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The Six (achievement) - 6th statuette

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Not sure if how this achievement works as intended. There are 6 statuettes to find in different kind of chests. Getting 5 of them seemed to be kind of easy or not really a grind (apart from there is no description where to find them) but the sixth one...

On my main account I miss Ancient Statuette of Balthazar which, according to wiki, can be found in Jade Tech Chests or Glorious Canthan Chests all around the Cantha.

After opening hundreds of JTC (using Treasure Hunter Protocol 3) on different characters and daily clearing Fox Chests I am still out of luck.

I understand that there might be like 1% chance getting one but still in comparison to first 5 statuettes it seem to be bugged somehow or probability is abysmal low.

This achievement grants Mastery Point so maybe it shouldn't be such a grind fest. I read some reddit threads and discussions on this forum and it seems I am not the only one. There are people who already opened thousands of chests and still no effect. Is there some exponential decrease in chance after each statuette finding bringing it nearly zero at sixth?

GW2efficiency shows that roughly 0,5% of players got this achievement till now. Isn't it a little too few for MP rng achi?

Can some dev could look into rng tables or maybe something is blocking the progress like with fishing in 'Wreckage Site'?

Please consider advices to write a ticket or submit ingame bug noted and unneccesary in this thread. Thank you.

Edited by banshee.9328
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I have the same issue as Banshee.9328 has described, thou in my case it is Lyssa I think. Balthazar was my 5th one and I didn't have any trouble getting it (at least no major ones). It seems the bug or rather (un?)intended drop probability decrease happens on 5/6 stage and is not connected to a particular item.

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I was having trouble finding Abaddon. Didn't do anything different other than switched characters to play through story and got chests as I went.

I don't think it's completely broken, as it is possible to complete (I was able to complete it myself), however I do think there is something that slows progress once you reach 5/6 statues.

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Hey all, for weeks now, I cannot find The Ancient Statuette of Balthazar so I can complete this achievement. This is the last one I need.  The statuette is found going by wiki is in New Kaineng City. I have been following this guide: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/The_Six_(achievement) with no luck at all. I even wasted hours going to different maps besides Kaineng and all I get is junk from the Jade Tech Chests. I also have Treasure Hunter Protocol 3 to help find chests easier. Is this achieve bugged? If it's not it sure feels like it to me. 😢

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I am having same problem with the last statuette mine being Lyssa  - been stuck at 5/6 for weeks now despite opening all the appropriate chest from the wiki - appears something is wrong with how this is working from the previous replies -  will keep trying but possibly should be looked at as to whether this is intended

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I got everything but Grenth in the first couple weeks, but now hundreds of chests later, still no Grenth. I suppose it's possible that they coded all 6 of the drop probabilities as constants and just blocked you from getting extra copies of anything. That would result in a pattern where getting a 2nd statuette takes on average twice as long as the first, then getting the next one 3 times as long, then 4, then 5 times as long. But it does seem to me like this last one is taking wayyyyy longer than expected under that assumption.

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My "guess" is that this "bug" only affects the 6th statue (regardless of which one it is). Apparently ANET applies the "law of Diminishing Returns" to this achievement!!! I'm still missing Melandru (and don't tell me how "easy" this one is!!) and have been trying for the past month+!!!!


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I struggled with this for awhile.  Lyssa was my last one to get.  I got it from a Jade tech chest in Seitung.  I was doing the jade chest/water chest/hidden chest.  Usually about 50+ chest a day for a few weeks across several maps.  Finally got the last one about 10 days ago. 


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I went to four statues within the first week I think and got stuck on Melandru and Abaddon. Although I got the Melandru one from a "foxy chest" in Echovald yesterday, I can't really say that there seems to be a "theme" on where there is a higher chance to getting the one you want. I am going strongly for chests located in the water (= Abaddon) but still haven't got it although I kind of "should have gotten it statistically" by now. I guess we have have to sacrifice more Quaggans to the gods of RNG to get our final statue.

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Not sure if they are bugged as such?

I got the Abaddon statuette from the Chest in the water in New Kaineng, near the bridge at Lutgardis Waypoint. The description states that it is unnaturally wet.

The last one I needed was the Grenth statuette, which says on the description in the achievment that it is unnaturally cold. There are only two areas that are cold in EoD. One is the area in the North West of Seitung. The other is the point of interest in Dragons End called Icebrood's Desolation.

Working on the idea that it was likely to come from a Chest near Icebrood's Desolation, I looted one chest last night, no luck. Looted another this evening near to the Poi and got the Grenth statuette and completed it.

So that was two statuettes that I go that tallied with their descriptions. Sadly I cannot say where I obtained the others since I managed to obtain them by playing throught the maps and I wasn't paying much attention.

Hope the above helps a few players to locate the Abaddon and Grenth statuettes.

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Can confirm this achie is working since I got it some time ago. It did take quite a while to get the last statuette but eventually got it. Not that I was trying specifically to do it, but I did take notice of the popup when the collection was finished.

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