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Hey, Please Don't Make the Game Impossible to Solo.

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1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

That sounds like a typical experience at the start of playing a new game because you don't know what anything does. The solution is to learn what stuff does. As lousy as the combat log might be it has always done a good enough job of showing where most of the damage came from. Usually either an attack that hits unexpectedly hard or an attack that doesn't hit for much but hits many times in rapid succession.

Agreeing with you.


Also not helped by how the damage information is reported (cumulative if not using multiple skills), and that - in a three-chain skill 1 - most of the damage is loaded on the final hit.


As for reading the combat log, while the skill that hit is against the damage, and you can see which NPC skills did the most damage, the player still has to learn what that skill is.

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3 hours ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

He isn't.
This was explained to him well over a year ago.
The direct quote was referenced and linked. It was basically just talking about sPvP and WvW reward tracks.
The person you are responding to however maintained that there was a different quote that backed up his stance that used the same wording,
When pressed to locate it he claimed it had been mysteriously deleted from the forum archives.

It mean't every bit of content could be played any way customers liked.. Lie to yourself all you want.

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5 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

HoT was a lot of fun, even solo and without mounts. 

It was not fun dying to everything solo, there is a reason hot got nerfed many times, and a huge chunk of the populations quite when hot was released.

Solo without mounts was atrocious.

7 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

So what?

He did what 10 man is supposed to do ofcourse it is going to take time.

Makes you wonder how 10 people spend 30-40 mins inside there.

Uh yeah and we can all do that..

Edited by Dante.1508
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36 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

None of these are a "famous quote" about play how you want by a dev.
Not one.

Oh right.


Conveniently Anet has removed their words in many places. Customers haven't forgotten though.

The original comment came from an early announcement trailer just before guildwars 2 released with a female dev stating you can play guildwars 2 anyway you want..

I believe its been deleted

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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Have you read that reddit thread?

It dont support your argument at all.

Yes i have the links go no where anymore because Anet removed where they said it. So people assume its for builds because colin said that in a post.

The original 2011 dev announcement video has been secretly removed, i can no longer find it..

Edited by Dante.1508
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1 hour ago, Dante.1508 said:


It was not fun dying to everything solo, there is a reason hot got nerfed many times, and a huge chunk of the populations quite when hot was released.

Solo without mounts was atrocious.

Uh yeah and we can all do that..

You're welcome to your opinion, but a lot of people love HoT.  For me, it's by far the best area of the game and where I go to chill and play when I don't have any particular objective to work on.

If a dev said you can "play how you want" I'm sure they didn't follow that up with "and you'll see the same results as everyone else even if you build and play like a potato!"  More likely they were talking about the seamless cooperation in GW2 open world, where if you struggle with something or an event requires large numbers of players, solo players can easily get in on that without the higher order of organization that is required for much of the instanced PvE content.

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Debating over a decade old quote as some kind of infallible truth?

What if I want to play withour a keyboard or not leave town? I can, but imposing on the devs to cater to me  is unreasonable.

Nobody likes playing games with semantics. Some would probably argue it is okay to eat the table at an "all you can eat" place.

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Idk what to tell you, GW2 is already one of the most solo friendly mmo in that you dont have to organize groups at all and people just naturally gather for meta events.

Sure there are some content that require groups like raids, are you expecting to solo that as well?

As for strike missions, ANet already provided solo-friendly versions of them in EoD.

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On 4/24/2022 at 7:58 AM, DragonMoon.6098 said:

I'm a solo player. And I didn't feel targeted at all. One of the biggest nerfs they made was to the Scrapper...which is one of my favorite classes...and I still didn't feel targeted at all. I adapted. I'm still able to kick some bootay with her. People have commented on her ability to kick some bootay. Even after the nerf. 

And I've never been able to solo every single HP on every single character/build in the expansion areas, even before the EoD update. That didn't bother me. I had PLENTY of HP's to unlock all the elites...and I eventually happened across another player doing an HP I still needed so I could complete the map(s). Seriously...if everybody were able to solo all of the HP's, then the game would have been doing something wrong. 


Did you play at HoT launch? If they nerfed Sustain that much, AND THEN didn't nerf Hot, many, many times, the game would not be playable right now. Back then they used to listen to feedback. Which is why GW2 still exists. 
Doesn't matter about "kicking the same bootay" when you are kicking it objectively weaker. Adaptation is pointless if the game didn't exist. GW2 is built on the solo foundation. it is built on the solo hardcore casual foundation. And builds exist that allow even the disabled to do well. Anet directly nerfed builds that disabled people use to be better at the game because good players use them "too" well. 
Good players should be able to solo anything the game has on offer that is not content that requires groups like meta's. That would mean the game is and was, before, doing something right. 

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2 hours ago, Gorem.8104 said:


Did you play at HoT launch? If they nerfed Sustain that much, AND THEN didn't nerf Hot, many, many times, the game would not be playable right now. Back then they used to listen to feedback. Which is why GW2 still exists. 
Doesn't matter about "kicking the same bootay" when you are kicking it objectively weaker. Adaptation is pointless if the game didn't exist. GW2 is built on the solo foundation. it is built on the solo hardcore casual foundation. And builds exist that allow even the disabled to do well. Anet directly nerfed builds that disabled people use to be better at the game because good players use them "too" well. 
Good players should be able to solo anything the game has on offer that is not content that requires groups like meta's. That would mean the game is and was, before, doing something right. 

Yes, I did play HoT at launch. It was objectively more difficult than the original Zhaitan content, as I said. I did struggle with it at first. But I did get through it...even without mounts. And I did it solo. The biggest change for me was switching from the glass cannon gear that you use throughout the core content and moving to Marauder gear (back then I didn't even know what a Condi build was). Heck, back then, I didn't even bother to look at places like MetaBattle for help until I started to struggle. So that was the first time I was introduced to build mechanics. Up until that point, I just totally winged it. The launch of HoT forced me to actually pay attention to build and game mechanics...and I think that was largely the point. 

I'll also add that I'm a mouse clicker. (My hands are too small to manage piano-playing my standard-sized keyboard.) I don't keybind beyond weapon swap, pet swap, and class ability skill 1 (Revenant spirit swap) for combat abilities...and I still do everything we just talked about solo. 

I still don't think there should be an expectation that all HP champions should be soloable by all players at any time (even before the nerf). It's really not difficult at all to just happen across another player that is doing the HP at the same time. You don't even need to talk with them...just jump in and you both get the HP. Some of them I can solo with one build or another...some of them I can't...and I'm ok with that. I just wait til I find someone doing them.

Edited by DragonMoon.6098
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48 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Gw2 is already the most soloable mmorpg out there, i dont understand the point of this post xD

I'd honestly say ESO is more soloable. That one does have group dungeons, but those come with different modes, and the dungeons are pretty much tucked away from being required content. In fact, I'd say the game is way beyond boring because it is so soloable. The game is goregous, but I just can't stay interested in it because of the mind-numbing ease of 99.9% of the story. The only challenge whatsoever in any of the maps are the world bosses...and many, many of those can be done solo. Each map has a public dungeon and even those have been nerfed into the sea of numb. If nobody else happens to be in there at the same time, you can still do everything by yourself. (And all this is coming from a very casual player who uses a controller over keyboard and mouse, so it's not like I'm looking at it from a raider's perspective. That game is just way too easy to the point of boredom. I wish it wasn't so because it really is a gorgeous game and I'd love to play it but I just get so bored every time I go back.)(It also doesn't help that I'm not in love with the one character I've spent 100's of hours on - Stamina Warden - getting to nearly Champion 600, lol.)

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On 3/1/2022 at 7:42 PM, LittleSoftTail.8405 said:

I get that it's a MMO but a lot of us prefer to solo, at least, sometimes because of anxiety or just because they don't like having to group up with people constantly. I generally don't understand why MMO companies just love making it impossible/hard for players to solo their content. If I can't solo, then I guess I'm out. I have social anxiety and feel very uncomfortable grouping up with randos and even guild mates, the most I can do without feeling anxious or uncomfortable is to chat with other people on Map/Zone chat (I dunno why either), and yes, I get that I could just play singleplayer games but MMOs have something singleplayer games don't that I like.

I struggled enough as it is with HoT and PoF, and now it's possible that I won't be able to do any of the content without the help of a group. And I know I am not the only person who feels this way so.. kitten us, I guess.


I can understand if you think HoT is hard, because it is hard to solo to this day. PoF is easier once you understand what the mobs attacks are and how to engage and avoid them. But, EoD is by far the easiest content to solo. I had little issues fighting mobs in EoD. 


This games combat is design to reward the player when they become more engaged in combat. By that I mean paying attention to their position, surroundings, and mob attacks.


With that said, you need to be more specific about what makes the content too difficult for you.


Which content are you referring to?


What is it about the content that is making it difficult for you?


Do you think it can be resolved, by either re-evaluating your build or changing the way you play?


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