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Official Mount Adoption Feedback Thread [merged]

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@TheQuickFox.3826 said:Is there a list of the available new mount skins somewhere? (Without buying a mount adoption license just to see what is there)

In game, go to your hero window, equipment tab, Mounts option. You can preview them all there :)

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@Kheldorn.5123 said:

@Offair.2563 said:Guess they did it to milk more money from stupid people as the sale of PoF isn't that good as they expected.

While the only reason for these is to milk people, iot must have been planned long before pof release

It was.

It's pretty obvious that they withheld mount skins till now so people would spend those special edition gems first.

People cashed in so many unused gems that the conversion when down into the 80s at one point and is now back up to 130+. Worked out pretty well for them I'd say.

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Like so may here I will not be spending money on this kitten-fest. Others have called it already, this is simply gambling and the house always wins. ANET might come ahead doing this, but only at the expense of fleecing their customers. I will not partake in this. Not with a single bit of RL currency, and not with a bit of in game currency. I have no problem with them making a profit, I dislike some of their pricing but have purchased anyway because I have enjoyed the game, but their trend towards RNG for more and more of the game is really concerning.

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I actually feel a little bit horrified about this

  • ive worked with people with gambling problems, ive also spent time in Japan and saw the Pachinko gambling machines, ive also had the misfortune to see kids whose parents would kick off if their little treasure had to deal with someone else's passive smoke but are oblivious to the free to play mobile games with predatory pay to win practices that train their kids to become addicted gamblers.

Its not ethical and its my personal red line, though lets be honest the rot of RNG set in a long time ago here.

400 gems for ONE skin that you like is reasonable as to buy 5 would be more than the cost of the previous bundled 5 - I would have spent close to the 2000 gems I have to buy some.

I wont be buying anything now.

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@Substance E.4852 said:

@Myrdreth.6829 said:And you can get mount adoption by converting gold to gems.

~3186g to ENSURE you get what you want.

Totally the same thing.

Actually yes.What would happen if they were unlockable likes dyes or mini pet?Lots of people would get the junk skin shit worth nothing, a few would get the rare skins worth the perma frost, and you would need to pay 1k+ for the rare skins you want.Other people having to gamble the rare skin for you means you would likely end up having to pay a huge amount anyway. Amount that... you can also buy with gems.

You don't get super prenium skins for cheap, especially so soon after the first mount skins got released. They are smart for capitalizing on that. It's what pays living seasons and future expansions.

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@ReaverKane.7598 said:Like the title says, Arena Net is constantly subverting the game with more and more Gambling.At launch we had the Black Lion Chests and dyes. Both of which you could get from other forms, prominently the Trading Post. So it was a mostly innocuous practice, and we learned to live with it (and even, thanks to key farming, thrive).Then it was the ecto gambles. It was an annoying addition, but mostly not that bad, i mean it was a ecto sink, but entirely optional.Then comes PoF and everything changed.First you make it so we HAVE to gamble for the Superior Runes of Holding used on the new ascended 24+ slot bags. Toxic move, but hey, it was an instance, and i figured you'd eventually add other sources, since traditionally Arena Net hasn't been a toxic predatory developer.Apparently i was wrong. Now not only do you add a 2000 gem mount (more expensive than the previous 5 mount pack), but make obtaining ANY OTHER skin a Gamble?That's just the worst practice you could adopt.You managed to make me regret buying the Ultimate version of the expansion in less than a month after launch. Even HoT with all it's crap that lasts to this day hasn't made me regret buying the Ultimate edition (and it more expensive).I've always gladly paid for the game and expansions above the base cost because the game had quality and respected us players.This, this is just insulting. Enjoy your revenues and the user drop.

Yeah same, both me and my GF both the ultimate and have the previous ultimate editions.But the RNG mount skins are really pushing us in the direction of leaving the game for good.

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@YoukiNeko.6047 said:Yeah same, both me and my GF both the ultimate and have the previous ultimate editions.But the RNG mount skins are really pushing us in the direction of leaving the game for good.

Nothing personal, but I wonder at such a strong reaction to something that isn't required to play the game.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:It's what pays living seasons and future expansions.

No? The money we pay for the expansion is what pays for the expansion. And the Living World is their way to keep players interested so that they buy the next expansion - an investment that will pay off in the future.This is one of the flimsiest excuses people could possibly make for this stuff. If this were true, we'd get the expansions for free, as well as the base game. But we don't. So no, this doesn't "pay for" anything.

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@kharmin.7683 said:

@YoukiNeko.6047 said:Yeah same, both me and my GF both the ultimate and have the previous ultimate editions.But the RNG mount skins are really pushing us in the direction of leaving the game for good.

Nothing personal, but I wonder at such a strong reaction to something that isn't required to play the game.

It might come of as strong, but its not based only on the new RNG mount skins but on all the things like them they put in the game since launch.

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@Red Queen.7915 said:

@Deihnyx.6318 said:It's what pays living seasons and future expansions.

No? The money we pay for the expansion is what pays for the expansion. And the Living World is their way to keep players interested so that they buy the next expansion - an investment that will pay off in the future.This is one of the flimsiest excuses people could possibly make for this stuff. If this were true, we'd get the expansions for free, as well as the base game. But we don't. So no, this doesn't "pay for" anything.

You can't realistically assume this is enough money to cover 2 years of server costs, employees, living seasons and all.This isn't wow, there isn't a monthly subscription.That the RNG methods are put in question is fair, but they absolutely need to cash on skins to maintain the game, there's absolutely no doubt about that.

Seriously, no. Not a flimsy excuse, just reality.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@Myrdreth.6829 said:And you can get mount adoption by converting gold to gems.

~3186g to ENSURE you get what you want.

Totally the same thing.

Actually yes.What would happen if they were unlockable likes dyes or mini pet?Lots of people would get the junk skin kitten worth nothing, a few would get the rare skins worth the perma frost, and you would need to pay 1k+ for the rare skins you want.Other people having to gamble the rare skin for you means you would likely end up having to pay a huge amount anyway. Amount that... you can also buy with gems.

You don't get super prenium skins for cheap, especially so soon after the first mount skins got released. They are smart for capitalizing on that. It's what pays living seasons and future expansions.

Honestly? If those mount skins were purchasable in the trading post for people who did not like what they got, this would have never been a problem/issue at all.Those that don't want RNG pay whatever they want for the skins they like.Like if they want the "Cooked Chicken Griffon" skin or the "I'm on a doggy Jackal" skin or "My little Griffy Sparkling" skin, then let them.If someone wants the "tacky and plain" skimmer recolours, even if a lot might not and the skins start to worth like 1 copper in the trading area... so be it. Everyone would be happy.

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Gambling with real money, for virtual items or whatnot, should be legally considered gambling and regulated as such.For the gaming industry the lockbox concept is just too lucrative to resist, it seems. For gaming customers it is an ailment. Best way to alienize both.AN, you lowered your ethical standards today.:-(

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