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Has anyone else noticed how squishy everyone seems to be?

Ya Ya Yeah.7381

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Is there a bug with the armor values or scaling or something, because it seems like people are going to half health after using just 2-3 physical damage abilities? I've also noticed that it seems like my high armor toons that are normally pretty tanky are just dropping pretty quick too. I could be totally wrong, just wondering if anyone else was feeling extra squishy lately even though they are running high armor. Seems like it only applies to physcial damage application and receiving,  condi damage seems about the same. Check it out, make a power build and watch them just crumble...lol

Probably just seems like a bug though. 

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35 minutes ago, Crazy.6029 said:

Is there a bug with the armor values or scaling or something, because it seems like people are going to half health after using just 2-3 physical damage abilities? I've also noticed that it seems like my high armor toons that are normally pretty tanky are just dropping pretty quick too. I could be totally wrong, just wondering if anyone else was feeling extra squishy lately even though they are running high armor. Seems like it only applies to physcial damage application and receiving,  condi damage seems about the same. Check it out, make a power build and watch them just crumble...lol

Probably just seems like a bug though. 

Toughness is almost useless...almost.  Even in minstrel gear facing a full berserker thief for example, the thief will kill you pretty quick.  It should be equal.  In most games, a pure healer should be able to stall indefinitely a single pure dps.  But that isn't GW2.  So, most players are either tanky, full trailblazer/minstrel - based on spec so they last longer, the occasional celestial roamer, or, what most seem to play, is full berserker/marauder.  Which means that when 2 dps meet, one or the other just explodes in combat, depending on class/spec/skill.  Some of the specs are pretty broken atm also.

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You can thank boons for that. Toughness itself is "usable" and does reduce some damage, but if you want to be "tanky af" you need also protection and some %dmg reduction stuff like Frost Aura.
So if you just have high toughness and don't have any protection or other stuff that reduces damage against an enemy that runs with perma 25 might and %dmg increases then you'll melt in seconds.
👏  Balance since 2015.

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3 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

 It should be equal.  In most games, a pure healer should be able to stall indefinitely a single pure dps.  But that isn't GW2.  

This has gotta be one of the worst takes I've ever seen.


Most games balance around the idea if you're tanky you can tank, dps you dps, and healer you heal. Typically the healing is balanced by how squishy you are under direct pressure. It's gw2 that has it kitten backwards with allowing people to be tanky and support at the same time. 

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This always comes in waves and people seem to be surprised every time by the swings between condi and power. 

People encounter too many condi, toughness does nothing so they adjust to cleanse more condi and kill the condi faster.

Then they meet power that kill them even faster and they have pikachu face.

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10 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

Toughness is almost useless...almost.  Even in minstrel gear facing a full berserker thief for example, the thief will kill you pretty quick.  It should be equal.  In most games, a pure healer should be able to stall indefinitely a single pure dps.  But that isn't GW2.  So, most players are either tanky, full trailblazer/minstrel - based on spec so they last longer, the occasional celestial roamer, or, what most seem to play, is full berserker/marauder.  Which means that when 2 dps meet, one or the other just explodes in combat, depending on class/spec/skill.  Some of the specs are pretty broken atm also.

In most games the healer has weak armour and low hp -- so despite being able to heal well, they melt quickly.

The difference in armour in GW2 is almost entirely meaningless, so that doesn't apply.

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12 hours ago, Crazy.6029 said:

Is there a bug with the armor values or scaling or something, because it seems like people are going to half health after using just 2-3 physical damage abilities? I've also noticed that it seems like my high armor toons that are normally pretty tanky are just dropping pretty quick too. I could be totally wrong, just wondering if anyone else was feeling extra squishy lately even though they are running high armor. Seems like it only applies to physcial damage application and receiving,  condi damage seems about the same. Check it out, make a power build and watch them just crumble...lol

Probably just seems like a bug though. 

yep... i noticed that solo players have a tough life. 

For a person who mostly explores and gathers stuff, it's pretty frustrating to always get attacked by packs of mobs who are dealing tons of damage and cc's... Random mobs combat is like a boss fight :)).

not to mention the mount's health. i died twice trying to get to an interest point on the map - killed in air in 2 shots.

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8 hours ago, Helly.2597 said:

This has gotta be one of the worst takes I've ever seen.


Most games balance around the idea if you're tanky you can tank, dps you dps, and healer you heal. Typically the healing is balanced by how squishy you are under direct pressure. It's gw2 that has it kitten backwards with allowing people to be tanky and support at the same time. 

There very very few but strong healing/suport builds that  will follow that rule here, issue  is all the other's that dont do follow that directive cause this game it's mainly designed to make  player feel strong and kinda ignore most time player skill, its like u have strong build that need practice to play but theres even way way more strong builds that are easy and can carry better due its far less effort needed, imo this is game direction and design being completilly messed up and dev's just throw random unchinked concepts into the game, they should had experience by now to predict what the new class they add to the game and its impact... if not they still havent learned anything.

Anet is a mess festival in class design and even worse at balance.


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Basically boons, they make or break a character, and the difference in having or not them is huge, problem is that defensive boons are way more powerfull than ofensive ones.

I was playing Hammer Rev some time ago, and there was like 4 or 5 people atacking one of our towers, i went in there with a few people to fight them and my damage was amazing, Phase Smash was hitting for around 8 to 12k, my autos for around 5k each, i even "Deathstriked" some poor necro for 17k lol.
In those situations i switch to Rune of Strenght and Sigil of Might so i get 25 stacks of Might on my own, we were all unorganized of course, we didn't even had a support, neither did them, so the damage probably caught them off guard lol.

Then comes the boon ball, even with 25 stacks of might, Phase Smash and Coalescence of Ruin were hitting for 5k max, and that's not counting when you hit a target with barrier so this damage get's even more dividided, autos hitting for 2k max, even switching to the more traditional setup (Scholar Runes) and getting boons from a support made not much of a difference.

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4 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

This always comes in waves and people seem to be surprised every time by the swings between condi and power. 

People encounter too many condi, toughness does nothing so they adjust to cleanse more condi and kill the condi faster.

Then they meet power that kill them even faster and they have pikachu face.


And right now people are already cycling back to condi tanks when roaming ive noticed


cele might stacking still remains king, but thats been true since they added expertise and concentration 

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22 hours ago, Ubi.4136 said:

 In most games, a pure healer should be able to stall indefinitely a single pure dps. 


1. Most games has squishy healers that will die quick to any dps.

2. Offense in pvp games should always scale better than defense. How boring would it be if no one ever died.

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I haven't noticed that. It could just be a different build baseline on the new servers in your matchup. Servers aren't very distinct at this point but that might be how they roll. Maybe a lot of their pugs build to keep up with the fights so they can keep up with the bags and nodes and they evolved into a yolo culture. 

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On 6/16/2022 at 6:44 AM, Dawdler.8521 said:

This always comes in waves and people seem to be surprised every time by the swings between condi and power. 

People encounter too many condi, toughness does nothing so they adjust to cleanse more condi and kill the condi faster.

Then they meet power that kill them even faster and they have pikachu face.

Don't feel that, im a warrior :  power, ferociti and precition

I do not wave one kill by mi self, theres people that kill you in a blink of an eye, LITERly, full pawer is reduced by tougthnes, 

At this point im wondering if its beter focus in condi damage 

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39 minutes ago, Drax.7308 said:

Don't feel that, im a warrior :  power, ferociti and precition

I do not wave one kill by mi self, theres people that kill you in a blink of an eye, LITERly, full pawer is reduced by tougthnes, 

At this point im wondering if its beter focus in condi damage 

Warrior is quite hard to play well in a roaming context. You have to know your class and the enemy very well. I'd recommend looking up some recent videos.

Thief and Ranger roamers do quite well on power and are much easier to play and be successful with.

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On 6/22/2022 at 2:51 PM, Drax.7308 said:

Don't feel that, im a warrior :  power, ferociti and precition

I do not wave one kill by mi self, theres people that kill you in a blink of an eye, LITERly, full pawer is reduced by tougthnes, 

At this point im wondering if its beter focus in condi damage 

Warriors died in  gw1, u have warrior cosplayers now.

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Go to the forum and see the section of warrior, its full of people that feel the same 

Warrior is good in raids and fractals bicose there is someone healing you, people just want warrior bicose the bufs they give to the team with banners, wen a group wants a warrior they but a masage (warrior banners onli) but wath hapend wen you are alone? 

Wen you go to the expansions is olmost imposible to make a single hero point

June arenanet gift to warrior: 

More bufes for banners, yuuuupi

They never think to meke baners hit the flour instantly? , bicose bi the time it hits the flour you are dead


Do you use banner in pvp or mvw? 

Lets said you want to suport your team and you think let me put a banner, wen the banner wits the flour, oooo your group moves, but wait you need to take the banner bicose if you dont you wil need to wait almos 1,2 minutes ti use again

On 6/22/2022 at 10:34 AM, GoguSpatzialu.7948 said:

Warrior is quite hard to play well in a roaming context. You have to know your class and the enemy very well. I'd recommend looking up some recent videos.

Thief and Ranger roamers do quite well on power and are much easier to play and be successful with.


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On 6/15/2022 at 8:51 PM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

You can thank boons for that. Toughness itself is "usable" and does reduce some damage, but if you want to be "tanky af" you need also protection and some %dmg reduction stuff like Frost Aura.
So if you just have high toughness and don't have any protection or other stuff that reduces damage against an enemy that runs with perma 25 might and %dmg increases then you'll melt in seconds.
👏  Balance since 2015.

This is basically it, prot and boons have been such a crutch that’s basically where the balance falls. Probably some amount of natural power creep too but it’s hard to notice with the boon balls.

@people thinking offense/defense should be equal it’s basically game design 101 that offense > defense. Stalling and defense builds generally make for a poor gameplay experience.

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The argument that boons make or break a defensive fight is simply incorrect.


For most classes, no defenses provide any protection against conditions and all you can do is cleanse them. What you mean to say is "boons are strong against power builds", which is true because they're meant to counter them, just as conditions are meant to counter defensive builds.


There's only a few classes (and only with traits enhancing Protection and such) and exactly two rare boons that can counter conditions in any way.


If you don't know what standard rock-paper-scissors balance is, why even talk about it? Given the number of players on here always asking for conditions to be severely nerfed or completely removed, I'm not very surprised. All you'd get is everyone being immortal for real.


Btw, I'm a ex game developer, tool maker, modder, etc. for several decades, and its normal to prioritise defense above offense because by default, the majority of player bases in games chose offense to the point where its a serious problem that no one wants to play tanks or healers, who end up at like 10%-15% of the population at most. This game also had that problem for the first few years or so, even in WvW.


You have to balance by what the majority of people play, not whats actually stronger, because some OP class or build means nothing if no one brings it into a fight. DPSers are still the majority.

Edited by Hannelore.8153
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I can still stay alive a lot - and I use my mix of berserker/soldier stuff from PvE. But playing mechanist and I can use the bot to tank and only jump into the fight if it seems like we are winning. (And if others are moving with the team as well.) If I run in solo it feels more like "I'm dying on purpose". (But sometimes borign if no one tries to attempt to attack even if we have enough people. Then I just run.)

Movement skills also are nice. And the invulnerability elixir. The engineer is fun. (Soon going to try rifle with mechanist. With planned changes to the rifle - for best range while trying to avoid the mortar that I do not like.)

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18 hours ago, Hannelore.8153 said:

The argument that boons make or break a defensive fight is simply incorrect.


For most classes, no defenses provide any protection against conditions and all you can do is cleanse them. What you mean to say is "boons are strong against power builds", which is true because they're meant to counter them, just as conditions are meant to counter defensive builds.


There's only a few classes (and only with traits enhancing Protection and such) and exactly two rare boons that can counter conditions in any way.


If you don't know what standard rock-paper-scissors balance is, why even talk about it? Given the number of players on here always asking for conditions to be severely nerfed or completely removed, I'm not very surprised. All you'd get is everyone being immortal for real.


Btw, I'm a ex game developer, tool maker, modder, etc. for several decades, and its normal to prioritise defense above offense because by default, the majority of player bases in games chose offense to the point where its a serious problem that no one wants to play tanks or healers, who end up at like 10%-15% of the population at most. This game also had that problem for the first few years or so, even in WvW.


You have to balance by what the majority of people play, not whats actually stronger, because some OP class or build means nothing if no one brings it into a fight. DPSers are still the majority.

While I don’t entirely disagree with what you wrote I also don’t think you accurately commented on what has been said. 1v1 is a different story but boons are everything in group combat. Condis are basically worthless when all the comped up groups are running fb+scrapper.

I’m also someone who has developed games, what you’re saying about defense as a priority doesn’t make any sense aside from a pve perspective.

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