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Mechanist is currently destroying the game. Please consider adjusting it ASAP.


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On 3/20/2022 at 3:10 PM, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

I guess raiders didn't pay for the content either.  Also if it's not healthy for the endgame, it's likely not healthy for the rest of the game as well.


Raids are NOT the endgame in GW2. This isn't WoW.


The Endgame in GW2 is running around in groups in the Open World, and standing between the Bank and Trading Post in Divinity's Reach.

- In most MMOs when you say that it's in humor. But here that's actually the case. Raiding is bolted on side content here. Open World PvE is the main attraction, followed by WvW... but players are currently 'down' on WvW so...


To the Devs the Endgame is Open World grouping and WvW.

To the Players the Endgame is Open World grouping and Divinity's Reach 'posing'.






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My last post about endgame aside...


I absolutely love the gameplay of the Mechanist. BUT it is also seriously overpowered.


It needs an adjustment, but I'm also wary that it will get overtuned in the wrong direction and have some of the gameplay removed...

That said... Harbringer is equally overpowered.
So it might just be nothing more than these 2 new specs were too easy to master.

And I'm getting 'almost' as good of results on Bladesworn...

Edited by Kichwas.7152
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i dont understand why people getting crazy just by the reason mechanist might be a bit overtuned.

yes, i agree, there are a lot players using mechanist right now, strike or raid squats are pretty good filled with engineers... but i dont think we are so overpowered how people here are reacting.

just for comparsion, look at firebrand or alac ren: they were irreplacable part of every squat in pve and still today.

mechanist is a pretty strong choice for 4 weeks now and people already getting crazy? where is the indignation about meta classes beeing set in stone for years after years?

finally engineer got a strong meta support build for group content, and there are already people who complain and dont begrudge that to us engineer mains.

so imo mechanist need some shaves and changes, but after such big complain threads i expect more a brutal nerf hammer making mechanist unviable.

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I and others have been pointing out since the announcement that this spec would be a terrible idea for the game for many reasons. The betas proved that it was the worst of our assumptions. It's a spec that can only be viable while overpowered. Any attempt at balance would utterly wreck it and anet know this.

Mechanist is a terrible idea, implemented in the worse possible way. Pet specs do not work in this game. They can't. We know this for a fact because we've got 9 years of anet ham-fisting ranger and numerous NPC skills/minions that have all been reworked or completely removed from several classes. How many times do anet have to make the exact same mistakes before they stop repeating them?

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On 3/26/2022 at 2:11 PM, wolfyrik.2017 said:

I and others have been pointing out since the announcement that this spec would be a terrible idea for the game for many reasons. The betas proved that it was the worst of our assumptions. It's a spec that can only be viable while overpowered. Any attempt at balance would utterly wreck it and anet know this.

Mechanist is a terrible idea, implemented in the worse possible way. Pet specs do not work in this game. They can't. We know this for a fact because we've got 9 years of anet ham-fisting ranger and numerous NPC skills/minions that have all been reworked or completely removed from several classes. How many times do anet have to make the exact same mistakes before they stop repeating them?


Can't ANet nerf base jade mech and make the traits more powerful so it's good but only at a specific thing ?

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It is really sad to see threads like this. Do people not think of the impact of calling for constant nerfs? I am not sure if the person who made the current en vogue build had the LI aspect in mind or not, but it is a very good LI build which benefits us in the Disabled Guild Wars 2 Community and allows us to play on the same level (in terms of bringing damage etc) as those who are able to pull the 30-40k on an average build. 


With my muscle atrophy and fine motor issues, I have been for years unable to break 9k damage. No one would take me into Fractals, Raids or Strikes (Beyond the initial few fractals and some of the easier strikes). This sucked. A lot. Then LI builds started showing up and I found some builds for the classes I like and BAM I can fianlly do more than 20k damage with regularity. I don't see how that harms your game play.

If you feel its easy mode and dumbs down content or whatever the case, then simply.....dont use that build or play that class? In an open world setting it doesn't lessen YOUR experience. Like no one is forcing you to play the new mech build. No one is barring your entry from content for not playing it. So whats the deal? I hope sincerely that people can open their eyes to the fact that there is a portion of this community that do have disabilities and its awful for us to get some steps towards accessibility and you have people who are unhappy with a certain build or play style clamour imediately for those things to get nerfed to hell and back and then we are back at the begining. 


We may not be 90% of the player base, but we do matter. Our experience is valid and people ought to consider these things. The crux of the initial portion of this thread is hella ableist. Lets work on that please 

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1 hour ago, Nimrauko.2605 said:

It is really sad to see threads like this. Do people not think of the impact of calling for constant nerfs? I am not sure if the person who made the current en vogue build had the LI aspect in mind or not, but it is a very good LI build which benefits us in the Disabled Guild Wars 2 Community and allows us to play on the same level (in terms of bringing damage etc) as those who are able to pull the 30-40k on an average build. 


With my muscle atrophy and fine motor issues, I have been for years unable to break 9k damage. No one would take me into Fractals, Raids or Strikes (Beyond the initial few fractals and some of the easier strikes). This sucked. A lot. Then LI builds started showing up and I found some builds for the classes I like and BAM I can fianlly do more than 20k damage with regularity. I don't see how that harms your game play.

If you feel its easy mode and dumbs down content or whatever the case, then simply.....dont use that build or play that class? In an open world setting it doesn't lessen YOUR experience. Like no one is forcing you to play the new mech build. No one is barring your entry from content for not playing it. So whats the deal? I hope sincerely that people can open their eyes to the fact that there is a portion of this community that do have disabilities and its awful for us to get some steps towards accessibility and you have people who are unhappy with a certain build or play style clamour imediately for those things to get nerfed to hell and back and then we are back at the begining. 


We may not be 90% of the player base, but we do matter. Our experience is valid and people ought to consider these things. The crux of the initial portion of this thread is hella ableist. Lets work on that please 


I can't understand how someone could react with "confused" to your post, it's clear and explain clearly your situation.

This is an Online Game and the community is composed by a lot of different players, and should welcome everyone, if you are to immature to not understand this wake up there are a lot of people on this world not only you.

Edited by Cherubino XV.2384
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Watched the first video, tried it open world.  Everything the same as Muk has set up.  Yeah, it doesn't hit any harder than the quick scrapper build, in fact, it does far less due to lack of quickness. Not seeing the 8-10k autos that he is.  I'm in full legendary gear, same build, runes, sigils, yeah, seeing 4k autos with bomb.  Will give it a go for a bit longer, but mortar with quickness still seems to be much better in other builds I play.

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On 3/25/2022 at 5:52 PM, mov.1246 said:

i dont understand why people getting crazy just by the reason mechanist might be a bit overtuned.

yes, i agree, there are a lot players using mechanist right now, strike or raid squats are pretty good filled with engineers... but i dont think we are so overpowered how people here are reacting.

just for comparsion, look at firebrand or alac ren: they were irreplacable part of every squat in pve and still today.

mechanist is a pretty strong choice for 4 weeks now and people already getting crazy? where is the indignation about meta classes beeing set in stone for years after years?

finally engineer got a strong meta support build for group content, and there are already people who complain and dont begrudge that to us engineer mains.

so imo mechanist need some shaves and changes, but after such big complain threads i expect more a brutal nerf hammer making mechanist unviable.

welcome to the serious hatred towards AI.

If mechanist was as strong as it is. but not pet orintated most wouldnt bat a eye. the issue is people hate Pets being as strong as Mechanist's is now.


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I think at least the support flavor of the mech is going to get nerfed hard. It outcompetes other classes at its job with much less effort.

I think people who like the class should emotionally prepare themselves for what is coming. I doubt A-Net needed threads like this to tell them that the Mech may need another look soon.

And the Mukluk vid is a really good illustration of what is  wrong. I don't think any other class, under the same circumstances, can maintain that much damage with just as little input.

That said, there is WIDE middle ground between over-performing and useless. Bopping top endgame DPS to be solidly middle of the pack, and modifying support to be good at fewer things at once is a good start.

Edited by lorddarkflare.9186
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You certainly see an awful lot of mechs around. Though given the galactic level of QQ here, I saw the writting on the wall and is going for Specter instead.  Besides, the mech kind of forces you into a canthan fashion to not visually clash together. Which was another reason for me to move on from the Mechanist.

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1 hour ago, lorddarkflare.9186 said:

I think at least the support flavor of the mech is going to get nerfed hard. It outcompetes other classes at its job with much less effort.

I think people who like the class should emotionally prepare themselves for what is coming. I doubt A-Net needed threads like this to tell them that the Mech may need another look soon.

And the Mukluk vid is a really good illustration of what is  wrong. I don't think any other class, under the same circumstances, can maintain that much damage with just as little input.

That said, there is WIDE middle ground between over-performing and useless. Bopping top endgame DPS to be solidly middle of the pack, and modifying support to be good at fewer things at once is a good start.

 Surely this means we can have 5 kit piano engi be as meta defining as firebrand, renegade and scourge has been then right? Right....?

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I think the seeing a lot of mechs around isn't just to do with the class performing well/being accessible, it's also because in most of the expansions promotional material it depicts the mechanist class so of course people would be drawn towards the most unique/promoted spec of the expansion.


I'm also seeing a lot of posts that aren't just borne of not liking mechanist, but a seething hatred towards all builds that involve summoning AI or pets in general. Mechanist does indeed have some of the stress taken away from it by the mech, but you've also got to account for the fact that the AI has many drawbacks, especially when you're trying to position the mech for support. It's unfair to say something should perform badly because the pet makes it more passive as plenty of games have pet specs.


However, I can agree that maybe there could be some changes like maybe having the best performing dps builds requiring you to not just have the mech out at all times but instead recalling it and letting it recharge at times, giving back toolbelt while the mech is desummoned (crash down would replace the elite toolbelt skill), having current signet actives become toolbelt skills and making signets give the mech extra activatable abilities rather than passive rings of conditions and shadow steps. 


As for support mech I can't really relate to the problems, as long as it gives different boons and less burst healing than scrapper it doesn't really need deep nerfs because the healing is still tied to the agency of the engineer doing things.

Edited by Rosiep.9128
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You know what i'm worried about? instead of touching mechanist in itself they are gonna touch core and make scrapper even more inferior to mechanist and or ruin core.


I am always worried about anet ruining core classes to fix the new elites since they have a bad tendency to do that.

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6 hours ago, lorddarkflare.9186 said:

I think at least the support flavor of the mech is going to get nerfed hard. It outcompetes other classes at its job with much less effort.


How does it do this with less effort? Sure pressing the mech skills for alacrity and the like is easy... for just alacrity. The heal engi core is no easy matter. There's lots of invisible cooldowns to manage, namely Super Elixir, that do not line up with anything. Other skill need to be juggled. Med kit 5 for vigor, regen, and swiftness; egun 4 and 5 for might generation, healing, and condi cleanse; mortar kit 5 for more healing and might generation; you have to juggle shields skill and determine whether to use them for prot or use them for a CC bar that may or may not come up. There also many different situational things too. Mortar kit 2 and 3 for chills and blinds; egun 2 and 3 for cripple/swiftness and condi cleanse respectively; and a whole two free utility slots for literally all of core engi's kit. Heal mech is good at what it does because heal engi has always been really good. People are just now seeing how good it is.

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1 hour ago, Pokedranzer.4856 said:

How does it do this with less effort? Sure pressing the mech skills for alacrity and the like is easy... for just alacrity. The heal engi core is no easy matter. There's lots of invisible cooldowns to manage, namely Super Elixir, that do not line up with anything. Other skill need to be juggled. Med kit 5 for vigor, regen, and swiftness; egun 4 and 5 for might generation, healing, and condi cleanse; mortar kit 5 for more healing and might generation; you have to juggle shields skill and determine whether to use them for prot or use them for a CC bar that may or may not come up. There also many different situational things too. Mortar kit 2 and 3 for chills and blinds; egun 2 and 3 for cripple/swiftness and condi cleanse respectively; and a whole two free utility slots for literally all of core engi's kit. Heal mech is good at what it does because heal engi has always been really good. People are just now seeing how good it is.

They can't understand it, they just saw the video with big numbers and discovered the engineer class with the EoD release, they think they know the class but it's not like that.

By the way I played mechanist mostly during my first completion of the EoD personal story, after that I played mostly my other alts, I think that there are stronger Especs, probably the people asking for nerfs don't know about it or are currently playing those and are worried to lose their seat...

7 hours ago, lorddarkflare.9186 said:

I think at least the support flavor of the mech is going to get nerfed hard. It outcompetes other classes at its job with much less effort.

I think people who like the class should emotionally prepare themselves for what is coming. I doubt A-Net needed threads like this to tell them that the Mech may need another look soon.

And the Mukluk vid is a really good illustration of what is  wrong. I don't think any other class, under the same circumstances, can maintain that much damage with just as little input.

That said, there is WIDE middle ground between over-performing and useless. Bopping top endgame DPS to be solidly middle of the pack, and modifying support to be good at fewer things at once is a good start.

There are other professions/Especs that can do that kind of Damage and even more against a Golem by just pressing 1, If you don't know the potential of all professions how can you be ojective when asking to tone down an Espec that does Decent Damage.

Edited by Cherubino XV.2384
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