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Test your scrubness [Quiz]


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How this works is that you give yourself points depending on how you act in WvW


Question 1:  When do you use foods?

2 Points: I only use foods when other players drop a tray

1 Point: I use personal foods when there are no trays

0 Points: I drop ascended tray when I have no foods and no one else is dropping


Question 2:  How much of a pug are you?

2 Points: I am never in squads

1 Point: I am in squad and always standing on tag helping best I can but I always stick to same gameplay

0 Points:  I am in squad and adapt my playstyle or change class/build depending on how fights are going


Question 3: Do you use voice comms?

2 Points: I do not use voice chat at all

1 Point: I join voice chat whenever commander/group is there but do not use my mic outside guild raids

0 Points: I call things in voice chat even when it is not my guild leading


Question 4:  How good is your build?

2 Points: I do not know how strong metabuilds are but I feel like I am being useful

1 Point: I know meta and I think my build is almost as strong

0 Points: I play meta or better builds


 Question 5: How useful are you to the server?

2 Points: I never do any activity outside following commanders or guild raids

1 Points: I scout or roam trying to keep server either strong or active even when there are no commanders

0 Points: I tag up when it is necessary, even if it is just to defend 1 objective, once in a while


Point distribution:

0-2 Points Godlike: Congrats. You are someone every server wants. You pull your weight and do your best to win.

3-5 Points Experienced: You have grasped WvW basics but can contribute more to the fights

6-7 Points Average: You do not stand out as much as you want and there is lot to improve

8-10 Points Scrub: You need to take a long trip to Tibet to meet Dalai-lama and cleanse your evil sprit


Creator note: This is just something I made for fun. I bet I forgot a few relevant questions.

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Question 1: -3 (I assume everyone brings their own food and share if anyone asks!)

Question 2: -10 (I adapt and change my build regardless of what anyone tells me or says)

Question 3: -2222 (Only with friends)

Question 4: -123 (I adapt...)

Question 5: -9999(I lighten the mood in the chats)


Total: -12,357 ( :D)


P.S: There was nothing in the rule that you stated that you MUST give yourself the listed amount of points if none of the above fit. So I gave myself the following!

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On 5/6/2022 at 4:34 PM, Threather.9354 said:

I never do any activity outside following commanders or guild raids

Geez, following commanders? Guild raids?! How is that the lowest level of contribution you could think of? I'm not even in a guild. I wait for the other shmoes to flip the areas closest to the spawn fortress thing so I can flip them back again once they're gone and hopefully keep my participation up. Then I collect my Gift of Battle and try not to reflect too much on the time wasted in this mode.

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you forgot questions
do you share your build freely so all your servers players can have good build? 

do you accept low level players and help them to become better into your guild or ask them to come back when they are high level?

do you have a sub squad of 5+ players that you can deploy to help when there's a call out and you really do not want to move map but its an emergency ? 

Edited by babana.7521
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There's a lot of questionable things about this tbh, like dropping food randomly does not necessarily help anyone, not everyone can play every class and expecting it of people is a tad ridiculous, too many people calling things in voice just makes it unnecessarily chaotic and hard to understand when something important is actually said, and expecting every random person to tag to defend something is also ridiculous, and ranking scouts as less important is questionable in itself.

So overall I'd give this post an eight out of ten on your own scoring system, because you need to reevaluate how you think about things.

Edited by Toast.6459
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14 hours ago, Toast.6459 said:

There's a lot of questionable things about this tbh, like dropping food randomly does not necessarily help anyone, not everyone can play every class and expecting it of people is a tad ridiculous

Honestly when normal foods give around 170 stats and ascended foods give +10% damage reduction (minimum 220-400 armor) + 170 stats, having ascended foods up or foods at all is good measurement of scrubness. Of course you could add 4th level that you communicate in chat to team where the food is but just dropping it for nearby friendly players or at spawns should suffice.

Nowhere here was it asked you to play muiltiple classes, just swap your playstyle or build. For example full zerker shiro herald, that was "meta" for a long time, isn't the best choice to go for in keeps. Eles can swap utilities and elite specs around depending on necessity. Boonripclasses can choose to position to counter push or apply constant pressure. There are plenty of changes you can do to next fight.

But yes, 0 points is supposed to be hard to get. You cannot obtain it just by "doing enough", you have to stand out in some way. I rejoice to hear you learnt how to increase your servers cohesion and can keep contributing more and more.

Edited by Threather.9354
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On 5/6/2022 at 3:34 PM, Threather.9354 said:

How this works is that you give yourself points depending on how you act in WvW


Question 1:  When do you use foods?

2 Points: I only use foods when other players drop a tray

1 Point: I use personal foods when there are no trays

0 Points: I drop ascended tray when I have no foods and no one else is dropping


I usually play solo or in small cap groups and usually don't need foods. But I always have it ready for when I want to optimize my stats for fights.



On 5/6/2022 at 3:34 PM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 2:  How much of a pug are you?

2 Points: I am never in squads

1 Point: I am in squad and always standing on tag helping best I can but I always stick to same gameplay

0 Points:  I am in squad and adapt my playstyle or change class/build depending on how fights are going


Either solo or in squad, But I mostly play at night when there are no squads.



On 5/6/2022 at 3:34 PM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 3: Do you use voice comms?

2 Points: I do not use voice chat at all

1 Point: I join voice chat whenever commander/group is there but do not use my mic outside guild raids

0 Points: I call things in voice chat even when it is not my guild leading


I never use voice in WvW.



On 5/6/2022 at 3:34 PM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 4:  How good is your build?

2 Points: I do not know how strong metabuilds are but I feel like I am being useful

1 Point: I know meta and I think my build is almost as strong

0 Points: I play meta or better builds


I play casually for fun and personal rewards. I could not care less about meta builds in WvW. I'm playin Cele tempest and it may be near meta but maybe that was a year ago.



On 5/6/2022 at 3:34 PM, Threather.9354 said:

 Question 5: How useful are you to the server?

2 Points: I never do any activity outside following commanders or guild raids

1 Points: I scout or roam trying to keep server either strong or active even when there are no commanders

0 Points: I tag up when it is necessary, even if it is just to defend 1 objective, once in a while


I usually play solo but at night when I see players standing idle I either ping the location where I start to cap or tag up for it and stay until our side of EBG is recaptured.



On 5/6/2022 at 3:34 PM, Threather.9354 said:

Point distribution:

0-2 Points Godlike: Congrats. You are someone every server wants. You pull your weight and do your best to win.

3-5 Points Experienced: You have grasped WvW basics but can contribute more to the fights

6-7 Points Average: You do not stand out as much as you want and there is lot to improve

8-10 Points Scrub: You need to take a long trip to Tibet to meet Dalai-lama and cleanse your evil sprit


Creator note: This is just something I made for fun. I bet I forgot a few relevant questions.


8 Scrub.

WvW is fun to play casually, solo and in small groups. I could not care less if my server wins or not. Sometimes I'm just happy to capture stuff or to vigorously defend our keep through the night in an outnumbered situation. At WvW rank Platinum I know enough about the game type to not be new and play long enough to not care too much about server goals either. If you play casually it is a fun and relaxed way to work on legendary armor or just hang out with your team members.

And maybe that casual scout that pops the EWP, destroys their siege and closes the keep's wall is more useful to the server than a zergling with their meta builds and top DPS.

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On 5/6/2022 at 6:34 AM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 1:  When do you use foods?

2 Points: I only use foods when other players drop a tray

1 Point: I use personal foods when there are no trays

0 Points: I drop ascended tray when I have no foods and no one else is dropping



I drop consumables even when nobody needs them or it's already dropped, just to show how irrelevant this matter is.


On 5/6/2022 at 6:34 AM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 2:  How much of a pug are you?

2 Points: I am never in squads

1 Point: I am in squad and always standing on tag helping best I can but I always stick to same gameplay

0 Points:  I am in squad and adapt my playstyle or change class/build depending on how fights are going


I am in a squad, but usually by myself and invisible and adapt by inviting friends so nobody spam invites me.  Many people complain about being kicked; I complain because they won't stop inviting me. I adapt by making it open, so people that know the secret handshake.



On 5/6/2022 at 6:34 AM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 3: Do you use voice comms?

2 Points: I do not use voice chat at all

1 Point: I join voice chat whenever commander/group is there but do not use my mic outside guild raids

0 Points: I call things in voice chat even when it is not my guild leading


Actually these options make no sense.

On 5/6/2022 at 6:34 AM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 4:  How good is your build?

2 Points: I do not know how strong metabuilds are but I feel like I am being useful

1 Point: I know meta and I think my build is almost as strong

0 Points: I play meta or better builds


I play meta builds and recognize this distinction is absurd. Also refer to above about being spammed with invites.

On 5/6/2022 at 6:34 AM, Threather.9354 said:

Question 5: How useful are you to the server?

2 Points: I never do any activity outside following commanders or guild raids

1 Points: I scout or roam trying to keep server either strong or active even when there are no commanders

0 Points: I tag up when it is necessary, even if it is just to defend 1 objective, once in a while


Technically so, but much less now so I guess I became a scrub after years of play

Final Score: Invalid input.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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