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Hey, Please Don't Make the Game Impossible to Solo.

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I get social anxiety, I have it myself, but you really don't need to talk to people that much unless you're trying to do really hard stuff. If you have the apple mentor tag, just put it up and people will usually stop by to see what you're doing. Try builds that may not be considered meta, since the meta builds assume you don't need to worry about survivability (I'm a guardian main. Most meta builds for guard forego survivability for increased damage ala "kill them before they kill you") Throw on a cheap set of maurader stats and try to avoid elite or champions, since those are designed for more than one person or very very skilled and patient players. 


I don't want this game to be easier. The difficulty hits such a nice spot for me, even as one of the easy to learn, hard to master classes. If you're really struggling and just cannot do anything social whatsoever in this game, then idk man. Play Necro lol

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On 3/2/2022 at 10:54 AM, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Do you know what MMO means?

No offense, but I think what you are looking for are RPG's.
Although I must say I don't own EOD, but I doubt Anet will deviate much from his solo game. POF is super easy as a solo player and HOT, if you're a bit familiar with your class, is as well.

GW2 "play your own way...."

Edited by Dante.1508
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I came back to the game since playing the original and leaving.  Bought all the expansions and started completely over.  Really enjoyed the game with the personal story.  Played the intro into HoT and was like wow this going to be great.  A week into HoT I am ready to uninstall and do something else with my time.   


Most of the time I have no idea what is killing me, I die so fast.  Everything is group oriented which is great for folks that enjoy grouping and like challenging solo content.  I was here for the story and that is quickly dying.

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40 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

GW2 "play your own way...."

So you're somehow unable to play solo in this game? Or what point exactly are you trying to make with this out of context quote? The way some people try to somehow leverage that quote whenever they're simply unwilling to complete certain content of the game never made sense to me, so it'd be nice to see something more than... just that again.

23 minutes ago, kosten.4328 said:

Most of the time I have no idea what is killing me, I die so fast.  Everything is group oriented which is great for folks that enjoy grouping and like challenging solo content.  I was here for the story and that is quickly dying.

The whole story is fairly easly and probably predominantely made to be soloable. If you're having troubles with the story, there's a high probability you're trying to rush it without understanding the mechanics of the game.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So you're somehow unable to play solo in this game? Or what point exactly are you trying to make with this out of context quote? The way some people try to somehow leverage that quote whenever they're simply unwilling to complete certain content of the game never made sense to me, so it'd be nice to see something more than... just that again.

The whole story is fairly easly and probably predominantely made to be soloable. If you're having troubles with the story, there's a high probability you're trying to rush it without understanding the mechanics of the game.

I have to grind XP in HoT to get to the story missions, that's where I am stuck.  Doesn't help that I it seems like I am the only one that doesn't have a mount.

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I think this argument is never going to die. Personally, I find the game very accessible solo. If it is group content, you are either can out skill and gear the content or play it in a group. Content is not, and should not, be easy. The game will become very lame if my character can do group based content, solo, by spamming AA. And yes, this is literally what most of these posts are asking for.


As for social anxiety, well, as games typically say “online content is not rated.” This is an online game. You do not exist in GW2 alone and some content is jot meant to be done alone. Everyone knew what they are in for before they purchased the game. You can play solo, but accept that some content will not be for you. If that is not working for you, you can play more solo oriented games.

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5 hours ago, kosten.4328 said:

I have to grind XP in HoT to get to the story missions, that's where I am stuck.  Doesn't help that I it seems like I am the only one that doesn't have a mount.


The amount of experience required for the masteries to finish the story is very low (Gliding 1 and itzel jumoung Musrooms). It's a few hundred thousand experience, easily doable with completing a few adventures if events are bot your thing.


Mounts came with PoF and are not required to navigate HoT, even if they do make it a lot easier.


If you are having a hard time, read up or watch a guide on what a proper open world build would be for your class. Chances are high you are playing a highly ineffectiv custom build which has little to no synergies.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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On 3/1/2022 at 6:42 PM, LittleSoftTail.8405 said:

I get that it's a MMO but a lot of us prefer to solo, at least, sometimes because of anxiety or just because they don't like having to group up with people constantly. I generally don't understand why MMO companies just love making it impossible/hard for players to solo their content. If I can't solo, then I guess I'm out. I have social anxiety and feel very uncomfortable grouping up with randos and even guild mates, the most I can do without feeling anxious or uncomfortable is to chat with other people on Map/Zone chat (I dunno why either), and yes, I get that I could just play singleplayer games but MMOs have something singleplayer games don't that I like.

I struggled enough as it is with HoT and PoF, and now it's possible that I won't be able to do any of the content without the help of a group. And I know I am not the only person who feels this way so.. kitten us, I guess.


You're far from alone here.


I am *extremely* introverted and I, too, have social anxiety. The best way I have ever heard it explained to people that just seem to refuse to understand us is that extroverts recharge in the presence of people, introverts recharge in the absence of people.


I enjoy playing MMO's because as was said, they have that certain something that RPG's lack and because I do enjoy socializing now and then but it drains my battery, not recharges it so I can only manage it in small doses.


Outside of that I'm solo'ing 80-90% of the time.


There's quite a few of us in this boat, but few people seem to give a shyte and Anet seems so obsessed with their views of how things should be that they're not going to give a shyte either

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7 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So you're somehow unable to play solo in this game? Or what point exactly are you trying to make with this out of context quote? The way some people try to somehow leverage that quote whenever they're simply unwilling to complete certain content of the game never made sense to me, so it'd be nice to see something more than... just that again.

The whole story is fairly easly and probably predominantely made to be soloable. If you're having troubles with the story, there's a high probability you're trying to rush it without understanding the mechanics of the game.

At release this was the famous dev quote.. Ever since Gw2 has slowly eroded this truth to a point where its almost impossible to solo these days, without extremely difficult effort.

I'm not introvert i just am tired of dealing with other people and would prefer to play on my own through the stories.

Edited by Dante.1508
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3 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

At release this was the famous dev quote.. Ever since Gw2 has slowly eroded this truth to a point where its almost impossible to solo these days, without extremely difficult effort.

If it's impossible to solo these days we wouldn't be seeing videos of people doing 3 of the EoD Strikes by themselves. If it was impossible to solo the enemies in Cantha would be worse to fight than PoF/HoT enemies. 
White Mantle, almost anything in HoT, Awakened are all worse to fight than any EoD enemy.

3 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I'm not introvert i just am tired of dealing with other people and would prefer to play on my own through the stories.

And you are allowed to play through the story of the game on your own, you are not forced to bring more people to help. You can make it easier by bringing others, but you don't have to, you can even make boss fights easier in the story. 

Honestly, other than meta events I can't really think of anything in EoD that can't be done solo.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Honestly, other than meta events I can't really think of anything in EoD that can't be done solo.

REQUIRED Strike Mission for a part for the saddle comes to mind right away. But if you don't want the the turtle mount it doesn't matter.


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On 4/20/2022 at 7:38 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Social anxiety is not about not wanting to have other people around you but about being frightened of socializing with others, being "judged" by them, having to meet supposed expectations etc. (No one enjoys feeling lonely.)

Anyway, the topic of this thread is whether the game is soloable, and most of it is. And apart from Fractals, Strikes and Raids, you are not forced to communicate with others, either, so even map meta events can be done without having to talk to others. I'd even go as far as claiming that Fractals also can be done without communicating (I've had LFG runs with some people in my group never typing a single word in chat), but the aspect of social interaction is still present in such a tight environment as people with a social anxiety disorder might be scared of feeling watched and judged by their teammates regarding their performance or keeping up pace or what not (even when that fear is unsubstantiated), which causes immense stress and anxiety.

The way to overcome social anxiety is to be in more social situations, not less.


I get that this generation has gone soft but folks can’t shelter themselves from the world forever. One day some real stuff is gonna happen to you and you have to get it together.

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Let me say something additionally for those that are "confused." As someone that has actually had real bad social anxiety a long time ago, social anxiety is a kind of mental illness, one to be overcome, and is not the same as being an introvert, (where as introversion is a personality trait.) You shouldn't be fostering, or be proud to have social anxiety...it gets worse over time the more it festers...you begin to develop speech impediments and soon you'll be a zombie that can't articulate a response in real world situations. Yes this happened to me when I was younger, and if you continue to avoid social situations it effects your life in a variety of very negative ways. 


Just to be make some things clear: 

1) An introvert is someone that gets drained (where as extroverts gain) a kind of energy from having too many social interactions...this doesn't mean you have issues socializing, and you can socialize like a normal human being and have a conversation.


2) Social Anxiety is when you have a fear and eventually an inability to socialize.


So closing statement...If you are overweight, that doesn't mean we should move the Mcdonalds closer to you. A real friend...someone who is trying to help you isn't gonna ENABLE you and make your condition worse...they are going to try to change your life for the better. The relation here to games is that if you have social anxiety...you should play MMO's to interact with other people (which is it's purpose). When game's cater to solo-ability, and your complaint is that you have social anxiety, then you are just further enabling your social anxiety and therefor its an argument nobody should accept. You do that to yourself and you shouldn't impose your problems onto others (by saying the game should cater more to you then to those that can socialize)

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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Granted, Heart of Thorns is a whole other level of difficulty above the base Zhaitan story. That was a wake-up call we all had to deal with when it first came out. But, it is solo-able. The entire main quest, the one you get from your quest log, is solo-able. Even for casuals. I'm one of those people. I don't like group content. I avoid it like the plague because I can't stand toxic jackholes. But, as a solo player I've been able to complete the entire storyline, contribute in open-world meta content (all of it aside from the EoD meta/raid because I want no part in that crap), and obtain a couple legendaries (that I didn't buy). You can do all this while not talking to other people. 

I think your answer is finding some better builds...because berserker gear, or any glass cannon gear, is not the way to go for a solo casual. The game itself does you no favors in learning what builds and gear sets work best...you need to go to places like MetaBattle and YouTube (I follow Vallun and Paper Roll) for that. 

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16 hours ago, kosten.4328 said:

I have to grind XP in HoT to get to the story missions, that's where I am stuck.  Doesn't help that I it seems like I am the only one that doesn't have a mount.

You don't really need to "grind" for the early masteries required in the story. Just like in core, you gain exp in HoT maps for things like map exploration, gathering or completing simple events. What's the hurry?

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10 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

At release this was the famous dev quote.. Ever since Gw2 has slowly eroded this truth to a point where its almost impossible to solo these days, without extremely difficult effort.

Yeah, but wasn't it the quote in regards of the trait/attribute systems? Which is why using it in any/every case someone "doesn't want to play x content" is simply dishonest and taken completely out of context? Or are you talking about a different situation where it was also mentioned?

And btw, saying that the game is somehow "almost impossible to solo these days" is just wrong and can come probably exclusively from people refusing to deliberately use basic game mechanics.


I'm not introvert i just am tired of dealing with other people and would prefer to play on my own through the stories.

Ok, but the point is you can easly play through the stories alone, isn't that what I wrote in the post you've just quoted?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 hours ago, DragonMoon.6098 said:

Granted, Heart of Thorns is a whole other level of difficulty above the base Zhaitan story. That was a wake-up call we all had to deal with when it first came out. But, it is solo-able. The entire main quest, the one you get from your quest log, is solo-able. Even for casuals. I'm one of those people. I don't like group content. I avoid it like the plague because I can't stand toxic jackholes. But, as a solo player I've been able to complete the entire storyline, contribute in open-world meta content (all of it aside from the EoD meta/raid because I want no part in that crap), and obtain a couple legendaries (that I didn't buy). You can do all this while not talking to other people. 

I think your answer is finding some better builds...because berserker gear, or any glass cannon gear, is not the way to go for a solo casual. The game itself does you no favors in learning what builds and gear sets work best...you need to go to places like MetaBattle and YouTube (I follow Vallun and Paper Roll) for that. 

I just did PoF before HoT, made HoT a cakewalk. I honestly could not imagine doing HoT without mounts. It must be a terrible solo player experience. Especially if you don't use the best meta solo builds with the best gear stats that allow you to solo all the group events like HP's so you don't need to join a train. 

But this threads originally was about the fact that they released an update on EoD launch that nerfed solo builds with the excuse that they can be used in raids for some reason. It was a bad reason, and timed badly, that is why people felt like they were targeting solo players specifically.


Essentially, its one of those cases where the game would be a better game today, if that entire EoD launch patch was reversed. . 

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18 hours ago, kosten.4328 said:

Most of the time I have no idea what is killing me, I die so fast.  Everything is group oriented which is great for folks that enjoy grouping and like challenging solo content.  I was here for the story and that is quickly dying.

That sounds like a typical experience at the start of playing a new game because you don't know what anything does. The solution is to learn what stuff does. As lousy as the combat log might be it has always done a good enough job of showing where most of the damage came from. Usually either an attack that hits unexpectedly hard or an attack that doesn't hit for much but hits many times in rapid succession.


13 hours ago, otto.5684 said:

As for social anxiety, well, as games typically say “online content is not rated.” This is an online game. You do not exist in GW2 alone and some content is jot meant to be done alone. Everyone knew what they are in for before they purchased the game. You can play solo, but accept that some content will not be for you. If that is not working for you, you can play more solo oriented games.

It depends on you mean by solo. There are things which have been done solo but that required practice and a certain level of skill whereas at least some of the posts are implying that soloable means easily soloable and I guess without any practice or learning of enemy behavior. Hard to say since people are using relatively useless descriptors like easy and hard.

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To the OP: if you never work on it, it will haunt you for the rest of your life, and you will never be free from it. It's disingenuous and arrogant to want to force devs as well as other players to waste time playing at your level simply because it's too much for you to handle cooperating with other players in an MMORPG.

One thing you should note is that in this game if you do not socialize, you do not succeed. It's just that simple, if you cannot get along with anyone, or work with someone  for an ultimate goal, you will fail miserably and be stuck! Teamwork is essential to a living, breathing community, and remaining isolated from others simply means it will take you ages to get the things you want, if you want that, then you really can't complain about the self-imposed circumstance you set on yourself.

A big problem with the average player is that everyone is out for themselves, but it's the guilds, teams, and servers who trade with and cooperate with one another that end up winning the most. It's a big part of why WvW hasn't died since launch because WvW is the ultimate cooperation of all the efforts you make in PvE. 

To be honest, EoD maps have enough events that can be done solo without anyone's help to help justify and equal amount of return for the effort put in for both karma and imperial favor. And if you know how to play the game really well, you can get the same kind of return for everything including spirit shards, T6 mats, and so on.

Edited by Aridon.8362
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1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

I honestly could not imagine doing HoT without mounts.

Not really. You just had to learn how to get around. Sometimes people do all the time IRL.

1 hour ago, Gorem.8104 said:

It must be a terrible solo player experience. Especially if you don't use the best meta solo builds with the best gear stats that allow you to solo all the group events like HP's so you don't need to join a train.

or .. "<map chat>: can someone hlep with this stupid frog? -_-"

I have soloed some of those but I am generally too lazy to bother. It is an order of magnitude less effort to do it with just one other person in most cases.

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3 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yeah, but wasn't it the quote in regards of the trait/attribute systems? Which is why using it in any/every case someone "doesn't want to play x content" is simply dishonest and taken completely out of context? Or are you talking about a different situation where it was also mentioned?

He isn't.
This was explained to him well over a year ago.
The direct quote was referenced and linked. It was basically just talking about sPvP and WvW reward tracks.
The person you are responding to however maintained that there was a different quote that backed up his stance that used the same wording,
When pressed to locate it he claimed it had been mysteriously deleted from the forum archives.

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2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:

I just did PoF before HoT, made HoT a cakewalk. I honestly could not imagine doing HoT without mounts. It must be a terrible solo player experience. Especially if you don't use the best meta solo builds with the best gear stats that allow you to solo all the group events like HP's so you don't need to join a train. 

But this threads originally was about the fact that they released an update on EoD launch that nerfed solo builds with the excuse that they can be used in raids for some reason. It was a bad reason, and timed badly, that is why people felt like they were targeting solo players specifically.


Essentially, its one of those cases where the game would be a better game today, if that entire EoD launch patch was reversed. . 

I'm a solo player. And I didn't feel targeted at all. One of the biggest nerfs they made was to the Scrapper...which is one of my favorite classes...and I still didn't feel targeted at all. I adapted. I'm still able to kick some bootay with her. People have commented on her ability to kick some bootay. Even after the nerf. 

And I've never been able to solo every single HP on every single character/build in the expansion areas, even before the EoD update. That didn't bother me. I had PLENTY of HP's to unlock all the elites...and I eventually happened across another player doing an HP I still needed so I could complete the map(s). Seriously...if everybody were able to solo all of the HP's, then the game would have been doing something wrong. 

Edited by DragonMoon.6098
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15 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


The amount of experience required for the masteries to finish the story is very low (Gliding 1 and itzel jumoung Musrooms). It's a few hundred thousand experience, easily doable with completing a few adventures if events are bot your thing.


Mounts came with PoF and are not required to navigate HoT, even if they do make it a lot easier.


If you are having a hard time, read up or watch a guide on what a proper open world build would be for your class. Chances are high you are playing a highly ineffectiv custom build which has little to no synergies.

Exactly, and the gear stats and weapon choices/stats. The game is good at throwing gear with very random stats at a player.

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