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Do you feel bad being carried by shout spam?


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Could they be any less imaginative? I know adding other features, traits, reworks, etc. takes time and effort which might not turn a profit at the end of the day, but kitten. Pivoting onto shout spam to make it the main sustain path for warrior is brutally plain and so very boring.

Just give us 400 healing per second [Healing Signet] again like back in the day. At least it'll save my fingers the effort from spamming.

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this build is completely garbage toxic. it just sustains through spamming overpowered healing numbers.

you are not sustaining like spellbreaker by actively mitigating enemy skills..

you are sustaining by pure raw healing...which has led to warriors downfall long ago..and it took anet years to come to spellbreaker..and they are back at it again..

no dps warrior has had this many raw healing ever..literally every single trait taken except leg specialist and unyielding dragon are for healing, not for mitigation, not for utility, just healing...on a dps build...like what is this...

and the damage kit on bladesworn is so garbage..you are literally only wining because you are healing through everything..and there's no skill to that, because it takes no skill to press an instant self healing skill..


like unshakable mountain is so ridiculous, you gain 887 shield on last ammo usage..you have 9 ammo skills and with elite you get 18

that means with shield alone u get 16k and all of the ammo has very low cd..and elite is every 60 seconds..the shield u get is insane..

ive not played a more boring and stuipid warrior build since release of game

Edited by felix.2386
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11 hours ago, Little Howl.5231 said:

Was this what the warrior community wanted or does it stray even father from the core warrior glory days ?

Not what I wanted. 

Giving up your utility slots, your combat movement, your skill variety, any semblance of aggressive combat pacing, one weapon, your burst skills, and taking on larger telegraphs in exchange for living longer is the perpetual punchline of a joke that started back with HoT zerker nerfs.

Anyone that thinks Bladesworn is good because it heals is unaware of the fact that people whined for months going on years about healing signet, healbreaker, Might Makes Right in general, and passive endure pain, and yet here we are again doing the same kitten with a different label, like it's suddenly okay to be carried now because it means people don't have to think about how warrior still needs balancing to fix everything else. 

At the same time I've learned that being objective about warrior tends to get it more nerfs than buffs, so maybe I should keep my mouth shut going forward. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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19 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

this build is completely garbage toxic. it just sustains through spamming overpowered healing numbers.

you are not sustaining like spellbreaker by actively mitigating enemy skills..

Well, on one hand yes... not really war gameplay. Which is why I'm not playing it.

On the other hand, why should I sweat with dodging the right things? I mess up 1-2 dodges and eat a big hit (sometimes the big hit comes from stealth and I have to dodge on feeling) and then its a slow and steady slide to getting downed. Literally no other spec has to sweat so much with evading. The squishy ones (on power) can go condi bunker (and have way more success than warrior has going that route). Thief and DH have stealth for when they mess up. And the rest just have higher sustain and/or damage mitigation, even when on builds that dish out equal or more dmg than war (mainly due to having a ranged option).

Edited by Hotride.2187
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You know bladesworn is pure heal carry. I mean your healing with 2 Master traitlines plus the normal healing. Sad it heals only yourself so not even close good Support options here. Also its as spamy as most specs are this days.( thief stealth/blind , necro aoe fields, mes blind/cc , engi granades or defence/Robo, Ranger defence/pet or trab condi ..... and so on.) Letz be real as long as anet prefer to push those builds into obilivion pvp will always be Bad and toxic.

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45 minutes ago, Grand Marshal.4098 said:

I am an avid anti-Bladesworn supporter. Burn this trash.

Can we burn the Berserk requirement for Primal Burst along with Junksworn?

I'd enjoy Berserker a lot more if I didn't have to use that hideous transformation to gain access to the actual profession mechanic.

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Seems to me that shouts and banners were always intended to be the support options on warrior so it's strange to see the backlash these things get when we talk about sustain and support. Most of a traitline is dedicates to these things. What Anet did was completely inline with the value they put on them from the class design. 

TLDR: This isn't a surprise. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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11 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Seems to me that shouts and banners were always intended to be the support options on warrior so it's strange to see the backlash these things get when we talk about sustain and support. Most of a traitline is dedicates to these things. What Anet did was completely inline with the value they put on them from the class design. 

TLDR: This isn't a surprise. 

The problem is not that Warrior support gets small buffs by itself.

The problem is that Warrior gets these minimalistic buffs while other parts of Warrior, which should be far more important to be touched, are getting ignored by Arenanet.

For example, why does Arenanet buff Shouts to make Junksworn's ammunition interactions look better, when the most prominent and most advertised feature of the specialization - Dragon-Trigger - isn't getting worked on? As far as I know, it can still be jumped over, it can still simply be side-stepped, it is still a self-root and it is still far too easily interrupted.

Arenanet slightly buffing auxiliary capabilities, while not addressing the main issues and even applying egregious nerfs that far outweigh the small buffs, results in net losses for Warrior.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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12 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Seems to me that shouts and banners were always intended to be the support options on warrior so it's strange to see the backlash these things get when we talk about sustain and support. Most of a traitline is dedicates to these things. What Anet did was completely inline with the value they put on them from the class design. 

TLDR: This isn't a surprise. 

Well... Banners don't work well in PvP/Wvw. 

And if we look at shouts, only 2 of them have actual support on them while 1 is just semi useful Boon spam and the other 2 probably saw less then 100 uses last year combined. 

It's pretty questionable if we can call a little bit of healing on 2 skills support. 

Especially when one shout is your heal and the other has 60cd.


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On 4/5/2022 at 8:23 PM, felix.2386 said:

you are not sustaining like spellbreaker by actively mitigating enemy skills..

This quote is helping crystallise something about GW2 that I've been trying to put in to words for a while now.

The core idea is that current GW2 has almost completely diverged from the original design goals when it comes to gameplay.


Please note that as with all my posts, this is primarily from a PvE perspective..


Before raids, e-specs and control nerfs, core warrior sustain really was about denial of enemy damage through skills. Weakness, knockdown, stun, daze, blindness, knockback, these were the ways a Warrior would help sustain the group, by essentially stopping the enemy from dishing out damage in the first place.


Other professions in PvP complained about the amount of control Warrior had, which resulted in the increased presence and availability of Stability and Blind. It didn't matter that landing those control skills against a good player was difficult, thanks to the lengthy tells. Rather than waiting for the wider community to "Learn to Play", they pandered to them and gutted the core of Warrior's original sustain path, which was damage mitigation.


Added to this, the introduction of raids and wipe mechanics gradually changed the focus of PvE design from observing the enemy and reacting with the appropriate skills, to DPS rotations.


I still play the old way, where I treat my skills as different tools in a Swiss Army Knife, best applied by observing the enemy and using the right tool to counter them. And it's still very fun, if not the most effective way to play in some later content.


But in finally caving recently, I started playing more instanced content. I'm not a massive fan of instanced content in MMOs, seeing it as being antithetical to the very name of the genre; "Hey! We're playing a game where the main draw is the ability to play in massive, reactive  open worlds with HUNDREDS of other players! Now let's go and play scripted content with a maximum player limit of 10 and lock the best rewards behind it!"


To be fair, Fractals still have a lot of the old-school design that rewards observation over DPS, and they are, in general, very fun, short bursts of focused gameplay


But Strikes?

I suspected they were trash, and that their prevalence in the modern game was due to how easy they were to develop when compared to Fractals, and boy, did my experience playing them reinforce that idea. Contrary to what the "high-end" PvE players would have you believe, I found these insultingly easy, with encounter design purely designed around how much damage you can kick out and how quickly.


All that drew me to the game in the first place had been gutted and replaced by soulless DPS checks.

This kind of gameplay design? It ain't my Guild Wars 2.


And I think this feeds back in to the main point. The original game design was based on very solid pillars. Nobody was supposed to be able to sustain the whole team, and builds were encouraged to include some degree of self-sustain in order to compliment this design. It wasn't supposed to be purely about how big you could make your numbers.

Control was powerful, but easily avoided if you were observant. In addition, it had a much more meaningful role in encounter design.

But over time, the stability of these pillars has been eroded by pandering to players who want to be playing another, more "traditonal" game.


And as long as this is the case, Warrior won't have a place in "top-end" play outside of gimmick builds.


ANet need to take a step back, start ignoring the raiders and refugees from other games wanting to play that game but with a different skin, and re-examine what the original game was supposed to represent: a solid alternative to the over-used formula of tank-and-spank that has held back MMO design for YEARS.


Addendum: another issue with control is that initially, not all professions had easy access to it, so Warrior having relatively easy access to it helped the profession stand out. Now every profession has some way to generate breakbar damage that rivals or even exceeds Warrior, so yet another of Warrior's core profession features has been de-valued.


Rant over!


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