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Mechanist is currently destroying the game. Please consider adjusting it ASAP.


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The funny thing about this is that almost everything complaining about engineer condition dps is a kit issue and not actually a mechanist issue.


If the kits had a shared cooldown after use then you would see alot less issues with multi-kitting and the actual intet for the kits would become stronger since they would stop being a swap spam utility.

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Just now, Shiyo.3578 said:

You're contributed nothing to this thread but lay on personal attacks. Stop posting on forums.

I said:"You do not understand why this is broken, and are instead just parroting numbers from content creators"

You said: "Just look at the content creators!"

You not having a clue about the actual problem with mechanist is not a personal insult.

It is objective fact that you yourself have proven.

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51 minutes ago, LucianDK.8615 said:

played a condi mechanist with viper stats for a while in pve. But I wasnt feeling happy about so much damage comming from the mech, and feeling like I was hitting like a wet noodle myself. Gone back to harbinger.

i go back to grenadier in wvw.

but i understand mech is like a "toy" appeal in pve, let the guys be happy!

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2 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Then you can ask him and argue his points with him. What I'm saying is pretty clear and I have little care how it relates to what the OP said. 

Mechanist delivers too much performance for too little effort. 

Again, what other classes do or how they might be trivializing content does NOT make it OK for Mechanist to be able to do it with the ease that it can be done. Anet has done LOTS of work to nerf passive sustain builds for EXACTLY the reasons that Mechanist is a problem here. A game dev philosophy that results in a blanket passive sustain nerf simply can't co-exist with the current state of mechanist IMO.

Mechanist is literally no more easy than hitting f4 off cooldown on ren or hitting your shout, heal, and using your mantras.

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On 3/20/2022 at 5:32 PM, Shiyo.3578 said:

The mech can EASILY tank strike bosses. It should not be able to generate enmity at all.

The mech makes all open world content a snoozefest and extremely safe. Actually safer than any torment runes/self sustain build you nerfed going into EoD.

Support mechanist is just as good as Firebrand in groups(provides alac instead of quickness though).

DPS mechanist is doing extremely high DPS.

The skill floor on this class is extremely low, probably the lowest in the entire game.

You can do ~26k DPS while literally AFK only auto-attacking.

Hey, Mukluk here. The first video was mine.

"the mech can easily tank strike bosses"
The strike bosses do not use tanks, they hit whoever they wish.  

"Support mech is as good as firebrand" 
And that is reason for a nerf to mech? Cause it caught up to the golden child?

"DPS mech is doing extremely high DPS"
Yeah, its ok, but not top right now, don't know why that is a bad thing. You can check snowcrows benchmarks if you wish.

"The skill floor on this class is extremely low, probably the lowest in the entire game.

You can do ~26k DPS while literally AFK only auto-attacking.."
Because in my video it did 20k autos? You'll love to know I have a mirage vid coming out soon that does 35k dps with 2 buttons!

The POINT of that video was to create a low intensity build that people could play while relaxing, or if they had any conditions (such as shaky hands) that affected their gameplay.  It is NOT an example of the top dps that class can achieve.

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30 minutes ago, Sir Alymer.3406 said:

Mechanist is literally no more easy than hitting f4 off cooldown on ren or hitting your shout, heal, and using your mantras.

Well, it actually is because hitting F4 on CD or hitting shouts, heals and using mantras is ALREADY more work than you need to do for good performance on Mechanist. I see little reason debating this with you though, as it's clear you aren't making much effort to understand my point anyways. Matters little to me; Anet is watching; if it's a problem, they will do something about it. We certainly don't need these threads to do highlight it. 

I don't have a problem with easy execution builds or high capability builds. My problem is when easy execution is married to high capability.

There is no way it's OK for Anet to create challenging content and allow people to bypass that challenge with ease because of game features ... and we have LOTS of examples of then changing the game so that DOESN'T happen. If Anet cares about the content of the game they create, they MUST care about the tools they give people to experience that content in a non-trivial manner.

Edited by Obtena.7952
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I just wanted to point out something small, but it should be remembered that a class/spec you find to be easy isn't going to be viewed in the same light as everyone. So talking about effort needed for a class to perform well is never really an argument in my opinion, as the the very same reasoning could be used against the specs you enjoy in the mind of someone else.

This isn't to say that the mechanist can't be fairly criticized if it's truly over preforming in any given mode though.

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1 minute ago, Xenash.1245 said:

I just wanted to point out something small, but it should be remembered that a class/spec you find to be easy isn't going to be viewed in the same light as everyone. So talking about effort needed for a class to perform well is never really an argument in my opinion, as the the very same reasoning could be used against the specs you enjoy in the mind of someone else.

This isn't to say that the mechanist can't be fairly criticized if it's truly over preforming in any given mode though.

That's fair ... and I should be more careful. When I say 'easy', what I'm really talking about is effort, not difficulty. 

Mechanist is about the LOWEST effort build you can play and for that effort, the capability it has ... it's too high. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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30 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

for Anet to create challenging content and allow people to bypass that challenge with ease because of game features...

That implies that the main challenge has to come from playing your own build rather than the encounter itself but personally I prefer fighting things which aren't just glorified DPS golems.

29 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

they MUST care about the tools they give people to experience that content in a non-trivial manner

And they have as other builds one can play exist.

Edited by Tails.9372
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Could be fair, though I'd have to question why it matters and what we're talking about really.

Like if we're talking about raids I'd say there's still certainly effort being made by the player in question as that's more so a matter of just remembering what the boss in questions does and not dying. This isn't to say that support mechanist might be over tuned at the moment from how I've been seeing people speak, though I'd also say dps mechanist seems fine.

If we're talking about WvW I'd say it's a fairly non-issue as the spec isn't very good at zerging, though to be fair I can't really comment on it's roaming potential.

For PvP, I'm honestly not sure since I certainly see a lot of people complaining, about but no specifics as to what the issue is are really brought up most of the time. I know there was people saying it's break bar should be removed and that's gone now, and currently the most interesting point are from people I've seen saying that the leash range is too long. I've also questioned if maybe it has a bit too much mobility in rocket boots + shift signet, though that's more so just me questioning things a bit.

So, for what mode are we talking about when it comes to effort being made? It's perfectly fair to say I'm just missing something here which I'll readily admit, but for now I just don't see it.

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25 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

That implies that the main challenge has to come from playing your own build rather than the encounter itself but personally I prefer fighting things which aren't just glorified DPS golems.


The only implication is that the capability of Mechanist doesn't match the effort needed to play it. 

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On 3/20/2022 at 10:12 PM, Tatwi.3562 said:

Sure, it's absolutely wonderful and amazing for companies to cater to less than 5% of their paying customers. Who needs money!

Kinda a dishonest opinon. 

It'd be catering to every player who isn't a engineer and of the same opinion. 

People in games, very rarely like AI driven speccs I'm afraid, it's a extremely hated concept and before you say "but it doesn't affect them how I solo" your fight it doesn't. But they feel invalidated by your existence because your doing it with less work.

This isn't a opinon to nerf it, I personally don't care. I've never seen it cause that much trouble in spvp to warrant putting it in a grave. 

But I garuntee ALOT more then 5% will want it's demise 

Feeling weaker then a AI generally doesn't bode well for player opinons 

It's the same in every game I'm afraid and it's a large reason why alot of games very rarely have pets excel because generally it's one way to really annoy your playerbase. 

Mechanist will annoy alot of players, people don't like to feel inferior to other choices, Even in open world content. Espically when it's a AI not doing it better then them. 

You see some virtuoso having to use everything they've got to solo and suddenly some machinist watching netflixs facerolls the same content. 

Yah you wait for the hate to roll in 😂 people will be extremely bias. 

Why do you think the outcry on ele is so loud? Because the effort they put it in feels unrewarding if a easier to play option does it better. 

Why do you think mesmer is beyond gutted at this point, because again people get really mad at clones. 

Their are people still out there that will advocate clones boost players to gold. While the vast majority of mesmers are silver or lower 😂



Edited by Daddy.8125
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I've rarely found my mech easily tanking things other than not taking much damage from aoe focused bosses, more often than not due to the nature of mobs in GW2 coming at you from all angles you'll have more enemies on you and you have to really micro manage your mech to keep it protecting you. It's the Golemancer fantasy that is definitely awesome for Asura and that's always been about having a cool golem to protect you.


In terms of soloing, I found my minion master necro is pretty good at soloing things, so is my elementalist who summons a bunch of elementals and, back when turrets weren't a -complete- joke they were pretty hardy too. There will always be the trade off with these pet/minion specs, they're great at solo play but they'll remain hampered by their own AI which is especially difficult in PVP and WvW as you can jump down a cliff and your pet/mech will path all the way around it. 


In the end the problem isn't mechanist really, it's a spec in a good place. In the end the real problem is things like catalyst being nerfed into the ground and virtuosos main kit being full of projectiles. However I can understand the heartache in the pet spec problem and I think that the mechanist could take some more skill to execute perfectly but also synergize better the core engineer.

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Just because a spec has a low skill floor, doesn't mean that it's ceiling should also be lower.  The goal should be to have all specs performing close to equal.  Purposefully designing a spec to be easy, but also have poor performance is absolutely hilarious, and a great way to make sure players quit the game if that is their favorite spec.

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4 hours ago, Xenash.1245 said:

If we're talking about WvW I'd say it's a fairly non-issue as the spec isn't very good at zerging, though to be fair I can't really comment on it's roaming potential.

i tried it on WvW, is a sitting duck, i have better time against multiple oponent with grenadier.

the only 'unfair' stuff i noticed, is on "duel" 1x1, the if u get downed the mech is strong enough by itself to down your rival.... i didnt lose any duel because of this. so a "nerf" when mech owner is on down state would be fair.

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