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Thank you ANet, but...?

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11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

First of all, thanks for giving us LWS1 for free, however rrrr; and here comes the buuuuuut...

Remind me, why am I doing this again?


So, here's the little back story to this question.

I only got so far as doing that bit in Lion's Arch hidden cave, where you have to cross the electrical field.


I tried about 20 times, and failed.

So it got me thinking. 

If I'm not getting anything of much value here, except listening and a lot more reading from Npcs.

No Mastery points, no ascended gear, etc...

Why bother?


As I said, Thank you so very much.

At least for storyline value,  and I don't want to sound ungreatful; so for that reason, I cannot apologise enough.


The story is blimming boring man.

I cannot find a single reason why I should continue this, if it gets even harder with no particular reason other than to watch a side story.


Anyways, so, for this post not to sound like a rant, here's my constructive criticism. 


● Please add Mastery Points rewards at the end of each chapter. (2 so far) ✴✴


● Please make it so some bits, such as that said electrical field, is either disabled after dying a certain number of times, in order to be able to continue the story, but you get a reward for being able to do it without activating this safe mode.

Some of us suffer from low fps and crappy controls wich makes it a nightmare to deal with this sort of thing.

Side note : That's why i don't do fractals.


Ok. I think that's all I've got for this.

But if you think that this stuff is to old to get changed in any way, and we're getting it for free afterall. 


Then, well, thanks anyways, and please ignore this post.

I suppose that I just got frustrated with that part of the story and not been able to carry on further.


Thanks for reading anyways.


PS, if there's a way around that electrical field, I surely would like to know... or... do other players think that it's not worth the hassle?

As usual: if you think something in the game isn't worth your effort/time/whatever then just don't do it. "Why are you doing it?" ? Nobody knows, make your pick. You definitely don't need to do it and everyone -including you and anet- will be fine with it.

Want mastery points? Pick some of the available, there's really quite a bit of them to pick from.

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11 hours ago, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

First of all, thanks for giving us LWS1 for free, however rrrr; and here comes the buuuuuut...

Remind me, why am I doing this again?


So, here's the little back story to this question.

I only got so far as doing that bit in Lion's Arch hidden cave, where you have to cross the electrical field.


I tried about 20 times, and failed.

So it got me thinking. 

If I'm not getting anything of much value here, except listening and a lot more reading from Npcs.

No Mastery points, no ascended gear, etc...

Why bother?


As I said, Thank you so very much.

At least for storyline value,  and I don't want to sound ungreatful; so for that reason, I cannot apologise enough.


The story is blimming boring man.

I cannot find a single reason why I should continue this, if it gets even harder with no particular reason other than to watch a side story.

Why bother?  Anet released this after years of people whining that they cannot get AP from LS1 anymore and that the story makes absolutely no sense at all without this vital part of LS.

So, if you don't care about AP or how the story starts, then yeah... there is no reason to do it.

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I am of the firm belief that you should do things because you want to do them. Of course rewards are a reason to want to do content. 

As manpower spent on reintroducing S1 is not being spent developing new content I do think it would have been a good idea to ensure that the returning content was rewarding for veteran players looking for something to do. Not the end of the world that ANet decided not to, but a missed opportunity in my opinion.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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On 5/31/2022 at 11:55 AM, SoulGuardian.6203 said:

First of all, thanks for giving us LWS1 for free, however rrrr; and here comes the buuuuuut...

Remind me, why am I doing this again?


So, here's the little back story to this question.

I only got so far as doing that bit in Lion's Arch hidden cave, where you have to cross the electrical field.


I tried about 20 times, and failed.

So it got me thinking. 

If I'm not getting anything of much value here, except listening and a lot more reading from Npcs.

No Mastery points, no ascended gear, etc...

Why bother?


As I said, Thank you so very much.

At least for storyline value,  and I don't want to sound ungreatful; so for that reason, I cannot apologise enough.


The story is blimming boring man.

I cannot find a single reason why I should continue this, if it gets even harder with no particular reason other than to watch a side story.


Anyways, so, for this post not to sound like a rant, here's my constructive criticism. 


● Please add Mastery Points rewards at the end of each chapter. (2 so far) ✴✴


● Please make it so some bits, such as that said electrical field, is either disabled after dying a certain number of times, in order to be able to continue the story, but you get a reward for being able to do it without activating this safe mode.

Some of us suffer from low fps and crappy controls wich makes it a nightmare to deal with this sort of thing.

Side note : That's why i don't do fractals.


Ok. I think that's all I've got for this.

But if you think that this stuff is to old to get changed in any way, and we're getting it for free afterall. 


Then, well, thanks anyways, and please ignore this post.

I suppose that I just got frustrated with that part of the story and not been able to carry on further.


Thanks for reading anyways.


PS, if there's a way around that electrical field, I surely would like to know... or... do other players think that it's not worth the hassle?




I can help you finish the story, if you are from EU server

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Why are we doing this? Steam release of course, that and damage control after so many left the game due to EoD's let down and needing to announce the fourth expansion a month into an expansion. They trying hard to retain players atm. 

Honestly, it is funny how the return to event was so much more popular and successful, then EoD. 

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5 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Why are we doing this? Steam release of course, that and damage control after so many left the game due to EoD's let down and needing to announce the fourth expansion a month into an expansion. They trying hard to retain players atm. 

Honestly, it is funny how the return to event was so much more popular and successful, then EoD. 

How do you know how many left because of EoD? You have numbers to prove that? 

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44 minutes ago, Gorem.8104 said:

Why are we doing this? Steam release of course, that and damage control after so many left the game due to EoD's let down and needing to announce the fourth expansion a month into an expansion. They trying hard to retain players atm. 

Honestly, it is funny how the return to event was so much more popular and successful, then EoD. 

This makes no sense. If they would want to retain players they wouldn't bring out revamped ancient content but LS6 maps. Besides, there are always a good chunk of players that leave again after the release of an expansion. Same happened with HoT and PoF. Same with every other MMO I'm sure. Even WoW. Nothing can be everybody's cup of tea after all.

The reason they announced that there would be a fourth expansion is because of how long it took for EoD to come out after Anet said they didn't really want to bring out another expansion. That is for player retention as you say but not (just) because of EoD performing poorly...if indeed it is performing poorly. All we have is anecdotal evidence after all.

Now there is legitimate criticism of EoD. I don't deny that, I have some of it myself, but after 3 months there will be a percentage of players that will leave again anyway and the real question is if it's more than expected. I certainly don't know.

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3 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Ah yes "You don't need rewards, just have fun or leave it"

This will keep this content driving and anets money will not go down a drain, because every gw2 player loves doing stuff with no good rewards ...

I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with this. The point of a game, any game, is to have fun playing it. Even if you get 'good rewards' they're only useful or meaningful within the context of the game - to enable having fun with other parts of the game. (That goes for both for useful equipment, new skills/masteries etc. which help you play and for cosmetic rewards which are fun to use, but only while you're playing that game.)

So to my mind if something is fun to do then it doesn't matter what the rewards are because the content is it's own incentive, and if it's not fun and doesn't give you anything you want to use in other parts of the game then there's absolutely no reason to play it.

Also if something isn't fun and does give good rewards (especially if they're necessary) that's more likely to be annoying than make me enjoy playing something I otherwise don't like. That's why I've only ever gotten the first mini llama. I'd like the rest but I don't enjoy PvP in GW2 and I don't want to spend that much time on something I don't enjoy, even for a reward I would like. (I keep saying maybe one day if I've got all the other minis I'll try it, but it's highly unlikely I'll ever get all the rest as they keep adding more.)

So personally if there's an area of the game I don't enjoy I'd actually prefer it not to have any rewards I want either, because then I can focus on things where I'll have fun.

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7 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with this. The point of a game, any game, is to have fun playing it. Even if you get 'good rewards' they're only useful or meaningful within the context of the game - to enable having fun with other parts of the game. (That goes for both for useful equipment, new skills/masteries etc. which help you play and for cosmetic rewards which are fun to use, but only while you're playing that game.)

So to my mind if something is fun to do then it doesn't matter what the rewards are because the content is it's own incentive, and if it's not fun and doesn't give you anything you want to use in other parts of the game then there's absolutely no reason to play it.

Also if something isn't fun and does give good rewards (especially if they're necessary) that's more likely to be annoying than make me enjoy playing something I otherwise don't like. That's why I've only ever gotten the first mini llama. I'd like the rest but I don't enjoy PvP in GW2 and I don't want to spend that much time on something I don't enjoy, even for a reward I would like. (I keep saying maybe one day if I've got all the other minis I'll try it, but it's highly unlikely I'll ever get all the rest as they keep adding more.)

So personally if there's an area of the game I don't enjoy I'd actually prefer it not to have any rewards I want either, because then I can focus on things where I'll have fun.

So we just take all the rewards out of the game?

I'm not saying, the stuff should not make fun. I'm saying for most people there is not really a reason to play content more than one time, or even play it and find out if its fun, when there is nothing involved in even if it was fun.

I know, you would probaly say but I play XY, even whitout the rewards, because it's fun. But do you think how many players are actually like you?

There are also players like me. Who just need a little something, what gets them engaged. I don't dislike the story per se, but doing it for nothing but lousy AP? And no, not only Veterans and AP player asked for LS1. But make it worth my time. Giving me a treat would kill nobody. But actually helps people like me, even starting this stuff and then decide if it is fun and making Anet's work also worth it because what brings anet content that only a few people play?

Would this thread about raids, people would say the content could be deletet because not many people play it.

You don't understand whats wrong with content who gives no rewards. I don't understand whats wrong with it, wanting rewards for playing content in a game who everything has a cost.

"So personally if there's an area of the game I don't enjoy I'd actually prefer it not to have any rewards I want either, because then I can focus on things where I'll have fun."

And sorry, but this sounds very egoistic. Because you can like stuff, other don't like and the other way. Putting rewards behind different content, even when you don't like it is nothing bad. But maybe i misunderstood you and this was just an example with the pvp-stuff. But i don't see what this have to do with the thema here.

Edited by Fuchslein.8639
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7 hours ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I genuinely don't understand what's wrong with this. The point of a game, any game, is to have fun playing it. 

Well you see, people have VERY different ideas of what fun is. What you see as fun, doesn't apply to everybody. There is no objective measurement for fun.

For some people it's fun to get rewarded for something and they get enjoyment from that. In fact there are a many players that like to get rewards for doing something. Either for their efforts or being able to beat something challenging. The fun of actually doing an activity is secondary or even unnecessary to them. That's just not how they experience fun.

So on the other side there are many players who don't understand people like you, who apparently just play for the enjoyment of the experience. They really don't get why you have fun without rewards. They just don't get people like that, but using terms like "having fun" is deceptive because people have very different definitions of this. 

So what's wrong with that is that you will push out a lot of players because they don't get rewarded because that's key to their enjoyment or fun.


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15 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

Ah yes "You don't need rewards, just have fun or leave it"


4 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

For some people it's fun to get rewarded for something and they get enjoyment from that.

Genuine question, but am I missing something? The LS1 stuff has rewards, it just sounds like you don't like them.

They seem comparable to other rewards you get from playing LW chapters (AP, unique skins, weapons, entertainment), so what's the issue? What is the reward that LW1 is desperately missing that you think is needed for the introductory LW experience? Like, I don't think anyone would care if they added additional things, but why is the current offering not enough for baby's first adventure, as it were?

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16 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

Genuine question, but am I missing something? The LS1 stuff has rewards, it just sounds like you don't like them.

They seem comparable to other rewards you get from playing LW chapters (AP, unique skins, weapons, entertainment), so what's the issue? What is the reward that LW1 is desperately missing that you think is needed for the introductory LW experience? Like, I don't think anyone would care if they added additional things, but why is the current offering not enough for baby's first adventure, as it were?

Sorry for the confusion I wasn't talking about LS1 rewards but rewards in general. I actually have no idea what the LS1 rewards are because I haven't even looked at it yet and I hadn't heard about these specific rewards.

So it's not like I don't like them, it's that I had no idea they existed, aside from AP. I do care about skins, so I'll have to look into that and see if it's worth doing for the skins. I certainly wouldn't do it for the story.

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21 hours ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:


Genuine question, but am I missing something? The LS1 stuff has rewards, it just sounds like you don't like them.

They seem comparable to other rewards you get from playing LW chapters (AP, unique skins, weapons, entertainment), so what's the issue? What is the reward that LW1 is desperately missing that you think is needed for the introductory LW experience? Like, I don't think anyone would care if they added additional things, but why is the current offering not enough for baby's first adventure, as it were?

I would give you a serious response when you not where such a kitten...

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5 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Sorry for the confusion I wasn't talking about LS1 rewards but rewards in general.

I'm afraid this just confuses me even more since this thread is about the rewards in the LS1 release story chapters. OP seems dissatisfied with the rewards currently on offer (namely that the weapon rewards are not ascended and that there aren't mastery points yet associated with it). I can understand (and agree with) wanting to be rewarded for your time, but I don't see people arguing that LS1 shouldn't have rewards which is why I was sitting there like 'but it does though?'

5 minutes ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

I would give you a serious response

Let me know if you change your mind, because I really do want to know what you think is missing from this release that isn't already there. If ArenaNet was going to make tweaks, now would be the time to make those suggestions.

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8 minutes ago, AgentMoore.9453 said:

I'm afraid this just confuses me even more since this thread is about the rewards in the LS1 release story chapters. OP seems dissatisfied with the rewards currently on offer (namely that the weapon rewards are not ascended and that there aren't mastery points yet associated with it). I can understand (and agree with) wanting to be rewarded for your time, but I don't see people arguing that LS1 shouldn't have rewards which is why I was sitting there like 'but it does though?'

Let me know if you change your mind, because I really do want to know what you think is missing from this release that isn't already there. If ArenaNet was going to make tweaks, now would be the time to make those suggestions.

I didn't play the story, because i have not the time at the moment and not the motivation. So i read the thread and people where saying, just don't do it.

I know about the Pistol from another thread as a extra, but i was thinking from normal rewards which you get when you end the story(and a red mastery point would in my eyes not be overkill). Also i thought with ascended he meant jewelery. You get special asc-yewelery from a lot Episodes, which i always liked to collect. As i know, you get something to buy the Pistol from a seperate vendor. But what is behind the Chest in the Hero Panel?

And as i said, everyone just rushed on the OP because he had trouble with a part of the story and a few said Just don't play it. Normaly people would go all balls of what you can get and stuff. So i probaly misunderstood all this and forum peeps where just forum peeps ala git gud and stuff. I don't know. You are the first person here i read, who said there actually where Rewards(besides the pistol). Or i overread something, than sorry. I mostly read this stuff on my handy, so stuff can get lost.

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On 6/2/2022 at 3:22 PM, Gehenna.3625 said:

Well you see, people have VERY different ideas of what fun is. What you see as fun, doesn't apply to everybody. There is no objective measurement for fun.


That sound?  That's the sound of bored psychologists saying "Challenge Accepted!"  (I'm joking around 😊)

These things are already studied in terms of dopaminergic responses, to include dopamine production and re absorption.  These are usually addiction studies, for which the Skinner Box is a significant principle.  The need for the dopamine hit that is in-game rewards may fall into this area.  This concept is also why many players are against loot boxes, as these things are designed around dopaminergic responses.   /academiclecture

However, there is a healthy method of enjoying the game based on rewards.  In other words, your points are not invalid and perfectly cogent.  What we don't know is the percentage of players who enjoy the game purely for gameplay's sake and the percentage of player's who are just in it for the rewards, as well as all of the gradations in between.  


I personally don't care for rewards that much, though they are nice to have.  I believe the point of the LWS1 re-release is for newer players to play the content they missed.  This has been an outcry in the forums for a while, though I don't know how many players posted about this.  It seems to me that the purpose is for the sake of gameplay rather than new avenues of in-game rewards.  I don't see how this will negatively affect the player base.



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