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Solutions for Stone Heart


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Stone Heart is a very unfun trait to fight against if you are playing power. It wouldn't be so bad if certain ele specs didn't have the ability to just camp Earth attunement the whole time while being effective. Here is a proposed change that would fit beautifully into Elementalist as it is currently designed that allows, nah encourages attunement swap:


Stone Heart: Stability grants Critical hit immunity.


Or, if anet is feeling lazy like usual: Gain critical hit immunity for 10 seconds after entering Earth Attunement

Edited by Ovark.2514
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I don't think it should really be touched, but the funny thing is this effect falls underneath the "BROKEN/UNHEALTHY FOR THE GAME" category for all the balance preacher extremist since it straight up denies any form of crit by just camping earth attunement. So maybe it should be changed. Only to give 3-4s crit immunity when you swap to Earth Attunement 

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Boo, a trait that has existed for so long needed change? 

If anything, give Rock Solid another addition-- Stability Grants Crit Immunity

Then Change Stone Heart Completely -- When Critically Hit, grant yourself Barrier 

Edited by Stallic.2397
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6 hours ago, Ovark.2514 said:

Stone Heart: Stability grants Critical hit immunity.


Or, if anet is feeling lazy like usual: Gain critical hit immunity for 10 seconds after entering Earth Attunement

Both suggestions would make it much stronger.

Right now it comes with a tradeoff if you want to keep it up as much as possible. I'm sure that removing this limitation would be a bad idea in terms of balancing.

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I think you're confusing powerful with unhealthy. 

Ele is balanced around their attunement swaps. Most of your pressure is in fire/air. Most of your sustain is in water. 

Earth is typically the attunement you swap to briefly for a defense or crowd control. The hard hitting skills are gated behind either long delays, long cooldowns or cast times. (Churning Earth, Eruption, Ground pound)

This trait has a healthy trade-off. If you camp, you're giving up 75% of your kit to delay your death. Emphasis on "delay" because you're going to eventually need to swap to water to resustain, and if your enemy was smart, he was patiently chipping away at your HP and saving his burst skills for that moment. Toss in some chill to delay the swap back to earth, and the ele is dead. 

This trait is degen on paper, but in practice, it's more efficient to time this to deny burst and then swap out of earth.

Your suggestion would actually turn this into a degen trait. 

If you go down the stab route, imagine how broken it would be on catalyst. It's biggest weakness currently is that you can burst it. Good luck when they get crit immunity every time they perform a combo. 

 Imagine tempests using overload water and cleansing themseles while also having stability, swiftness, AND crit immunity. 

I can already picture a fresh air tempest build that just spams overload air in teamfights and gives himself shocking aura while being immune to crits. 

If you go down the 10 seconds of crit immunity when swapping to earth route. Imagine weavers being able to cycle to other attunemtns to heal or pressure then swap back to earth to maintain this buff. 

This would be far more degen than the current design because you remove the trade-off entirely. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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Stone heart is only good on weaver as weaver can quickly swap between damage attunements and earth and that swap is instant cast so it can always turn this ultimate defensive stance up when its needed. It is future stronger with elite which turns this swap to 2 sec cd. 

Overall stone heart is strong but limited and it should be only balanced for weaver(slight nerf in cooldown/usage).

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11 minutes ago, Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:

Stone heart is only good on weaver as weaver can quickly swap between damage attunements and earth and that swap is instant cast so it can always turn this ultimate defensive stance up when its needed. It is future stronger with elite which turns this swap to 2 sec cd. 

Overall stone heart is strong but limited and it should be only balanced for weaver(slight nerf in cooldown/usage).

what lol, earth is a supportive traitline, not in the meaning of only supports play it, but rather its a traitline thats harder to build around, and instead builds into your current existing build

weaver has no synergy with the earth line, so when you take it your essentially selecting a dead traitline, every other ele spec, core, tempest, and cata can take earth, but not weaver so idk what ur on about

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  • 1 year later...

Whoever created this thread, may they rot in gw2 hell forever. Anet actually listened to their stupid, stupid request and implemented it. As a result, they completely kittened Stone Heart.

Stone Heart was a skill which was designed by the original GW2 game designers in all their wisdom. I don't think the current bunch of devs have even 1% of the design skills and flair that the original designers had.  They listen to game players requests and implement them apparently no knowledge of game balance.

Stone Heart is dead, and elementalist has is dying against the power creep of all the power builds. What a shame

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7 hours ago, nas.5249 said:

Whoever created this thread, may they rot in gw2 hell forever. Anet actually listened to their stupid, stupid request and implemented it. As a result, they completely kittened Stone Heart.

Stone Heart was a skill which was designed by the original GW2 game designers in all their wisdom. I don't think the current bunch of devs have even 1% of the design skills and flair that the original designers had.  They listen to game players requests and implement them apparently no knowledge of game balance.

Stone Heart is dead, and elementalist has is dying against the power creep of all the power builds. What a shame

Nah, because earth was blasting fools of the map for a bit specially on weaver. 

Immunity to crits was terrible for the game. 

I hope your internet forever lags.

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