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8 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

Dear whiner, there are games that allow you to solo all their content. These are are called 'single player games'. Please refer to these if you wish to play alone. 

Single player games also have challenging encounters that most of their players won't be able to beat as well.

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9 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

Try doing that with over 250ms ping..

I did that and its dots killed me in seconds, faster than i could channel the spear. Even a cc cleanse didn't help.

I've done this fight with people from my guild easily a dozen times now probably more. One person can't do it. Everyone has to be doing it. It's frustrating if you can't explain it to people.  

Before the fight, set your ground target to snap to ground target in your options. Then you don't even have to aim the ground target.

Edited by Vayne.8563
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On 5/20/2022 at 1:58 AM, Aphex.9782 said:

I want you to go on a livestream and beat the champions in the game including the legendary bandit chief. I am really curious to see this because clearly you think they are fine as is.

What's a legendary bandit chief?

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I've done this fight with people from my guild easily a dozen times now probably more. One person can't do it. Everyone has to be doing it. It's frustrating if you can't explain it to people.  

Before the fight, set your ground target to snap to ground target in your options. Then you don't even have to aim the ground target.

I wasn't alone there were about 10 people attacking it.

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10 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Hint: The dots come from either standing in red circles (but these deal relatively low damage) or the hugely telegraphed and 100% avoidable knockdown following the whirl attack.  If you're struggling to watch for this attack due to your ping, listen for the sound the boss makes (he yells out before the attack).  This is a smoke and mirrors fight that tries to distract you from the real danger, which is that big knockdown that applies the monster bleed that's probably killing you.

I can't hear anything with every ones attacks hitting him/her, Its not just bleed its stacks of daze and torment and they make you limp etc way more what bleed, also the channel for the spear is an orange circle and they very much kill you fast, my specter hp went down in less than a second standing there trying to channel. she has about 20k hp. the dots aoe overlap the channel aoes as well.

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2 hours ago, Dante.1508 said:

I can't hear anything with every ones attacks hitting him/her, Its not just bleed its stacks of daze and torment and they make you limp etc way more what bleed, also the channel for the spear is an orange circle and they very much kill you fast, my specter hp went down in less than a second standing there trying to channel. she has about 20k hp. the dots aoe overlap the channel aoes as well.

Honestly, I'd just step out of the orange circles if you're having trouble with the mechanics rather than trying to catch sword drops.  It's an unnecessary risk that isn't really worth the tiny amount of damage the sword throw deals.  As a general rule you should try to stay in motion.  That you're having trouble with circles tells me you probably stand in place a lot.  If you're in motion when the circles spawn you should be out of the danger zone by the time the strike occurs.

Stay moving is a great way to avoid a lot of damage.  It works on much quicker attacks than the sword drop.  For example, PoF hydras including bounty champion/legendary hydras.  Those double meteor strikes that knock you down if they land won't hit you if you're in motion when the circle appears and remain in motion.  You don't even have to dodge!  Just keep moving.  However, if the circle appears and you're standing in place you'll have to dodge quickly to avoid them.

I'm sure this advice will fall on deaf ears as you have a 250 ping...or whatever.  But maybe somebody else reading this thread might learn something.

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Bandit champs are outdated seasonal filler content designed for 50 people fights with some of the most annoying mechanics in the game (cripple spam, condi spam, visual spam, unblockable lifesteal, instagibs).

And since  they come from the LWS3 age, which was when anet thought every mob should be a HP sponge vet with 15k attacks (cough Bloodstone Fen cough Lake Doric cough), it's obvious people attempting them in 2022 will get rekt.

Fighting bad design is hard.

Edited by rune.9572
imagine having markdown
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1 hour ago, rune.9572 said:

Bandit champs are outdated seasonal filler content designed for 50 people fights with some of the most annoying mechanics in the game (cripple spam, condi spam, visual spam, unblockable lifesteal, instagibs).

And since  they come from the LWS3 age, which was when anet thought every mob should be a HP sponge vet with 15k attacks (cough Bloodstone Fen cough Lake Doric cough), it's obvious people attempting them in 2022 will get rekt.

Fighting bad design is hard.

That's odd.  When I fight bandit champs by myself they usually die in about a minute and the legendary executioner takes a few minutes.  Are you sure these guys are "HP sponges designed for 50 people"?  They really don't seem like it.

I disagree that they're poorly designed.  I think they're a fun challenge added to bland, boring core maps that could really use more of that.  All of the mechanics are easily understood and perfectly manageable, but can down you quickly if you fail to manage them.  That seems like good design to me.  I wish they'd add more of this sort of content to other core maps.

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1 hour ago, rune.9572 said:

Bandit champs are outdated seasonal filler content designed for 50 people fights

It's pretty funny how inherently wrong this comment is, which should be absolutely clear to you and everyone else as long as you've bothered reading what's already in this rather short thread.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

That's odd.  When I fight bandit champs by myself they usually die in about a minute and the legendary executioner takes a few minutes.  Are you sure these guys are "HP sponges designed for 50 people"?  They really don't seem like it.

I disagree that they're poorly designed.  I think they're a fun challenge added to bland, boring core maps that could really use more of that.  All of the mechanics are easily understood and perfectly manageable, but can down you quickly if you fail to manage them.  That seems like good design to me.  I wish they'd add more of this sort of content to other core maps.

Pics or didn't happen. If your game is so great why is noone playing it lol 😄

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23 minutes ago, Aphex.9782 said:

Pics or didn't happen. If your game is so great why is noone playing it lol 😄

There already is a video earlier in the thread showing it.

Pretty sure the maker of said video is not the only one who can do it.

Edited by Linken.6345
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4 minutes ago, Aphex.9782 said:

Pics or didn't happen. If your game is so great why is noone playing it lol 😄

Already provided video links, but if you insist. 🤷‍♂️

There's more on my channel if that's not enough for you, including solos of the other bandit champions as well as the legendary executioner.  And people are playing this game.  Got your head in the sand?  The game has been growing in player count and sustaining in revenue despite being 10 years old.  I'm sure things could be better, but they seem to have some good plans moving forward.  Like I told the other guy, if mobile games are more your speed then go play one of those.  We're good without you.

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It probably seems overwhelming when you meet them as a newbie. But the bandit champs are actually quite easy champs (some more, some less). Definitely soloable. Its mostly just getting the hang of combat mechanics. 

The legendary executioner is harder yes. But I dont think he is required for anything. Just a surprise boss spawn you can just walk away if you dont like the fight. I find him fun and his execute mechanic. Need to be carefull not to get downed. 

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15 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

The legendary executioner is harder yes. But I dont think he is required for anything. Just a surprise boss spawn you can just walk away if you dont like the fight. I find him fun and his execute mechanic. Need to be carefull not to get downed. 

Just one achievement. Two if you count the meta achievement which gives a title.

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12 hours ago, rune.9572 said:

Bandit champs are outdated seasonal filler content designed for 50 people fights with some of the most annoying mechanics in the game (cripple spam, condi spam, visual spam, unblockable lifesteal, instagibs).

And since  they come from the LWS3 age, which was when anet thought every mob should be a HP sponge vet with 15k attacks (cough Bloodstone Fen cough Lake Doric cough), it's obvious people attempting them in 2022 will get rekt.

Fighting bad design is hard.

A few days ago we killed one in Gendarran Field with around 10 people or less, and half or more were newbies. So, no, it's not designed for "50 people", you are talking about a champ mob like it's the tequatl world boss.

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On 5/20/2022 at 9:58 AM, Aphex.9782 said:

I want you to go on a livestream and beat the champions in the game including the legendary bandit chief. I am really curious to see this because clearly you think they are fine as is.

This is an ideal time for those devs who admit to being inept in terms of combat: Teapot just did a video on Low Intensity builds (video contains swearing).

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8 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

Already provided video links, but if you insist. 🤷‍♂️

There's more on my channel if that's not enough for you, including solos of the other bandit champions as well as the legendary executioner.  And people are playing this game.  Got your head in the sand?  The game has been growing in player count and sustaining in revenue despite being 10 years old.  I'm sure things could be better, but they seem to have some good plans moving forward.  Like I told the other guy, if mobile games are more your speed then go play one of those.  We're good without you.

Wish i had that ping time, by the time i see those Aoes i've been hit.

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11 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Then maybe as the other person said listen to the audio que he yell out before said attack and dodge when you hear it?

In this case he's talking about the little torch thingy Ezal the Quick tosses, leaving circles beneath your feet that deal damage and apply confusion.  Those do happen pretty quickly, so you really have to be watching for them (dodging will cause the torch to miss so you won't have to deal with the circle).  However, if you have high ping another strategy for avoiding these is to stay in motion. They strike upon the initial hit that spawns the circle, but if you're moving you should be out of harm's way so that you don't take additional strikes from the ground effect.

Also note that Ezal tosses additional torches with more players present and stacked circles can kill you VERY quickly!

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12 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

It probably seems overwhelming when you meet them as a newbie. But the bandit champs are actually quite easy champs (some more, some less). Definitely soloable. Its mostly just getting the hang of combat mechanics. 

The legendary executioner is harder yes. But I dont think he is required for anything. Just a surprise boss spawn you can just walk away if you dont like the fight. I find him fun and his execute mechanic. Need to be carefull not to get downed. 


I wish there were more creatures in the open world like the executioner.

Specifically I mean event creatures that actively target downed players and try to finish them, denying revives.


I do enjoy skills/traits that focus on reviving players, specially ones that pull.

But it's rare I get to use them in the open world so I can rarely justify taking them on my skill bar.

The Executioner is one boss that does let me play around with those abilities, specially when the people around me are your typical super DPS glass canon's who seem to be allergic to dodging lol

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8 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

Then maybe as the other person said listen to the audio que he yell out before said attack and dodge when you hear it?

Have you seriously tried to hear audio cues when there are hundreds of people spamming skills, explosions and yelling odd remarks all over each other..

Serious question? even about 10 characters make seeing and hearing anything really hard.

Edited by Dante.1508
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I’m surprised anyone even wants to fight bandit champs. At some point in the recent past I got tired of the bounty thingamajigs stacking up in my inventory and went to see what they were about. Soloed and duoed a few, saw the rewards, and felt free to just delete the rest and any future ones that show up.

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