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Housing would be indeed great - i have a picture of that in my mind

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6 minutes ago, maciora.9542 said:

Imagine housing, buying plots in areas of this huge map, then u are transported into instance, all this pretty views in many many places, lets add framing animals and stuff like that - wouldnt it be really cool?

Based on experience of doing that in a different game, no not really.

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5 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Based on experience of doing that in a different game, no not really.

GW2 is not other MMOs. It has its own special niche. They done many things right - and I trust they will do this in a good way as well...

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1 hour ago, maciora.9542 said:

Imagine housing, buying plots in areas of this huge map, then u are transported into instance, all this pretty views in many many places, lets add framing animals and stuff like that - wouldnt it be really cool?

This isn't Sims. How about we get something other than gimmicks not a lot of people would use?

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Home Instances is GW2 answer to player housing. They built an entire storefront around it. To a limited degree, Guild Halls are also a type of housing, albeit few will ever be able to acquire one and fully upgrade it for personal use.


I don't really see that changing given limited resources the devs have. It's also hard to compete with established games like ESO and Fallout 76 when they pump out lots of DLC per year and have housing fully integrated into their games. Not to mention, those games have way more detail, better lighting, a camera system that works indoors and in cramped settings, and has the atmosphere to immerse yourself and build really great looking houses. Guild Halls have.. jumping puzzles made from SAB furniture?


IMO, GW2 needs to stick to what it does well that other games don't have. With the successful launch of EoD and their newfound playerbase, they need to keep that momentum and continue to think outside the box with new gameplay and reward systems. Competing with other games for player housing would be, IMO, akin to shooting themselves in the foot.

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3 minutes ago, maciora.9542 said:

GW2 is not other MMOs. It has its own special niche. They done many things right - and I trust they will do this in a good way as well...

That sounds too much like how "Bioware magic" was going to make Anthem a good game. Don't get drunk on the kool aid.


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I mean, I wouldn't be opposed to them reworking home instances to be less dull and more useful overall.

I would love an option to have it "open" to my guilds/friends as I have a lot of friends that are new to the game that could actually use all of the nodes and stuff I've collected over the years. Having the option to have one or two "room mates" wouldn't be too bad either so that we could pool resources (with a maximum limit of course) into one home instance instead of multiple. 

Being able to move the nodes ( "furniture" ) and thus make the gathering easier (by having everything in the same room :] ) wouldn't hurt either. People who like to decorate can do that while I pile everything in the middle of the biggest room. X] 

Not really against the idea of adding new places (and "pet" collections) for the home instance either - would love to have a cabin in Lornar's Pass as it has always been my favorite zone - but I would definitely prioritize making home instances more useful to the average player first. The issue is that it is difficult doing home instances useful and satisfying without having WoW's WoD experience where the cities become empty cause everyone is camping their home instance. :'] Perhaps a version of the Lost Ark Stronghold where one can do some light crafting material missions and/or craft stuff overtime.

... Idk, I feel like home instances really requires a rework overall, but I am really uncertain how Anet would manage to make it worthwhile and fun for most players without making it a tedious daily chore.

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4 hours ago, maciora.9542 said:

Imagine housing, buying plots in areas of this huge map, then u are transported into instance, all this pretty views in many many places, lets add framing animals and stuff like that - wouldnt it be really cool?

Are you sure you are not playing the wrong game? 🤣

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A lot of people have been wanting housing. Not sure why we can't when the technology already exists for it in Guild Halls, just make private instances a cleared plot for customization or scroll instances like Mistlock.

It'd also make Scribe more useful. I doubt they'd ever do it with housing districts if ever though like FFXIV. It takes them long enough to pump out maps as is when an easier method is available.

I miss Wildstar's housing system XD it was the best part about that game. Anet likes Minigames too, I think it would suit GW2 if they copied it.

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12 hours ago, maciora.9542 said:

Imagine housing, buying plots in areas of this huge map, then u are transported into instance, all this pretty views in many many places, lets add framing animals and stuff like that - wouldnt it be really cool?

I love it and they could monetize the kitten out of it. 3 more housing garden plots, oh man all the housing bltc daily nodes. Then they could add the wife and kids dlc aswell.


Lol I would just suggest making a small guild and lfg a group to help you get your own guild hall.

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I just don't see the point in housing.

Gw2 has a bad habit of making new "hubs" that fill a very niche requirement for a very short period of time.
They're not even that useful for free transportation because so many living world maps around them already have a teleport scroll.

I can't even access my home instance upgrades in the other hubs.. no cats running around, no personal nodes I can access.
It's extremely disappointing and it makes all these locations feel almost completely worthless once we move on to another region.

Eye of the North I guess still has strike mission access and the Dragon event but if you don't do those regularly you aint going to be spending much time there.

Suns Refuge is borderline useless these days which is a big shame.

We don't some kind of irrelevant housing system if you ask me, what would be so much better would be something akin to Gw1's Hall of Monuments instead.
Hours and hours, day's, weeks, months, potentially years of content in something like that alone.

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Although I think player housing is essentially redundant thanks to the aforementioned Home instances and Guild Halls I do have an idea for player housing. It's probably not the first time it's been thought of or mentioned either.


Player Airships. 


It has lots of potential, doesn't take up map space, could be integrated into an expansion and have some kind of world presence, is mobile (which makes sense for the Commander) and who the kitten doesn't love airships?

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Just now, dace.8019 said:

Although I think player housing is essentially redundant thanks to the aforementioned Home instances and Guild Halls I do have an idea for player housing. It's probably not the first time it's been thought of or mentioned either.


Player Airships. 


It has lots of potential, doesn't take up map space, could be integrated into an expansion and have some kind of world presence, is mobile (which makes sense for the Commander) and who the kitten doesn't love airships?

That's actually one of the best concepts for a home that i've seen.

I play a lot of No Mans Sky as well and one of the things I love about that game is the ability to have a capital ship that you can use as a base and summon to any system.
In Subnautica you can do the same thing with a giant submarine, a mobile base and transport for other vehicles.

It's a great concept that could be very well used in Gw2.
A mobile base that you can call any time, any where in the world.. (if Canach can have a mobile casino i'll believe anything ins possible)
It could have housing for your mounts to give them a more believable presence rather than giant creatures you pull out of your pocket.. they would instead be real creatures you summon from your ship when you need them.
Should they add in vehicles later that are required for some truly inhospitable environments (like a submarine to explore the ocean depths) your airship could be the thing that transports it around.
It could even carry your Skiff too.
It could also be used to move from one location to another without a waypoint cost, but naturally a bit more restrictive and clunkier to use to provide a more pay for convenience choice to waypoints.

I think that would be a lot of fun tbh
And it could be as simply to implement  as it is to transport to your guildhall.
An instance you can access anytime from a menu.

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Home instances basically provide the functionality of a house.... but with too many limitations/restrictions. This leads to disappointment from those that want actual housing. Something a good amount of people actually want.

Actual housing would provide a lot more personal options and customization, which instances are limited in.  This is probably why players who want housing, still want housing despite what GW2 already has.

Such things would include:

- A much bigger selection of actual housing locations, themes and sizes

- A more expansive ability to place things in your home/instance, allowing for 2 people with the same instance to have versions that look significantly different based on the items/decorations/objects placed. Some examples:

  1.     Being able to place interactive furniture. Such as chairs you can actually sit on. This is big for RPers
  2.     Being able to put mini pets and mounts on display, similar to ESO.
  3.     Being able to place trophies, statues, pictures, and other collected rarities to show off your achievements

- More interaction with things you do in the rest of the game. IE: being able to purchase/earn/quest for/unlock decorations/trophies/etc to put in your home instance

What it really comes down to is personalization. Making something feel unique and your own. The SAME way people do with their actual characters.  Housing should NOT replace actual towns and hubs. They should be there for personal customization and role play immersion. Not everyone cares... which is fine. None of this would be mandatory. But options, and customization, are always a GOOD thing, when they arent forced or required.

Housing IS an important aspect. The MassivelyOP website recently posted an article about it, where the majority of the readers pointed to GW2 having one of the most disappointing and useless implementations of housing across mmorpgs..

Edited by Gadzooks.4687
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On 4/3/2022 at 1:49 PM, maciora.9542 said:

Imagine housing, buying plots in areas of this huge map, then u are transported into instance, all this pretty views in many many places, lets add framing animals and stuff like that - wouldnt it be really cool?

I am going to answer your question ---- NO!


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Housing?!??!? Yes please! .

If housing new feature next expansion i want be able to put npc in me house. I want to marry marjory and put her in me housing and we will retire as perfect couple go fishing then happy ending have babies. I forgot about kasmeer she will be our maid.

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Housing could be pretty simply made by having a home instance you can decorate same way you decorate guild hall. All tech is already in the game, just make small "guild hall" which is binded to player not guild and let every player have one just like we have home instances. Throw in some more deco drops from all around open world content and it will also be easy way to keep a lot of older content fresh and active.

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