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New Legendary Skins BONKERS. Feels unobtainable.

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6 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Dont know how much they generate but I thought it was trivial in general? Craft food by the thousands, salvage. Time consuming true but then again dont get me started on the amount of wood needed when I made a stupid longbow... 


Gen 2 longbow? As I know I'm having to cut down entire forests and strip mine all of Tyria just to try to get the wood/mithril for Exordium....

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43 minutes ago, mzsquatu.2601 said:

Nice to see the back and forth.  


I understand it is obtainable but at what cost. For players like myself that don't like PVP and primarily focus on PVE I wonder if these player types are finding it as easy to obtain? 

PvE is already the best game mode for making gold so what is your point?

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5 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:


Crafting Ascended armor and weapons is not exactly cheap, and even though they give a lot of notes at once, the price makes it one of the most costly options available. Unless you happen to have some lying around that you no longer need, it's not an option you should seriously consider. Btw, you get how many notes per armor, 200? That's 50 armor pieces you'd have to craft and salvage. Most people will never craft that many in their whole gw2 gaming history.



I thought it was 500? Or is it a chance at 500...can't tell from the wiki and haven't done much with notes myself.

But, like...legendaries as a whole are expensive.  Ascended salvaging isn't the only way to get notes but it would be the fastest--and I don't get why you wouldn't seriously consider it if you already are spending 2k+ gold on a legendary anyway.  

I think the impression here was these additional skins would essentially be 'free' by doing some open world collections or something with little to no gold or grinding involved.  That's never, ever been the case with GW2 though--if it has any prestige it's going to require time/gold investment, full stop.  

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4 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

But, like...legendaries as a whole are expensive.  Ascended salvaging isn't the only way to get notes but it would be the fastest--and I don't get why you wouldn't seriously consider it if you already are spending 2k+ gold on a legendary anyway.  

If you are crafting those ascended then it becomes extremely expensive.

If someone is already complaining that 100g is unobtainable then switching to a method which would cost 1200g makes no sense. Crafting a gen3 is only around 1700g.

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16 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

I thought it was 500? Or is it a chance at 500...can't tell from the wiki and haven't done much with notes myself.

They are just chances at that amount. You will usually get Pile of Research for 100 notes, and get Mountain of Research for 500 on the rare occasions. Check this section for what you can expect: Reasearch Notes.

Edited by Silent.6137
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 There's been a misunderstanding. The concern wasn't that it cost something the concern is that it cost so much. And in comparison to the three other splinters the cost for this piece seems unbalanced. The other currency's needed seemed way more achievable than the 10k is all...like 100 spirit shards and 10 ambergris. 

I guess my expectation was that the skin would not be such a grind since it's a skin. Based on original details about it, it sounded enjoyable. The idea of having to do this for every skin just seems like alot. 

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1 hour ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

The absolute "easiest" way to get a legendary weapon(other than swiping), is to farm the gold in high value open world PvE meta events, and then to buy one off the TP.
It's not the most fun, or engaging method but it is the easiest.

I’d argue against that and say “it depends”.  The reason being is that all of the legendaries are cheaper to craft than buy from a gold perspective.  What it comes down to is putting a gold value to the time spent acquiring the account bound materials, including the entire time spent crafting, and compare that against the difference between the TP and craft cost. 

For example, let’s say that Bolt costs 1K to craft and 2K to buy off the TP. If the time it took to acquire the account bound materials and craft the legendary equates to 500 gold then it’d technically be easiest to craft the legendary. It takes less effort to farm 1500 gold versus 2000 gold. 

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I dont care about the cost. If its a weapon that I use a lot on different builds and just want it for the QOL I will get the gen 1. If its a really cool legendary skin I would like to have I dont mind if its absurdly expensive because well there is not much else to sink resources into in this game. I'm not really one to care about having it all just for the sake of completion.

But the research notes. Whoever thought of such an annoying system. I havent even thought about gen3 yet and I'm already annoyed by the jade bot upgrades. 

If they wanted a sink for mats why not just take the gen2 route with t5 mats. I mean its not the most engaging system but the research notes are just one additional step in annoyance level.

What was the thought process here? What is the purpose? Is it a specific sink? If they wanted to add a sink for leftover ascended items we already have dark energy and stabilising matrices, they could just up the cost of those. If they wanted to just add more material sinks, just adapt the cost of those. But having to craft literary thousands of items and "salvage"/research them is so annoying.  

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19 hours ago, mzsquatu.2601 said:

I guess my expectation was that the skin would not be such a grind since it's a skin. Based on original details about it, it sounded enjoyable. The idea of having to do this for every skin just seems like alot. 

But it's a legendary skin with legendary particle effects. Chances are it's either having a legendary skin for what the cost is now or straight up getting them released as legendary weapons for ~1,7k-1,8k instead. If you were able to craft leggies in the first place, then you understand how 4-5 times lower cost is far from some insane grind.

And your post was probably read in the way it was since you were complaining about "sinking everything you had plus what your 2 friends head and still not getting 10k notes", after including "feels unobtainable" in the title. Meanwhile all it means is that you, as 3 players, didn't have about 100 gold together.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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50 minutes ago, mythical.6315 said:

What it comes down to is putting a gold value to the time spent acquiring the account bound materials, including the entire time spent crafting, and compare that against the difference between the TP and craft cost. 


The cost to craft Quip (as a random example) is 930g  Assuming you already have all the materials.
The Buy price off the TP is currently  1755g.
Difference: 825g
Dragonfall Meta+Champ Train: 47g/Hour
17.5 Hours
That's 17.5 hour hours to world complete, get your GoB, grind out 500 dungeon tokens, do whatever obscure events the collection requires, complete a couple jumping puzzles, gold to gems for 5 Boxes of Fun and barf on a bunch of famous Tyrians....just to make it a more efficient time investment than just grinding the gold.
While I recognize that the World complete pulls double duty and awards the GoE's for two legendaries, it's still not even close.

I've crafted all my legendaries. I find gold grinding a chore I just don't enjoy. But I'm not going to tell people that crafting is easier.
It's not.

The unfortunate reality about this game is that grinding gold via lucrative open world metas such as Dragonfall is the easiest way to achieve your goals by far.
(after swiping of course)

Edited by mindcircus.1506
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12 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:


The cost to craft Quip (as a random example) is 930g  Assuming you already have all the materials.
The Buy price off the TP is currently  1755g.
Difference: 825g
Dragonfall Meta+Champ Train: 47g/Hour
17.5 Hours
That's 17.5 hour hours to world complete, get your GoB, grind out 500 dungeon tokens, do whatever obscure events the collection requires, complete a couple jumping puzzles, gold to gems for 5 Boxes of Fun and barf on a bunch of famous Tyrians....just to make it a more efficient time investment than just grinding the gold.
While I recognize that the World complete pulls double duty and awards the GoE's for two legendaries, it's still not even close.

I've crafted all my legendaries. I find gold grinding a chore I just don't enjoy. But I'm not going to tell people that crafting is easier.
It's not.

The unfortunate reality about this game is that grinding gold via lucrative open world metas such as Dragonfall is the easiest way to achieve your goals by far.
(after swiping of course)

It’s not 17 hours for world completion and you get two gifts of exploration. DF isn’t 47G/hr realistically. 

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51 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

If they wanted a sink for mats why not just take the gen2 route with t5 mats. I mean its not the most engaging system but the research notes are just one additional step in annoyance level.

Because the Gen 2.5 method impacts a very limited number of resources to take out of the economy and the range of materials/items that research notes take out is much greater.

I get that it is unpopular but it is actually very good for the health of the economy.

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14 minutes ago, mindcircus.1506 said:

Source:Your magic 8-ball.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h7sosX29iHk ~ in 9 hours

A lot of the G/hr rates on that website are inflated because they do not account for actual farming which includes downtime.  It takes 19 min to do the entire Dragonfall meta and champ train from beginning to end including having enough keys?  Not a chance.

Edited by mythical.6315
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8 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

...yet I'm guessing you're still chasing legendaries in some capacity or another in the absence of any other end-game reward?

You might be surprised, but a lot of players don't chase legendary gear. In fact, originally legendary gear was only cosmetic. Then eventually it was buffed and then buffed again with the armory.

The reason it was buffed is rather simple: to provide long-term goals to players which would otherwise be bored.

Legendary gear was not needed before the buffs and is not needed after. It is primarily convenience.


The people who designed these systems at ANet realised it didn't matter what end game rewards actually were. People would pursue them anyway. So it being power or QoL or cosmetics is neither here nor there to them. They know they'll catch the whales no matter what.


That the community has fooled itself into thinking that because it's not power it's okay is all the better for them.



Your entire assumption falls apart when one looks at the timeline of gear implementation in this game. That and the fact that legendary gear gives 0 statistical advantages over ascended.

In fact, by now ascended gear has become so cheap that the price when it was originally introduced was almost as high as legendary gear now. A full ascended set of armor used to cost 600-900 gold the first few months. That's in fact the price I made mine at back then. Let's not even get into legendary gear which also depreciated in price extensively compared to gold/hour farm possibilities.

The main difference between GW2 and DI: in DI you actually HAVE to spend a ton of money to even get anywhere gear wise. If you spent the same amount of money it takes to gear 1 character in DI on GW2 (what is 50,000$ in gems, like 4 million?), you'd have around 778,000 gold. That's enough to finish the entire legendary armory 2 times over. For basically convenience and 0 statistical advantage versus someone who crafted multiple ascended sets.

To even name DI and GW2 in the same sentence when it comes to monetization is hilarious.

Now don't get me wrong, there are a few things I dislike or disprove of with GW2 monetization. That still  would not make such ludicrous comparisons in any way applicable.


EDIT: oh and my assumption for the 50k required for DI for gearing 1 character is based around initial assumptions of that being what is required for max bis gear (not cosmetically or resonance system etc.). It does not take into account that this value might be far higher given more recent estimates OR the fact that the upgrade paths there are premium exclusive making them impossible to reach without spending money.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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3 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

I thought that legendary things were supposed to take great effort to obtain?

Legendaries sure. This is just an additional skin option to a legendary however, not a legendary itself. And one that was supposed to balance the uniform nature of the base set. Besides, those skins might not have been supposed to be effortless, but we were told they will not be a mat/gold grind/sink. Which turned out to be completely untrue.

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Considering the price difference between gen2/gen3 over gen1 you are paying around the same overhead here. Allowing direct crafting of the variants would fix this since that removes the Aurene tax.

At current prices these are 440g with everything rounded up.

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Legendaries are like the last layer of end game goal.


Well was. Now its these alternate skins of legendaries.


Its kind of expected for them to be timeconsuming to get. I'm ok with it anyway as i'm goal driven and if i run out of stuff to chase i'll get bored.


Its not like you need these to enjoy any aspects of the game.

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6 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Gen 2 longbow? As I know I'm having to cut down entire forests and strip mine all of Tyria just to try to get the wood/mithril for Exordium....

I recently made the Claw of the Khan Ur.


I'm atill not sure how the hell i managed to fit 7000 2x4s into a... DAGGER.

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15 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Putting Power = QoL is kinda wierd tbh.

But i just looked at the Crafting Cost for legendary Weapons. Holy moly it dropped hard.

Bolt is just 1000g.

The Shining Blade 1600g.

Aurene's Fang 1800g.

1000g for a legendary Sword is insanly low. Last time i checked it was at 1400g.

I highly question how such low prices are seen as unreasonable.


I got my gold almost exclusively over WvW, the least rewarding Gamemode by far. And i menaged to get a Full legendary armory pretty easy. And if all legedaries drop around the same , then i payed about 40% more for them.

How much money is Drizzle wood these days? 60g per hour?  So you could farm a legendary in less then a day if you grind.

Again, how is it "unreasonable amount of time grinding" when legedary cost are THIS low.


They aren't that price on my server, they all cost just about 2100gems

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23 hours ago, mzsquatu.2601 said:

Crafted the legendary, looking to get the first skin. Before you can even start you have to buy the four splinters. 100 spirit shards, ok. 10 ambergris, ok. 350k karma, a little steep but can make that up at Christmas. 10k research notes, WHAT A JOKE. Did someone add too many zeros to that number? Are we expected to pay this for all of the skins?


I just sunk everything I had plus what two friends had into trying to get this and still only got 9400 notes. Even if it's not expected to be a one and done thing and it's over time assuming you don't have the gold, this would be months of time spent trying to achieve this and quite a grind. Am I the only one that finds this wild??? 



I know some players that already completed the entire Zhaitan collection. So to answer your question, yes. Google best way to get research notes, they aren't that bad.

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22 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

I'm guessing they settled on 10K research notes before they nerfed the easy ways to get them, and now it's just ridiculously time-consuming and expensive.


You know, I was watching Bellular's take-down of Diablo: Immortal last night, and a lot of the monetisation strategies employed there are exactly the same as in GW2, yet people seem to give GW2 a pass.


Most of them are ways of accelerating progress towards goals, and are exact parallels to the legendary or other acquisition paths in GW2.

I wonder how many people bypass the material grind for the various gifts by just breaking out the wallet. I suspect it's a LOT higher than the community would have you believe.

I can honestly explain to you why.

this game isnt set out in a Way that really drives this as progression, or even remotely wanted by the vast amount of Players realistically.

Ascended gear is Exactly like Legendary, and i know someones gonna say "oh but legendary can swap stats" my replies going to simply be: Unless you play this game at a high level Across many many different proffessions, Legendary weapons arent benefical. how often you running condi LB?... given warriors the only one wit hthis and u aint playing LB Warrior. Does it matter u cant swap ur LB to condi stats.

Diablo Immortal. Creates a p2w System which capitalises on Cash Grabs in trade for progression in Real time realistically.

GW2 is a f2p MMORPG. its highly Expected there is going to be Micro-transactions. the game wouldnt sustain a Model on Expansions alone while being f2p, it just wont make the profits.

but this game costs Nothing monthly. while giving u expansions at half the price of other MMORPGS so again i rly dont see the issue among this.

Do people Swipe their card to skip Grinds? Sure yes they do, but even prior being able to buy gold people did this. the diference was it went to the people encouraging them to spam the rest of the playerbase with gold sales, however. Power rewards, are most defintly considered worse then cosmetics ones.

It makes 0 Difference if the guy next to you has Legendary, while ur in Ascended. it'll never affect you. u arent at a disadvantage, your not blocked from progression and overall the only thing hes done is change a handful of animations.


Edited by Daddy.8125
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