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EoD rewards showing the problem of the loottable and what about new dungeons in cantha?

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let me explain:


  • you have a set loottable for specific bosses or events. items have high dropchances like exotic gear (which drops like in all metaevents of that area; so i can either sell it or recycle it)
  • rare chance of getting ascended gear dropped (which can be crafted aswell easily). the skins are in my opinion nothing special. some colours changed but the base is the same
  • very rare item's like infusions (which you can grind for years but could never see dropping, but that's not the problem)



  • it feels like most of the items added to loottables have no identity. cool skin's can be bought in gemstore. that's okay in my opinion. but there should be more specific accountbound skin's designed and implemented into the different loottables aswell, so people like me who love this game can repeat some events or bosses which are now badly rewarded, without having the feeling to do it for nothing. actually it's just work to progress the crafting of your items(ascended or legendary) or do it for AP's. that leads to the problem, that many people are only doing most profitable stuff and skip anything else. the playerbase knows what i'm talking about.



a big thing i'm missing in EoD is goup instanced content like dungeons. I thought about 1 dungeon per map based on the theme. that would be awesome. strikes are cool but some people prefer 5-player-content over 10-player-content. arenanet if you read this please make this happen.🙂













Edited by kaese.8765
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  • Spucke.4163 changed the title to EoD rewards showing the problem of the loottable and what about new dungeons in cantha?
7 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

I would love to see a comeback of story dungeons.


I agree, it's a shame that a piece of Destiny's Edge story is locked behind old content that is no longer supported or sought after. I would love to see it return in maybe more condensed fractal versions.

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13 hours ago, kaese.8765 said:

but there should be more specific accountbound skin's designed and implemented

Actually most loot being tradeable rather than accountbound is by design. Over the years GW2 has lured in a lot of players that are simply tired of having to grind and/or pray to the goddess of rng to get the loot (no matter if stat-wise or skin-wise) they are interested in. Making things tradeable means no matter what you do, you are always progressing towards your goal, and at worst can trade it from another player if you aren't lucky enough to get the drop yourself in a reasonable timeframe.


While some people complain about "boring" loot, many of us are in this game precisely because we are guaranteed to get useful loot for our time invested into the game, no matter how unlucky our drops are. Personally I take a game any day that steadily rewards me with useful loot over one that rarely throws me a bone and lands me with virtual trash the rest of the time. In this game, no matter what I play, materials and resources add up, and in the end I'll be able to get this skin or craft that legendary piece of gear not because I was lucky once, but because I had a constant stream of useful loot feeding into it.

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1 hour ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

Actually most loot being tradeable rather than accountbound is by design. Over the years GW2 has lured in a lot of players that are simply tired of having to grind and/or pray to the goddess of rng to get the loot (no matter if stat-wise or skin-wise) they are interested in. Making things tradeable means no matter what you do, you are always progressing towards your goal, and at worst can trade it from another player if you aren't lucky enough to get the drop yourself in a reasonable timeframe.


While some people complain about "boring" loot, many of us are in this game precisely because we are guaranteed to get useful loot for our time invested into the game, no matter how unlucky our drops are. Personally I take a game any day that steadily rewards me with useful loot over one that rarely throws me a bone and lands me with virtual trash the rest of the time. In this game, no matter what I play, materials and resources add up, and in the end I'll be able to get this skin or craft that legendary piece of gear not because I was lucky once, but because I had a constant stream of useful loot feeding into it.

in my opinion some additional loot would bring fresh air. if all legendary's you want to have are crafted the game feels even more boring. as someone who spent thousands of hours in the game it doesnt feel rewarding anymore. repeating endgame content for nothing like a big gold pocket doesn't make sense to me now. tradable items are good for people, who don't have time to play this game for many hours in the week, but in the same way it's boring for people who want some exclusive drops. the gap in diversity isn't filled up. you know what i mean?

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8 minutes ago, kaese.8765 said:

as someone who spent thousands of hours in the game it doesnt feel rewarding anymore.

That's not so much a question of hours in game (I have way more than 10k of those myself) as a question of gamer type. This game isn't the best for reward-focussed players, and probably never has been. The occurance of "jackpot" type loot is too rare for that.

On the other hand this game is brilliant for exploration-focussed players like me, because no matter what I do or where I poke my nose in, I get a steady stream of loot that I can use for a variety of rewards. I'm not funneled into specific content as the sole (or even just significantly easier) route towards specific rewards.


Tying more "jackpot" type rewards to specific content would motivate players like you to play that content, because your fun comes (at least for a large part) from "working" towards specific loot. At the same time it would turn away players like me because I would actively disadvantage myself by exploring all over the place instead of focussing on content that would then be the main (or even only) way to get to the rewards I'm interested in.


tldr: Whether you prefer a steady stream of loot/resources from content you choose to play, or choose the content based on exclusive loot attached, is a question of gamer type. Tuning the loot system towards one type automatically makes the loot (and the whole game) less attractive for the other type of gamer.

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2 hours ago, Rasimir.6239 said:

That's not so much a question of hours in game (I have way more than 10k of those myself) as a question of gamer type. This game isn't the best for reward-focussed players, and probably never has been. The occurance of "jackpot" type loot is too rare for that.

On the other hand this game is brilliant for exploration-focussed players like me, because no matter what I do or where I poke my nose in, I get a steady stream of loot that I can use for a variety of rewards. I'm not funneled into specific content as the sole (or even just significantly easier) route towards specific rewards.


Tying more "jackpot" type rewards to specific content would motivate players like you to play that content, because your fun comes (at least for a large part) from "working" towards specific loot. At the same time it would turn away players like me because I would actively disadvantage myself by exploring all over the place instead of focussing on content that would then be the main (or even only) way to get to the rewards I'm interested in.


tldr: Whether you prefer a steady stream of loot/resources from content you choose to play, or choose the content based on exclusive loot attached, is a question of gamer type. Tuning the loot system towards one type automatically makes the loot (and the whole game) less attractive for the other type of gamer.

there is no sacrifice. you don't understand. i thought about a traditional lootsystem and no 100% turn. not like these mc's changes for fractals. i'm speaking about balanced changes that brings the benefits of more attractive loot by adding some unique stuff (mini's, weaponskin's etc.) into the loottable and that causes a huge increase of people doing metaevents for example (you can't tell me that there is any disadvantage, except you can't get everything  without much affort; no impact on your gaming experience)

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26 minutes ago, kaese.8765 said:

there is no sacrifice. you don't understand. i thought about a traditional lootsystem and no 100% turn. not like these mc's changes for fractals. i'm speaking about balanced changes that brings the benefits of more attractive loot by adding some unique stuff (mini's, weaponskin's etc.) into the loottable and that causes a huge increase of people doing metaevents for example (you can't tell me that there is any disadvantage, except you can't get everything  without much affort; no impact on your gaming experience)

well we do have those its called infusions.

Anet likes to put minis and skins in the gems store something you can see as recently as yesterday when black lion chest got 16 weapon skins and the new cm strike got 1 + a big fat of nothing else.

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On 4/19/2022 at 2:00 PM, kharmin.7683 said:

Dungeons have been replaced with Fractals.


Except they haven't, because dungeons are still in the game and will/should remain there. Also, fractals are dungeons, casual players have no organic means of effectively preparing for fractals, and FOTM as a macro-dungeon has a very specific theme and concept behind it, meaning we are just pointlessly diluting it and missing out on all kinds of interesting ideas that would add a ton to the game, lore, and story. Think some of the LW1 dungeons (molten facility), or things that were never concepted, like a Cave of Wonders-themed dungeon for Elona. 

Anet's tendency to pivot to new forms of instanced content while abandoning old forms instead of spending time unifying them into a normalized structure that scales coherently in terms of difficulty vs rewards and can be expanded more seamlessly is a problem that needs higher prioritization, just like their rollout of S1. It exends from Colin's misguided decision to fire the dungeon team years ago instead of tasking them with scaling down old dungeons and normalizing rewards so they serve as effective ramp-ups to late-game content, and allowing them to continue developing new late-game dungeons instead of relying solely on (very) sporadic FOTM releases that don't even match the original design theme of FOTM.

Bottom line - the atrocious state of the original dungeons absolutely should be addressed prior to the Steam launch, or there's significant risk of a repeat of what happened in 2012 where the overtuned difficulty and OHKO chaos drives new players out of the game en masse instead of helping immerse them in the world and characters. 

Edited by Einlanzer.1627
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2 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

well we do have those its called infusions.

Anet likes to put minis and skins in the gems store something you can see as recently as yesterday when black lion chest got 16 weapon skins and the new cm strike got 1 + a big fat of nothing else.

wow infusions. some people chase the chickens. other people see the dropchance and think: nope. blc is something else i don't want to talk about because it fits well but the skin's are tradable, what doesn't make them as special as lootdrops (...and they're tradable!). did you see the reward of the new cm strike?! it's a joke.

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5 hours ago, kaese.8765 said:

wow infusions. some people chase the chickens. other people see the dropchance and think: nope. blc is something else i don't want to talk about because it fits well but the skin's are tradable, what doesn't make them as special as lootdrops (...and they're tradable!). did you see the reward of the new cm strike?! it's a joke.

Well Yes I did the post you quoted last line second part talk about cm strike.

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On 4/20/2022 at 10:52 AM, Excludee.3850 said:

How is it that Anet can release a map like Drizzlewood Coast one day, and then the next day release content where the reward is one unidentified rare?


ArenaNet, you have the answer sheet in front of you, and you still get the question wrong.

The way I see it is Drizzlewood was overkill in comparison to the rest of the game and if anything the level of rewards should be swapped with strikes. But that will never happen because of the outrage.

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I agree with the unique loot, this is Fashion Wars 2. Arenanet should implement unique skins for each mode. There are special chairs from raids already. Special outfit or mounts from strikes, especially hard mode, should be possible to implement.

Meanwhile dungeons...... No thanks. It's a failed design. Fun to run for the first few times, but not for dailies or repeatables.

Edited by phandaria.4891
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18 hours ago, phandaria.4891 said:

Meanwhile dungeons...... No thanks. It's a failed design. Fun to run for the first few times, but not for dailies or repeatables.

I wouldn't call dungeons 'failed design' just because they're boring to repeat. I find fractals incredibly boring to repeat as well, and I think it's safe to say many others agree. We grind them for the rewards.

And that's where any 'failure' of dungeons comes in, they've been intentionally put into a very low reward state. Dungeon Frequenter is not a terrible return on time if you know how to do dungeons efficiently, but it's nowhere near something easy like the Mai Trin fractal.

More interestingly for me, dungeons represent a different era of PvE combat design from ANet. Even in the very first story dungeon, many regular-tier mobs are actually quite effective as mixed teams. Mixed teams of elite mobs are even more dangerous.

But because the emphasis seems to be on managing those mixed threats rather than power creep, even most of the explorable dungeons are soloable if you're up for the challenge. You figure out mob patterns, and adjust your kill priorities based on your class and build. For a true test, I find it fun to take a glassy raid build into a solo explorable dungeon and seeing how I can keep myself alive in the absence of support - helps a lot with me understanding how I can help myself in group content if I don't have the luxury of a proper team (i.e. FBs lol).

I'm just happy ANet keeps dungeons in the game, even after they've been officially abandoned.

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