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New player experience is the games biggest detriment

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On 4/25/2022 at 2:29 PM, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I wish the core maps were designed more like the later maps, in particular LS/HoT.  These maps are story-driven.  They feel like they have a purpose that directly relates to our character and our story.  By comparison, core maps seem to exist just to give us a place to level through.

For example, in Verdant Brink there's an event chain where we assist the Itzel hylek tribe.  We also do this in the story as well.  Why do we do this?  Because the Pact is scattered and lost in hostile territory and the entire focus of the map is on regrouping and mounting the counter-offensive that occurs during the night cycle.  It all ties together and creates both a purpose and a flow to each map.

Compare to core maps.  We're saving farms from bandits, escorting cattle, etc.  Why?  Because it's there, I guess?  Kryta has a bandit problem.  So what?  What does that have to do with me and why am I doing all of these random, unassociated tasks?

There are way too many core maps and nearly all of them feel aimless, pointless, bland, and boring.  Why do I care about any of this except as a vessel to gain experience and levels?  There are some world bosses and sometimes an interesting story thrown in here and there, but for the most part it's hearts and pointless one-off events just for the sake of not having traditional WoW-style fetch/kill quests.

And yet this was initially the entire appeal of the game to me.  Not reading a wall of text in a quest hub, following an arrow to a star and then running back to an NPC to be given a mace I don't want and can't use.  This is a superior system, because to me it feels like a living breath world. If I don't help this guy, his house burns down, or the bridge is destroyed, and then I have to defend workers to rebuild. 

Yep, I like this better. This is pointless to you. Quest hubs are pointless to me.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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3 hours ago, loregnum.3619 said:

All in all, this is a great game so far for me and I could easily recommend it to anyone looking for a fun game that so far appears to respect your time. Lost Ark does not respect your time

But you did sink 500 hours initially. Meaning the start was so good it hooked you for 500 hours, which is no small feet. So they must be doing something right. Gw2 is hands down the better game in just about any aspect but the initial hook. 


People here talk about slow start, enjoying the scenery and stuff like that. Nobody has time to that. This is great for solo players. But if you join with a friend, most of the heart tasks are a chore because your task at hand is usually poorly explained. I'm a seasoned player and I don't give a kitten. But a heart with the description of "Help the nearby villagers" isn't much to go on. Sure if you click ALT there's few buckets to put out fires and whatnot but players nowadays are used to hand-holding. There's a reason the most successful MMOs on mobile are basically playing by themselves. Now, I'm not advocating to do that, but it's something to keep in mind when designing systems. The average gamer is changing. Everyone with 2 working brain cells in marketing can figure that out.

Ultimately, a perfect game would accommodate both playstyles, the rushy type and the people who prefer to enjoy the scenery of the game. The people who just want to go to a dungeon with their friends and have fun beating the living !@#$#@ out of mobs and those who would rather do world events all day everyday.

Personally I think world events take away from the game, because you can get maximum reward for pressing auto-attack. Stuff's too easy once you have critical mass. And yeah I'm seeing the complaints about EoD when they required a little bit more effort 🙂 It was the same after they reworked Tequatl initially - it was mostly failing, same for triple trouble - that's why instanced content is superior, but definitely not the only content ever needed. 

It's a fact of life, most people that started playing this game 10 years ago have multiple children by now, and gaming is the least of their worries, especially an MMO, even as time respectful as Guild Wars 2. The game needs fresh blood and most importantly, it needs to RETAIN that fresh blood. Some of my friends became candy crush moms to paint the picture.

I'm sure ANet has the bouncing statistics. Which is why I guess they delayed the Steam launch.

And I know I'm right. I'm one of those folks that were making daily posts that ANet needs to update the DirectX tech, just to be met by a bunch of gatekeepers telling me that some dev told them it won't change anything. Look at yourselves now. Game runs better than ever, even with a little bit of weird implementation, but I digress. We are at the denial phase now 🙂

Edited by Ravenmoon.5318
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11 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

That's how vanilla was then they revamped the new player experience listening to very dumb people and made it worse.

Weapon skills were never unlocked from the start, but originally you unlocked them by using the weapon - each time you killed an enemy with a weapon you got a little bit of progress on unlocking the next skill. For one weapon it was faster than what we have now, but the downside is it had to be done for each weapon individually. An engineer or even elementalist could unlock all their weapon skills within a few levels (probably about what we have now), a warrior was looking at a much longer process if they wanted all their weapon skills available.

I don't know but I suspect the reason they changed it is new players found it confusing and annoying to unlock all their skills on one weapon then pick up a new one and find all the skills were locked again. It wouldn't surprise me if it put some people off changing weapons.


2 hours ago, Ravenmoon.5318 said:

People here talk about slow start, enjoying the scenery and stuff like that. Nobody has time to that. This is great for solo players. But if you join with a friend, most of the heart tasks are a chore because your task at hand is usually poorly explained. I'm a seasoned player and I don't give a kitten. But a heart with the description of "Help the nearby villagers" isn't much to go on. Sure if you click ALT there's few buckets to put out fires and whatnot but players nowadays are used to hand-holding. There's a reason the most successful MMOs on mobile are basically playing by themselves. Now, I'm not advocating to do that, but it's something to keep in mind when designing systems. The average gamer is changing. Everyone with 2 working brain cells in marketing can figure that out.

Ultimately, a perfect game would accommodate both playstyles, the rushy type and the people who prefer to enjoy the scenery of the game. The people who just want to go to a dungeon with their friends and have fun beating the living !@#$#@ out of mobs and those who would rather do world events all day everyday.

Personally I think world events take away from the game, because you can get maximum reward for pressing auto-attack. Stuff's too easy once you have critical mass. And yeah I'm seeing the complaints about EoD when they required a little bit more effort 🙂 It was the same after they reworked Tequatl initially - it was mostly failing, same for triple trouble - that's why instanced content is superior, but definitely not the only content ever needed. 

It's a fact of life, most people that started playing this game 10 years ago have multiple children by now, and gaming is the least of their worries, especially an MMO, even as time respectful as Guild Wars 2. The game needs fresh blood and most importantly, it needs to RETAIN that fresh blood. Some of my friends became candy crush moms to paint the picture.

I'm sure ANet has the bouncing statistics. Which is why I guess they delayed the Steam launch.

And I know I'm right. I'm one of those folks that were making daily posts that ANet needs to update the DirectX tech, just to be met by a bunch of gatekeepers telling me that some dev told them it won't change anything. Look at yourselves now. Game runs better than ever, even with a little bit of weird implementation, but I digress. We are at the denial phase now 🙂

I think you need to understand there is more than one player in this game and therefore more than 1 opinion about what makes it good. The stuff you've declared no one has time for is not only stuff I want to do but my main motivation for playing most games. Just because it's not what motivates you doesn't mean it's wrong or needs to be removed from the game, it just means it's not something you personally enjoy.

I assume you know your friends better than I do, but I can't help wondering if part of the reason some of them aren't enjoying the game is because they're under constant pressure to rush through it without taking the time to understand what's going on or why they're doing the things they do, under the vague assurance that later on they'll get to play it properly. I've been given a lot of bad advice over the years from well intentioned people who genuinely thought they were helping me get into a game by pushing me to play it the way they do and it's left me with the conclusion that it's best to let new players figure things out for themselves and only direct them to specific things after they say they want it.

Also I'm happy to hear DX11 has been an improvement for you. I've had to keep it off the vast majority of the time because the only noticeable differences are some minor graphical bugs and consistent crashing if there's more than 20 or so players on the screen, which was usually right as we broke into a keep in WvW. I had to turn my graphics settings down to get it functional and even then I couldn't stop the crashes so I had to stop using it. I hope they'll fix that before it's required, but I'm not sure. The only reason I turn it on at all is to make sure Anet periodically gets a new crash report so they know the problem is still happening.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I think you need to understand there is more than one player in this game and therefore more than 1 opinion about what makes it good.

I feel like you need to take a hard look at this quote by yourself and consider the fact that your opinion isn't the only opinion either. Opinions vary and developers should strive to accommodate as many as them as possible so that everyone could be happy. Also having a strong opinion or being opinionated isn't bad either. It's what makes you different. However if your "uniqueness" is forcing insane bounce rates, maybe it warrants some looking into? 


My friends, usually before quitting ask me "well yeah exploration is cool and all but what can we do together?" And I'm like ... get to lvl 30 and I'll show you. They play for 15 minutes more and they're done. The game lacks speed early on. And for the people looking for it, it's just not there. What I've noticed is that human starter zones are a little better than norn starting zones. Norn starting zone is extra boring with the riddle hearts and low spawn crab traps. Especially since the heart description doesn't explain well what you're supposed to do. But again, it's not for me to decide what would make the NPE any more fun. I'm just saying it has made at least 8 of my (close) friends quit the game before turning lvl 30. Avid MMO fans, not Fortnite players (read - players who like the genre for many years)


For comparison, since people bit too much into me mentioning Lost Ark - WoW gives you the dungeon finder at level 10 while some dungeons unlock at level 7. Sounds to me like if you are a group of friends, WoW is the better MMO in terms of teamplay. People mostly don't care about the players they meet in open world events. They come and go. They are not even from the same server so chances to see them a second time aren't very viable so it's kinda meh. 

Luckily I can't stand quest hub MMOs nowadays so I'm sticking to Gw2, but it needs to be more accessible.

Edited by Ravenmoon.5318
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6 minutes ago, Ravenmoon.5318 said:

I feel like you need to take a hard look at this quote by yourself and consider the fact that your opinion isn't the only opinion either. Opinions vary and developers should strive to accommodate as many as them as possible so that everyone could be happy.


My friends, usually before quitting ask me "well yeah exploration is cool and all but what can we do together?" And I'm like ... get to lvl 30 and I'll show you. They play for 15 minutes more and they're done. The game lacks speed early on. And for the people looking for it, it's just not there. What I've noticed is that human starter zones are a little better than norn starting zones. Norn starting zone is extra boring with the riddle hearts and low spawn crab traps. Especially since the heart description doesn't explain well what you're supposed to do. But again, it's not for me to decide what would make the NPE any more fun. I'm just saying it has made at least 8 of my (close) friends quit the game before turning lvl 30. Avid MMO fans, not Fortnite players (read - players who like the genre for many years)


For comparison, since people bit too much into me mentioning Lost Ark - WoW gives you the dungeon finder at level 10 while some dungeons unlock at level 7. Sounds to me like if you are a group of friends, WoW is the better MMO in terms of teamplay. People mostly don't care about the players they meet in open world events. They come and go. They are not even from the same server so chances to see them a second time aren't very viable so it's kinda meh. 

Luckily I can't stand quest hub MMOs nowadays so I'm sticking to Gw2, but it needs to be more accessible.

I have to agree that the quote works both ways.
8 is hardly a number and to be frankly, it could also say a lot about those six people and their personal experience.

Recent information show that the game still gains new players and they stay loyal to the game for a good amount of time. 
I agree that levelling up is boring, specially on a new account. But it is not less boring then it was at launch, atleast not game mechanics wise. I therefor doubt that the NPE has anything to do with it.

What, for me, made the first few times different is that I wasn't alone. I played from launch and the maps where packed with people experiencing this for the first time and I had fun with them.

Now the community is much more spread out and this makes it less boring.
What could also be wrong for your 8 friends could be the companionship.



get to lvl 30 and I'll show you

Why not roll a new character, not using any tomes and acompany your friends and show them the game starting at level 0? It would given them company and make it a lot less boring. They feel more special and gain more attention. No game mechanics will beat the company of a friend!

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13 minutes ago, Ravenmoon.5318 said:

Opinions vary and developers should strive to accommodate as many as them as possible so that everyone could be happy.


With unlimited resources, sure.  Still, accommodating "as many as possible" will still leave some players unhappy.  How do you propose to satisfy them?

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34 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

With unlimited resources, sure.  Still, accommodating "as many as possible" will still leave some players unhappy.  How do you propose to satisfy them?

I suppose a possible solution is to let the player choose.

If Anet is tweaking around with the NPE as some people have suggested due to the Steam release looming, then allowing each new character (which I'm implying Veteran accounts have the same options when creating alts) to have some modicum of choice around either levelling "the OG way" or the "fast track way".

I'd personally take it a step further with Veteran accounts, choosing to forgo all rewards (Karma, map completion Keys/Transmutation stones/Gift of Exploration etc) for unlocking all of the maps waypoints, POIs, Vistas, (but not Hero points). There's a reason I stick with my usual 5 characters because they have map completed everything, and I really don't want to do that again for the sake of being able to travel wherever I like on any given character. BELIEVE me, I have tried to repeat things for the 6th time, but my gosh I can't be bothered to, just to play a different character. I don't need to experience it all again for that priviledge.


Edited by Haleydawn.3764
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17 hours ago, DeanBB.4268 said:

Just looking at head gear, there are 78 gemstore pieces (I have 25 unlocked). There are 158 earnable in-game (I have 79 unlocked).  So there is plenty to choose from in-game. I included my numbers just so you know what a "filthy casual" can acquire easy enough.

I found those numbers via gw2efficiency.com. I highly recommend it for any GW2 enthusiast.

Thank you!

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On 4/24/2022 at 9:01 AM, Ravenmoon.5318 said:

Bosses require timers and are a cluster kitten of abilities and are one of the pain points in this game - too much ability SFX to figure out what's going on. Instanced content is way better in pretty much every way. Also, unless you can hit lvl 30 in 2 hours good luck keeping your friends playing until the first dungeon and then find a good joke for the lfg wait time because story mode dungeons are never ran, much like exploration paths which also require level 80

Come on man, I dare you. Create a new free to play account and try to play for few hours. You're going to be running back to your main account. The initial experience is terrible. For a game with such an active and layered combat your hero is super stiff for HOURS 

My buddy and I did a dungeon at 2am on a Monday. It was a low level dungeon and I threw it up on lfg just to see. We waited maybe, maybe 5 minutes for it to fill up. I was expecting like one person but we did the dungeon with a full group, at 2am. People still do them.


Also, there's no way just making a new account is the same as starting fresh for the first time to compare, as you already have experience with the unlocks. Practically everyone has gone through the f2p experience by this point. The only major difference in paid vs free on the first run is stuff that doesn't matter much till 80 anyways like responding in map chat (just whisper to group up). Everything else unlocks just the same. 


If you want your friends to stay, do what I did. Sell the game as a relaxing, casual experience, bc it is until you hit the endgame (and even then, only when you're doing the hard content. I still go back to early maps to get mats and just chill out on metas and enjoy the music and artstyle). 

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Let's get everyone on the same page. New player experience is about getting players to buy the game and stick around.  Because someone replied to one of my posts with "get a friend to get the raptor mount from path of fire" and that makes no sense in that regard.

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16 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

And yet this was initially the entire appeal of the game to me.  Not reading a wall of text in a quest hub, following an arrow to a star and then running back to an NPC to be given a mace I don't want and can't use.  This is a superior system, because to me it feels like a living breath world. If I don't help this guy, his house burns down, or the bridge is destroyed, and then I have to defend workers to rebuild. 

Yep, I like this better. This is pointless to you. Quest hubs are pointless to me.

The core maps are the most boring mmorpg experience I have ever witnessed. It's all local chores. In the past few years I have played Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars the Old Republic, The Secret World, and Lost Ark... and those are a few mmorpgs that have INFINITELY better quest experiences than GW2. GW2 is always LOCAL tasks for NPCs that are standing right there. There is no journey. There is no adventure. Such a boring world.

Edited by Redfeather.6401
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10 hours ago, Ravenmoon.5318 said:

I feel like you need to take a hard look at this quote by yourself and consider the fact that your opinion isn't the only opinion either. Opinions vary and developers should strive to accommodate as many as them as possible so that everyone could be happy. Also having a strong opinion or being opinionated isn't bad either. It's what makes you different. However if your "uniqueness" is forcing insane bounce rates, maybe it warrants some looking into? 


My friends, usually before quitting ask me "well yeah exploration is cool and all but what can we do together?" And I'm like ... get to lvl 30 and I'll show you. They play for 15 minutes more and they're done. The game lacks speed early on. And for the people looking for it, it's just not there. What I've noticed is that human starter zones are a little better than norn starting zones. Norn starting zone is extra boring with the riddle hearts and low spawn crab traps. Especially since the heart description doesn't explain well what you're supposed to do. But again, it's not for me to decide what would make the NPE any more fun. I'm just saying it has made at least 8 of my (close) friends quit the game before turning lvl 30. Avid MMO fans, not Fortnite players (read - players who like the genre for many years)


For comparison, since people bit too much into me mentioning Lost Ark - WoW gives you the dungeon finder at level 10 while some dungeons unlock at level 7. Sounds to me like if you are a group of friends, WoW is the better MMO in terms of teamplay. People mostly don't care about the players they meet in open world events. They come and go. They are not even from the same server so chances to see them a second time aren't very viable so it's kinda meh. 

Luckily I can't stand quest hub MMOs nowadays so I'm sticking to Gw2, but it needs to be more accessible.

Unlike WoW, no you can not run people through dungeons for xp or have a high level do all the work for them while they take in the levels and loot.  Everyone is scaled down, your friends have to do something for themselves.  You could start a new character and run with them in a group, yes we know it's boring.  WoW was very boring to help someone level...I mean boring, boring grind fest.  And you still were not geared at the end.  

You opinions and experiences are valid, and your complaint is fair.  But also it really seems that maybe your friend is expecting the game to be something it's not.  The rpg part....YOU learn about YOUR character, and it's story before you're part of the MMO part.  The same was true of WoW, sometimes you were lucky to meet some people in the same area and joined with them.  The playing together in GW2 is mostly at level 80, the rest is personal story and exploration, I find it highly appealing.  Some of the hearts require some reading and thinking, not just blind following.  


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45 minutes ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

The core maps are the most boring mmorpg experience I have ever witnessed. It's all local chores. In the past few years I have played Elder Scrolls Online, Star Wars the Old Republic, The Secret World, and Lost Ark... and those are a few mmorpgs that have INFINITELY better quest experiences than GW2. GW2 is always LOCAL tasks for NPCs that are standing right there. There is no journey. There is no adventure. Such a boring world.

They're not all local chores. You're referring to hearts, but the game isn't centered around hearts, it's centered around dynamic events. Hearts were only introduced to put people in places were dynamic events spawn.

If you're doing the heart where you have to kill a few wurms and save corn in Queensdale, bandits attack that farm and later a queen wurm spawns, and that's as soon as you enter the game as a human.


If you enter the game as a Sylvari, you have lighting the lamps, which is a collection event that leads to a bunch of giant mosquitos spawning. And you're level 2.


When you're about level 15 in Wayfarer's Foothills you have Svanir's Dome.  It's actually a meta event. It's an event in an area that takes over the area. There are two escorts to two different towers, defending those towers, capturing the area, defending the area and fighting a boss.  As a character at level, that's actually a decent idea of what the game would be like later.

Those were only a couple of examples and doesn't mention world bosses at all. 

The first quest I ever did in WoW was to bring Wolf Pelts to some guy. I killed a bunch of wolves, some of which suspiciously didn't have pelts. They should have gone to pelt club for men. None of that meant anything to me.

People who focus on the 303 hearts instead of the more than 1500 events the game launched with are not really paying attention to begin with.  Hearts should have never been put into this game.

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30 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

They're not all local chores. You're referring to hearts, but the game isn't centered around hearts, it's centered around dynamic events. Hearts were only introduced to put people in places were dynamic events spawn.

If you're doing the heart where you have to kill a few wurms and save corn in Queensdale, bandits attack that farm and later a queen wurm spawns, and that's as soon as you enter the game as a human.


If you enter the game as a Sylvari, you have lighting the lamps, which is a collection event that leads to a bunch of giant mosquitos spawning. And you're level 2.


When you're about level 15 in Wayfarer's Foothills you have Svanir's Dome.  It's actually a meta event. It's an event in an area that takes over the area. There are two escorts to two different towers, defending those towers, capturing the area, defending the area and fighting a boss.  As a character at level, that's actually a decent idea of what the game would be like later.

Those were only a couple of examples and doesn't mention world bosses at all. 

The first quest I ever did in WoW was to bring Wolf Pelts to some guy. I killed a bunch of wolves, some of which suspiciously didn't have pelts. They should have gone to pelt club for men. None of that meant anything to me.

People who focus on the 303 hearts instead of the more than 1500 events the game launched with are not really paying attention to begin with.  Hearts should have never been put into this game.



I was going to reply to that post with much the same answer. The core content was designed around events. Heart chores (because they are chores not quests IMO) were added relatively late in the development process because pre-launch feedback indicated that people needed more handholding to find the adventurous stuff (events) and perhaps missed the more mundane chores one finds in older MMOs.

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Seems you people have a real limited understanding on what games have done and have no idea how good quests can be. Get out and try more stuff. Expand your knowledge. The ability to judge gw2's new player experience isn't very effective when you compare gw2 to such antiquated things.

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6 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

Seems you people have a real limited understanding on what games have done and have no idea how good quests can be. Get out and try more stuff. Expand your knowledge. The ability to judge gw2's new player experience isn't very effective when you compare gw2 to such antiquated things.

the low level zones are the best in in the business. i dare you to find another mmo, that does it better.

trust me, i have tried to find one for years now. and if the were so bad, as you claim,  the game would had shut 

down years ago. the biggest problem with core is orr  and the ending.

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6 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

Tera's "Kill X and collect Y of Z" over and over 3 times per NPC, 3 times per hub (9 times) 3 times per zone.  No variation what-so-ever.

And people played that recycled junk.  GW2 is a masterpiece.  Compare it to other 2012 MMORPGs.

compare it to modern mmos ( the few that survive) , and its still the best. 

the low level zones feels like a REAL world, unlike the later zones, where everything gets cranked up to 11

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7 hours ago, SinisterSlay.6973 said:

Tera's "Kill X and collect Y of Z" over and over 3 times per NPC, 3 times per hub (9 times) 3 times per zone.  No variation what-so-ever.

And people played that recycled junk.  GW2 is a masterpiece.  Compare it to other 2012 MMORPGs.

That's the thing, if Gw2 wants to progress it doesn't need to compare itself with 2012 MMORPGs. It needs to compare itself with today's MMO and today's gamer, not the gamer from 10+ years ago because demographics change. Very difficult concept, I know.


1 hour ago, battledrone.8315 said:

the low level zones are the best in in the business. i dare you to find another mmo, that does it better.

trust me, i have tried to find one for years now. and if the were so bad, as you claim,  the game would had shut 

down years ago. the biggest problem with core is orr  and the ending.

I disagree. SWTOR feels like a Mass Effect game ... with lightsabers. What pulls it back is the business model, really. ESO just kills it out of the ballpark with their lore. Gw2 can't hold a candle to TESO's start. Lost Ark, albeit having no actual lore, throws you straight into the action and it's extra enjoyable with friends. 


To the guys who spoke about downlevel, bruh I don't think you've been to a low level area recently. You literally 1-shot everything. You look at the mob you press anything that isn't auto attack and the thing dies. Like I said in the previous post, downscaling and low level dynamic event spawn scaling needs some work. My friends were barely able to obtain bronze medals when there were high level characters around. Not only they needed to throw multiple hits, most of their gap closing abilities, even weapon ones were closed because ... reasons.

Also I don't know why the personal story starts at level 10. I think it's great and the fact that I can hop in is fantastic. Just grinding to level 10 initially is a bit boring. 

Dynamic events are cool and all, dynamic event chains even moreso but you can play for hours and not hit a single DE. Especially if you move around. 

Edited by Ravenmoon.5318
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6 minutes ago, Ravenmoon.5318 said:


Dynamic events are cool and all, dynamic event chains even moreso but you can play for hours and not hit a single DE. Especially if you move around. 

I find it hard to believe you would have played queensdale and not accidentally got the giant worm, thieves at the water tower, collect apples. These events are on pretty much all the time.  There's a lot of events going on in the very first map. And they all contribute to the heart.

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14 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

Seems you people have a real limited understanding on what games have done and have no idea how good quests can be. Get out and try more stuff. Expand your knowledge. The ability to judge gw2's new player experience isn't very effective when you compare gw2 to such antiquated things.

I think you are referring to quests that take you around the world, maybe visit a dungeon and actually reward a cool item in the end. These are indeed missing in gw2. Story missions are kinda like that but for me the vanilla story was really not enjoyable and its mostly instanced so its not the same. But that is personal preference, I dont like the story at all in gw2. The upside is definitely that its voiced. And thats a huge upside.

Events are really good though. Some do take you a bit further. The epic ones only come in expansions though.

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