.
its not like shrtbow renegade or condi rev were hyper busted and oppresive, and power herald was always meta no no no.
poor rev is on a struggle bus.

Dont forget cele kalla rene

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15 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

We just had to deal with 2 years of brainless Core Necro meta. Rev having a spotlight for a bit wouldn't be a tragedy.

Because there was cleaaaarly no renegades for past few years in about every match, rite?

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27 minutes ago, Cynz.9437 said:

Because there was cleaaaarly no renegades for past few years in about every match, rite?

Is this an Eu Thing? I'll admit i'm a scrub barely scrapping top 250 on US.


I rarely see them. Very rarely. On my lower rated Alts Rev don't even exist at all.


And when i do i don't find them very difficult to handle. Renegade is Tanky but they run Kalla/Jallis. They can't move lol so i just outrotate.


Herald is oppressive but unless he's a well known player or being babysat by a Support Tempest/Core Guard they just flop to Condis.


I'm not being disingenuous, my play experience and what i read here just doesn't match at all.


For what its worth i played some more Vindicator and yeah 3k Heal+3k Barrier on 0 Healing Power every jump is probably a bit much and is likely to get looked at.


Beyond that i don't see the complaints though.

Edited by Ashgar.3024
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10 minutes ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

Is this an Eu Thing? I'll admit i'm a scrub barely scrapping top 250 on US.


I rarely see them. Very rarely. On my lower rated Alts Rev don't even exist at all.


And when i do i don't find them very difficult to handle. Renegade is Tanky but they run Kalla/Jallis. They can't move lol so i just outrotate.


Herald is oppressive but unless he's a well known player or being babysat by a Support Tempest/Core Guard they just flop to Condis.


I'm not being disingenuous, my play experience and what i read here just doesn't match at all.


For what its worth i played some more Vindicator and yeah 3k Heal+3k Barrier on 0 Healing Power every jump is probably a bit much and is likely to get looked at.


Beyond that i don't see the complaints though.

Maybe it is an EU thing but seriously for past years all you saw in matches were necros, guards and renegades....  I don't see how revenants can complain at all. Eles mains may complain, mesmers but certainly not revs.

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Just dueled this garbage in wvw. I can't believe the game has become an even bigger clown fiesta than before. The player I dueled was on marauder stats yet healed to basically full on every jump-dodge (or whatever u want to call this thing that has more invuln frames than even daredevil dodge).

It doesn't do amazing damage, its burst is decent. But it just doesn't die. Did this game really need more of this gameplay? Really?

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16 hours ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

We just had to deal with 2 years of brainless Core Necro meta. Rev having a spotlight for a bit wouldn't be a tragedy.

Rev has been one of the best classes in the game for a long time, both for soloq and organized play. I believe Boyce placed it as his top soloq pick and Drazeh placed in 2nd in his tier list, only below Thief.

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28 minutes ago, agrippastrilemma.8741 said:

Rev has been one of the best classes in the game for a long time, both for soloq and organized play. I believe Boyce placed it as his top soloq pick and Drazeh placed in 2nd in his tier list, only below Thief.

Blanket statements are nice but why is it statistically one of the least played in the game then?


Would also like to see its winrate (globally, the game isn't designed for 50 people alone).

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30 minutes ago, Ashgar.3024 said:

Blanket statements are nice but why is it statistically one of the least played in the game then?


Would also like to see its winrate (globally, the game isn't designed for 50 people alone).

Because most people play PvE (open world) rather than PvP and because Rev came out later than every other class (I myself picked a main in 2012 and have stuck with it ever since).

Edited by agrippastrilemma.8741
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