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Improve sPvP before Steam release. Otherwise..


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Otherwise I'm probably going to have to write a very negative review for this game. Despite having played it since launch day, I am growing increasingly unsatisfied with how neglected this game mode is and how the developers continue to ignore it for months at a time, sometimes years. Where's the new maps? Fresh game modes or mechanics? The population keeps dwindling and so does the match quality. Why has it been allowed to become so stale? I'm frustrated with it. And it's starting to make me hate this game that I once loved.

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We're nearly 2 months after release of EoD and still no sign of anything for this mode. In a recent video by teapot (before the balance patch) he finished the video by saying "We're not even done yet! After this patch, Huge huge things coming, very exciting everyone!"


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2 hours ago, Buzzbugs.1236 said:

We're nearly 2 months after release of EoD and still no sign of anything for this mode. In a recent video by teapot (before the balance patch) he finished the video by saying "We're not even done yet! After this patch, Huge huge things coming, very exciting everyone!"


They announced 3 big patches an year on more small patches, that's it


when you see new ppl complaints are more about how frustrating is to report a guy 4 days in a row and keep playing with him, till they come to forums to know report system works just for very specific verbal abuses and everything else is allowed


Within 2 weeks i got matched against new players having 10k+ games, i don't know what's worse really, they trying to fix it and new players never getting in a match or they get in a match and lose 500-47, either way i think they not going to be around for very long


There are more things that are problematic and it could be fixed with a mouse click, but "top" players threat to riot if it's done



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37 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

As far as balance goes, CmC is really starting to do something tbh

I mean, he took some 2 years before he realized his role is to balance pvp, but still... last patches were timely and good.

Some people might look at bi-weekly balance patches and think this is impressive, I don't get why though. They are finally maintaining the live game, this the BARE MINIMUM for an MMO. But currently it's like someone finally started to water the pot after the plant completely withered away. Maybe plant something new?
According to the devs themselves, sPvP is one of the 3 pillars of this game. I honestly expected major announcements right around/after EoD release, but so far we got nothing. Not even the announcement of an announcement. Is a new reward track, and the new e-specs limited to like 5 pvp amulets is what we get for the next 2 years?

I don't get what people are impressed by. Did we lower our expectations that much? 


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PvE is going to get review bombed off steam as well, it isn't just PvP(and WvW).

Actually, the monetization alone dealing with Living Story, bags, templates, char slots, etc will get this game review bombed by even the most casual of casuals.


2 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

Some people might look at bi-weekly balance patches and think this is impressive, I don't get why though. They are finally maintaining the live game, this the BARE MINIMUM for an MMO.

It's because people are so used to Anet not even having people working on the game. This is how far the game has fallen.

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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9 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

PvE is going to get review bombed off steam as well, it isn't just PvP(and WvW).

This is mystery for me. I still don't understand, how people love GW2 PvE while it is awfull if you compare it with literally every MMORPG on the market. Anet can't even maintain raids and now we have focus on fights vs. training dummies (aka Strike Missions). I'm not interested in PvE but after years in WoW I'm laughing my kitten off every time I read something like "GW2 is a pve game".


12 hours ago, Bazsi.2734 said:

sPvP is one of the 3 pillars of this game

#1 pillar of the game is Fashion Wars

#2 is gem shop

And I'm 100% sure sPvP in NOT #3 in this list.

Edited by Spellhunter.9675
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I image the only thing the studio will aim for is a smooth launch. I doubt making the game better (in any way) is tied to the steam launch.

I hope frequent balancing is planned either way, but I'm ready to be disappointed.

The studio might not even be up to the task of making competitive a better experience, just look at the new specs. Its like they had them balanced in a vacuum during the betas, realized the new specs cant compete in the meta and rushed to compensate with number tweaks...

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Fixing pvp would result in losing the consistent top 4 mAT groups that play ranked pvp. This would have the negative effect of improving matchmaking by removing the sources of malicious manipulation and result in the even more negative effect of the playerbase increasing and matches becoming more fun which would give better retention from the steam release  These are very stark consequences and so you have to consider what you're asking for here.

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5 hours ago, nightcore.2789 said:

I really think People just should forget about this awful bad gamemode and just enjoy the game for what it is and Thats a pve game pvp never been good this game and not worth it 

Yeah but see that outlook is where people go wrong.

Ever walk around Lion's Arch recently? Everyone has 450 mastery points and nothing left to do in pve.

People get tired of sitting on their turtles and looking at each other in town. Eventually veterans go to pvp/wvw for something to do. Competitive modes are SUPER IMPORTANT for any game's end-game, if that company wants to keep those players in the game.

Right now our competitive modes are just plainly neglected and there isn't even a good reason why. They are just losing player base here by allowing cheaters to run the show, pissing off the veteran player base, and making them leave the game.

I mean seriously, this is ridiculous and they need to do something about it. I haven't even been playing lately it's gotten so bad.

The Steam release will bring in a very temporary player base that won't stick around for very long if they don't clean this game up. And yes, I mean a full clean up. They need to ban their streamer crew who exploits & cheats this community on a daily basis if they want anyone to speak highly of this game or company to new Steam joins when they arrive. If they do not, all of these new joins are just going to hear the truth right as they show up and they won't stick around long.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

They need to ban their streamer crew who exploits & cheats this community on a daily basis if they want anyone to speak highly of this game or company to new Steam joins when they arrive. If they do not, all of these new joins are just going to hear the truth right as they show up and they won't stick around long.

Trev this comment is rock solid. I really, really dont understand Anets obsession with them. A lot of WoW refugees came over when wow started falling, PvP folks. Few days in the BS in this game with the leaders becomes blatantly obvious. They all left. Best PvP mechanics of any MMO. Zero integrity. Very sad. 

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6 hours ago, nightcore.2789 said:

I really think People just should forget about this awful bad gamemode and just enjoy the game for what it is and Thats a pve game pvp never been good this game and not worth it 

Yes. Get rid of the ONLY challenging game content where you somewhat require skill and above room temp IQ to play. 

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12 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Ever walk around Lion's Arch recently? Everyone has 450 mastery points and nothing left to do in pve.

They added 4 new zones that are only worth doing for achievement points(That are pointless), collections(that give nothing of value), and 4 metas that are worse gold/hour than drizzle, a 2 year old map. They added no unique EoD rewards besides legendaries, which you can simply...buy off the TP.  All the new EoD skins can be bought off the TP. 

Fishing is an extremely unrewarding and low depth + unfun, probably some of the worst(if not THE worst) fishing I've done in a video game.

On top of this, 2 weeks in, we're already getting fishing rod skins better than the only actual reward from fishing(catch all fish collection), the EoD skins are all intentionally unrevealing, rag-looking, dye horribly and not even cute or appealing(I like to dress in cute and adorable armor, so I'm stuck with mostly Vanilla skins), while the cash shop gets a (neutered and censored) chinese dress for gems only.

They didn't add anything to do in their brand new expansion. They completely forgot to add rewards to it, why wouldn't anyone be bored? They made a poor mans version of FF14 without even having a difficult raid tier.

12 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Competitive modes are SUPER IMPORTANT for any game's end-game, if that company wants to keep those players in the game.

Anet doesn't seem to understand this. 3/3 of their competitive game modes are neglected to the point of unfun and unplayable in the case of PvP(I'd argue raids for NA, as well).

Edited by Kozumi.5816
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Agreed, if this game is to succeed it must have fixed SPvP as players that come from other mmos will be focusing on pvp as the end game. There is only so many times you can complete contracts before your sick of it. And gear progression in GW2 feels about a good as playing WoD in WoW, fun first 3 days when you level. Then to hit ascended and all it just becomes a boring slog. 


PvP is infinite content for us players, if its well-ish balanced like in PoE. GW2 used to have meme builds, meme fun, now its all optimized, since defensive tactics largely nerfed into ground. Shame 

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13 hours ago, Spellhunter.9675 said:

This is mystery for me. I still don't understand, how people love GW2 PvE while it is awfull if you compare it with literally every MMORPG on the market. Anet can't even maintain raids and now we have focus on fights vs. training dummies (aka Strike Missions). I'm not interested in PvE but after years in WoW I'm laughing my kitten off every time I read something like "GW2 is a pve game".


#1 pillar of the game is Fashion Wars

#2 is gem shop

And I'm 100% sure sPvP in NOT #3 in this list.

#3 is open world

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