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The Skyscale Quest Line Is WAY Too Grindy, And Insulting [Merged]

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7 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

That is just cheap timed skills designed to kill you no matter what. They are nothing to do with players skill its a poor mechanic which Anet has devised to make you lose.

Its a large reason i don't do content like this usually.. Skill has zero to do with it its all luck and chance.

We are talking about a telegraphed, timed attack that you are supposed to react to. Nothing luck or chance about it. 

You and your team ignored the tells, got punished for it. 

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Well if I compare to Warframe where you start crafting and it takes 3 days waiting time for something to finish... Skyscale was not too bad. I'm patient, wasnt a big deal for me - I even like long-term goals/grinds.

But its way too much value to be hidden behind so much crap and time.

Legendary items grind? Sure np, reasonable. Skyscale where if you dont have it you are 3 years behind the tag in open world, constantly missing events? Not so great to have to grind so much (or even at all) for it.

Just give it for free, who cares. Its so clunky and unenjoyable to use anyway, compared to griffon and beetle.

Edited by Hotride.2187
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8 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Again, no ... MMO's are based on progression. Getting mounts is simply a progression to developing a character, which is what an MMO is all about. If people aren't willing to do the content to get things (and yes, not all content is going to cater to their ideas of 'fun' or 'not grindy'), then they should reconsider choosing to play MMO's in the first place. 


Exactly.  mmos need short term objectives and goals and long term objectives and goals.  Mounts is the latter.  the beauty of GW2 is that the mounts are a nice to have so if you like long term goals, go for it, if you don't then its not for you, all is good.  OP wants the mount converted from a long term objective to a short term objective, but GW2 has endless amounts of short term objectives, pick something else that suits if you don't fancy it.

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On 5/2/2022 at 5:22 AM, kharmin.7683 said:

What content requires the skyscale?  I can't think of any.  It was meant to be a legendary type of mount so the grind is appropriate.  You can complete content without it.

Making Vision and a handful of achievements for flying through rifts.  That's about it, tbh.

It's like people forget or don't realize this mount is used in part to make Vision, so they start complaining about 'the grind' while ignoring the fact that it's a bigger part of a whole.

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On 5/2/2022 at 3:35 AM, Xerxez.7361 said:

Just wait until you start working on a Legendary Armor set and learn that to quickest one is time gated by 6 weeks (30 weeks+ for all 3 Sets) 😄

TBH, it is also the quickest variant of leg armor available.
WvW takes over 20 weeks per set, if I remember correctly.

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11 minutes ago, NotTooFoolish.7412 said:

TBH, it is also the quickest variant of leg armor available.
WvW takes over 20 weeks per set, if I remember correctly.

Yup WvW takes that long because you can only get a limited amount of wvw skirmish claim tickets per week and you need to do quite a bit of wvw in a week to get that. At least when you don't have a high level of wvw ranks. As you move up in the ranks you'll get more pips every 5 minutes, so you don't have to do as much of it anymore. I just went from bronze to silver though and the extra pip does make a difference. When people have mithril rank that makes it a lot easier, but I ain't there yet. It takes a while to get there.

Either way it still takes over 20 weeks because there is a strict limit on how many tickets you can get in a week (365). It's 22 weeks at 365 tickets a week for the "regular" legendary armor. It takes 29 weeks to get the mistforged variant (different skin). If you don't get 365 per week it takes longer. For me it takes longer because I don't want to do that much wvw every week.

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13 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Laying there dead and not being able to help my team, yeah i was, i would even if i'd fallen at 1%..

It had zero to do with skill he cheap shotted us and knocked us down with a long cool down on our skills, then hit us as soon as we were on the ground.. the people who tried to ress us had another explosive effect on them.. which killed us.

That is just cheap timed skills designed to kill you no matter what. They are nothing to do with players skill its a poor mechanic which Anet has devised to make you lose.

Its a large reason i don't do content like this usually.. Skill has zero to do with it its all luck and chance.

Not if you want certain rewards that only this junk gives.

It very much is...

Why would you force customers into content like strikes that should never ever be in there ever, one it makes them feel useless, two it causes fights with the communities, three it broadens the divide between those communities and four it make people angry at the developers..

People who dislike raids, strikes, wvw, pvp etc, do not ever want to do them.. ever. Forcing your customer base into them does nothing good to your game socially or constructively.

That is 100% on the player. You were in that situation because you didn't position correctly, didn't read the boss tell, and didn't dodge the incoming attack. There was no luck involved because the mechanic isn't a coin flip. A more knowledgeable player can avoid the attack 100% of the time. Own your mistakes and do better next time.

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1 hour ago, The Boz.2038 said:

...it is the most hilariously misdesigned reward mechanic in the entire game, and whoever is responsible for it should reconsider their profession.

Well, I do agree that it's not well-designed. I think that the fact alone that you have to play a loooooong time to get any speed in gaining tickets and then have it bogged down by a time-gate of such length is indeed mind-boggling.

PvP and raids are much more efficient, but I don't care for PvP and I haven't raided yet in this game. So I'm stuck taking the long road in WvW. At the same time I'm not the whiney type when it comes to doing it what it takes. If this is what it takes then that's what I do. If I don't wanna do it, then I don't get the reward.

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On 5/3/2022 at 9:41 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

. The whole concept of 'earning' a position in the game through progression is part of what makes the game itself. That's just how MMO's work ... they wouldn't if it didn't work like that. 

i was under the impression that MMOs where about having lots of players around not wasting lots of time

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9 minutes ago, Cataphract.5841 said:

i was under the impression that MMOs where about having lots of players around not wasting lots of time

What I said doesn't conflict with that though. I mean, if you have content that everyone can finish in 10 minutes and they only need to do it once ... I would argue that your impression of what an MMO is DOESN"T support the idea that Skyscale is less grindy ... because you don't get lots of players around for a long time if everything is done in a flash. You get no one.

but again, we are just full circle here ... there isn't anything unreasonable about having time gated content. It's everywhere. It's funny you talk about 'not wasting time' ... you realize you play an MMO as a hobby right? That content like skyscale isn't necessary if you don't want to 'waste your time' right? 

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On 5/3/2022 at 9:41 PM, Obtena.7952 said:

time-gates are just not an unreasonable approach to devs implementing content in an MMO

month long time gates are unreasonable

mmos are just games, this is no good for any genre

maybe for like, special skins, but for major gameplay features this is wack

Edited by Cataphract.5841
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5 minutes ago, Cataphract.5841 said:

month long time gates are unreasonable

mmos are just games, this is no good for any genre

maybe for like, special skins, but for major gameplay features this is wack

That's your opinion ... and the game doesn't cater to you. There is no rule that says this is unreasonable. MMO's JUST being games doesn't mean time gates aren't valid ways to implement content. 

There simply isn't an argument to say what Anet has done here is right or wrong. It's just the way it is, for whatever reasons Anet used to implement it. Don't like it ... don't do it. Nothing is gated behind Skyscale so if you don't get it, you can still progress and do content. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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but its a game, i want to like it, i want it to be designed in a way that is inherently likeable

once you have done all the actions to get a reward, having to show up once a day for a month to receive the reward is just bad design

this is how lost ark functions in end game, a game i dropped hard when that became what the gameplay was

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18 minutes ago, Cataphract.5841 said:

i was under the impression that MMOs where about having lots of players around not wasting lots of time

MMOs are all about wasting time actually. They have to keep people busy all the time after all. The thing is that people tend to have an "I have to have this NOW!" attitude towards everything. Besides, one person's fun is another person's ragequit. That's difficult to balance.

The Skyscale in my view is tedious at certain stages. But when things come too easy you don't really value it as much either. Some people want that sense of accomplishment...that's their fun. But that's taken away if there's a shortcut in the game.

Like I said, it's difficult to balance. But in the end if you want something, you have to do what it takes. Sometimes there are different ways around it, sometimes not. And if you don't want to do the things, then you can just accept that you don't get the rewards.

This topic has come up before and at some point one of the OP's predecessors complained about it for so long that they could've gotten the Skyscale in the meantime, time gates included. Just take it one day at a time. You'll get there soon enough.

MMOs can't be just about what you find fun because fun means different things to different people. So technically everything is fun ...to someone. 


Edited by Gehenna.3625
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3 minutes ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

The Skyscale in my view is tedious at certain stages. But when things come too easy you don't really value it as much either. Some people want that sense of accomplishment...that's their fun. But that's taken away if there's a shortcut in the game.

Valuing non-gameplay is inherently poor design.  This isn't animal crossing.

Edited by Cataphract.5841
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8 minutes ago, Cataphract.5841 said:

but its a game, i want to like it, i want it to be designed in a way that is inherently likeable

once you have done all the actions to get a reward, having to show up once a day for a month to receive the reward is just bad design

this is how lost ark functions in end game, a game i dropped hard when that became what the gameplay was

Yes, it's a game ... games have time gates, especially MMOs. The expectation the game needs to be designed in a way that YOU like is unreasonable because it's not a requirement for any game to appeal to you. It's not about you. Whether you think this is bad design or not is not relevant to how it works. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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On 5/3/2022 at 6:16 PM, Mil.3562 said:

This is so misleading. I don't have a Skyscale from day one till today and I never have problem keeping up with any squads in any metas and that includes Dragonfall and Drizzlewods.


edit: I banned myself from getting the Skyscale because the grind is so ridiculous. Over the years I have saved much money from not being able to buy the dragon skins 🙂

edit: wrong person with same PFP

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28 minutes ago, Cataphract.5841 said:

You also don't like the time gating, why are you fighting for things that are against your own interest.

Probably because at some basic level, they don't think it's unreasonable to have time-gates EVEN if they don't like them. 

But for some context, you said this right?

I don't get to end game in MMOs, due to it taking too long to get there and me spending all my time in non-leveling activities. 

So basically ... you are intolerant to ANYTHING that is typical in an MMO that requires 'taking too long' to do that isn't 'leveling'. Duly noted. 

Edited by Obtena.7952
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21 minutes ago, Cataphract.5841 said:

Valuing non-gameplay is inherently poor design.  This isn't animal crossing.

Actually, that is not true. Not completely atleast.

A) Timegate can be used to give a feeling of time passing (for the skyscale that is part of the dragon growing up, and that is something i personally missed for the turtle)


B) You might want your playerbase to diversify the parts of your gam they play, and as such timegates are just to shift the gameplay around (dailies among others).

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I hate it when game developers actually make me play the game... I should go complain in the forums.


But I also hate it when there is nothing to do in the game... I should go complain in the forums.


Hmmmmmmmmm. Sums up gw2 players, don't it?

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There is not really anything beyond Skyscale like achievs in the end game unless you intend to play pvp, wvw or raids. And Skyscale is not a thing in there. So take it as a fun journey otherwise I dont know whats really the point of playing. 

I do agree that the collections in Dragonfall are tedious though. But otherwise its quite a nice journey. I wouldnt call it a grind, grind is usually repetition of a specific task over and over again. There is not much if any repetition here.

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On 5/1/2022 at 10:20 PM, Akisohida.8963 said:

Sorry for the rant. But sometimes critical feedback is better than positive feedback, and I tried to keep my points clear and not insulting. I also just needed to vent after being laughed at by the game for spending the last 3 days of my free time starting this collection.


Everyone has been through it, everyone has thought what you thought. We did it. Think of it like a right of passage.

Besides, you aint seen NOTHING yet. 1000+ Gold and MONTHS required to make ONE Legendary. That's just Tier 1. Tier 2 requires COLLECTIONS with MULTIPLE steps. Try that on for size and see how easy the Skyscale was.

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21 hours ago, Obtena.7952 said:

Again, no ... MMO's are based on progression. Getting mounts is simply a progression to developing a character, which is what an MMO is all about. If people aren't willing to do the content to get things (and yes, not all content is going to cater to their ideas of 'fun' or 'not grindy'), then they should reconsider choosing to play MMO's in the first place. 

No wonder populations are dying in mmorpgs.

20 hours ago, ugrakarma.9416 said:

think of skycale as "legendary mount", consider luckly they don't gated it behind a huge gold sink.

remind that griffon ins't even announced, its is a 'surprise' 300g gold sink.

theres no need for rage, the "big secret" is scheduling, make a goal to get it in 1~2 months, otherwise u will end in a huge burnout/frustation.

Its not a legendary mount, its not even close to a legendary mount.. all it has going for it is it hovers and slowly rises, thats not legendary at all.

Edited by Dante.1508
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20 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Its not a legendary mount, its not even close to a legendary mount.. all it has going for it is it hovers and slowly rises, thats not legendary at all.

lmao dude, a mount that make 99% scavenger hunting/navigation content trival, and all JP's that inst blocked for it....



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